//------------------------------// // Epilogue: Exhibition: Big Mac vs. James Baxter! // Story: Punch Out Big Mac's Big Challenge the Final Episode: Top of the World! // by trahzo //------------------------------// "YES! It's great to finally be back!" "I feel great too Ember." "So, what do you think of my new clothing? I'm looking real cool & powerful like a god aren't I?" "............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................." "Well?" ".......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................decode this: 1 2 19 15 12 21 20 5 12 25." "Absolutely? What's that suppose to mean? Absolutely bad or absolutely good?" "Absolutely!" " *sigh!* Well anyway, welcome one and all from both here in Equestria and the Neighboring land of OOO! Today we got an exhibition match to show trust between both lands!" "Absolutely Ember, and just look, over there we got Princess Celestia the ruler of our land sitting next to the true King of OOO!" "I don't know what Bubblegum is talking about, he sure looks like no fraud to us!" "Ab..." "If you say absolutely again, I'll throw you out of here! Remember, I'm a god!" "Absol I choose you, now come here and gimme a hug!" Then Ember glared at Black. "Why I oughta...ghe, nevermind!" Meanwhile in the ring... "So, how are you feeling today Big Mac?" "Like forging a long lasting bond of comradship in a mighty meeting of fists!" "That's the spirit!" The original referee finally came back from the hospital and now Spike is sitting in between Twilight and Flash waiting for the fight to go underway! "I miss Spike being the ref!" "Eh, don't worry he's right over there with your friends to cheer you on!" The ref pointed out! "Hello, ready for this, James Baxter?" "Ye-e-es, let's do-o-o this, for pe-e-eace!" "Alright, time for the fight to begin!" "But Black Kirin, before we do, let's introduce our fighters! Yo citizens of Equestria you already know who he is, so people of OOO, say hello to the Champ of the WVBA, the guy who saved Daring Do from Ahuitzotl, the Biggest Apple in the Apple Family, Big Mac!" "And citizens of OOO, I'm sure you're all well aware of James Baxter, so citizens of Equestria, say hello to one of OOO's horses! He's the king of comedy, one of the last equines to still speak the ancient language neighglish, the golden horse of funny...James Baxter!" "Let the Exhibition match begin!" "Round 1, fight!" The ref declared! James then hooked, but Big Mac blocked! James then hopped upon his ball then kicked it at Big Mac which he then jabbed back and nailed James in the face, then the ball bounced back to Big Mac which Big Mac then continuously used to pummel on James Baxter until he ducked, but the ball bounced off the ropes and got him in the back of the head! *Whinny!* Then Big Mac punched him during his taunt allowing Big Mac to get a star! James then tried to jab Big Mac below the belt but then Big Mac blocked! James decided to change strategies an this time throw a smoke bomb! As soon as the smoke cleared, James was behind Big Mac, allowing James to pants him, but, as it turns out, they don't normally wear clothes so James' efforts to make the audience laugh didn't do anything as he was uppercutted! "Wo-o-ow, you a-a-are very go-o-od!" "Why thank you, I am after all the champ!" Then Big Mac tried to give him a left hook, but was blocked, then he dodged James' counter attack! Meanwhile... "That guy is awesome Finn!" "I know, but I can tell that James is better than this!" "Hey, you guys are Finn the Human & Jake the Dog!" "And you 2 are Princess Twilight Sparkle & Spike the Dragon!" "..." "Switch Sidekicks for the day?" Twilight suggested. "Yeah!" Now back to the fight! Big Mac got a 2nd star by dodging his jab and returning the jab! Then James tried another tactic, he slammed both fists down but missed on both sides! James Baxter then grabbed his ball and threw it to the audience! The audience then bounced all over and after the 10th bounce, it was hit back at Big Mac, who then jabbed it back at James, then Big Mac hooked James getting a 3rd star, and knocking him down! "1...2...3...4...5..." "No-o-ot ye-e-et!" "Fight!" Meanwhile... "I must admit princess this guy is one tough cookie!" "Why thank you, your challenger is quite impressive as well!" "Hey there Princess Celest...." Then Ice King was teleported away! "Finally, that guy was really annoying!" "It is I, the great and pow..." Then Trixie was smacked out cold by the King of OOO's scepter. "Hey, what a royal wants is law, and what I wanted was for her to shut-up!" Now back to the fight! Then James Baxter tried to uppercut Big Mac, but Big Mac blocked, and jabbed him! At this point the power meter was 3/10 full! Then Big Mac crushed a smash ball becoming Giga Mac! Meanwhile... "Oh snap!" Gasped Finn. "Whoa, didn't know he could do that!" Said Jake. Giga Mac then punched hard, knocking James down again! "1...2...3...4...5...6...7..." " *Neigh!* " "Fight!" Giga Mac then reverted to Big Mac and then the Power Meter was a full capacity, he went for the K.O. Uppercut with his left, but James dodged, then countered! Big Mac then blocked with his free hand, and then punched him! He had James on the ropes until James got ready! "Wait, James has a special as well? What's it called?" "Okay...okay...ah I see! Well Black Kirin it seems that we got ourselves the haha explosion! If Big Mac laughs, then it's an exploding Instant TKO for him!" Big Mac then focused...trying his hardest to be the straight man, paying no attention to James Baxter's jokes, this was an incredible feat since there has never been anyone to not laugh at James' gags! Then Big Mac saw the opening and took James down with a 3 Star Uppercut! "Knockout!" The ref declared! "Here, stand-up!" Then he offered his hoof, and James got back-up! "Tha-a-anks buddy!" "Well, this concludes the exhibition of peace! Sadly, this is the last time we'll be commentating now that the story is over!" "Yeah, also look, I was invited to Smash!" "What?! Black Kirin, you got invited to Smash but not me?" "You need to have a final Smash in order to be invited, sorry!" "Wow, now this just really su..." Then he was given an invite to be an assist trophy. "No, I...fine, I'll be an assist!" "That's the spirit Ember, I'll see you, that is if I even use you!" "You too!" Months later we cut to Cheerilee giving birth to her and and Big Mac's daughter, then we cut to years later when we see Spike marry Applebloom & Sweetie Belle! Yeah, Big Mac became a legend who went down in WVBA history, and will be remembered always! The End, now get lost because your stalker girlfriend just broke into the house!