//------------------------------// // Daily Life, Easy Life // Story: Equestrian Creed: Beginings // by Thunderbird501 //------------------------------// Trottingham: 14 years prior to Luna's Banishment It was a beautiful morning, the birds were chirping, with the clouds glowing yellow and orange in the rising sun. Dante sat up rubbing his eyes. Looking out to his window he could see the rising sun and the fading moon. He climbed out of bed and stretched his legs and wings with a yawn. 3, 2, 1... BAM BAM BAM Dante smiled, "Right on time." His father was at the forge, already banging away at the latest project. His family, the Fabbro family, were in fact blacksmiths. Dante's father was always up before the sun rose, heating the forge and straightening his shop, making sure everything was ready for the day. Dante could never recall the last time his father, Gio Fabbro, had ever missed getting up so early, despite him stargazing late every night. Dante fixed his sooty gray coat and shook his cyan mane out, letting it lay out about him. It naturally settled down flaring out along and away from his neck, while his bangs hung with a slight curl on his forehead just out of his eyes. He put on his brown cloth vest hanging off the foot of his bed, then put on his leather boots and with a stretch of his wings, headed downstairs. When he reached the bottom he saw a wooden platter with some fresh muffins from the nearby baker on it. He walked over and noticed there were a couple blueberry muffins for him, and his father's favorite, a raspberry rhubarb left. Grabbing a blueberry muffin in his mouth and heading outside, Dante tried his best to quietly sneak up on his father, who was still pounding away at the metal. He gently closed the door, making sure to time it with his father's hammer, and silently crept along the wooden floorboards behind Gio. Dante froze when his father set his hammer down and proceeded to inspect his work. "Good morning, Dante." Gio said, without turning around. A smile slowly stretched across his face has he heard Dante gasp. Upon turning around he noticed Dante had dropped his muffin and was choking on some crumbs that went down his throat without permission. Gio's smile grew a little more, "Didn't I already teach you to eat your food, not inhale it?", he said in his usual jovial tone. The young pegasus regained control and wiped the tears from his eyes, Dante picked up his muffin and made himself comfortable next to the forge. "I know you didn't hear me this time," *nom* "Ha' yoo oh?" Gio chuckled as Dante asked through his muffin, and went back to his work. "Simple, I saw you." Gio couldn't help but chuckle more as his son sat with a mouthful of blueberry muffin, shaking his head vigorously. "Nuh Uh, I came from behind you." "True." "So how did you see me?" Upon the question, the tan-orange earth pony stepped aside letting Dante see the axe-head sitting on the anvil. It was sitting up with its face out, and the shining steel answered Dante's question. Gio smiled more as Dante gave a swing of his hoof. They played this game everyday, seeing how many times one could sneak up on the other. Gio won far more often, but Dante loved playing it since he was young, starting back when his mother played with him. "Now hurry and finish up, Dante. I would like you to make a couple deliveries for me today." Gio turned to Dante as he groaned, "Do it fast enough and I'll let you help me with the halberds." This got Dante's attention and he immediately perked up. Running errands was a chore, walking around giving ponies their nails or repaired tools was one thing, but helping around the forge was what Dante liked to do most. Dante quickly finished his muffin and went back upstairs for his saddlebags, then came out with his second muffin half eaten. Dante approached where all the weapons hung on racks against the wall, or the Weapon Wall as he liked to call it. He picked up a leather harness off the table and slipped his favorite dagger, a channeled cinquedea, into one of his bags. The harness allowed him to carry all sorts of things that didn't fit in his saddle bags, and he could transport them safely, without rattling around or waving about, like swords would in a scabbard. It also had small pouches on each side for things like bits or folded papers, and the harness was designed to sit snugly around his wings. Once he got the carry harness on under his saddlebags, he polished off his muffin and looked at the items as his father came over to help. Gio picked up an axe off the table, this one had a worn head but freshly sharpened blade, and a new handle. "This wood axe needs taken to the farm up the road for Mr. Stem," strapping it to the harness,"Oh, and try your best not to take payment for the axe. Tell Mr. Stem its on me for those apples he gave us last week." Gio said. Dante smiled, remembering the sweet and slightly sour taste of the just fresh apples. Dante remembered about the few times when he stopped by, the Stems would let him have some fruit