Epic human child in Equestria crossover to end all human child in Equestria crossovers of epic crossover-ness

by darkmage1997

Prolouge: The wormhole opens (edited)

It was another peaceful day in Equestria in the life of young Toby Mason, a young lad whose birth mother was killed in a deliberate car accident committed by the heartless actions caused by his cruel father, who abused him in so many awful ways, like yelling at him, hitting him, calling him hurtful things, and worst of all, he blamed his own son for his wife's death. After a year of abuse, Toby prayed to the stars for a new home and family who would never be mean to him. And little did he know, that his wish came true a few days after his momma, Fluttershy, found him. Along with her friends, Fluttershy helped remind Toby what it was like to be loved. Not long after he was adopted, his father was brought to Equestria for Toby to learn that he was behind his mothers death the whole time. Toby, being the caring young boy he is, forgave his father and had him sent home. And on his first Hearts and Hooves Day, he found a fillyfriend in Silver Spoon. Ever since, he was as happy of a boy as they come.

Today, he was hanging out with his Momma, his aunties, and his big sisters, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and they were all enjoying a picnic in the park.

"HEY! What's that up there?" Sweetie Belle asked pointing a hoof in the air towards a dark blue wormhole that began to form out of nowhere.

"I don't know, but what ever it is, it can't be good," Twilight simply replied. But then she noticed that it had no effect of anything, except for three people, one of them being the only person, Toby, Sunset Shimmer, and Chrysalis.

"Look! Toby, Sunset, and Chrysalis are being sucked in!" Scootaloo said racing to try and save her little brother, his other big sister, and friend, who were know scared of being dragged in. When she got close enough to them, some invisible force knocked her away.

"MOMMA! SOMEPONY! HELP ME!" he screamed as they were being sucked into the wormhole, which oddly, was beginning to swirl, as if something was drawing something toward it.

Meanwhile, in Past Sins verse,

"Joshua! Nyx! Breakfast!" Twilight called to her children.

"Good Morning Mommy!" Joshua said walking into a kitchen with his big sister, Nyx.

"Morning Twilight!" she said to their mother.

"And how did you two sleep?" Cadence asked. The sparkle family were visiting Cadence, Shining Armor, and Guard Armor during a fabulous spring break day.

"Pretty good Auntie Cadence!" Nyx said with a smile.

"Yep, so what in EQUESTRIA IS THAT?!" Joshua exclaimed pointing to an Equestria sized wormhole that was forming outside. Just as everyone looked towards the window, Joshua, Nyx, and Guard were all being sucked into the enormous wormhole that was beginning to make a swirling motion.

"JOSHUA! NYX!" Twilight screamed as she tried to run up and save them, only to be blown away by strong invisible force. Cadence and Shining Armor tried to save Guard, but they too were blown away.

"MOMMY!" called the three children being sucked into the wormhole and being spun around as if the wormhole was mixing something.

Meanwhile in mommy Rarity's Equestria (or Connerverse)

While having breakfast with his mommy unicorn, Rarity, Conner noticed an intimidatingly large wormhole, and he was also sucked in, and when Rarity tried to save him, but was blown away by a force. "SAVE ME! MOMMY!" Conner screamed trying to reach for his mother, but to no avail and was sucked up.

Meanwhile, over at Sweet Apple Acres, in another Equestria,

The Apple family, Babs' included were trying to save the human child known as Mike, who was being sucked up by a wormhole, but to no avail. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" Mike yelled reaching out to the Apples.

Meanwhile in another Equestria, in Canterlot Castle,

Prince Christopher Sol, was enjoying a peaceful lunch with his mother, Princess Celestia, before being sucked away by the wormhole. "MOOOOOM! HELP ME!" he screamed as he was reaching for his mother, who was trying to get to him, but was blown back by a mysterious force.

Meanwhile, still in Canterlot in another Equestria,

"TIMMY!" Luna screamed trying to reach her son who was scared to death of the wormhole that was forming just above the castle.

"HELP ME MOMMY!" he called with tears in his eyes before becoming completely engulfed by the wormhole.

Meanwhile, in another Crystal Empire,

"NATHAN! HOLD ON TO SKYLA AND WE'LL SAVE BOTH OF YOU!" Cadence called to his son who was holding a crying alicorn filly.

"AH'M TRYING! BUT THAT THING IS SUCKING US IN TOO FAST!" Nathan screamed in terror with Skyla crying with fear. And pretty soon, they were swallowed up.

Meanwhile (how many more times to I have to keep saying that?), in the Rainbow Kingdom of friendship,

"HOLD ON CRYSTAL! MOMMY'S COMING!" Twilight called trying but failing to hold onto her daughter.

"HURRY MOMMY!" Crystal called to her, but it was far too late, Crystal had been sucked up by the wormhole.

Meanwhile at the Golden Oaks Library,

"MOMMY! WHAT IS THAT?!" called a terrified Kelly who was desperately trying to keep her grip on the side of the library.

"I DON'T KNOW! BUT KEEP HOLDING ON!" Twilight yelled trying to reassure her.

"Oh no! MOOOOMMY!" Kelly called losing her grip and being sucked in.

"KELLY!" Twilight screamed with agony.

Meanwhile, in yet another Equestria,

"HANG ON YOU TWO! I'M GONNA GET YOU!" Rainbow Dash called trying to reach her son and niece.

"HURRY MOMMY!" Echo said scared out of his wits.

"WE DON'T WANT TO BE GOBBLED UP BY THAT WORMHOLE!" Blueberry Muffin added, also scared.

"ALMOST THERE!" Rainbow Dash said before being blown away.

"NOOO! MOMMY!" Echo screamed in fear.

Meanwhile, above the Ponyville Park,

"WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TRINITY?!" Serenity said absolutely terrified of the wormhole that was sucking her and her fellow beings of harmony friends.

"I DON'T KNOW!" called Trinity also scared. Just then, they all heard somepony screaming.

"LOOK OUT!" called an alicorn bat pony barreling past them.

"WAS THAT..?" Charity started.

"LORD HEX?!" said a dumbfounded Vibrant Sky.


"I HAVEN'T THE SLIGHTEST IDEA! BUT I THINK WE'RE ABOUT TO FIND OUT SOON!" Trinity screamed pointing into the direction of the center of the wormhole.


"MOOOM!" called a terrified Cory, wanting nothing to do with the wormhole. His entire family tried to keep him from getting sucked up. But as soon as they got close enough, they were all blown away. "NOOOO! MOOOM!" screamed Cory before being sucked up.

Meanwhile, in another Sweet Apple Acres,

"MOOOOMA! HELP ME!" Bolt screamed to his mother, Applejack, who was also scared of Bolt being sucked in. When Applejack was close enough, she was sent flying.

"MOOOMA!" Bolt screamed before being sucked up by the wormhole.

Meanwhile (finally), en route to the Castle of Friendship,

"Pinkie, what happened?!" Twilight asked her sorrow filled friend.

"THAT HAPPENED!" she said pointing into the sky, "That wormhole stole my sweet princesses of cupcakes!" she said before curling up into a ball and started to cry.

Rainbow Dash looked up at the wormhole, "Wait! I see Melody and Clover! They're still alive! And it's spinning them around like a tornado would spin something inside it around!" she said giving reassurance to her party friend.

Pinkie had to look up and then she saw more humans, and some fillies and a colt and an alicorn bat pony all joining them. "What in Equestria is going on?" Pinkie asked more confused than ever. Just then, the portal closed, and all of the ponies and humans, except for the bat pony began to fall.