Epic human child in Equestria crossover to end all human child in Equestria crossovers of epic crossover-ness

by darkmage1997

Chapter 1: Reunions and Meetings (Wizard of Oz edit)

After being swallowed up by the wormhole, Toby was stirred around and around. After some whirling, he noticed some familiar silhouettes beginning to form. Could it be, them? Toby thought to himself focusing on the familiar silhouettes. The silhouettes noticed Toby too, as well as some unfamiliar silhouettes. After awhile, the silhouettes began to materialize, and Toby looked and smiled to see eight familiar faces, and some unfamiliar faces as well. When the unfamiliar faces all met, Joshua and Nyx were surprised to see more human children. After some swirling, it finally stopped, much to everyone's relief, but then they soon realized they weren't standing on anything. After realizing they weren't standing on anything, they began to fall and scream in terror. Vibrant shot off like a rocket to save her friends, and the others that were in danger.

"Humph, typical," Hex grunted to himself before teleporting away.

Back to the humans and ponies, they were all screaming like crazy. "HANG ON EVERYPONY! I'LL SAVE YOU!" Vibrant called trying to reach the group. She was able to save Serenity, Melody, Toby, Bolt and Season, but the others were still falling. "There's no way I can save them in time!" Vibrant said trying to reach the others. But as they were about to land, they were all caught in a lavender magic aura. They all turned to see Twilight and all the other parents all galloping to try and save their children.

"Thanks Twilight, I thought we were gonna die!" Nyx said breathing a sigh of relief with the others nodding agreement.

"Here you guys go," Vibrant said letting the children she caught down on the ground.

"Hey Joshua, Nyx, Trinity, Charity, Serenity, Lucky, Vibrant and Season, long time no see!" Toby said seeing his little sister and cousins, as well as his first human friend and his sister.

"Hey Toby! It's been a while," Joshua said giving his friend a smile.

"It's nice to see you again, big brother!" Serenity said trotting up and nuzzling him under his chin.

"Hey Serenity, it's nice to see you and your friends again!" Toby said patting his sister on her head.

Nyx looked around to see the other children, but the whole world stopped around her when she set her eyes on another human boy. He had blonde hair, and blue eyes, with a blue outfit. She felt her heart beat faster and faster, Is this love I'm feeling? she asked with a blush. The boy noticed Nyx staring at him, and he felt a bit nervous about her eyes, since he never saw a pony with reptilian eyes before. Nyx's heart did the cha-cha when she saw him looking back at her. Yep, it's love. she concluded.

"CONNER! CHARITY!" they all heard the voice of Rarity who was relieved that her son and daughter were alright.

"MUM!" Charity exclaimed running up to her mother.

"MOMMY!" Conner said tackle hugging his mother.

"Wait, did you just call my mum mommy?" Charity asked looking at the human she deducted as Conner.

"Yeah, but you called my mommy mum," Conner said looking at the filly in front of him.

"VIBRANT! ECHO! Thank Celestia you two are safe!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed happily flying to hug her son and daughter.

"Mom! Not in front of my friends!" Vibrant complained with embarrassment, but soon gave in and hugged her mom back.

"I'm so glad to hug you again mommy!" Echo said hugging his mommy. Then, Vibrant and Echo both looked at each other curiously. "Wait, so my mommy is your mommy too?" Echo asked the royal blue Pegasus filly.

"Yeah, I guess so," Vibrant replied with no way to explain the situation.

"Season, Mike and Bolt! You're all ok!" Applejack exclaimed running up to her children.

"Mom! Y'all are embarrassing me!" Season playfully complained hugging her mom back.

"It's good to be back to you mommy!" Mike exclaimed happy to see his mother again.

"Wait, so you two are my mommy's son and daughter too?" Bolt asked looking at the two.

"Uhh," was all the two can say.

"MELODY! CLOVER! LUCKY JOY! BLUEBERRY MUFFIN!" Pinkie said hopping in front of her children.

"MOMMY!" Melody, Clover and Lucky Joy exclaimed hugging their mother.

"AUNTIE PINKIE!" Blueberry Muffin said hugging her aunt. And like with the others, Melody and Lucky looked at each other curiously.

"Did you call my mommy you're mommy too?" Melody asked smiling curiously at the pink filly in front of her.

"I did, and you two called my mommy you're mommy too!" Lucky said with a squee.

"And Auntie Pinkie is my mommy's sister!" Blueberry Muffin said with a soft smile.

"Oh, thank goodness you're alright Toby and Serenity!" Fluttershy was almost in tears when she galloped to hug her children.

"We're ok Momma, a little bit shaken up, but we're ok!" Toby reassured his momma.

