Human in Pony's clothing

by TheDawsonator1

Entry #16



Okay, who is calling out in that weird echoy voice? In fact mine is echoing too, ECHOOOOOOOOOOO!

So I suddenly have nothing to monologue about, why? Why does my head feel like it got whacked? Did I even make it home last night?

Urgh…ow! What happened to me? My head is so bucking painful, last thing I remember is having a nice walk home from Firefly’s place and then…black.

I opened my eyes and instead of finding my bedroom or anything, I saw bars, not Prison bars but a cage clearly for a captive and it was clear to me that I was the captive, question is, who the buck is the captor so I can buck his/her in the face so Celestia-damned hard they will remain in the hospital for the rest of their life!

“It seems our “Guest” has woken up at last” a familiar voice said from all around.

I know that voice anywhere from the show, Queen Chrysalis! So she’s the one who brought me here, curse that little bug!

“Queen Chrysalis!” I spoke out
“Yes, I figured you would know who I am, Human” Chrysalis said
“How do you know that?” I asked
“Simple, spies all around picked up things and when Discord attacked, I found out your dirty little secret you told Celestia so of course I had to get you out of the way, nice job on not telling them by the way!” Chrysalis mocked me

All around, Pictures of not Chrysalis herself but Princess Cadence appeared, she must be communicating from the Castle or must be near Shining Armor so she must keep her disguise. By Celestia’s mane she looks like such a bitch like she did in the show, you can admit it you know, you wanted to slap her in the face so hard!

“It was for their own good, if I had told them, they wouldn’t of learned a damned thing causing them to fail in the future, as dick move as that sounds, it’s quite safe” I said reasonably
“Yes, but you have information as I found out so I brought you here and I found out my plan went wrong so I decided to make a couple of Minor changes so I will succeed this time” Chrysalis explained
“Yeah, keep telling yourself that bugface, all it would of taken is one simple investigation and somepony would of figured it out like Twilight did, it’s a wonder how nopony else saw through the ruse” I said
“But the difference is, this time I have the means to succeed, and feed my kind with all the love in the world! And of course, Equestria will be all mine and there will not be a thing you or anypony can do about it!” Chrysalis gloated at me
“You know, ponies would sympathize if you weren’t acting like a total douche and you stop impersonating ponies, and besides you guys look like monsters and your only source of food is emotions, face it! Your kind is doomed to Extinction and even if you succeeed you’re only delaying the inevitable, and besides when Season 3 starts Sombra will attack and you can’t stop that and you will have another evil to contend with who will most likely not be sharing it with the likes of you bugface!” I pointed out
“I can deal while with that freak when that comes, but first to business, taking over Equestria and an important step is you out of the way” Chrysalis reasoned
“And somepony is going to notice I am missing” I said
“Not likely, I had one of my minions change into a perfect clone of you that will even fool your dear Firefly” Chrysalis explained
“You do one thing to her or Cloud Kicker and I will kill you once I get out of here! And I’ll be sure to make it agonizing as possible!” I threatened Chrysalis
“Whatever you say, I’m not the one in the cage and you have been such a naughty stallion, so no love for you! In fact, CHANGELINGS FEED ON HIS LOVE! Ta Ta!” Chrysalis disappeared
“GET BACK HERE YOU COWARDLY BUG!!” I yelled but nopony would answer

But what did answer was a fair amount of Changelings all heading towards me looking hungry, well…BUCK! It’s like I’m dying in the zombie apocalypse except it’s by bugs as they grabbed me and they all pretty much body piled me.


Canterlot Castle…

Queen Chrysalis had just about assured her victory from finding out everything from the human while he was unconscious, it was hard to believe that one simple pony could be the solution to her problem and she couldn’t believe that she had been fooled by that meddling purple unicorn.

She was right now with her “Future husband” Shining Armor along with Princess Celestia and that complete old-fashioned Princess, Luna. Rehearsing weddings were an absolute bore but it would be worth it in the long run, one bore would account for so much food for her beloved changelings, a whole country worth of it as well as the highest magic presence on the planet itself.

Chrysalis had found herself such a deal! It was a shame she was somehow foiled, but this time it’s different, she knew better now. She would not be rude to Twilight, she would pass off as kind as possible as much as that disgusted Chrysalis so much she would puke. And should that unicorn still be suspicious, I will not banish her to where the real Cadence was, still down in the Canterlot mines where nopony would find her at all unless they knew where to blast the wall at.

Yes, her plan was just so perfect! She could barely contain her excitement, it was all ripe for the taking! And it’s all thanks to Lightning Bolt!

Oh…ow! I feel so weak, it’s like all my organs won’t work at all after having the love sucked out of me, I will get that bug, I have to get out of here soon or Chrysalis will win! I can’t afford that to happen, I can’t rely on Twilight still succeeding a second time.

How could of I been so foolish to not see this coming? Somepony bad was bound to figure this out, I should of taken precautions just in case, instead I was a fool! I was too happy in my life to ignore such measures, Equestria may be doomed and it’s all my fault!

NOT IF I CAN HELP IT! I must find a way out…even if it kills me which is not preferable but at least I'll be free...