they grew, and Dante agreed to return the favor. Not to mention he would get to look better in front of Maple, Mr. Stem's only filly, the youngest of three siblings. The oldest was Oak, who was a town guard who stopped in every now and then for repairs, or when he needed to tell Gio of the trouble Dante was getting into. "These boxes of fittings and locks go to the carpenters, they are still working on the houses near the tailor shop and these are already payed for. See if they need anything in advance, please. I don't want Ms. Draw back here barking at me again." Gio turned away from Dante, "That puffed up unicorn can be a real pain in the plot." Dante remembered last time With Draw was here. She was complaining about how the carpenters' saw blades weren't cutting well and Gio was taking far too long sharpening them, even though it only took him a few hours. By the time he finished the sun was going down and the carpenters had already headed home, and Ms. Draw gave Gio another earful. "One last thing." Gio's voice faltered, making Dante pause. "I need you to take these boxes of nails to the undertaker." Gio's voice trailed off. Dante nodded slowly, feeling the somber tone settle in. Gio shook the thoughts out of his head, "Enough of that," starting to smile again, "We have some work to do, don't we?" Dante nodded, and stepped onto the street. Even though it was early, it wouldn't be long before everypony was up and about, so he better get a head start on the coming crowd. He thought the route he should use so to be the fastest, but before he started to run off, his father called to him. "And Dante?" "Yes, Father?" "Say hello to your mother for me, please?" Dante ran down the street, his bags bouncing against his sides and the axe handle shifting back and forth on his back. His first stop was the work site for the carpenters. He then would head out and around the town to the farm, then continue on the path around the farm to the undertaker and complete the circuit back through the market to home. The young colt knew his way around the town, and knew about which alleys would be the best shortcut through the cobbled streets. He reached the carpenters just as they arrived and he pulled out the boxes of fittings and locks. The head carpenter, who was a big, dark tan earth pony, took the boxes and gave Dante a small smile, "Thanks for these, strong lad", while ruffling Dante's mane. Upon Dante's inquiry he simply stated, "We have a surplus of everything now, thanks to you two." He handed off the boxes to one of the other carpenters and pulled out a bit for Dante, who happily pocketed it. Dante shook out his mane and with a wave, continued on his route. By now the streets were starting to fill with ponies around the market, so Dante decided to take a detour through some of the back streets and alleys away from the waking market. Going down one alley he was going by a secluded, cross-alley lot, and slowed his pace when he heard sniffling and somepony talking. He stopped at the corner and listened. "What's a Flames unicorn like you doing 'round this part of town, I wonder?" a scrawny stallion said. Flames..? Flames of the Sun? "Please, I'm just trying to find the library." was the reply from the unicorn. A pink mare, somewhat older than Dante, with a straight white mane and tail with a purple streak through both. Dante did notice a sun symbol on her saddlebags. "Well dere ain't one 'round 'ere now is dere?" said a larger stallion in a gruff voice. "Now that we have that out of the way, hoof over your bags nice and easy, and we can let you go." said the first stallion. Now, Dante had already heard enough, and he wasn't about to let these two take off with a mare's saddlebag, and Dante had just the thing for these two hoodlums. The two stallions had their backs to Dante, and the unicorn had her back to the wall, so he would enter in her peripheral vision on her left. On the other side of the alley was another entry to the alley. Checking his surroundings Dante ducked down just enough, and drew out the cinqueda he took and silently crept up on the three ponies. When he was about two meters away, the ponies were still so busy with each other that not even the unicorn noticed Dante yet. Then as he closed in on the group, the unicorn spotted him brandishing the dagger in his hoof, and her eyes went wide with horror at what she saw. The stallions grew curious and turned around at the same time, only to see Dante with his eyes crossed and yelling incoherently, waving the dagger wildly everywhere. Both stallions jumped away with a yelp and ran down the opposite corridor, screaming and cursing as they went. Dante couldn't help but stop and laugh once the two stallions reached the end of the alley and went out into the street still screaming bloody murder. "That takes care of that. So who are you?" Dante inquired, turning to the unicorn, only to find that she had fainted out of pure terror of Dante's act. "Whoops" Dante had quickly made his way out of the alley, making sure