Equus of the Clow

by The Twisted Scripter

The Sages of Old

Equus of the Clow
by the Twisted Scriptor

The Sages of Old
Part 1

It began as it would end, with a world, and a book. Before the time of the reign of the solar empire, the land was divided and shared by two walks of life. The simple Equus and the eternal Jinn. The Jinn were powerful and chaotic spirits that held great power, and the Equus were the terrestrial beings unfortunate enough to be subjugated by it. Both possessed power which connected them to the world they shared and gave each life, a power that would be deemed magic by its later wielders. The Jinn’s magic, however, outmatched any abilities or insights the Equus could ever hope to achieve. Because of this inferiority, the Equus existed as slaves to the will of the Jinn for an age. While most Jinn despised the insignificant Equus, few grew to cherish and love these mortal beings. The result was the half breeds. The vile abomination to the Jinn, and the praised champions of the Equus. These few were blessed with the power of the Jinn and the Equus combined, granting them immense ability and unbreakable spirit. They served as powerful leaders of those who wished to be freed from their malevolent masters. While they fought valiantly, the defeat of these brave souls was nothing short of inevitable. In the final effort to save the race they swore to protect, a group of the six most powerful half breeds drew forth their powerful magic and created an artifact that would lead to Equus victory, a book. A simple book…. and a powerful weapon. With all the might they possessed, they sealed the Jinn within the pages of the arcane tome. At the cost of their lives, they fused their souls with the book to served as its eternal warden. Though the seal is strong, the hearts of the Equus are not. Over time, the book fades from history to folk lore, then to legend, then to hearsay, and finally to simple bedtime stories. As the sacrifice of the sages are forgotten, the seals begin to wither and fail. Thus beginning the cycle again, as a grim reminder of how lost history tend to repeat itself. Though there is a bright side. With every cycle of the broken seal, the new order of sages will arise to protect the Equus as the sages before them did so selflessly; and it will begin again as it ended, with a world, and a book……

“ Are you even paying attention?”

“Umm… of course Grams”

“ Well then, what did I say?”

“That… we… should….. not…. be so forgetful?”

“........Lucky guess.”

Following the remark, the unlucky listener was met with swift retribution in the form of a smack from the older mare’s pipe. She was a rather aged, rather irritable soul; however, nearly 80 years of life earns you the right to be as cranky as you want. Her mane was a faded white with streaks of grey that did no justice in concealing her age. Her face, though, was not as feeble as her hair implied. She still kept an oblique resemblance to her younger years in her pale blue face and piercing green eyes. Adorning her head was what most would consider a brown witch’s hat. If you ever called her one, she wouldn’t waste a second in finding the optimal spot for smacking and would quickly use it. On her person she wore a brown cloak that covered a plain white blouse. The reflection of her attire was complemented quite bluntly by her bland house that was scarcely decorated and only served to keep her covered. The clothes and the house instilled one thought in an observer right away, she wasn’t concerned with vanity and she always meant business.

“Honesty Thomas, every year you personally ask me to tell you your favorite story as a tradition for the Sage’s Fair and this time you couldn’t be more distracted. Why are you so scatter-brained today? Do my tales of old bore you now?” the old mare remarked.

“Oh, no of course not!.... It’s just…. this fair is a special one. I’ve heard from the town that this year they will be allowing commoners into the castle and will be giving tours for one night only. I’ve always wanted to see the inside of it and now I finally have the chance. Aren’t you curious on what it looks like from the inside?”

“I know what it’s like on the inside. It’s probably just like the outside; fancy, function-less, and purely for show.”

“ But surely even you must wonder why the king is always so secretive of the castle? it could be a chance to really connect with the heart of the town. Even if it’s all just a show, it’s still a show worth attending, don’t you think?”

The old mare turned away in indifference and irritation.

“ I guess i’m just set in my ways, but I remember when that castle use to mean something. It is to be a means of protecting us from invaders. Now it stands as a spectacle for the town to romanticize about. The gift of life and security has lost a lot of meaning in the years that have past, even this fair is no longer seen as a tribute to the sages. Many have forgotten about its importance as a reminder to the young and the old generation of the victory from long ago over the oppressive Jinn and the strength the seal possesses when we all hold the truth in our hearts.”

“ Oh come on Grandma, the Jinn haven’t been around for two thousand years and there has been no sign of them in the years that we both have been alive. Do you even know what one looks like?”

A look of puzzlement crossed the aged mare’s face.

“Well, no.”

“Couldn't we be justified in saying that they truly have faded into legend and that’s where they’ll stay? All of the fear the Jinn reigned down on our kind has turned into whimsical fantasies mares tell their foals when they can’t sleep at night. I think we would enjoy the fair more if we didn’t let them scare us so mu..”



“ Insolent child! Those ‘stories’ have kept the reality of the Jinn firmly in our minds and prevented the seal from failing for ages. You should know that better than anyone. After all, it is your favorite foal’s tale.”