"Yes Mommy, Toby's right," Serenity said, backing up Toby's reassurance.

"TIMMY! DRAKE! MOMMY'S HERE!" then they all heard Princess Luna's royal Canterlot voice, and looked up to see the royal pony sisters along with Cadence and Shining Armor running up to their children, not even noticing the guards were out of breath. "OH, that must've been so scary for you my precious angels!" Luna said scooping up her sons in her forelegs.

"It was mommy! But I tried to be brave!" Timmy said almost on the brink of tears.

"Me too mommy! Wait, is my and your mommy the same pony?" Drake asked quirking an eyebrow at the other human in his mothers grasp.

"I guess so, wait, doesn't that make us brothers?" Timmy replied as he looked at Drake.

"That's a good question," the ponies all turn to Twilight with a look as if she knows what's going on. "The last thing I remember was seeing my children, *motions to Nyx, Josh, Cory, Kelly, Trinity, and Crystal* being sucked into a wormhole, and the strangest thing, is that they were all sucked up from different locations." she explained which got the attention of everyone there.

"But what dos that mean, Auntie Twilight?" Nathan asked wanting to know more.

"Why don't we all follow the chaotically colored path and see the Discord? He might be able to shed some light on the subject," she asked. And with a wave of nods, the skipped along the path singing, "We're off to see the Discord, the incredibly chaotic Discord!" and after awhile, they found themselves at Discords castle. With a kind knock, the doors opened to reveal Discord, who was very surprised to see the large group.

"Why hello everyone! What brings you all to my humble abode?" he asked curiously.

"We were wondering if you could answer why our kids were all pulled into that giant wormhole," Celestia explained.

"Oh, so that wasn't a storm?" he asked incredulously. They all shook their heads. "Alright, I believe I can answer your question, but first, come in and make yourselves comfortable." he said standing aside allowing the ponies to come in. After taking seats in his living room, Discord began to explain, "Well, that wormhole was the result of a powerful magic magnetic pull, which activated when whoever adopted a child last," Discord explained.

"Ah get it now! So whoever was the last one to be adopted," Nathan started.

"Then the magic we were all exposed to magnetized," Chris continued.

"And then we were all pulled our own Equestrias together by magic magnetism!" concluded Kelly. Discord nodded.

"Well, then, if it's ok with all of you, I think introductions are in order. My name is Toby Mason," Toby introduced himself with a smile and then looked at the green filly who was hiding in her long pink mane, "And this little filly, is my baby sister, Serenity Meadow, she can be a tad shy, but she's the sweetest filly there is!" Toby said looking at his little sister who was blushing at all the compliments he made of her. Everyone d'awwed at the sight.

"My name's Conner," Conner said with a smile while still in the embrace of his mother.

"And I am Crystal Charity, but you can call me Charity," Charity said with a smile.

"They call me Echo Dash," Echo said while being held by his mother.

"And I'm Vibrant Sky, the fastest filly there is," Vibrant said with a smug smirk.

"My name is Michael, but you can call me Mike," Mike said looking more comfortable being around the others.

"Howdy everyone, mah name is Season Harvest," Season said looking around at the others.

"And my name is Bolt, it's nice to meet you all," Bolt said shyly.

"My name is Melody Smith!" Melody said happily.

"I'm Clover Harver!" Clover said with a happy smile.

"And I'm Lucky Joy!" Lucky said with a beaming smile.

"And I'm known as Blueberry Muffin!" Blueberry said with a smile.

"Prince Christopher Sol, but you can call me Chris," Chris said with a bow.

"Ah'm Nathan, and this is mah little sister, Skyla," Nathan introducing himself, and Skyla, who just babbled and sucked on her hoof.

"My name is Timmy," Timmy said still in a hug like grasp of his mother.

"And my name is Drake," Drake said with a smile.

"My name is Capri-Core, or you can call me by the name I'm used to, Cory," Cory said looking at the other children.

"My name is Nyx," Nyx said with a smile, and she shot a wink at Conner. When Rarity saw this, she caught onto what Nyx was trying to do and gave her a blushing smile.

"My name is Joshua, but you can call me Josh," Josh said with a soft smile.

"I'm Kelly Sombermyer," Kelly said with a smile.

"I'm Crystal! Nice to meet you!" Crystal said with a giggle.

"My name is Trinity Star," Trinity said with a grin.

After all introductions were made, Conner carefully turned towards Nyx, "Um Nyx? If it's ok with you, could you tell us why your eyes are the way they are?" he asked in a small yet polite tone. Nyx's face made an atomic explosion style blush when she heard Conner talking to her.

"OK! But I must warn you, it's a long story," Nyx said before telling her tale.