Into the Void

by Shadowflame38

Chapter 5-"Introductions Part II"

Into the Void

Chapter 5
Introductions Part II

As you enter the boutique the smell of perfumes hits you like a tidal wave. You close your eyes and take in the multiple fragrances but one stands out amongst the others. You start to take in your surroundings noticing the large frilly curtains adorning the ceilings around the room. To your left a few racks filled end to end with dresses of all shapes and sizes. To your right is an area with 3 large mirrors surrounding a raised platform. Next to the mirrors is a set of two small wooden swinging doors, most likely used for changing. On the opposite side of the room is a desk adorned with different pieces of fabric and a large mirror for working. Just to the right of the desk is a staircase leading up to the next floor.

“Man Twilight it smells really nice in here, but there’s one fragrance that stands out that I just can’t put my finger on.” You state turning and closing the door behind you.

“Tis nothing more than rosemary darling, my own special blend.” You hear from behind you.

You turn around and notice someone has come down the stairs to greet you and Twilight. She is a pearl white unicorn with a large well kept dark purple curly mane and tail. She also has bright blue eyes and her cutie mark is three blue diamonds that seem to shine with her white coat.

She approaches you and Twilight. “Welcome to carousel boutique where everything is chic, unique and magnifique.”

“Hey Rarity, I’ve been showing Anon around Ponyville today and he insisted upon coming here first.” Twilight states beaming you and Rarity a smile.

“Why I’m flattered that you would want to come here first darling. So this is our new guest, wonderful to meet you darling I am Rarity and welcome to my shop.” She states in a proud manner.

You think of something you’ve always wanted to try ever since you’ve seen Titanic. You quickly kneel down and reach out and take Rarity’s hoof in your hand and kiss the top of it like a gentleman. “Wonderful to meet you Ms. Rarity, my name is Anon.” You state in a suave voice releasing her hoof and standing back up.

Rarity’s face is practically glowing red and Twilight is trying to fight back giggles through the hoof covering her mouth. “Wwwell it is wonderful to finally meet you MMMr. Anon.”

Twilight can’t seem to take it anymore and bursts out laughing at the scene she just witnessed. “Anon what was that?” She asks still laughing.

You start to laugh at yourself as the realization of what you just did starts to sink in. “I saw that in an old movie where most of the people in the movie have a British accent like Rarity here, and I don’t know its just something I wanted to try. Sorry if I freaked you out Rarity.” You state starting to calm yourself.

“Think nothing of it darling it was quite humorous. Even if it was the most formal greeting I have ever received. Know what can I do for you on this fine morning.” She states with a beaming smile.

You look over to Twilight who has finally stopped laughing. “Well Twilight here told me that you made these clothes for me, which by the way fit perfectly, and I just simply wanted to thank you. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you but if there’s ever anything you need please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Rarity looks you up and down and then starts to walk circles around you admiring her work. “Yes the clothes do seems to be fitting nicely, how is the length of the shirt and pants?”

“Great I still don’t know how you managed to get them perfect on the first time with just measurements.” You state as she stops just in front of you.

“What ever do you mean darling, yes a lot of the work was done through measurements but it wasn’t just those. I used scrapes from your old clothing that you arrived in to help me design them. Why, didn’t Twilight tell you that she and Princess Celestia copied the clothes you arrived in so that I could make you new ones?” Rarity states looking to Twilight.

You turn your head and notice Twilight has her back to you and Rarity and is making her way towards the door. You reach out and grab Twilight by the tail and she lets out an audible “Eep.” You turn her back around and look her straight in the eyes with a wicked smirk. “Now Twilight how was it you said Rarity was able to make my clothes. Ahh that’s right you said she just simply took measurements, so wana change your answer” You ask still looking at Twilight whose cheeks are a slightly darker shade of purple.

Twilight starts to fidget where she is standing and looks away in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry Anon; I didn’t mean to lie to you. It’s just the Princess and I agreed that you where going to need new clothes since Princess Luna told us that you humans wear clothes all the time. But we didn’t know how to make you clothes so Rarity offered to try and make them but she didn’t know where to start so the Princess and I removed your original clothes and used a copying spell and gave Rarity the originals. I‘m sorry you probably hate me know and I don‘t blame you but we were only trying to help.” Twilight stated taking a deep breath.