not to exit the same place where the two thieves did. Though Dante didn't want to draw attention to himself, carrying an unconscious mare on his back did so anyway, and he could feel his face blush lightly at some of the different looks he received. Lucky for him, the library this unicorn was looking for was on his route out to the farm. Between her, her loaded saddlebags, and his deliveries, Dante started to feel a little encumbered. He was so busy with his thoughts and ignoring looks that he almost missed the unicorn stir. He quickly made his way over to the side of the street and set her down gently on her side, letting her slide off his back, using his wing to ease the transition. Dante sat down next to her and after a minute or two, the unicorn opened her eyes. "Oh good, you are finally awake." he said. "Wha...?" suddenly she bolt upright, seemingly looking everywhere at once, before she stopped and noticed Dante next to her. Her eyes went wide again and she backed up into the wall. "Y-You!" she said rather loudly. Dante heaved a sigh, before looking at her with a concerned look. "Would you please, calm down. You are drawing unneeded attention." gesturing to some passersby. "Ponies may start to think you have gone mad or something." he added with an snicker. "But..Wha?" she sputtered, "I'm the mad one?" her voice growing in an accusing tone. "I'm not the one who runs around with a dagger, killing or fillynapping ponies!" The last part made a passing mare look at the two of them, and before either of them said anything else, she took off yelling for help. "Oh for the love of..." Dante looked at the unicorn with irritation, "I didn't kill them," he said defensively, "I merely ran them off. Also I wasn't fillynapping you. I overheard you say you were looking for the town library, so I decided to bring your sleepy self over here." he finished explaining. "Oh" she said, sounding genuinely surprised. "Yeah, oh. Now the library is just down the street on the right, Mrs. Cover can help you from there." Dante said with irritation, and he gave the unicorn her saddlebags back, then turned to leave. "Wait a second." Dante stopped and looked back, "What?" "Let me make it up to you. I mean, you did help me and I overreacted. At least give me a chance to repay you?" "That's okay," Dante's mood calming, "I didn't do it for a reward." "There has to be something." she stated. "By the way, my name is Twilight Twinkle, I am a librarian and scholar for Celestia's Honored Templar Guard, or just the Templars. So what can I do for you? As they walked to the library, Dante introduced himself back trying to persuade Twilight that he needed nothing. When Dante couldn't give her an answer then he conceded to at least her owing him a small favor. "Well, in a few months I have to go back to Canterlot, so if you don't spend it by then, then I just might spend it for you, Dante Fabbro." she said with a teasing smile. "As along as it isn't extravagant, then I doubt I'd mind" he answered with a chuckle. The idea was rather ideal, if he couldn't spend a favor in a few months, then he could accept a little surprise gift. After bidding farewell to Twilight Twinkle, Dante finally continued his deliveries. He estimated it that the incident in the alleyway cost him a little over an hour, but it was rather worth it seeing as he made a new friend, and a Templar scholar at that. Dante happily made his way outside the city walls. The Stems had a farmhouse not too far from the city and had their fields extend out into the hills. The house itself was surrounded by trees, to give the house shade and seem a bit secluded. Soon he made it to the path and trotted up the familiar route for a few minutes to the Stem family home, noticing the various fruit tress amongst the fields. As Dante stepped onto the wooden porch, he was met at the door by Mr. Stem, who had his work hat on, his graying hair tucked neatly underneath. The grass green stallion smiled at to him. "Good mornin', Dante. Your father finish sharpening my axe already, did he?" the old stallion asked, his voice making him seem stronger than he looked. "Yes sir, he even replaced the handle for you. He didn't want you to hurt somepony with a freshly sharpened axe head flying off somewhere" Dante answered, freeing the axe from its place on the harness with relative ease. Dante then noticed Mr. Stem pull out a small bag from under his hat. "So how many bits does Gio want for his good work this time? "Nothing this time, Mr. Stem, we don't really need the bits. We are just paying you back for your apples from last week." "Nothing? Nope, that won't do at all. I'll give you eight bits for the work, and don't try to talk me out of it. I won't hear of you two trying to pay for some measly apples. I have 60 acres of apple trees, and a basket full of them ain't nothin'." Mr. Stem skillfully blathered, tucking the bits in one of Dante's bags. "Aw, Mr. Stem. I still can't take any bits. Father always taught me to listen to what he says, you don't want me