“Ok, I understand. I just want both of us to be able to enjoy the fair for a change. Whenever we celebrate this day, you hide in this hut and sulk throughout the day. It simply breaks my heart the way you scorn this day while the others frolic and make merry in it.”

The mare face him with a look of slight irritation and a glimmer of empathy.

“I know you love this day a lot, and you’re always encouraging me to join in on the merriment. The problem is I simply don’t celebrate the way our neighbors do,-”

“Oh,” Thomas said crestfallen.

“-But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a good time. Tell you what, why not go have enough fun for the both of us.”

Thomas’s face began to brighten back up.

“Ok grandma, I will.”

“Hold on, not in those clothes. Put on something more presentable.”

“ hmm, yes mam.”

Though his tone reflected a sense of rebellion, he knew tattered clothing was not presentable anywhere. After exchanging his garment for a presentable brown and light travelers coat and slacks ( which were stylish but not restricting for movement), he brushed his curly brown hair that went flawlessly with his attire and his fur that mirrored his grandmothers except for the fact that his was a deeper blue. His eyes were a dark green and flashed a lot brighter than his grandmothers (partially due to the age difference). He carried a mystical look about him even though he was an earth pony. After he dressed acceptably, he left the shack with a hastened goodbye. As he walked out to greet the world, he saw that it was indeed merry and inviting-and why shouldn’t it be, the sage’s fair only came once a year.

Though the town (Salutem) was bright and exuberant, it was considerably small. The town itself was only ten square miles in perimeter (considering most cities were at least twice the size), and it was gated by an outer wall which often isolated the town from the rest of the world. Visitors were often scarce and everypony knew each other. In the center of Salutem was the inner castle. It was a tall square like structure that had only one gate that didn’t let anypony in. In the days predating the town, it served as an outpost that held back foreign armies during wars. Now it stands as a monument that flashes off its deep battle scars from its days of use. This castle was off limits to all commoners and not many knew what was inside. Some even speculated that the castle had been abandoned for years and the guards were only keeping the memory alive so they didn’t have to farm, this conspiracy was fed by the fact that there wasn’t a villager alive that formally met the royal family. Today would be different though. For one day only, the town would be invited into the monument to behold the rich history and spectacle the old fort had to offer.
Even though the castle was the main event that would crown the festival, it wasn’t the only thing that made the town stir with jubilee. every corner of the town was alive with street vendors of food and trinkets and musicians playing melodious tunes (this was considerably difficult with cumbersome hooves, so hearing wonderful music like this was considered a great privilege and a marvelous godsend). The cobblestone streets flooded with dancing and demonstrations of great feats like magic shows and mock swordplay. Every now and then you would see a partier who drank a little too much mead and made a fool of himself before the guards were forced to restrain him and a mare scolding her foal about standing up in public (this is a considerably large cultural taboo because it was often thought that the only reason one would use his hind legs in that manner was to pick a fight with others. If you and your friends were drunk enough, this would quickly become a reality. It isn’t wrong, but civilized fellows don’t do it). On one corner was a vibrant jester that was telling the story of the sages using hand puppets and colorful sparklers that pleased the onlookers of all ages. The smile on his face at the end of every play would return the laughter from the crowd with a feeling of mutual enjoyment. From the food to the games to the joy that ran through the spirit of everypony, it was clear that this was the best time to be alive. As a fellow reveler, Thomas was going to exploit this group vibrancy to the fullest.

What should I do first? Everything is just so amazing, he wondered.

As he contemplated and mapped out his day, a pale white swordspony demonstrator signaled him ecstatically.

“-Excuse me sir, would you like to learn the ancient and powerful art of the sword? You won’t be disappointed.”

“Who me, i'm not sure I should. My grandma always suggests against violence and I wouldn’t know the first thing about swordfighting.”

“Well she’s not here, is she? You shouldn’t always listen to the elderly, you know. They aren’t the most mentally capable.”

“ Well….I guess not.”

“Come here and I’ll show you the basics.”

Thomas approached the swords pony and took up the sword he provided. It was dulled for safety measures.

“ Now, in order to learn the way of the sword, you must learn the two basic movements. The thrust, and the parry.”


“ Oh, sorry, the offense and the defense. the thrust or swing is self explanatory, you must move the sword to attack me in a thrusting motion. Try it.”

Thomas then threw a few weak swings at the demonstrator. To repose, the demonstrator deflected his first attack and held firm on the second.

“Now what I just did was the defense. This movement is a bit more difficult. In order to perform this, you must be able to find the best way to protect yourself and break the opponent's stance and disarm him.”

“Wait, you never said anything about stances.”

“Don’t worry.”

The demonstrator then shifted from standing to a bent position with his sword in the hoof closest to Thomas.

“ This is will be my stance. It allows my sword to defend me from blows and execute the offense more efficiently. Though there is a greater repertoire of stances to choose from, we will use this one for a demonstration. ”

Thomas mimicked him.

