Pengy's Tale

by Evowizard25

Part 3: Returning Home

Pengy was falling fast. Faster and farther then he had ever fallen before and that was saying something. Since, when he was a littler colt, Nana would toss him into the air and catch him. He felt so happy then, but he certainly didn’t like the sensation now. For he knew that Nana wasn’t here to catch him this time.
“NANA!” He screamed, as he plummeted to his death, into the middle of some forest. His eyes were clenched shut, in fear “MOMMY! HELP!” ‘Why now? I just made a new friend. I can’t die now.’ His wings were beating uselessly against his descent, his legs wiggling in the air.
Just as he about to hit the ground, a strange force held him in place. He couldn’t tell what was happening, only that his body felt a tingling sensation. He opened his eyes and gasped at what he saw. He was hovering a few feet off the ground. ‘Am I flying?’ He thought to himself.
“By jove, that was a close one.” He heard a suave stallions voice say. He looked over to see a green coated unicorn stallion, with a black mane. He was wearing a suit over his torso, of green, yellow and purple, with a bowler hat on top. A cane was locked in place at his side, with a strap. “Are you alright, little one?”
“Yes,” Pengy Pie said, pouting. He had really thought he was flying. “I was doing alright on my own.”
The stallion chuckled. “I could see that.”
Pengy snorted, as he was lowered to the ground. “Thank you, mister.”
“Oh, don’t call me mister.” The stallion raised a hoof. “Just call me by my real name.”
“And what would that be?”
The stallion used his hoof to lift off his hat, and then bowed. “The Riddler.” Pengy just stared at him. “You haven’t heard of me?” The little colt shook his head. Riddler frowned. “Odd. I might have to pay Cloudsdale a visit one of these days.”
“Dad!” Another voice called out. A small, unicorn colt, about Pengy’s age, came running out. He looked a lot like his father, except his own mane was a dark shade of green. “That was so awesome. You saved him that pegasi.” He was hopping around his father.
Riddler chuckled and put a hoof in front of his son, so as to stop him. “Yes, Quizzler, I did.” He nodded to Pengy. “Why don’t you say hello.”
Quizzler gasped and rushed over to him. “I’ve never seen a Pegasus this close up before.” He walked around him. “Are all pegasi that large?” Pengy startled to sniffle. ‘Even unicorns thinks I’m fat.’
“Quizzler!” Riddler glared at his son, to which the little colt shrunk back. “That’s not very nice. Now, say you’re sorry.”
Quizzler lowered his head. “Sorry.”
“That’s okay.” Pengy wiped away a couple of tears.
“The name’s Quizzler by the way.” The little unicorn colt held out a hoof.
“Pengy Pie.” He answered, taking his hoof and shaking it.
Quizzler gasped. “Oh, my gosh. I have a cousin who’s name sounds like that. Although, it’s Pinkie Pie, but don’t they rhyme. Pengy Pie, Pinkie Pie. They sound so similar. Are you related, because I always wanted another colt to play with? Yeah, my cousins are fun, but they’re all girls.”
Pengy couldn’t believe how much energy that this colt had. It was like he could talk forever. He put his hooves over his ears. ‘Oh, my poor head. I don’t think I can take all this.*
“Is your favorite color green? Mine is.”
“Quizzler,” Riddler said, going over to the pair. “That’s enough.”
Quizzler shrunk back, his ears pinned down. “Sorry, dad. I got excited.”
“I know, young one.” Riddler sighed. “Anyways, I think it’s high time…” His ears perked up and shifted around.
“Is it them?” Quizzler said, getting really excited. Riddler nodded and the unicorn colt squeeled in delight.
“Who’s them?” Pengy asked, rather confused. A part of him wanted to get away from the weird pair.
“Hide.” Riddler said, not answering his question.
But Pengy did as he said, not willing to say no to an adult. His father had taught him that lesson the hard way…A lot. “Quick, follow me.” Quizzler ran full speed into the bushes. It was a good thing that it wasn’t that far away, or Pengy wouldn’t have ever been able to catch up. The two colts hid in the bushes, watching as Riddler stood his ground. ‘Why does he look like he’s about to fight somepony?’
No sooner then he thought that, four unicorn royal guards came bursting through the foliage. “What took you?” Riddler smirked at the gold clad stallions. “I was beginning to think you’d died from exhaustion.”
“Cut the chatter, criminal scum.” The lead unicorn snarled. “Come quietly and face the charges set against you.”
“Well, if you put it that way,” Riddler’s voice dripped heavily with sarcasm. “How can I refuse?” The unicorn’s glare intensified. “Honestly, Stormcloak, lighten up.”
“I’ll lighten up, when I see you behind bars were you belong.” Stormcloak said.