to start disobeying him now, would you?" Dante replied, trying his best to look innocent. "An' don't you try that with me, I also know that your father also taught you to respect your elders, and I say take the bits. I appreciate the generosity, but I ain't letting your father do charity work for me, no sirree, not happenin'. An' don't try to talk me down either, two bits for the sharpening, three bits for the new handle and the other three for the labor put into it." "Dangit, he called my next move." Dante sighed in defeat and let the bits settled in his pouch. "So why are you just now coming out to work? I thought you would be hard at work already by now." "I came from the barn a bit ago to receive a message from a courier. The other two are still in the fields. Seems my little Maple has been accepted by the Templars as an apprentice. All she needs to do is get some training done first, then she can have a mentor here in Trottingham, then maybe even go to Canterlot one day." a look of pride in the old stallion's eyes. "Seems her playing with you around the forge has helped her ability." Mr. Stem said with a smile. By playing around the forge, he meant Dante and Maple sparring with each other using swords under Gio's supervision. Something Mr. Stem didn't approve of when he first heard about it, but Dante's father assured Mr. Stem that nothing would happen and he would keep full attention on them both. "That's great, Mr. Stem. She had been wanting to be a Flame for a while now..OW." Dante held nose, surprised at the quick bop Mr. Stem gave. "Only the lowly scum of the streets refer to Princess Celestia's Templar Guard as the "Flames of the Sun", Dante." Mr. Stem interrupted. "Templars deserve respect, something the street rats don't give. Understand?" Mr. Stems tone became stern, though carefully patient. "Now then, if you would like to see Maple, she is upstairs in her room getting ready for tomorrow." Mr. Stem regained his smile and started back for the fields. Dante was taken aback by his invitation, but he wasn't going to waste time to question it. Dante quietly hurried up the stairs and looked for the right room. He went to one of the doors that was cracked open to see a tan mare with a dark brown mane sitting at a small table, reading a paper. Her cutie mark was a shield with a coiled rope, and Dante remembered that he never heard the story of how she got it. And though she was the youngest, she was known to take charge when working in the fields, and quickly get her chores done in an efficient manner over her brothers. "Hello Maple," Dante shyly said, entering the room. "Reeeal smooth, lady killer" he thought, mentally face-hoofing. Softness wasn't his forte. He mentally face-hoofed again at the irony of a blacksmith trying to be gentle, and physically slapped himself for thinking about the irony of the "iron"y. Suffice to say, Maple was turned to him now, an amused smile on her face. Maple was used to sights like this with Dante, and knew him long enough to gain the ability to read his mind. "Hi Dante, having second and third thoughts again, are we?" her smile growing a little. Dante answered with an unamused look, then instantly drew into a smile of his own. "I don't do soft very well. Blacksmith, irony, blah hah hah.", he finished with a cough after his mock chuckles. Maple giggled and nodded, "So what brings you here today?" Dante tried to say something but had to cough once more before trying again. "I just brought out the axe your brothers had sharpened. I just heard you are able to become an apprentice for the Fl..er, Templars, and came to say congratulations." Maple took her turn to shake her head, "It's only thanks to you and your father for helping me learn how to fight. You aren't so bad yourself at fighting, maybe you should try out too." her smiled returned to her face, "You already know how to use a lot of weapons, not to mention you know how to make armor better than anypony I know. Your fighting form could use some work but is unique enough that some . Who knows where you would go as a Templar." Dante grinned at the aspect of being a Templar Guard. "I dunno if I would. I really enjoy being a blacksmith after all, and I'm sure I'm better at that than being a soldier for the Templars. Maple shrugged, "Don't sell yourself short, though I cannot dispute your ability as a blacksmith, even your father seems to pale in comparison. You are able to run the forge yourself already, and your swords match your father's quality at the least. Your armor is easily better than his. Even Oak was impressed with his replacement helm you made him." "I merely followed my father's instruction. I'm only good because he taught me." "We both know that's not quite true. Your father even admitted you were better than he was." She had a point. Gio has often joked that he should be the one to make the deliveries while Dante worked the forge, the only reason he made Dante deliver was he was faster making the deliveries. It was a joke Gio and Dante could laugh