“Oh ok.”

“There see, now you can wield a sword. That wasn’t so bad was it.”

“No I guess not”

“-and your grandma is nowhere to be found. I think you’re safe. Now, lets see what you have learned. Try the basics and see how you do against my offense. It may take you some tries but I think you can do it.”

“Oh OK. Here’s a strange question. Are you a local, or are you visiting?” Thomas inquired.

“Actually, I hope to move here. Why?”

“Oh, you’ll find out.”

Thomas was many things, a trickster, a quick thinker, and a easily irritated spirit. Not much annoyed him; however, if you ever bad mouthed someone he cared about he would be very quick to anger then even quicker to violence. This was very unfortunate for the demonstrator because, among his other traits, he was one of the best swords ponies the town had to offer. Those in town knew this and didn't challenge Thomas at this. This demonstrator was not from around; however, and Thomas planned to introduce the demonstrator to himself in a very violent manner. As soon as the demonstrator began his offensive, he was met with an flurry of precise swings and styles that threw the demonstrator off guard and startled him immensely. After an incredibly fast and powerful swing, the sword pony was quickly disarmed and flipped on his back trembling at sword point.

“ Wow, I guess you were right. Maybe I shouldn’t always listen to grandma. She did tell me I have to work on my lying a bit, I guess that's not important to listen to either. Maybe we should try again later, i’m sure I could use the training.”

A look of worry shot through the sword pony’s face.

“ Oh, no,no,no,no,no….. You seem to be alright. I think you have it down.”

“Oh well, if you insist.”
In Thomas’s mind, he got what was coming to him.

After hustling the sword pony, Thomas noticed a hooded figure that was observing the spectacle. The hooded figure new Thomas was watching him. This became very clear when Thomas began to approach him. The figure darted away quickly and continued down the street, leaving behind a small bag with a faulty strap.

“ Must have fallen off. Guess I have a knew bag.”

Hands off that you vile foal echoed in his mind and the feeling of the smack across his face soon followed.

“Hmm, granny wouldn’t like that. Well, Looks like I better return it. To bad too, I really needed a new bag.” Thomas said with a grimmas.

He took up the satchel and proceeded to pursue the hooded figure. One thing was for sure when Thomas chased after him, he was indeed fast. On a number of occasions, Thomas almost lost him. Needless to say, he would have to work for it if he wanted to reach the figure.The figure then rounded a corner and vanished. Crestfallenly, Thomas search for him but he was nowhere to be found. With a heavy sigh, Thomas shrugged off the situation and proceeded to enjoy the rest of the fair. Before he could leave the alley, a sharp sound caught his ear and a stray glass jar rolled into the street.

“Wait….. are… they, oh I don’t believe it. They’re hiding from me! How dare they! Here I am trying to perform a civic good and they try to make it difficult on everypony. I can’t let that go unresolved.”

Thomas galloped through the alley at full speed, intent on catching the figure. After running through three streets, two alleys, and a garden ( Which caused the gardener to throw her tools at him), he arrived at a closed alleyway with two hooded figures standing in the middle of it. One was the figure he was chasing to return the satchel and the other was a little shorter.

“ Ok now I think it’s time I introduce myself to the--”
Thomas paused for a moment when he saw a marking on the wall. Two swords forming an “x” with a snake in the middle.

One of the many advantages of knowing everypony in town is knowing which ponies to stay away from. This alley belonged to a group of such unscrupulous character. More specifically, The Vicious Ten. This group was a collection of common riff-raff the city really didn’t want to deal with and criminal mavericks that the city really couldn’t handle. If you had the unfortunate luck of wandering into these sanctioned gang territories, you were a guaranteed corpse the minute the group found you. Thomas began to form a word of warning in his mouth but as soon as he began to speak, Raiders quickly surrounded the hooded figures. There was nothing he could do for them now, all Thomas could do was watch in horror.

The first criminal ( an earth pony with a gray coat and a mangled black and red mane) approach the two. His flank was bare save a large, gaping soar that (in Thomas’s opinion) would have covered a particularly violent mark. on face was tattooed the number one.

“How wonderful, we have some surprise guests for dinner tonight. I’m afraid we don’t entertain much, though. Needless to say, we are pleased to eat you.”

The tallest figure spoke up.

“Don’t you mean meet.”

“I could say that, but one must never tell lies to pretty mares.”

“Oh, you flatter me kind sir.”

“ You’re pretty foolish to be wandering the alleys when all the guards are at the fair. Tell you what, well go easy on you by having our way with you after you’re dead. If you’re smart, you’ll drop any weapons now or you’ll--”

“Are you almost done yet?”


“You’re starting to bore me.”

“Oh, a feisty mare. I love it when I have to work for my meal. I think I’ll give you the pleasure of introducing you to--”

“Seriously, you’re still talking. Why do all the brutes we meet think we want to hear anything they have to say.”