You reach out and grab Twilights face with your hand and turn it towards you so that you are face to face. “Twilight relax its ok, I was only kidding. To be honest I’m glad you did it. If you hadn’t, Rarity wouldn’t have been able to make these amazing clothes for me and I’d probably be walking around in those old nasty clothes right now. So thank you Twilight I appreciate it.”

Twilight finally dawns a smile and turns to Rarity. “Rarity there is one more thing Anon needs, apparently he had a pair of shoes before he came here to Equestria but for some reason they didn’t come with him. Do you think you could make him a pair? I promise I’ll cover the cost what ever it might be.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin in thought. “Hmm it might be difficult since his hoofs are different from ours.” Rarity puts her hoof up in triumph and dawns a determined look. “But in the name of fashion I must at least try. Nothing ventured nothing gained.” Rarity walks over to the desk on the other side of the room and opens one of the drawers. You hear a familiar jingling noise as Rarity’s horn starts to glow a light blue as she levitates what looks like a roll of measuring tape. “Now Anon if you could please step over here and take a seat so that I might measure your hoofs.” She states making her way over to the raised pedestal.

“No Rarity it’s ok really I do.” You start to object but Twilight starts pushing you towards Rarity.

“Anon you are going to let Rarity measure you so that she can make you shoes. Winter is right around the corner and from what you told me humans need protection from the cold. Now get over there.” She states in a somewhat harsh tone.

“Twilight seriously its ok ill survive; besides Rarity has already done enough for me.” You state jumping to the side and running for the door. But just before you get there you are surrounded in a purple aura that stops you dead in your tracks. You are suddenly spun around to see a glaring Twilight. “No fair.” You state with a huff.

Twilight lets off a small giggle that turns into a concerned look. “Anon what’s the matter, why won’t you let Rarity measure your hoofs?” She asks floating you over to the pedestal and setting you down in front of Rarity.

You let of a small sigh. “It’s just you girls have already done so much for me. With you giving me food and a place to live, Rarity for the clothes, and of course for Celestia for saving my life. And what have I done. Nothing and I feel terrible not being able to pay you girls back.”

Twilight walks over next to Rarity and they both exchange worried looks. “Anon its ok, were all friends and friends help each other when they are in need. Anon listen to me, none of us can say we know what you’re going through but I do know this, were all friends and none of us are expecting you or even asking you to pay us back.” Twilight states releasing her magic and placing a hoof on your knee.

“She’s right darling no one asked us to help you. But like Twilight said, were all friends and friends help each other in dire times. Now please raise your hoof so that I might measure it and begin work on your shoes.” Rarity states beaming you a happy smile.

You look between Twilight and Rarity and return there warm smiles with your own. You reach down and remove your dirty sock. “Thank you girls so much. Even though you don’t want it I’m still going to pay you back somehow.” You state lifting your foot so Rarity can examine it. You look over and notice her starring at it curiously. “Ahh Rarity everything ok?”

“Yes Darling everything is fine. It’s just I have never seen a hoof quit like this before. When I made your socks I simply just copied the ones Twilight gave me but from the shape I was curious what it actually looked like.” She states as she uses her measuring tape to measure every angle of your foot and jot down notes on a nearby piece of paper.

Twilight examines your foot as well and gets a curious look on her face. “Hey Anon I’ve been meaning to ask you. What are those small things on the end of your hoof?” She states recovering her own paper and quill from her saddlebag.

You look over and giggle at Twilight. “Well it’s not actually called a hoof, it’s a foot. And those small things at the end of my foot are called toes. I have five on one foot and five on the other making a total of ten. Quit simply I don’t know why we have them, I know they help us walk and keep our balance but.” You suddenly stop as rarity brushes the tape across your foot making you tense up suddenly.

Rarity removes the tape and looks at you with concern. “Oh I’m sorry darling did I hurt you?”

