Don't test us.

by Dream Treasure

The charming filly of a fancy mare.

Crystal Design sits at sugar cube corner, awaiting her date. "Crystal Design!" A filly's voice rings out from the other side of the sweet shop.

"Ambrosia Apple?" Crystal Design asks, turning around to face the voice.

"You bet'cha!" A yellow filly wearing a cowboy hat slides into the seat beside Crystal Design, her short red-green hair bobbing as she moves.

"Where have you been? You wern't in class for the past 3 days!" Crystal Design puts her hoof on the table.

"Zap Apple harvest! aunt Apple Bloom remembered how much she wanted to do Zap apple harvesting when she was my age, so she let me! Momma needed lots o'convincin'." Ambrosia Apple smiles her toothy grin.

"Its all over now, right? so you will be returning to school?" Crystal Design asks, readjusting her seat.

"You bet! So what'cha doin' at sugar cube corner?" Ambrosia Apple waves her hoof up, signaling a unicorn mare with an orange mane and a yellow body, she starts to walk over when she sees the filly's hoof waving in the air.

"Hello, Ambrosia Apple! what can I get you?" The mare asks, pulling out her order book from her apron.

"One apple milkshake! Thanks, Pumpkin Cake!" Ambrosia Apple smiles again. "Do you want anything, Crystal Design?"

Crystal Design shakes her head, "No thank you, Not at the moment, I am waiting for Mist Twister to arrive to order."

"Ooh. Are you two out on a date?" Pumpkin Cake smiles, moving her order book out of her face with her blue magic.

"Why yes, we are." Crystal Design smiles.

"Really? Well then, I will move over to that table" Ambrosia Apple states, pointing her hoof at a table across the room. She stands up and begins to walk over to the table.

"Have a good day, Ambrosia Apple!" Crystal Design waves off her friend. Pumpkin Cake walks away to recive the apple milkshake for Ambrosia Apple. The door swings open and Mist Twister walks in.

He looks around untill he sees Crystal Design sitting in her chair, he rushes over and sits across from her. "H-hi..." He stutters.

"Hello, Mist Twister. How are-" Crystal Design is interrupted by Pumpkin Cake sliding just over the table, her order book hovering in the middle of the table.

"Soooo...what can I get I get you two love birds?" Pumpkin Cake asks, a mischievous smile on her face.

"I will get a Raspberry milkshake and a chocolate cupcake, please." Crystal Design orders. " What flavor do you want, Mist Twister?" A quill scribbles on the order book.

"I uh- Blue Berry and uh, a cookie, please." Mist Twister stutters again.

"Alright." Pumpkin Cake smiles mischievously as she walks away.

"so, uh... How are you?" Mist Twister asks, staring down at the table.

"Wonderful, Darling. How are you?" Crystal Design asks, smiling at the shy colt.

"I'm good..." Mist Twister replies, tapping his hoof on the ground.

"You're lying." Crystal Design states, a hard look on her face.

"W-what?" Mist Twister stutters.

"I can tell. You aren't okay, your fed up about your father." Crystal Design whispers.

"H-how...?" Mist Twister says surprised.

"we have known each other since we were born, just like the other 4. Ambrosia Apple, Me, You, Light, Pinata and Flash Bolt." Crystal Design says, looking Mist Twister straight in the eye.

"Oh... Yeah I-" Mist Twister is cut off when Pumpkin Cake walks up, a plate with a cookie and one large milkshake with two straws in it levitating in front of her, a mischievous smile on her face.

"Pumpkin Cake, we said TWO milksh-" Crystal Design frowns.

"Well, You said two flavors but not two milkshakes." Pumpkin Cake says, levitating the milkshake and plate onto the table.

"I had fun. I'll see you tomorrow at school." Crystal Design says as she exits sugar cube corner , Mist twister stands beside her.

"Yeah, bye..." Mist Twister says, blushing. Crystal Design leans over and kisses him on the cheek, which makes him blush even more.

"Bye!" Crystal Design says, waving as she walks away. She walks left for a short amount of time, turns left again, then turns right and down the street to her home, carousal boutique. Crystal Design opens the door with a spell her mother taught her and walks in. "Mother? I'm home!" She shouts

"Bleegh" A vomit sounding sound wails from the bathroom.

"One moment, Crystal!" Rarity's voice calls out from the bathroom. Her mother trots out of the bathroom, looking tired.

"Mom, did you-" Crystal Design starts to ask, but is interrupted by her mother.

"No no... It was your Aunt Sweetie Belle. morning sickness and all." Rarity says, wiping sweat off her forehead.

"Oh." Crystal Design says, dropping her bag. "Have you finnished my dress yet? The dance is in 3 days."

"No, your aunt has kept me very bu-" Another vomiting noise rains from the bathroom "-suy.... But I will Finnish it in time for the dance!" Rarity proclaims, stomping her hoof on the ground, looking up to the ceiling.

"Okay, Mom. I will be up in my room." Crystal Design says, walking to the extension added to the boutique when she was born.

"I will call you down for dinner, Darling!" Her mother yells up at her as she walks up the stairs.

She sighs as she opens her door, exhausted from the day. She gasps at whats inside her room.