at together, but Dante hated to steal his father's pride as a blacksmith, yet Gio didn't seem to mind at all. "So if you don't want to be in the Templar Guard, how about being a Templar Blacksmith? They would only take the best after all, and your father already has a reputation with the Templars for good steel. I'm sure I could help you get the exclusive right of making armor and weapons for us." Maple said, "I know I am only a fresh apprentice, but between Oak and I, we could get somepony to look in on you. Besides, I would only want to use your steel." Dante, for the second time today, was surprised and at a loss for words. His childhood friend was becoming a Templar, and she was already offering him the chance to be a blacksmith not just for the famed Templars, but directly to her. "I...You...You would do that? For me?" "Well, yes. I can't make any promises on it, but it's the least I can do for helping me all this time. You deserve it. It'd suit your cutie mark better too." She was talking about his crossed sword and hammer cutie mark. The hammer was intricate and extremely nice for a work hammer with beautiful designing in the handle. The sword was also very intricate, showing off designs in the hilt and a pristine blade of white. Simple yet elegant and with a touch of uniqueness, just how he liked his craft. "Flattering Maple, but...." "Don't say it," Maple interrupted while standing up, "You know it would take more than hard work to be noticed by the Templars. Call it a favor to be repaid." she said, nuzzling him. "She is such a cheater when it comes to arguing" It took all of Dante's self restraint to keep his wings close to his body, so much so that he inadvertently let his body shudder for a second, and he knew that Maple noticed by the devious smile on her face. "Tease." he muttered with a playful grin. "Weakling." she whispered back, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "AHEM." Dante looked over to the doorway. He should have known Mr. Stem wouldn't have just left them alone in the house. He didn't look amused, but there was a shine in his eyes. "So it begins." Dante thought. He let himself inwardly smile, he knew sooner or later Mr. Stem would have a word with him. Dante whispered down to Maple, "I'll see you later." She answered with a soft giggle. As Dante walked out of the room, Mr. Stem closed the door and led Dante downstairs, both staying quiet until they stepped out on the porch. "Mr. Stem? I suppose..." "Sonny, I'm pretty sure you know what I'm gonna say here. Shall I make myself clear or just give you the short version?" Mr Stem said sternly, Dante couldn't tell if he was trying to be scary or not. But Mr. Stem was right, Dante was very sure of what Mr. Stem was going to say. "The short version if you please, I have one more delivery to make." Dante said with a light smile. "Alright. You are still young, but if you break her heart, I'll break yer wings, legs and spine in that order. Not to worry though, you'd live through it, as I'm sure my three boys would want a piece of yer sorry self after me. Granted, they wouldn't be as gentle." Dante wasn't going to lie, that was actually very intimidating coming from the old stallion. He also believed that he'd actually do it, having beaten his sons in a race before. Not to mention, Maple herself may actually take her turn after her brothers, provided there was anything left. Dante stood at rigid attention, "Understood Mr. Stem." "Good lad. Now run along, don't want anypony start to wonder where you've been. Shoo." Mr. Stem said in a lighter tone, waving off Dante with a hoof. Dante couldn't tell if Mr. Stem was actually upset or not. With a smile, Dante turned and with a running start and a lighter load, spread his wings out and took off into the sky toward the Undertaker's cemetery. He didn't notice Mr. Stem watching him with a slight frown as he flew away. "Stay out of trouble lad." Dante took little time to gain altitude, his vest and harness unable to hinder his wings at all, and he could easily breathe now that there was hardly any weight on him. His time running on the ground and being weighed down had drastically improved Dante's wing strength. However, Dante preferred to glide around, taking his time to enjoy his freedom up here. He worked so hard on the ground, that flying became more of a treat for himself. He loved flying as much as any other pegasi, but because he was on the ground so often, he had to take the time to remember what it meant to be a pegasi. It didn't bother Dante because he rather enjoyed running through the streets, seeing ponies and how they acted, the bustle of the main square, as so much more seemed to happen on the ground than in the sky. As Dante neared his desired height, he looked down on the somewhat busy roads on the outskirts of the city and let his vision adjust. Now about a kilometer up, he could still see the ponies in full detail below him as if he were mere meters above them. Dante took a minute to get his bearings and once he was