You laugh at her concern. “No no don’t worry you didn’t hurt me, its just my feet are kind of ticklish and you scraped the tape across them. Just caught me by surprise that’s all. “You look up and notice Twilight and Rarity giving each other dirty grins. “Everything all right girls?” You ask with a slight chuckle. You suddenly hear a jingling sound and notice that both the girls’ horns are glowing. You look behind them and notice two feathers being levitated your way and you start to realize what exactly they where thinking about. “No don’t you dare.” You yell but before you can move the feathers begin to tickle you non stop. “Rar Rar Rarrity Twi Twilight pppleassse stoop” You state through laughter.

You lay on your back laughing flailing your arms around like crazy. Until your hand brushes up against something that might even the odds. You grab them and lift yourself back up into a sitting position. Even though the girls haven’t let up yet, you fight through the laughter and lean forward enough to get the feather under the girl’s legs. Suddenly the tickling stops and you look over and notice the girls standing there trying not to laugh as you continue to tickle there under arms with the feathers you found. Suddenly Twilight and Rarity break out into laughter as they fall down and you continue your tickling barrage to there under arms.

“Yeah it was real funny when it was me but oh how the tables have turned.” You state with a devilish smile.

“Anonnnn ppplease darliiiing stoooop this issss sssso non lllady llike.” Rarity states through her giggle fit.

“Annnoon sstop I meaaaan iit, ohhhh yooou aare ssooo goooing tooo getttt iiiitttt.” Twilight states with tears in her eyes.

Suddenly the door burst open and in runs Spike “Twili,” who immediately stops dead in his track. “Ahh what’s going on?” Spike asks noticing the girls on the ground trying to catch their breath after you stopped your tickling barrage.

“Oh hey Spike, Rarity was measuring my feet so that she could make me some new shoes. While doing that she scraped the bottom of my foot which happens to be ticklish and they decided it would be funny to start tickling me. But I managed to get a hold of my own feathers and turned the tables on the girls.” You state standing up and offering the girls a hand to help them up.

Twilight and Rarity give you an evil glair but accept your help and pull themselves off the floor. “Well uh haha, anyway Spike what’s up.” Twilight asks through dark purple cheeks.

Spike runs over to you and the girls and holds up a scroll that Twilight levitates out of his hand with her magic and begins to read. “This came for you Twilight just a little while ago. I’ve been all over Ponyville trying to find you until I remembered you said you where heading to Rarity’s.” Spike looks over to Rarity who is picking up the feathers on the floor and setting them back in there appropriate baskets. “Hi Rarity.” Spike says with a hint of bashfulness that even a kid could pick up on.

“Well well well, Spike has a crush on Rarity.” You think to yourself noticing the way he looks at her.

“Hello Spike how where you today darling. Actually I was just about to ask Twilight if you were free today, I have a couple of new designs I need help with if you don’t mind of course.” Rarity asks returning to the three of us after cleaning up the mess.

“Anon this letter is for you from the Princess.” Twilight stats handing you the letter.

You take the letter and begin reading it.

To My faithful Student Twilight Sparkle

I do hope Anon is fairing well and am troubled to hear that he has already experienced problems on his very first night in Equestria. Unfortunately I do not have the answer to whether or not it was a simple dream or something more and am unable to leave Canterlot. I would like to welcome Anon to Canterlot tomorrow so that we may discuss the issue further. I’m sure that between my sister and I we can figure out what exactly is going on. I will have a ticket prepared and ready tomorrow at the Ponyville train station for the 11:00 AM train to Canterlot for Anon. I look forward to showing Anon our fair city.

Princess Celestia

You finish reading the letter and hand it back to Twilight. “Wow so the Princess doesn’t know if it’s more serious or not. Looks like I’m going to visit Canterlot sooner than I was expecting. Well at least I will get to see Luna again.” You state scratching the back of your head.

Twilight takes the letter with her magic and places it in her saddlebag. Rarity looks to you with concern on her face. “Darling what ever is the matter?”

You look to her and give her a warm smile. “Don’t worry Rarity; I’m sure its nothing. Besides I’ve wanted to visit Canterlot since I got here, this just gives me an excuse to go.”

Rarity looks between you and Twilight. “But obviously it’s not nothing if not even the Princess’s can explain what’s going on. Twilight what’s happened to Anon?”