“This is going to be so awesome.” Quizzler whispered. “Dad’s going to whoop their sorry flanks.” Pengy didn’t say anything. His hooves were over his eyes, as he quivered in fear.
“Now, now Colonel.” Riddler said. “I think you’re overreacting.”
“Overreacting?” Stormcloak snorted. “You’re Equestria’s number one thief, how am I overreacting?”
“Well, by being such a spoiled sport.” Riddler said, not even looking at him. “I mean, you’ve turned this little endeavor into a personal matter. I hardly think that’s fitting.”
“You broke into my house and stole several of my personal items.”
Riddler chuckled. “I did, didn’t I.”
Stormcloak growled. “This is your last chance, Riddler. Come quietly, or we’ll be forced to take you by…”
“Force?” Riddler interrupted him. “Honestly, try not to be so repetitive.” A bright white flash went behind him, to which he quickly bucked the teleporting unicorn, sending him flying backwards. The unicorn guard hit a tree and fell unconscious. “Or predictable.”
“Attack.” Stormcloak yelled to his compatriots. The three other stallions rushed him, their horns ready to piece his hide.
Riddler just smirked, not moving a muscle. At this point, Pengy had taken his hooves away from his eyes. He wanted to yell out to him. To tell him to get out of the way. But, at the last moment, the Riddler pulled out his cane, put it on the ground and then jumped on top, balancing himself, if only for a second. For when one of the unicorns was about to ram the cane, he jumped, lifting it with him. The Riddler smacked the cane right into the back of his head, sending him sprawling to the ground. One of the other guards turned around, but were quickly knocked back, with a swift whack of his cane. The Riddler tackled the other one, disappearing in a flash. No sooner then he left, he appeared several feet above the tree line, letting the guard go. The green thief disappeared again, letting the unicorn fall and smack a tree, slowly sliding down to the ground.
He finally appeared before Stormcloak, with a mocking grin. “Miss me?”
“You’ve done it this time.” Stormcloak charged. Riddler just laughed and raced off. The other unicorn royal guards finally got up and went after their commander.
When they left, Quizzler jumped out of his hiding place. “Did you see that, Pengy? Did you see that? My dad is so awesome. He was like, ‘I know I’m awesome’, and that big royal bully was like ‘no you’re not’ and then he sends those guys after my dad and he’s like,” All this while, the little colt was making exaggerated moves and sounds to go along with his words. “And he beats them and then the big bad bully chases him. THAT WAS SO AWESOME!”
“Yeah,” Pengy said, shaking a bit in fear as he left the safety of the bushes. He looked around, hoping the guards wouldn’t find them. ‘I don’t wanna go to jail.’
“Say,” Riddler said, poking his head out of the bushes. “What are you two colts talking about?”
“DAD!” Quizzler yelled, tacking his father. Both of them started laughing. “You’re so awesome. I saw you beat those loser guards.”
“All in a day’s work.” He ruffled his sons hair.
Pengy frowned when he saw the scene. His father never laughed with him, or even ruffled his hair. Why couldn’t he be shown love like Quizzler got?
“You okay, Pengy?” Quizzler said, walking over to him.
“Yeah, I’m just homesick is all.” He said, telling a half-lie.
“Well, we’ll just have to fix that.” Riddler smiled. “Though, we’ll have to wait till dark.”
Nana stood in the hallway, looking at some old pictures. The particular sets of pictures that she was looking at showed little Pengy. Ranging from his first bath, to building a stack of blocks. ‘Oh, he was so adorable.’ She couldn’t think about it now. She didn’t want to spend her nights crying, even though she knew she would. A few tears fell down her cheeks. She just wanted to hold that colt one more time and tell him that she loved him.
Nana could hear the wailing calls of her mistress. Of the two parents, his mother was the only one that cared for him. But she was scared of her husband, so she didn’t show it. Now that he was gone, to some business trip ‘That cold hearted scoundrel.’ She had finally let it all out.
The old maid walked into the living room, where her mistress lay sprawled on the couch, bawling. She blew into another tissue, making a loud snorting sound. She quickly threw it into the small trashcan a few feet away from her. “Nana. I need more tissues.” Nana picked up another box and gave it to her. “Thank you.” She pulled up another one and blew into it.
“Deary, I know that this may seem hopeless, but crying isn’t going to solve anything.”
“Well, what else is there,” Her mistress cried. “My only son is dead.”
“He isn’t dead. You musn’t believe that.”
“I saw it, Nana.” She looked up at her. “I saw the whole in the cloud. He fell to his death and it’s all my fault.”
“It isn’t your fault.”
“Yes, it is.” Her mistress continued. “I was the one who wanted him to go to camp. I thought he’d have a good time there, but all I did was kill him.”
