The Diary of Vinyl Scratch

by AkumaNoNeko

Entry 11:8/5/99

Dear Diary,
I lost my diary for a while, almost 2 years now. Anyways, I'm almost nine now and I just started 4th grade at Canterlot Elementary School. I still only have one friend, but I'm okay with that. My parents are worried about me though. They think I don't have good social skills and will probably be making me go out more often, even though my social skills are perfectly fine, I just enjoy the company of Tavi more than everyone else at school.
Tavi is doing perfectly fine with making more friends though. She is actually pretty popular at school. Me.. Not so much. Tavi is so much more shy, but really kind and cool. But me, I'm laid back and a nobody.
I really wish I had more friends, but no one ever talks to me at school. I don't like starting conversations with random people.
It's just too hard and awkward.
I better get going, I have school tomorrow.