“Well Anon had quite the nightmare last night. I found him this morning yelling and screaming in his sleep and when I woke him up he seemed very distraught. Anon said he was fine but we both decided to send a letter to the Princess just to be safe but it seem she doesn’t know anymore than we do. But it seems that she is going to have Anon visit her in Canterlot so that she and Princess Luna can figure out if it was something more or a simple nightmare.” Twilight states turning to Rarity.

You kneel down draw the girls into a hug. “Thanks for being so concerned girls but don’t worry I’ll be ok. So Rarity did you get all the measurements you needed?” You ask releasing them.

Rarity levitates her notes over and looks them over quickly. “Yes it seems I have everything I need. I will start working on them immediately and have them to you as soon as possible.” She states beaming a smile.

You return her smile. “Thanks Rarity I really appreciate it. Don’t go all out on them please just keep them simple.”

“Think nothing of it darling, what kind of element of Generosity would I be if I didn’t help my friends when they need me. Now I’m sorry to say but I have work to do. Spike would you be a dear and aid me?” Rarity states turning towards the stairs.

Spike seemed to jump about a foot off the ground and ran after her. “Thanks again Rarity and I’ll see you later.” Twilight shouts after her as the two of you make your way to the door. Rarity turns around and simply winks at Twilight as she ascends the stairs, Spike hot on her heels.

You and Twilight exit the boutique and realize it’s already noon. “Well now, how about we go get some lunch before we continue on with the tour?” Twilight asks looking up to you.

“Yeah sure sounds good. Hey Twilight what was that about when we were leaving, Rarity just winked at you like she knew something. What’s going on?” You ask crossing your arms.

Twilight starts to walk off. “Oh nothing don’t worry about it, come on lets go get some lunch.”

“Man she’s a terrible liar.” You say to yourself as you run to catch up to her. You know something is up but choose to ignore the issue. You and Twilight head towards the center of town. Along the way you pass by multiple shops, one of them made you laugh at what they sell. “Does that place seriously only sell quills and sofas?” You ask Twilight pointing at the shop.

“Yep I though it was absurd myself but ask yourself this. What happens when you move into a new residence and you need furniture for your place? Before this shop you had to buy from out of town and have it delivered which was very expensive. So why not open the only furniture store in town and capitalize on being the only seller around?” She states in a lecture type tone.

You wrack your brain around what she just said. And she’s absolutely right. Even if it is absurd. You and Twilight continue on through town until you hear someone yelling. “Twilight, heya Twilight over here.” You hear from a distance in a southern style accent.

Twilight looks around until she sees the pony yelling for her and motions for you to follow her over to what looks like an apple cart stand. Once you reach the stand you notice a bright orange pony with a Stetson cowboy hat manning the cart. Her mane and tail are a blonde color and both have a small red ribbon tied at the end. She has bright green eyes, freckles on her cheeks and her cutie mark is three red apples. “Well howdy Twilight what brings ya’ll into town?” The southern speaking pony asks noticing the two of you.

“Hey AJ, me and Anon where just on our way to get some lunch. Wana tag along?” Twilight asks looking over the apples as a slight grumble leaves her belly.

“Nah I gota stay here and sell a few more apples before I can head home and finish preparing for tonight.” AJ then looks over towards you and eyes you up and down. “Sure is a big fella ain’t he. Anyway names Applejack but you can call me AJ for short.” AJ states extending her hoof.

You reach down and take hold of her hoof and give a firm handshake. “Nice to meet you AJ, my names Anon. You wouldn’t happen to be the Applejack Twilight told me about, the one that runs Sweet Apple Acres? Cause if so I gota say your farms apple cinnamon syrup is the best syrup I‘ve ever had hands down.” You state releasing the shake and standing back up.

“The one and only. I’m glad you liked it, its one of our specialties. But of course none of it would be possible without our apples.” AJ grabs two apples with her tail and chucks one to you and one to Twilight. “Here take a bite out of that and tell me what ya think”

You look down at the bright red apple and can see your reflection in it. “Wow that was pretty cool how she tossed those apples. Man this does look good.” You think to yourself as you take a large bite out of the apple. Your eyes immediately shoot open as the sweet crispness and taste of the apple hit you. “Oh my god, this is the best apple I’ve ever had. It’s so fresh and full of flavor.” You state taking another bite.

