//------------------------------// // Part V: Ich verstehe das nicht... // Story: Falling into a New World // by P0nies //------------------------------// A/N: This may be a little weird, but its the way I like to write, and the next chapter should suit more of you. I woke up later that same day on a soft couch surrounded by little woodland creatures and their homes. The curtains had been slid shut, to prevent any light from entering the room. I had assumed that hitting my head on a mailbox wouldn't be that bad, but my skull was throbbing to the point where I could hear it. I heard voices yelling through the closed door on the other side. “Discord?! How could it be DISCORD! We put him back into his stone prison! You remember, don't you?” an agitated and confused voice was talking rather loudly, and somewhat resembled Twilight. “Well... I don't kn-know... I just thought that I... I should let you know... Be-Because he said Discord... Please stop yelling too, if you don't mind. I don't like yelling,” a small voiced pony had said, most likely being Fluttershy. “I'm sorry Fluttershy,” Twilight said, “But it just can't be him! How could Sky even know of discord? We put him away long before he even arrived here... But what if he is...” I tried to rollover to be able to hear more of the conversation, but the edge of the couch was closer than I had expected and I fell into the coffee table. I knocked over a glass making it fall to the ground and shatter. Both Fluttershy and Twilight come into the living room, the sunshine from the kitchen almost blinding me. Fluttershy and Twilight lift me back up onto the couch before Twilight starts to ask questions, as she usually does. “So, as Fluttershy was telling me, you said 'Discord' right before you blacked out. Do you care to explain?” Twilight asked in an irritated tone. “Its not very simple Twi,” I said, “It wasn't like I actually saw Discord... I heard his voice, I just heard his voice in somepony's body...” “You gonna tell us who's body he had apparently took over?” She asked. “You. His voice was in your body.” She turned to the side, the gears in her head obviously turning, trying to process whathse had just heard. “But... MY body? It doesn't make any sense to me Sky... But it was just probably a dream, and that is all it was. You just need some rest, OK?” I nodded my head at her to show her that I understood what she was saying. But in my heart, I knew that it was something more than just a dream. The 'dream' had cost me a lot of energy, just increasing how tired I was in the first place. I wanted to say it was more than a dream, but Fluttershy had already started to wrap me in another blanket she had grabbed from her linen closet. “Shhh...” Fluttershy said, “Just go to sleep... that is if you want to follow what Twilight said.” I looked into her caring eyes and her calming smile, lulling my body to sleep. And that's exactly what I did. I slept. )()()()()()( By the next morning, I was feeling much better and was on my feet once again. It was about 10 AM by the time I left Fluttershy's place, and she had taken great care of me. I had seen and heard that she works magic when someone is injured or needs help, but she had truly done more, and been there when I needed it. “Anything for a friend,” she had told me when I had thanked her for the stay and the care. She called me her friend, and what she probably didn’t realize was how much that meant to me. I had actually made more friends in a world that was new, rather than a world that I once had known as reality. This was now my reality, and I had comfort in that thought. I started on my way back into Ponyville, thinking about the 'dream' of the previous day. Twilight may have been right that it was just a dream, but I felt something else. I felt something stirring inside of me, almost like something had taken over my dream and made it what they had wanted it to be. It had to be Discord, I thought, but Twilight is one of the smartest unicorns in Equestria... I should just listen to her. My mind screamed at me to find the truth in the situation, my gut had told me that it was more than just a dream. Mind over body, I pushed these feelings aside. Over the next few hours, I just walked around Ponyville with no purpose in my step. I couldn't help but feel something was off in town, something just didn't seem right. It just wasn't right. These feelings were something new, like I knew something was happening, but I didn't think that would be possible. I shook my head to rid of these plaguing thoughts, and started towards Twilight's home. After all, she had told me to come back tomorrow yesterday, so I was adamant on visiting her. Hopefully today was going to be on better grounds to talk compared to the previous day. I arrive at Twilight's home, butterflies in my stomach as I raise my hoof to the door and knock. A little purple dragon answers the door, “Hi! Can I help you?” “Yeah, I'm Sky Hope and I'm here to see Twilight. Is she here?” I ask. “Yeah she is, I'll go get her.” Spike closes the door, and I hear his little feet patter away as he yells for Twilight to come to the door. Crashing comes from inside the library, Twilight appearing with a grin on her face as she opens the door. “Oh, Hi Sky,” she says, “what brings you here today?” “I wanted to know if you still had that job open for work here?” I said. “Actually, yeah I do!” she said, “Come on in, I'll show you around.” She steps aside, and I follow