“It’s a mystery dear sister.” The smaller figure remarked.

“are….you…..mocking me?”

“Oh,no no no, of course not. Well….. yeah.”

“ Ok, I think we’re done here. Cut them to mince meat.”

Numbers 2-5 charged the figures. The taller one flashed her cloak to reveal a large katana blade with a black hilt and gold finishing on the guard and the tip. with a flash of her hoof, she drew the sword and swung it at blinding speed though every attacker. With one solitary swipe, all four assailants fell to a bloody mess of groaning stallions. To describe this display of precision and style, we would have to compare it to one of the best swords ponies in town. While Thomas was one of the best, this mare would have handed his hide to him on a silver platter.

“ Sorry, I may have gotten a bit carried away. I don’t really do mince meat. Don’t worry, they’ll live.”

Undisturbed, the leader set his sights on the smaller individual.

“ Ok, forget the big one. The small one looks appetizing, waste her.”

Numbers 6-10 charged the little one. Thomas shuddered but the tall figure didn’t flinch.

“ take it away Yue.”

The smaller figure began to glow with a dark blue hue. a spark of lightning formed on her hoof. With a gesture, a blast of blue fire engulfed the raider gang and sindged their bodies as they fell before her.

“ Hmmm, terribly sorry. Don’t worry, the pain is more severe than the actual injuries. Wanna try again?”

The crime leader faced his attackers with an infuriated expression on his face.

“ Well, it seems that I have underestimated my-”

“ You don’t know when to shut up do you?”

“.....I won’t stand for being disrespected, especially from mares.”

“ Oh, a misogynistic little maggot that thinks he deserves respect. Isn’t that adorable. Almost like a foal who hasn’t been smacked in a long while.”

“Or maybe a drunkard dying to talk someone’s ear off.” Yue jeered.

“Shut up! I will make you regret ever meeting me-”

“ I already do.”

“ I will break your spine!”

He then threw down his knife and drew the weapon on his back to reveal a large jagged broadsword with a remarkable number of notches within the blade.

“ Oooo, that’s a lovely toy. Hope you don’t mind if I break it.”

With a swing, the leader attacked the two. The taller figure ran to meet him with a blade to divert the attack. the swords clashed with sparks emitting from each blade. The strength and ferocity of both attacks proved that the leader truly earned his title as the deadliest of the group, and that this tall cloaked figure was a considerable threat to that title.

“Hmm, aren’t you full of surprises. Yue, you ready.”

“Of course, Taiyu.”

Taiyu dashed towards the leader at blinding speeds and attacked with a flurry of swipes and jabs. To her surprise, the raider’s defense was impenetrable. His repose knocked Taiyu away and began working away at her defense. He was able to force his weight on Taiyu to pin her down.

“ Yue, put in some interference.”

A spark became visible on Yue’s hoof and then a flame. a powerful fire shot from her hoof and blinded the leader. He doubled back in pain and rubbed his eyes furiously. another spark flashed from her free hoof and flowed to the blade. The blade began glowing with an eerie and ecstatic aura.

“ All yours.”

To capitalize on the moment, Taiyu rapidly closed the distance between her and the leader. With a powerful jump, she bared down on the raider with her blade with all her might. The raider raised his sword to block.


With a powerful swipe, the raider’s blade split in two; and so did his arm. The leader’s reaction was that of stoned silence, followed by earsplitting screams of agony.

“ So, would you like to call it a day?”

In a hysterical mess, the raider was able to muster a head shake.

“ Good. Now, to avoid further complications, I suggest you disband your little playgroup and never show you faces in this city again so I don’t have to look at them. Also, maybe you should consider an apology to the city for existing in the first place.”

The leader nodded the best he could in agreement.

“ E-e-everypony run!”

In a matter of minutes, the disheveled and disfigured Vicious ten rapidly scampered away to safety. The alleyway was silent once again.

Taiyu turned to Yue and removed her hood to reveal a sleek white coat with a braided rainbow mane, bright violet eyes, and a unicorn horn. Her demeanor reflected a regal appearance with a hint of arrogance.

“Honestly, we can clean out this filth in a matter of minutes but the guards can’t be bothered to deal with them.” Taiyu stated.

“ You know, if you do their job for them, you’re only encouraging complacency among the guards.-” Yue retorted.

She removed her hood to reveal a dark blue coat with strait blue hair and blue eyes to match with a unicorn horn.

“-besides, this was your idea.”

“Well, if we get into trouble, you’re still sharing the blame.”

“ We wouldn’t have to if you didn’t go on vigilante crusades like this.”

“What would you suggest we do, stay home and let these barbarians have their way with the city?”

“Oh don’t start with the good of the city, you just do it to relieve boredom.”

“Well then, why do you come with me every time?”

Yue paused for a moment.

“Because I get bored too.”


“Whatever, just clean up the mess you left.”

“What mess?”

Yue turned to the alleyway and gestured to a repulsive lake of blood that stained the walls and floor.