able to discern where he was, angled his wings into a gentle bank towards the Undertaker's lodging. Her lodge was a considerable distance away by hoof, as she was situated outside the wall between two gates. Dante decided to land just outside the house , since the property was lined with thick brush and he did not want to disturb the grounds. Deciding to have a little fun, Dante reared back a little and spread his feathers out, effectively slowing himself down and as he started to sink, he leaned forward and put himself into a steep dive for the earth. As Dante picked up speed, he relaxed his wings so they folded back and somewhat to him, allowing him to streamline his decent and gather more speed. Once he was at a comfortable height, Dante carefully spread his wings back out and pulled himself up, before letting his wings out to gather as much air as possible and with a small aerial dip and a hop, Dante landed himself a perfect four point landing. Dante remembered watching different birds dive at the ground similarly, and had enjoyed mimicking the way they flew just after he learned how to use his wings. Which reminded him, before having to go find the Undertaker herself. Moving through the headstones, Dante found the one he was looking for and he sat down looking at the headstone. It was in the shade of the trees during the midday and late-afternoon. It was lovely to see some flowers of blue and purple growing nearby, her favorite colors, growing near where she rested. In Loving Memory Bianca Fabbro Dante also saw a symbol below the name, sort-of an "A" but the middle was gone and the bottom was rounded, and bore wings along the sides. He never did figure out what they were, and anyone who asked, gave no straight answer, including his father. He wanted to find out what the symbol meant, but he took the wings as his mother's and were now that of an angel in the winds. "Salute Mama." he said lightly, in what little of his mother's native language he learned, his natural accent standing stronger than usual. "Papa wanted me to tell you good day as well." Dante smiled, "I just wanted to stop by on my way with deliveries." Dante sat and talked to his mother for a time, telling her everything from the past week the he had done. He could always see her when he was walking around the house, imagining how she would smile at him for his antics with his father, or how she would be upset when he got in trouble around town. He told her how he missed her baking, how she and Gio would make dinner together and how they would all get along no matter what happened. When he finally finished and got up to leave Dante whispered, "Ti amore Mama." "How cute, visiting your mother's grave way out here. Very respectful, though surprising." Dante nearly jumped out of his skin upon hearing the mare's words. He whirled around, standing face to face with the Undertaker.She had a worn top hat, her eyes were hidden by her steel colored mane which hung free except for two thin stray braids, and she wore a matching dark brown jacket and boots that covered her coat and cutie mark. Though he had only met her a few times before, Dante found the Undertaker to be rather...off. Now she had a crooked smile as she stood by the colt, the smile seeming to turn up the creepiness of the mare up a little. "Where did she come from? How was she able to just sneak up on me?" Dante wondered. He shook the surprise off his face, "What do you mean by that?" She cocked her head to the side, maintaining her smile, "You are Dante Fabbro are you not?" "Yeah? So who does that make you?" Dante inquired, as he only knew her as the Undertaker. She responded with a slight bow, her smile returning from her jest, "Terra Tumbus at your service. Come inside and have some tea, or perhaps lunch altogether. You can set my nails inside and we can have a chat. I have been looking forward to this." Dante was rather taken aback as he was rarely invited to rest, let alone have lunch. Before he could answer, Terra turned around and walked to her home, leaving Dante extremely curious. Not knowing what else to do, and perhaps without better judgement, Dante hurried after the toddling mare. Inside Terra's home was a nerve racking experience for Dante. Everywhere inside there were coffins of all shapes and sizes, ropes and chains hanging from the ceiling, some with coffins dangling from them. Dante was content in believing they were all empty, but wasn't going to prove himself wrong. There were shelves lining every wall in the house full of jars, some walls completely covered with them, all filled with something, most of which Dante couldn't identify and others he preferred not to. It took Dante some time before he even touched the daisy sandwiches and tea that Terra had prepared. "So you knew my mother?" Dante asked, before taking a small bite of his sandwich. "Oh yes, I knew Bianca rather well," Terra said with a small smile, "She was good at keeping me busy, believe it or not. Gio could too when he felt like it, but he preferred