“Well thank you kindly, picked fresh from the tree this morning. If you think that’s good wait till you try our zap apple jam or homemade apple cider. You should come on by the farm some time, Ill whip you up some apple family traditional treats that‘ll blow you away.” AJ states with a harty grin.

You and Twilight both finish off your apples and toss the cores in a near by trash can. “Well I can’t wait, if there supposedly better than those apples. I’ll have to taste it to believe it.” Twilight walks over to AJ and the two start whispering to each other. “Hey what are you two talking about?” You ask with crossed arms.

Twilight turns around and walks back over to you. “Nothing that concerns you, don’t worry Anon. Now come on lets continue our tour. See ya later Applejack” She states walking past you.

“Uh ok, thanks again for the apple AJ I’ll see you later.” You say turning and taking off after Twilight.

“See yall later.” AJ yells back.

“So that was Applejack huh, she seems really cool.” You say as you and Twilight begin your talk.

“Yeah sorry for the whole “big fella” comment. She truly is the element of Honesty, some times a little to honest.” Twilight states looking at you with concern.

You look down to Twilight and give her a smile. “Don’t worry Twilight I don’t mind, I mean I’m only slightly taller than you guys but I’m sure it’s strange seeing someone other than Princess Celestia and Luna taller than them.”

You and Twilight continue your tour of Ponyville. You realize that the town isn’t really that big but it has everything you would need. Before long you realize it’s already 5:00 PM and the hunger staved off by the apples that AJ gave the two of you earlier has slowly been coming back. “Well that’s pretty much the whole town. But there is one more place I want to show you before we head home.” Twilight states walking ahead of you.

“Yeah sure Twilight but do you think we could go get something to eat first, I’m starving?” You ask dragging your sore feet behind Twilight. Luckily all the roads in Ponyville are very flat and have minimal rocks otherwise you would have blisters the size of pancakes by now walking on nothing but your socks all day.

“Yeah don’t worry they have food where were going, now come on the sooner we get there the sooner we can eat.” She states as the two of you continue your way out of town.

Soon the sun has set behind the mountains and only Luna’s bright moon is shining high above Equestria. You and Twilight have been walking for about 20 minutes now and you’re starting to get kind of worried since there’s nothing surrounding you but giant trees and a white fence on either side of the road. “Twilight where are we going, are we walking down someone’s driveway?” you ask.

Twilight turns to you but continue walking forward. “Don’t worry Anon were almost there.”

Soon after the trees part and you stop and look in awe and what lies before you. Down a small hill is a giant red barn with an almost equal sized farm house next to it. Behind the house are rows upon rows of giant trees stretching for miles. Above you is a sign. “Sweet Apple Acres? Hey Twilight isn’t this Applejacks place?” You say but realize she’s already down the hill and heading for the barn. “Hey Twilight wait up.” You shout after her and run down the hill trying to catch up.

Twilight disappears behind the large barn doors which are only slightly open. You don’t see any lights on inside and are starting to worry about what actually is going on. You approach the door and try to look inside but can’t see anything. “Twilight seriously this isn’t funny anymore what’s going on.” You shout but get no reply. You enter the barn and take one step forward before the door slams shut behind you and its pitch black.

Suddenly the light flick on and a loud “SURPRISE” is shouted at you. You jump back out of pure shock and almost fall down but if the sudden jump wasn’t enough to make you fall the bright pink ball slamming into you surely did. You look up and see Pinkie Pie sitting on your chest with the biggest smile on her face that almost seems creepy.

“Hi I’m Pinkie Pie, I know we kind of met earlier but I didn’t get to introduce myself because I was so surprised when I saw you and realized that I had never seen you before and if I had never seen you before then that meant that I didn’t really know who you where and if I didn’t know who you where then it meant that I hadn’t thrown you one of my welcome to Ponyville parties so that you could meet everypony in Ponyville and make lots of new friends.” She states without ever pausing or taking a break.

“Well it’s nice to meet you Pinkie Pie, I’m Anon. Now could you please get off of me?” You ask trying to reclaim the breath that was knocked out of you.

Twilight runs over to you and uses her magic to pick Pinkie off of you. “Pinkie you over did it again. Anon are you ok, I’m sorry about her.” Twilight states offering her hoof to help you up.