“Oh, that mess. Wait, why don’t you just magic it away?” Taiyu said indifferently.

“Because I refuse to constantly clean up your messes. Now I’ll ‘magic’ you up a mop and bucket and let you get to it. Also, clean off your blade before it rusts.”

“ughhhh, fine.”

“ah,ah,ah, none of the sas.”

“ Yes mom.” Taiyu rebuttled sarcastically as she began to sift the mop through the crimson mess. While she worked, her movements were slowed to a limp.

“ You overdid it again, didn’t you?”

“Why do you care?”

“Ugh, you can’t just rush enemies like that without stretching your muscles first. I thought you might have done that earlier and that might have explained why you were late in getting here, but your pain says otherwise. where were you?”

“I was watching a demonstration gone horribly wrong.”

“ Were you followed?”

“Don’t worry, nopony can match my speed. Whoever did follow me probably fell away a few alley ways back. Nothing to worry abo--”

A ping of excitement welled up in Thomas’s very being. It continued to build until Thomas couldn’t contain himself and had to fall to his knees and grovel at the feet of his new idols.

“ That….was….incredible!” Thomas said while galloping into the alley at full speed.

“huh” Taiyu started.

“Oh no.” finished Yue.

“ To think, you tore the most dangerous group of criminals in town apart and came out of the fight with only a pulled muscle.”

“Hey look Yue, we have a fan.”

“That’s not good”

“ I would do anything to learn that. If you could, would you teach me that? Oh please?” Thomas begged.

An impish smile crossed Taiyu’s face.

“ Sure, and the first lesson is mopping to build stamina.”

Taiyu tossed the etherial mop to Thomas.

“Ok Yue, our work here is done.”

“Not so fast.” Yue said while pulling her sister back into place with her aura.

“ We need to clean up, and as for you-” Yue said to Thomas while staring at him with aggressive eyes. They began to glow with a purple-ish hue.

“-don’t talk to us, don’t look at us, don’t even mention that we were here. If you value your life, you will not tell another living soul what happened here today.”

Thomas seemed puzzled.

“......a simple ‘not right now we are busy’ would do fine. You don’t have to threaten me.”

Yue’s aura vanished and a look of astonishment crossed her face.

“ What? but, but, that always works.”

“What usually works?” Thomas inquired.

“Nothing…. just, just be gone!”

The angered mare’s horn then began to glow a brilliant dark blue.

“ Wait, all I wanted to do was-” a flash of light enveloped Thomas instantaneously and spirited him away.

“ -return your satchel.”

In the next instant, Thomas was standing in the square of the town where the jester was packing up to call it a day.

“My satchel. Hmmmm, na. It looks to nice to get rid off.” said the jester cheerfully.

The square was rather empty while the party began to die down. As the sun started to set, the exuberant voices that greeted Thomas in the morning were replaced with whispers and shuffles of content festival guests. Once he regained his bearings, Thomas had a moment to reflect on the events that transpired in alleyway.

“......... Well that was rude, and here I was trying to do the right thing and return this to its rightful owner. Oh well, it can’t be helped. I didn’t see anything, and I found myself a new satchel.”

Thomas’s train of thought was interrupted by the striking of a large bell that adorned the top of the castle. The doors to the sealed monolith then swung open and droves of abled partiers swarmed in. For the first time in an age, the air-tight crypt in the center of town would be the epicenter of festivities to top off the day. At last, the splendor bound within the scarred walls would soon be revealed for all to see.
A mass of villagers gathered in front of an ancient and battle torn gate as it slowly and gallantly opened forth. Though it creaked rebelliously, the groans were ineffectual. Through the ancient gates was a marvel to behold, an inner castle that was as good as new. The walls were still clear and white as snow, complimenting the intricate and extravagant topiary that preceded the inner sanctum. Each garden statue was unfortunately uniform in appearance ( the figure of royal centurions adorned with regal armor that flashed the rank of inner garrison), but still a sight to behold. Surrounding the inner building on the other three sides were large fences that prevented sight into the adjacent yards. Even in a secured, walled-in city, secrets were still present even from the visiting public whose lives were so intertwined. There was indeed some truth to Thomas’s grandmother’s tale, it was extremely lavish and pointless; never-the-less, it was indeed something to behold. Standing in a cobblestone path that divided the topiary garden in half was a castle guard and his squad assigned to provide a tour through the castle. They then walked to greet the eagered visitors as the leader walked ahead to assume command. His coat was an onix black that complemented his ash grey mane. On his flank was a shield that bore a crown in its center, which complimented his job as a royal bodyguard.

“Fellow greetings from his majesty the Viceroy and the royal family that inspires you.” He proclaimed as his concussive voice shot through the townsfolk. Instilling both exciting inspiration, and mortal terror.

