Origins of a Queen

by Nightfire-613


"Tell me more about my mother, please Zia*," the young alicorn pleaded.
The older alicorn looked down on her with affection, she was so young, so innocent. The little pink pony that gazed up at her with those big, hopeful eyes could never understand her origins.
Celestia sighed, "Very well Cadence, very well..." and began her story.
Cadence was always asking her aunt questions about life before Celestia was alone, and Celestia would tell her; About Luna, about the ponies of Equestria, about anything she wanted to know. Cadence's favorite stories were about the magic place called the Chrystal Empire, with it shimmering streets and unique powers, she loved hearing them as often as she could. Celestia said that Cadence came for the Empire, but was living with Celestia and Luna when it was lost.
"Why did mother go away?" The little alicorn asked.
Celestia would not, nay, could not tell her. It would only break her heart.
"Your mother left because..." Celestia was looking for the right lie. "...because, she had to."
Cadence looked up at Celestia, obviously wanting to know more, but Celestia refused to tell her anything else, and sent the young one to bed.
After Cadence had gone to sleep, Celestia looked out the northern window.
"Bella, why did you have to go?"