her into the central part of the library. “Well this a pretty nice place,” I say, “so what are you going to need me to do while I'm working here?” “Since you are new working here, I'm going to give you the task of cleaning up and putting all the books back where they are supposed to be, in alphabetical order and by book type.” Spike audibly mouthed “Yes!” because I was taking over the harder part of his job. “Yeah, I would love to do that, but I don't really know anything about where the books are supposed to go.” “That's alright!” she said, with a smile on her face, “I'll show you where all the different types of books will have to go tomorrow. Sound good?” “Sounds good,” I said with a smile of appreciation on my face. “And in the meantime, a certain purple dragon should be down here putting books away, right Spike?” she said to him, a moan coming from Spike, having thought that his work for the day had been alleviated. “I'll see you tomorrow the-” Spike had suddenly burped a small green flame, a letter sealed by Princess Celestia materializing after the flame dissipated. Spike reached out and caught the letter before it could hit the floor, tearing the seal and opening the letter. Spike opened his mouth to start and read the letter, but you could tell that something was wrong by the look on his face. “Spike?” Twilight asked, “What is it?” “You might want to look at this Twi,” he said, “I don't understand what it says. But I do know it is from the Princess.” Twilight walked over to where spike was to examine the letter that had been sent to her. Her mouth dropped and she was unsure of what she was looking at. It looked like Equestrian, but the letters had been jumbled up in a way she couldn't read them. “I'm sorry to make you leave on such short notice, but I need to figure out what this letter says, it MUST be important since it is from the Princess,” Twilight explained as she started rummaging through the books looking for something. “Just be here early tomorrow, and I'll get you situated.” “Alright,” I said as I thought that it was just another day where I had failed to make much of any interaction with her. I walked out the door, trying to keep my hopes up for the next day. I walked for about a block to see the condition of the house I felt was 'home' for me. I really wanted to live there, it just felt like it was where I was supposed to be. Or not. As soon as I rounded the corner to view my future home, I saw a carriage full of furniture and other household accessories sitting just in front of the home. There was a man I had seen earlier, one of the richer Canterlot ponies, and he was with the realtor signing the contract, and handed her a bag of bits before starting to unload the carriage with his moving ponies. This was sad for me, one of the homes that I thought could be mine, wasn't mine. It was now some rich, Canterlot fancy pants ponies home. It was tragic for me, but then I saw a pink pony zip past me, turn around, and come back in front of me. “SKY!” Pinkie shouted. “Lets go! Its PARTAAAAY time!” she said with extreme enthusiasm. “Its already 5?” I asked her, unsure of what time it actually was. My sense of time here was off, so I wasn't ever really sure what time it was. “DUH! Now lets go! I made fresh cake and punch and gummy is there and everypony that could make it is there its going to be SO MUCH FUN!” she said before zipping back to Sugarcube corner. I started there at a light gallop, excited for what may be in store at the party. Lets just hope its better than everything else that's been happening lately, I thought to myself. Hopefully I don't get knocked out again. )()()()()()( “What do you mean you can't understand me?!” Celestia yelled at her royal guard. “I can understand you perfectly, I don't understand why you can't understand me!” “Princess, I don’t know the language that you are speaking. Its foreign to this land, and its just something I've never heard on my travels, Princess,” the royal guard said respectfully to Celestia. “This doesn't make any sense to me...” she said, pacing around the room, the guard still unable to understand her. She was able to still say names as those weren't affected by whatever she was unknowingly speaking. “Luna... Get me Luna...” she said. “I heard Luna, and I will go and get Luna. That I what you wanted Princess, correct?” The guard asked. Celestia nodded her head towards the guard, and he ran out of the room to go and fetch the other princess. “Celestia! What is the issue? Your guard told me that you needed me right away,” Luna said to her sister. “Luna,” Celestia said, “These ponies cannot understand what I am saying, I am unable to speak anything but this foreign language. Are you able to understand me, Sister?” She turned her head towards Luna, a seldom seen emotion of deep worry and fear. Luna looked towards her sister, the same worry in Celestia's eyes resonating in her own. “I'll find a way to help you sister... Do not worry,” Luna said in a calming tone, hoping to ease her sisters worries. Luna started out the door, her body tense, and her eyes deep with the worry of what would happen with her sister. She knew if anyone could help, it would be the bearer's of The Elements of Harmony. Ponyville was where she needed to go, and she turned her head and gave her sister a sincere smile before she ran out the door. “Danke,” Celestia replied as Luna ran out the door to find some way to help her sister. “Mach's gut, Schwester.”