You finally get back on your feet and notice the other girls and spike making there way over to you. “Ahh don’t worry about it Twilight I’m ok, was more surprised than anything. What is all this anyway?”

“Why it’s your welcome to Ponyville party darling, Pinkie Pie throws one for every new resident that come to Ponyville to help them meet everypony in a fun and exciting element.” Rarity states flipping her mane.

You look around and notice there is a couple of tables filled with food and drinks lining one wall and tables and chairs along the opposite side. On the opposite side of where you and the girls are standing is a small stage lined with speakers and what looks like a turntable and equipment. “You mean to tell me this party is for me?”

Rainbow jumps into the air and starts hovering at eye level with you. “Heck yeah it is, Pinkies parties are always the best. Plus we knew you weren’t going to get to meet everypony in Ponyville today so this was the next best thing.”

“Asides I told you I was going to treat yall to some true apple family food and this was a great way for you to be able to try everything.” Applejack states tipping her Stetson hat to you.

You look around and notice all the hard work everyone’s put into this party and you can’t help but start to tear up. You sit down on the ground trying to wipe away the tears before they fall. The girls all notice and crowd around you with concerned looks on their faces. “Anon what’s the matter do you not like the party?” Pinkie Pie asks.

You look up at the girls and smile. “No it’s not that this is great and I can’t thank you all enough. It’s just no one’s ever done anything like this for me before and it’s just so surprising. I’ve only been in Equestria two days and I’ve only met all of you today and you’ve all made me feel like I’ve lived here for years. And you’ve given me a friendship that I would have never expected existed. Thank you all for accepting me even though I’m not one of you.” The girls all look to each other and back at you with warm smiles.

Suddenly you hear a large amount of hoof steps and talking as almost all of Ponyville makes there way to the barn to join in on the party. You stand back up and head over to the door and look outside to see almost 100 ponies making there way down the path. The music kicks on which sounds like techno/club style music. “Here anon this is for you” You hear from behind you and turn to see Rarity levitating a box towards you. You open it to find a pair of black slip on shoes. You look up and see Rarity smiling at you in hopes that you like them.

You take them out of the box and slip them on. “Perfect, there perfect Rarity but how it’s only been a couple of hours?”

Rarity looks at you with a determined look. “Darling I am a master at my craft and no task is too difficult when it comes to Rarity and fashion. But I can’t take all the credit, Spike was a big help and without him I would not have been able to finish them by tonight.”

You draw Rarity into a hug. “Thank you Rarity, really I appreciate all the clothes and shoes and like I said if you ever need any help at the boutique please don’t hesitate to ask.” You state releasing her.

“Think nothing of it darling, now lets not keep everypony waiting.” She states gesturing for you to follow her as more and more ponies enter the barn.

Suddenly the music dies down and Pinkie steps up on stage. “How’s everypony doing tonight?” Everypony replies with cheers and hollering. “Well I’m sure all of you know this but Ponyville has a new resident and even though he may not look like us, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t welcome him like any other pony. NOW LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!” Pinkie shouts with cheers from the crowd as the music starts to pick back up and everyone starts dancing to the beats.

After what seems like hours and way too many apple fritters later the party has died down with only you, the girls and the DJ remaining. You make your way over to the stage to introduce yourself to the DJ and notice all the equipment she has. “So howd you like the party?” She asks setting a track on the player and coming from behind the table. You notice she is all white like Rarity and has a solid black music note for a cute mark. Her mane is a mixture of lighter and darker blues along with her tail. She’s also wearing a large set of purple tinted glasses completely covering her eyes.

“The party was great and the music was awesome. I never would have expected to hear that kind of music here in Equestria but I gota say it was awesome, reminds me a lot of dubstep from my world. Names Anon by the way.” You say kneeling down and reaching out your hand.

“Nice to meet you Anon, names Vinyl Scratch but everypony knows me as DJ Pon3. And as for the music it’s kind of new in Equestria but it’s slowly getting more and more popular, especially with the night life of Equestria and since I’ve started adapting it to my own style. You say you had music like it in your world? Man I would love to hear it.”