“We have been assigned to give you, the fare members of our shining city, a glimpse at what your patience and support have gone to. You will see the glory of an age long forgotten that was destroyed long ago by invaders. Now it has been restored and awaits you to bask in its glory that once inspired a stronghold to fight off the fiercest foes imaginable. I am commander Ironhide, former garrison defender and now prime defender of his majesty himself, and allow me to invite you to have a grand time tonight.”

“Hey, when do we get to see the Viceroy?” said a rather obnoxious partygoer in the front row.

The imposing stallion darted to the villagers position with an eccentric (or maniacal) expression on his shapely face and proceeded to stare him down as he began to shrink under the commanders intimidation.

“ An excellent question, maggot! His majesty will address the public at the end of the tour. Until then, let’s have a grand old time! If we are done instigating, follow me and my squad. Also, please stay with the group at all times.”

The commander turned to the castle’s inner entrance as the villagers followed. The squad the commander was leading brought up the rear to shepherd any stragglers as they entered the castle enmass. the crowd was lead between the inner doors and was greeted by an extravagant sight. the floor was a flawless marble tile tesselation that cascaded throughout the corridors. Attop the elegant marble was a satin carpet the shade of a blossoming rose. The walls almost glistened silver and white (almost like ceramic) due to their sophisticated carving and molding. on these shimmering walls hung ancient decorative weaponry and portraits of the royal family line. Though completely familiar to the guards, the faces immortalized in paint were unknown to the visitors; all except for Thomas. The second last painting displayed a large, regal white stallion unicorn in intricate robes of red with white borders complemented with rubies and emeralds. under the portrait was a plaque that read “Viceroy.” The last painting was of two young adult mares in similar attire. under the portrait was a plaque that red “the fair maidens of the Lord.”
Thomas felt a peculiar notion creep into his subconscious, one that said these mares were not so anonymous. After the guards gave him a shove when the crowd began to leave him, he quickly discredited the idea and continued with the tour.

“This castle is exactly 300 years old and has been a fort to defend from invaders since it’s birth. It’s surrounding walls and inner sanctum were all that comprised our city for a long time. After its 150th year, its outer wall breached and invaders began destroying the castle to ensnare the first line of defense for the country that laid beyond. Fortunately our brave viceroy-or general at the time- was a master at siege warfare. He held back the hordes of ravenous savages for 60 years in an epic war of attrition. he later lead a small task force to infiltrate the enemy camp dressed as their cooks and set an elaborate trap for them--”

“What kind of trap,sir?” said a timid tourist.

“Another excellent question!” the commander boomed.

“The reports say he used a large pile of mushrooms that grow naturally around our fair city. These mushrooms produce incredibly potent visions and hallucinations when eaten. Disguised as the cooks, they snuck large doses of these mushrooms into their food and convinced the poor saps that their comrades were all changelings. They fought amongst themselves until none remained and the viceroy saved us all. It's a shame that hasn't been made a foals tale yet. Surely you have heard of his other feats while being put to bed.”

He was right. There was, in fact, at least a dozen tales about the viceroy that was told to Thomas and the others when they had nightmares.

“Just a fancy story.” the tourist skeptically retorted to himself.

“There are five floors to our magnificent castle that each serve a purpose for our modest city. First floor is the foyer, as you can see. the second is the kitchen and dining room.-”

As Ironhide began explaining the tour move up a staircase to a room filled with decorative gold tables and chairs. On the tables were silver-lined ceramic platters and assorted forks, knives, and spoons that each served a specific purpose.

“-This floor is home to some of the most exquisite dishes and chefs this town has ever produced. Each dish is an ancient recipe passed down through generations, ensuring that each dish hails from the original inhabitance. The diningware is also vintage from the original period. In the middle of the room is the royal table where the ruling family eats their meals. Fun fact, the only ones allowed to eat first are the royal family. First Viceroy, then his children, and then the rest of the guests. this room truly a slice of history and elegance that once filled these hallowed halls.”

The group was then herded up another staircase to the next floor.

“This is the ballroom.”

This room was a barren room with a lacquered wooden floor that reflected its dancer’s image without a distortion. It easily allowed the entire populous of visitors with room to spare. over the room was a system of chandeliers that graced a superior chandelier with soothing lights and crystal tears that reflected calm sun-like beams throughout the room.

“ This room was host to a multitude of important gatherings and galas. Every year visiting dignitaries and military personnel would flock to this floor to dance to the sweetest pieces crafted by ancient masters long forgotten. After the feast, you guests tonight will have the coveted opportunity to dance on these floors with the aid of our own town orchestra. Hopefully, you will enjoy yourselves and find your significant other as well.” Ironside exclaimed with a wink.

the crowd chuckled humorously and nervously.

“now then, the next floor awaits.”

After traveling up the stairs, the crowd was greeted by a sight of an immensely packed library. The room contained shelves that seemed to stretch both vertically and horizontally for miles but were immediately halted by the shimmering walls and marble ceiling. Each shelf was filled to the brim with ancient tomes and spellbinding literature (as well as spell books to boot).

