This Is The Most Absurd Sweetie Belle X Spike Shipfic You Will Ever Read

by Brony_Fife

the only and the one

Sweetie Belle exploded.

Spike became a surgeon, then operated on Diamond Tiara to find out what the fuck is wrong with her. He discovered she had stupidicitus. It was unfortunately untreatable so she exploded too.

The mime lived under a pine in a hut made of vine. But this mime had not a dime, and couldn't afford so much as one lime. So, the mime stole some wine and ever since then felt fine. Though he had spine, the mime crossed a line and committed a crime, and for that crime did time.

Has anyone seen my glasses? They were just here.


This was supposed to be a surprise, but Agatha, in all her incompetence, found out anyway. Thanks for spoiling everything Martha. Just wait until your father gets home.

Benjamin, are you awake? I just wanted to say I love you.

Something skitters just under the bed. He shone a light on it, only for the creature to look up with hollow eyes and tiny legs where the mouth would be.

Under the linden tree, where I found you, is a gate to a secret world. I'll take you there, and you can be crowned Queen by the gremlins who live there. I just know they'll love you!

In order to cook the potatoes properly, you need only keep the flamingo at a constant temperature of eighteen poodles. After which, it is time to stir them with a New York minute, and then mix it with Liberace.

I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing, till they got a load of me. I opened doors for little old ladies; I helped the blind to see. I got no friends 'coz they read the papers. They can't be seen with me! And I'm feelin' real shot down, and I'm feelin' mean.

I've been around, kid. And I've been a square kid. And a rectangle. What can I say? My adolescence was a time of variety.

Oh, God! Something just ran across my feet! Fetch me a magazine or something, would you?

Has anyone else noticed that Frank Beard's the only member of ZZ Top who doesn't have a beard? Or is that just me?

And then Sweetie Belle and Spike lived happily ever after, and had awesome pony-dragon babies! Thanks for reading! Byyyyyyyyyyye!