//------------------------------// // discord // Story: Story of Discord // by Discordofchaos //------------------------------// Discord was born to draconequus royal blood line but was stripped of that title at birth do to his uncontrollable chaos powers. He was shunned by his family for not being able to control his power. When he was five years old he was sent away to live as an outcast in the Everfree forest. Discord begged to stay. He didn’t want to leave since he know the Everfree was full of monsters that would love to kill and eat him. “Why father, why do you hate me so?” Discord said with tears in his eyes! But all his father did was turn around and shout “get out of my sight now you have failed me for the last time now go!” Discord yelled at the top of his lungs “I will have my revenge on you for this I swear, you will see one day I will destroy you all! The guards threw him out and into the Everfree. Discord has spent the past two months hiding and trying to find a way to control his magic. As he was walking around he came across a creature he had never seen before. It was an alicorn, asleep in the grove. He never thought they were real. Only stories were told of alicorns, they say that all the alicorns died in the war against the draconequus. But there it was an alicorn. Several ideas came to discords mind “maybe I can us this alicorn to get my revenge on father” he thought to himself. As the alicorn awoke, discord hide in a tree afraid of what might happen if he was seen. The alicorn noticed Discord hiding in the trees and she said “Hello my name is Celestia what’s yours?” “My name is Discord nice to meet.” She said “I’m going to call you Dissy.” “No my name is discord”, he said. “Nope calling you Dissy.” “Oh god what have I done to myself?” Discord thought to himself. After a long talk with Celestia, Discord learned that Celestia and her sister Luna were the only alicorns left. They were being raised by a unicorn named Star Swirl the bearded. He was a powerful wizard pony and was Celestia’s mentor. He teaches her spells so that one day she can take back the land from the draconequus. This made Discords plan much easier he thought to himself. “How old are you?” Celestia asked Dissy. “F-five what about you?” he asked “ I’m six ha I’m older.” “Does that really matter?” Discord asked, “Not really but it fun to know, can I ask what kind of a creature you are Dissy? “I’m a shape shifter” he said, not wanting to tell her he was a draconequus. “That’s cool” she said, “Do you have magic?” “I can’t control it. It gets out of control when I try, I can only make cotton candy rain clouds that rain chocolate milk.” “Really that’s awesome!” Celestia said with excitement in her eyes. “Can you show me?” “Only if you help me get control over my powers in return, I’ll make as many cotton candy rainclouds as you want.” ‘Yay!” Celestia screamed, as she ran up and hugged Discord and giving him a slight kiss on the cheek. Discord felt a little jolt to his heart beat witch made the trees come to life for a sec before returning to trees. Five years had passed since that day and Discord had started to get control of his chaos power. He had given Celestia the power to make the cotton candy clouds herself. He continued to his planning on how he will take his revenge. “Only six more years and I’ll be ready” Discord thought “and then this land will be mine” After Celestia had left him for the day, he went deep into the Everfree to look for monsters, so he could continue to use his powers on them and get stronger. He had turned two hydras into mice, and killed five hellhounds with a sword he made from the remains of a demon. He called the sword ‘Northern Regalia’. Days went on as Discord and Celestia continued to train and pull pranks on ponies. Discord became more and more ruthless towards others except for Celestia. He couldn’t bring himself to do any harm to her. The days were flying by quickly. Soon the day of Discords revenge would be near, he was so happy “soon very soon Celestia will be ready for a war” Discord thought to himself. The day had arrived, the war of chaos. Discord told Celestia to leave the reigning King of Chaos to him. The kingdom was hers to take he had said. In his mind he had lied to her, he was going to take the throne for himself. Celestia shouted for the Pegasus to ready their bows, unicorns their swords and earth ponies their axes. She raised a golden halberd and yelled “Charge!!” Meanwhile Discord had snuck in and killed the guards that had thrown him into the Everfree. They were guarding the door to the throne room where his father had been. He broke down the door and said “Your black sheep son has returned for what is rightful his. ” His father just laughed and said “What? The throne will never go to a child who has failed to control his power.” Discord laughed and said “I’ve been training and now I’m stronger then you.” “Let’s see about that.” his father said as he drew his sword. Discord had the advantage though all through the fight. In the end, he hit the king’s sword away and held his sword to his throat and asked “How does it feel to be weak?” Before his father could answer, Discord slashed his throat then he took the crown and walked out of the room to take his rule as king of chaos. A week had passed after the war, and Celestia was shocked, since she found out Discord had betrayed her to take power and the throne. She looked in every book, scroll, and tablet she couldn't find a way to imprison Discord. She didn’t want to kill her only friend. She came across a book titled the “Tree of Harmony” . She read it and learned of the elements of harmony that are said to have the power to turn things to stone. She and her sister Luna looked all over the Everfree forest for the tree, where they found it in a cave under their castle. They took the elements from the tree and then they proceeded to confront Discord. “The games are over Discord.” He laughed and said “The game isn't over on till a winner is crowned.” “stop this nonsense now or we will stop you!” Celestia said as they pulled out the elements. Discord said “oh what are those?” “The elements of harmony” said Luna “with them we shall defeat you.” “Oh, that’s funny, you’re funny. Now go before I lose my patience.” Discord said. Celestia and Luna used the elements and trapped him in stone.