
by fallenpenguin

The Hunt

The sun was shining bright and hot on Swift Wind wandering aimlessly on the rolling plains of the Zebrican savannah. He was part of a royal expedition to observe and research the local fauna and flora in its natural environment. Swift Wind was in fact the lead ornithologist of the expedition and he should have known better. That damnable laughing kookaburra had stolen his hat, laughed in his face and flown off. Swift Wind had given chase and now here he was: lost, thirsty and alone.

It had been hours now with the sun burning down relentlessly. He was sweating profusely and all Swift Wind wished for was a little bit of shade and a glass of water. Oh, what he’d give for a glass of water, maybe with a slice of lemon to make it extra fresh. That would be so wonderful. The glass would be cool to the touch and drops of condensed water would run down the outside of the glass like dew in the early hours of the morning. Swift was still lost in his thoughts when his hoof bumped into a small rock that made him stumble and faceplant on the dry and dusty ground.

“Stupid rock!”, he grumbled as he got up and rubbed his muzzle.

When Swift Wind looked up, he saw a blurry shape some way in the distance. It was distorted by the glimmering heat. At first he attributed the shape to his imagination and heat stroke, but then it took form. It was large, almost twice as high as the average pony. The creature walked on two spindly legs and it moved in his direction!

“Oh, who am I kidding? It’s probably just some monkey!”

As the creature got closer, though, Swift Wind noticed a cloth around its midsection and something long grasped in one of its appendages. It had tanned brownish skin and just a little bit of hair on its head. On closer inspection he noticed that it was carrying a small bag on its shoulder and the thing in its hand looked like a walking stick of some sort.
That meant this creature was intelligent! Hope rose in his chest and he changed direction to walk towards this creature. A smile grew on Swift Wind’s face. Maybe he wasn’t so lost after all and he could even come back with an undiscovered intelligent species in tow.

He was considerably closer to the creature when several things happened at the same time. First Swift made to wave to the creature. With his hoof raised half way he noticed that the walking stick in the creatures hand was in fact a spear. Lastly, the creature raised said spear and started running at Swift Wind while shouting at the top of its lungs. Swift Wind only froze for a second until he processed what was happening. Then he turned around and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. In his mad dash Swift Wind kept looking over his shoulder and he was relieved to see that the creature was falling behind. It had slowed to a relaxed canter.

“And they called me a odd for going running every morning”, he thought, “Take that, Leafy Green!”

Soon he couldn’t see the fearsome creature anymore, but just to be sure he kept running a little more before slowing to a walk again. As the adrenaline wore off, Swift Wind was even more aware of his desire for water. It also didn’t help that his fur was getting itchy from being in the sun all day. Normally he liked being outside and close to nature. That’s why he became an ornithologist in the first place, but right now nature sucked! He was all alone and thirsty and the creature still unnerved him. He glanced over his shoulder and to his horror there the creature was again, still running at that relaxed pace.

“Oh, for the love of…why is this happening to me!”, he grunted in frustration and began to run again.

This time, Swift Wind felt every bit of exertion. His muscles were getting tired, but he pushed through and ran. True to his name, he ran swift and fast and he kept running, even when he couldn’t see the creature anymore. He even increased his pace when - to his surprise - he spotted a watering hole next to a large boulder in the direction he was running.

As he got closer, Swift Wind slowed down to a walk. Panting hard, he looked around before apprehensively approaching the small reservoir. He was overjoyed by the fact that it wasn’t a  mirage. Sitting there next to the small lake he revelled in the feeling of the water touching his lips and going down his parched throat. In that moment, he didn’t even care that the water was lukewarm and bits of sand were grinding between his teeth. In the shadow of the giant boulder, Swift Wind felt the exhaustion of his muscles, but with his thirst sated, he was more hopeful. He could do this, he WOULD do this!

Swift Wind sighed at the rest he got in the comparatively cool shade beneath the boulder. That sigh got stuck in his throat, though, as he looked around again. There it was and he couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to believe it. In the distance there was the creature again, still running, still getting ever closer.

This creature wasn’t anything like the predators of such wild places as the Everfree. It doesn’t chase you and drag you down like a manticore would. It just follows you, keeps pace with you until you can run no more. At this thought Swift Wind’s newly gained confidence faltered and fear gripped his heart. Despite his aching muscles, he bolted upright and started running again. He knew, that he couldn’t keep this up much longer, but there was still the faint hope that he might get away this time. How could this creature have such endurance? Why did it have to be so persistent?

Swift Wind kept running. There was a lone dead baobab tree in the distance. Swift Wind set his eyes on it. His hooves started to feel numb, but he had to get away from the creature. He had to reach it. His legs started to cramp up and he had to skip a few steps so he didn’t fall down, but he had to keep running. There was nothing else he could do but run, run, RUN, RUN!

His strength left Swift Wind with every step he took towards the tree. In the end there was nothing else he could do but collapse from sheer exhaustion. He was panting heavily and his panicked gaze went everywhere until it found the creature. It was still running towards him, but he couldn’t move.

When it was only a few meters away from Swift Wind, the creature stopped and took a few deep breaths. It really was tall and its skin was brown and leathery. The creature approached again taking slow, deliberate steps. Swift Wind’s breathing picked up even more and his throat was incredibly dry. He tried to swallow, but couldn’t. The creature – now next to him - knelt down. With the index and middle finger of its right hand the creature wiped the sweat off its brow and reached out.

Swift Wind squeezed his eyes shut. He felt the fingers touch his forehead and when the creature started speaking, he opened his eyes again, but was too panicked to make out the words. Then the creature stood up to its full height and raised its spear.
“Please…”, Swift Wind managed to squeeze out of his raspy throat, “please don’t…”

A look of surprise on the creatures face was the last thing he saw before he passed out.