“Well I wish I had my Ipod so I could play some for you but unfortunately I don’t think it made to Equestria with me. I had so many songs on it too that you would probably like, I love music. It‘s one of the few things where you can actually control what you hear. I used to hang out in my back lawn and just get lost in the melodies and beats but can‘t really do that anymore.” You say apologetically.

“Ahh not a big deal. You know you remind me a lot of myself, you play any instruments?” Vinyl asks swapping out the track on the table for another she had.

You chuckle at her question. “Me nah, I never had any talent for any of that. I’ve always loved the piano and have always wanted to try and learn how to play but never had anyone to help me learn in, I mean there were books but nothing beats actually sitting down with someone and having them show you.”

“Yeah same for me too, my sister was always the one with all the talent. She could pick up any instrument and learn how to play it perfectly in just a couple of days. But me I could never really get it like she could. I learned a lot over the years and with the help of my sister can play most stuff but not like she can. Anyway I gota get back to the table, it was nice meeting you Anon. Hey if you ever wana just hang out and listen to music stop by my club, its just outside of Ponyville.” She states standing up and walking back behind her table.

“All right cool I’ll swing by sometime.” You say jumping off the stage and walking back over to the girls but stop when you realize someone is missing. You look around and spot her sitting over in the corner behind the other girls. You make your way over to her and when she realizes you heading her way she seems to hide herself behind her mane. You kneel down so you’re at eye level with her. “Hey Fluttershy you ok?”

“Yes I’m fine so how did you like the party?” She asks barely above a whisper.

“It was a lot of fun; I can’t thank you and the rest of the girls enough for throwing it for me. Hey Fluttershy can I ask you a question?” You say in the calmest voice you could manage.

“Um sure I guess.” She states with concern.

“Did, did I do something wrong Fluttershy? I know we just met today and I’m sure I’m a bit of a shock but I want you to know that I would never hurt you or any pony for that matter. You don‘t have to be afraid of me, and if you don‘t want to be friends we don‘t have to be. I just wanted you to know you don‘t have to be afraid of me.” You say as you stand and turn to head back to the girls but suddenly are stopped by Fluttershy grabbing your hand.

“I’m sorry; it’s just well you see, I’m not very good at making friends and meeting new people. I do want to be friends if that’s ok with you its just I’m sorry.” She states look up at you with teary eyes.

You kneel back down. “Fluttershy its ok I don’t mind. I do want to be friends with you. I understand how hard it is to make friends; before I came to Equestria I never really had any friends. And now I’m friends with half the town. Don’t feel like you need to rush to become my friend in one day, take as much time as you need. Now you wana go see what the girls are talking about?” You ask pointing towards the girls sitting around a table a talking.

Fluttershy nods and hops down from her chair and follows you over to the table. “So girls what are we all talking about over here?” you ask taking a seat between Twilight and Rainbow.

All the girls seem to go quit all at once. “Oh you know just normal girl stuff.” Rainbow replies whistling a tune at the end of her remark.

“Uh huh, you know you all really suck at lying. Man wish you guys had alcohol here, would make this way more fun. ” You say crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair.

AJ jumps up from her seat. “Anon can you help me a sec, I need to grab somethin.”

You stand and follow her over to a cellar door; she opens the door and heads down the stairs with you close behind. Suddenly you hear a light switch flick on and the room is illuminated revealing shelves stocked with jugs of different kinds of ciders including hard cider. Your mouth drops at a site you never would have expected to see in Equestria. “So this enough alcohol for ya?” Applejack asks with a smirk.

“Wow you guys not only make regular apple cider but hard cider too, oh man I love you and your family AJ.” You state perusing the shelves.

AJ follows behind. “Yeah we make hard cider, different rums, and even hard liquor. We sell this and more during the off season when we can’t grow apples. What do you say we crack open a few bottles and have some real fun?” AJ asks winking at you.

“Don’t need to tell me twice, I gota see Twilight stumbling around.” You say grabbing a jug while AJ tosses a barrel of hard cider on her back. You both make your way back up the stairs and over to the girls.

Rainbow jumps up from her seat and flies over to you and Anon. “Hey AJ where’d you two go?”

You place your jug on the table and take the barrel from AJ. “So girls what do you say we get the real party started.” You say with a sly grin.

All the girls look at you, then each other, and back at you all dawning sly grins of there own.