to be at his forge rather than help your mother with her job." "Job? Keep her busy? "So you know what happened to her?" "Of course, I did prepare her beautiful body for burial. The cuts against her coat was something to remember I assure you." she said with a thoughtful smile. Dante shuddered, "Cuts? Papa said..." he thought for a second, remembering the countless things that his Father had taught him. Dante's eyebrows furrowed, "Papa said she passed in her sleep." he said calmly. "Well, he didn't completely lie if that's what you are thinking. She was poisoned, then was stabbed while she was unconscious. Rather painless, but oh, did she look peaceful while she visited me that night." Terra said with a hoof to her chin, her grin ever present. "How...Why was she...?" Dante felt the sting in his eyes, but he ignored it, forcing it back. He did his best to shut his swirling emotions down, trying to focus on the conversation. "Why was she killed? Likely something to do with a certain pony she was to do in first. I do not remember the details, but such are the ways of the Brotherhood." she answered, completely ignoring Dante, who shook as if a ghost just walked through him. With her last words, she looked back through the corner of her eye, and saw the reaction she was looking for. Her smile deepened. Dante sat dumbfounded, "Brotherhood? Kill another pony? Mi Mama?". It took him a few moments for him to gather himself, "I cannot say I believe you, Undertaker. Mama was a kind and gentle pony. I have never even watched her get mad, nor have anything to do with this Brotherhood you think she was apart of." "Bianca loved you a lot, and with such dangerous happenings around her, do you think she would simply tell you? The Brotherhood of the Stars are as secret as the shadows they work in. They work in the dark to serve the light." Terra smiled again seeing Dante's recognition and surprise. "Interesting Gio, despite Bianca's wishes. How droll." "Tell me Dante, what has Gio told you so far?" Dante looked up, a look of suspicion in his eyes. He took a large bite of his sandwich to delay answering, and give him a moment to think about it. Terra let him take his time, even when he obviously didn't have anymore food in his mouth. She sat with her hoof under her chin, leaning on the table between them, maintaining a light expression. "He has taught me a lot, but the things he can't stress enough would be things like, "If you fight, don't hurt the bystanders." and "earn Oak's patrol route.." "Why? To avoid him?" "No...I guess? It was so that I could get to Oak before... how..?" Terra grinned at Dante's confusion, "He has been teaching you things that your mother didn't want you to know,to save you from a fate like hers. But it seems your father has taught you more than being a blacksmith. He has taught you to survive the streets and has let you learn how to fight. You still do not believe me? Then what of the mark on your mother's grave?" she sat, watching Dante struggle with the information. His eyes showed how unsure he was, so much information so quickly. "You are welcome to stay for as long as you wish." she said getting up, a faint smirk on her face. Dante snapped out of his thoughts, "That won't be necessary, Undertaker." he said quickly, "In fact, I better go." he finished in a hushed tone. "Wait. There is one more thing." Terra said, stopping Dante from getting up. She got up and walked into another room, shortly coming back with a very small pouch in her mouth. The Undertaker then stood behind Dante and pointed a hoof ahead. Dante, with a curious look, looked where she was pointing, when he suddenly felt her tug at his mane. "What the?" Terra was quick in her action, and as soon as she let go, Dante jumped up and turned around to face her. When he moved he didn't feel his mane against his neck, and he shook his head with the new feeling. "Better? Bianca said you had the look of a noble pony. Now you really look like it." Terra said with an amused look. She pointed again to before, and Dante looked hesitantly this time. When he looked he saw a mirror, and noticed his mane pulled back with a ribbon. It was a bright purple in a small bow, and it held his mane taut on both sides. He could move his head without his mane bothering him, as it was out of his face except for a couple stray lines on the outside of his eyes. The tip reminded him of an artist's thick brush, short, stable, and he found this style breathable and comfortable. Terra gave him the small bag, and he noticed more ribbons, each a different color. "One for every occasion. Now I'm sure you would like to go?" Dante nodded, and they both went outside. On the way out Dante finally spoke, "What does all this make you, Undertaker?" "Knowledge doesn't dictate me apart of anything, Dante." she said with a cryptic smile. She turned and showed her left hoof. "I don't think that counts as an answer." "It will become clearer in time." she replied, as Dante left her home, she chuckled and turned to resume her work.