“This is the royal library. Within this room is the largest assortment of knowledge and fantasy this town has ever had the pleasure to produce. Here you will find proposed theories on every subject ever created and research that changed our views on reality. This library also boasts the largest collection of poetry and novels this side of the universe. Please, feel free to browse our extensive collection for an hour or so and then we will be off; but, there are two rules that you must follow. Do not use any magic within the library and do not enter the restricted section of the library,” the commander said while gesturing to a door that was sealed up with a protective barrier that emanated a faint purple glow. On the front of the door was a distorted text that was almost impossible to read.

With the approval of the commander, the group dissolved into the large collection of books and scrolls. the room was soon alive with the sounds of discussions of books and faint wording of written poetry. Guards began mobilizing at the magic section of the library ready to escort defiant unicorns with the powerful urge to use their newly learned skills in their spells. While the group began settling in and enjoying the library’s offerings, Thomas began to approach the sealed door inconspicuously. This door was the only part of the library that was not allowed to be seen. Rather strange considering that the tour was suppose to reveal the castle to the public for all to see.


Thomas did not know what his answer would be; but he did know one thing. He would be in that room before the day was out even if it killed him. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it only motivated the deep blue stallion.

“Oy, young colt. Get away from their.”

A guard approach Thomas and began herding him towards the group.

“Why cant we see what’s behind the door? Didn’t you say we would have a good time tonight?” Thomas exclaimed defiantly.

“No, I did.”

Ironhide approached Thomas with a stern expression on his face.

“ Are you not having a blast?”

“ I won’t have a blast unless I know what’s behind that door.”

“Well, It appears we have reached an impasse. I guess I will have to escort you to the gate and make sure you don’t come back. I can make that happen you know. If you would like to continue our little tour you’re going to have to curb that self-destructive attitude of yours. Savvy!” Ironhide demanded.

Thomas began shaking.

“Y-yes sir.”

“Good! Now run along little one.” Ironhide boomed with a smile.

Thomas rejoined the group with a grimace.

Little one, I’m almost 18. Thomas thought to himself.

The session lasted for about an hour or so. After that, Ironside called for all of the guests to ready for the next floor. Like the last three, they walked up a square-like staircase until they reached a large door. this door was remarkably larger than the others. It was forged of steel and had a royal emblem of a phoenix on an olive vine.

“This concludes our tour. Now the real fun can begin. Beyond these doors is the throne room where the viceroy will be waiting to address you. He has waited a long time to meet his subjects and has made sure everything would be perfect for your enjoyment. It I were you, I would not do anything to spoil that.”
After the commander addressed the crowd, he forced open the doors with magic and led the visitors into the throne room. A rose red carpet (that as present in the foyer) stretched from the door to a large red podium at the far end of the room. This podium contained three chairs, one for the viceroy and two for his aforementioned children. The viceroy’s golden metal chair was considerably larger and more decorative than the other two chairs on the podium. It was adorned with an assortment of opals and rubies that gave the chair the illusion of a powerful fire-like aura (which complemented the chairs phoenix-like shape and almost alive fiery eyes). the chair on its right was a smaller white marble chair graced with assorted diamonds and pearls on the molding of the chair that glistened in the immense candlelight, giving the chair the illusion of solar beams. Attop this chair was a bright sun made from amber. To the left of the viceroy’s chair was a black marble chair that gave a hint of twilight from its sapphire and onyx escarpment. Attop this chair was a peaceful moon made from quartz. sitting opposite from the thrones were rows of stylish marble pews padded with rose cushions that beckoned to soar-legged travelers for a seat. On the walls were priceless tapestries depicting bright birds with magnificent plumage rivaled in appearance only by the stain glass mural behind the thrones that depicted an awe-inspiring phoenix rising from a powerful flame. For one reason or another, Thomas sensed that the viceroy rather enjoyed avian animals alot.

“If you would be so kind as to take your seat, we can begin with the celebration.” Ironhide announced loudly.

little by little, the group slowly integrated into the vast rows of pews and began to settle down. The air began thickening as the tension and excitement became corporeal. Soon, this mysterious hero and ruler would meet the public that heard such wonderful stories about him at bedtime in their youth.

“Presenting now, for the first time in ages, the might of this immortal stronghold! The vanguard of victory! The arm of justice! His majesty, viceroy Lychinus, the Holy Flame of Salutem!”

The crowd began to cheer as Ironhide grandly gestured to the throne with the expectation of the viceroy appearing. after a few minutes of waiting, Ironhide’s expression of regality faded to puzzlement while the crowd began to die down. Excitement changed drastically to confusion.

“Um……….viceroy?” Ironhide begged.

“don’t worry, I’ll be there in a minute.” said a feeble voice behind the pews.

