National Pony Celebration Day

by Slick Ink

National Pony Celebration Day

They had been chasing...She had been running...

Through dark and twisted alleyways they turned, for the last hour or so they'd been going at her. It was nearly night now, which meant more would come from out if the shadows... twisted.... curved... insane...this is how Twilight Sparkle lost her H---


*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Aww Pony Feathers!" Rainbow Dash cried out in annoyance.

She had been working on her new book for the past hour with little success, as she had only managed to finish a couple of paragraphs. Why were there so many interruptions today, there wasn't anything important going on. Was there?

Rainbow Dash Tried to ignore it but the pony on the other side of the door was persistent.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Rainbow Dash couldn't leave it any longer, so she set down her quill, she got up off her bed, and she walked over to the door. As she reached to open it the was more knocking, this time followed by a familiar voice.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Rainbow, are you there?" A voice asked.

As Rainbow reached for the door knob she realized that the voice must belong too---"Twilight!" She Exclaimed.

Twilight Sparkle smiled, "Hey Dashy!"

"Um how did you get up here?" Rainbow Dash asked. After all only Pegasi could get up here... right?

Twilight Rolled her eyes. "Well Duh! I teleported."

Suddenly it dawned on Rainbow... Twilight became an Alicorn about one and a half years ago, she wasn't falling through the clouds because she was an Alicorn...

"Aha... I see." Rainbow felt like a fool, it had been 17 months since the incident, and she kept forgetting. She'd have to update her book probably.

"So wanna come Celebrate National Pony Celebration Day?" Twilight asked.

National Pony Celebration Day was a Celebration of the day when Earth Ponies got actual rights to do as they wished, rather than just be slaves to there "betters" as they were before. "Twilight, you know that's not our holiday right?"

"Well yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't celebrate it." Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash gestured towards the ground below, "They Can Celebrate their holidays and we can celebrate ours, I don't care if you celebrate it with them but it really isn't our holiday to celebrate I'm not gonna waste my time on some obscure Earth Pony holiday rather than write my book."

"Come on, Dash! Don't be like that, it's a time of celebration! The Apple Family's having a Party in the barn later today, we should go help them prepare." Said Twilight

"I said no!" Rainbow Dash growled.

Twilightsaid grinned, "Granny Smith is making her Apple Fritters."


They continued working till about 9:00 PM before they had everything set up, but ya know it was party from there on out!

Applejack walked onto a small mini-stage with a Primitive "Microphone" and said, to the crowd of two-hundred ponies "Hey y'all! First off I'd like to thank y'all fer comin'! We're gonna have swell time here tonight, with the feast, the show and the fireworks display! I know not all of you ponies celebrate the National Pony Celebration Day, but you still came out here cause y'all are so nice!"

"I came for the food!" Some random crowd pony shouted.

"I'm glad that all races get to come together and just have a fun day on this day, to celebrate the rights of Earth Ponies!" Applejack was interrupted again.

"I think it would be better the way it used to be!"

"Except for that Donkey-but over there, but as for the rest of you, let the feast begin (1)." Applejack finished her speech.

Ponies headed to the tables and started on some of their favorite dishes, Rainbow was on those Apple Fritters like it was Nopony's business, Applejack went to talk to Braeburn, Twilight went to talk to Rarity and Fluttershy while Rarity avoided the mud, Pinkie Pie was already eating the cup cakes

They partied into the night until it was dark enough for the fireworks display, which by this time the CMC were all asleep, even Babs whom had made it to this celebration.

Braeburn and Big Mac organized the fireworks, ordering about 20 or so other ponies to set release them, the fireworks of beauty, most of ponies were gathered up on a hilltop where it was to happen, ponies only ever saw fireworks once or twice a year. This was a special occasion. Applejack waited for the last few ponies gather on the hilltop and then.


Braeburn and Big Mac gave the signal to set off the fireworks and that they did.

Fireworks of all shapes, sizes, and colors flew into the air. Orange, green, purple yellow cyan, magenta, you name it, it was there (2).
There were fireworks ball shaped star shaped even some pony shaped. It was truly magical, Rainbow was glad to be there, it had been a great time. (3)

"See Dashy, just because it isn't your holiday doesn't mean you can't have fun." Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Your right Twilight."

She leaned in to give twilight a hug (4).


Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that even if it's not your time to celebrate, even if you think that your time would be better spent elsewhere, doesn't mean that is necessarily true. What's important is that you have fun with those you love.

~ Rainbow Dash

Celestia looked up from the scroll, "What kinda horse poop are they sending me?! Who cares what in Tartarus you do?! Really just stop giving me a message every time you "learn" something, for the love of Luna! Gosh(5)!"

~Thanks for reading!~

~Slick Ink

(1) Friggin Lame Speech.
(2) Not Brown.
(3) Not knowing much about American Tradition all I know is you guys have fireworks... so... yeah...sorry if I offended anypony.
(4) No. I know exactly what you are thinking. Stop!
(5) She holds a good act, when she is around her subjects.
(6) You can tell I wrote this in an hour.