“You didn’t kill him. It was an accident.” Nana placed a hoof on her mistress’s back.
“Yes I did.” She wailed. “I was the one who dragged him out there. I might as well have pushed him off the cloud myself.” She laid her head on the couch and placed her forehooves over her eyes. “I just want my little Pengy back. I want to feel him in my hooves and tell him everything’s going to be alright. I don’t want to be alone with ‘him’.”
Nana rubbed her back for a moment, trying to sooth the grown mares crying. “Please, miss Pie. Don’t go beating yourself up about this.” Just then, the doorbell rang. She sighed when she knew that she’d have to answer it. So, she left the poor mare, crying on the couch, and headed for the door. When she opened it, she saw a large yellow stallion.
“Hello miss. The name’s Storm Cloud.” The stallion bowed his head. “I came to see if you need any help?”
Nana shook her head. “No. We don’t.”
“Well, I’d very much like to talk with the mare of the house.”
“She’s not in the best of moods.”
Storm Cloud nodded. “I know, but I would very much like to help out. I am a trained adventurer you know. I can find any pony in no time.” He looked down. “Isn’t that right, Fluttershy?”
“Yes, daddy.” A little voice said. Nana looked down and saw what may have been the cutest filly she ever did see.
“Well, why don’t you two come in.” Nana said, ushering them inside with a hoof.
“Thank you kindly.” The stallion and his daughter walked inside. They all quickly went into the living room, where miss Pie was crying her eyes out.
Fluttershy gasped and trotted over. “Umm, miss. Don’t be sad.” The grown mare ignored her. “If it makes you feel any better, I miss him too.” The filly started to sniffle. “I was there when he fell. And I couldn’t do anything, because I can’t fly.” Tears started pouring down her cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
Out of nowhere, the mare grabbed the girl and hugged her tight. “Hey!” Storm Cloud walked over, but what could he do. Interrupting two crying mares was not a good idea. Especially, when he sucked at making ponies feel better.
The doorbell rang again, so Nana went to answer it. When she did, she saw a grown green unicorn stallion with a yellow question mark cutie mark. She looked to see a smaller unicorn colt similar to the older stallion, but had dark green hair, a lighter green coat, and his question mark cutie mark was black. She found it odd that they were standing on a cloud, but they were unicorns. ‘Pesky critters. Why can’t they just let nature be?’ “Hello, madam. I was wondering if this is the residence of a colt by the name of ‘Pengy Pie’?”
“Yes, it was.” She sniffled.
“Nana!” she heard a familiar voice cry out.
She looked to see Pengy rush up to her. She couldn’t hold her tears anymore. She let them loose as she nuzzled him. “Oh, thank Celestia you’re alright.” She turned around. “Miss pie, he’s here.”
Not another second passed by, before the mistress of the house rushed up and picked up her son. She hovered in the air, nuzzling and kissing his head. “Oh, my sweet son. My little Pengy wengy. Don’t ever do that to me again. Please never again.”
“I won’t mom.” Pengy sniffled, smiling up at her. “Falling wasn’t any fun.”
“No.” She chuckled. “I suppose not.” She put her son down and looked over to the stallion. “How can I ever repay you?”
“Well, madam.” He bowed, taking off his hat. “An outing with you would suffice.”
She blushed. “B-b-but…”
She was cut off, when raised her hoof and kissed it. “Maybe I’ll let you think on it.”
“I don’t even know you’re name.”
“Riddler, and what, pray tell, is yours?”
“Cutie Pie.” She squeeked out, hiding behind her mane.
“It fits.” He smirked. “Well, I must be off. Say goodbye, Quizzler.”
“Goodbye, miss Pie.” The little colt waved at her, smiling. She waved back, before the two disappeared in a flash.
Meanwhile, inside, Fluttershy was hugging Pengy Pie. “I’m so sorry. I should have caught you.”
“There’s no problem.” Pengy said, trying to calm her. “I’m fine.”
Fluttershy pulled back. “You sure.”
Pengy smiled and nuzzled her, to which she blushed. “I’m sure.” He answered. “Hey, you want to play a game?” Fluttershy smiled and nodded. He pressed a hoof to her nose. “Tag, you’re it.” He took off as fast as his hooves could take him. Fluttershy laughed and took off after him.
“Well,” Storm Cloud huffed. “That was anti-climactic.” He smiled though, when he saw his little girl having so much fun. “But at least somepony’s enjoying themselves.”
“Yeah,” Cutie Pie smiled as well, a small blush on her cheek, as she thought of the handsome stallion that saved her son.
Nana came up between the pair. “Things have certainly took a turn for the best.” The others nodded.