There stood a large figure in a ragged brown cloak that covered what appeared to be a ravaged, sickly stallion on a walking stick. Behind this invalid was two other cloaked figures in similar garb that differed in height. The three figures began to make their way up the red carpet. They instilled a feeling of pity that threw the crowd through a loop and confused them greatly. They began to mutter amongst themselves.
Thomas began to ask the commander if the sickly stallion needed help, but stopped as a grin began to cross Ironhide’s face. Something was up, and it was gonna be exciting to say the least. The three crossed the room and took position in front of the three thrones. the sickly stallion turned to face the crowd with an aged grimace. His grimace then morphed into a youthful and impish smile that puzzled the crowd to no extent. he then took up his cane and tossed it into the air. a shimmer of light flickered for the briefest instant and the cane was reduced to dust before it hit the ground. The crowd was becoming excited.

“Always the show off,” Ironhide said.

Thomas didn’t think burning wood was that impressive, but the commander’s look made him observe the stallion intently. This was going to be big.

“Now,” the sickly voice stated, “Behold!”

This voice was powerful.

with a flash of his hooves, the stallion undid the buttons of his cloak while the two other figures followed after him. a gust of hot wind picked up. the once sickly stallion was now glowing brightly with a powerful red and yellow shimmering aura. his cloak flew off of him and into the air as the wind picked up immensely and heated up just as much. His aura shined so bright it was blinding. With a powerful hoof to the sky and an unearthly shout, the being’s aura shot from his being and engulfed the cloak. The crowd was astonished. sparks flew. from out of the incinerated cloak came the magnificent form of a massive, blazing red phoenix that spread its fiery wings throughout the room and let out a majestic cry that move the audience into a frenzy of wonder and excitement. By now the crowd was in an uproar, and Thomas was utterly dumbstruck. this fiery demigod that now held the audience in the palm of his hooves was once a sickly invalid that appeared to require help moving. Whoever this crimson spirit was, he knew how to make an entrance. After five powerful, awe-inspiring minutes, the phoenix de-materialized into a ball of flame and returned to the fiery figure. The once vibrant room began to settle down as the fire and energy subsided.

“Terribly sorry if I startled you. I tend to not know my own strength sometimes. Hopefully you’ll find it in your hearts to forgive me” said the middle stallion with a now vibrant and soothing voice
This figure was indeed imposing. His power over fire complemented his crimson coat and bright yellow eyes. His mane and tail were white with shades of orange that almost gave them life. He was an exceptionally built alicorn with a large figure, but not to tall as to tower over every subject too much. On his flank was a fiery bird in a circle of wispy flames-perhaps an explanation for the obsession with birds thought Thomas. He did not wear a crown but he was wearing an exceptionally jewel-encrusted crimson tunic with emeralds lining his collar and hems. His insignia was displayed along his back while a phoenix's wing was draped down either side of the tunic. His expression was full of energy and excitement. From this face you could tell that this stallion never had a dull day in his life. Whether or not he had to make it exciting was up for interpretation.

“My dearly beloved subjects, It is a pleasure to see you here before me today. I have awaited this day for many years and prepared for it with all of my being. For too long I have been forced into seclusion and isolation from my subjects after the death of my fair wife and co-ruler. The pain of losing one I loved so much was too much to bare as I began leading this city from behind these walls and letting this monument of our glory rot away. But now, after nineteen long and productive years of rebuilding this lovely castle and raising our next great leaders behind me, I have invited you here today to bare witness to this city’s crown jewel and former glory that has attracted travelers and nobles alike for centuries. Tonight, my family and I will share with you the culture that you have been missing for so long in my absence and will enrich your lives forever.”

Thomas’s heart almost stopped at the sound of his voice. His expectations for this tour were quickly superseded by this display of royalty, and the real fun hadn’t even commenced yet. But just as much as he was excited about the life changing experience before him, he was also incredibly puzzled about this tempest’s children. Their eerie familiarity began creeping back into his subconscious and quickly overtook his mind completely.

How can I already know you but never met you at all?

“But oh me! where are my manners. Mares and Gentlecolts, I am Viceroy Lychinus -as romantically described by my lover commander Ironhide over there, you probably know quite a lot about me-” The viceroy jeered with a wink to the commander.

The commander returned with a chuck and a blush.

“-And these are my fair daughters,”

The who figures removed their cloaks to reveal a white mare with a braided rainbow-like mane and a deep blue mare with a straight blue mane. Each wearing a similar tunic like their father but different colors to fit their thrones.

“Lady Celestia and Lady Luna.”

Thomas’s mind finally clicked. These two were definitely familiar, and he owed them a missing satchel.



In that instant, Thomas leapt from his position in the middle of the rows of pews to the center of the room and dashed to the podium with the guards following close behind him. Narrowly escaping capture as the guards swarmed him and grappled him, he jumped in front of Taiyu and produced a satchel to give to her.

“Caught you! Now take you stupid bag!” Shouted Thomas as he began panting from the chase.

A look of astonishment passed through Taiyu’s face while a look of irritation stuck to Yue’s.

“Told you this wasn’t good.”

To be continued….