Harmony in Azeroth

by Lunarmon

Chapter 2 – New Friends and the Story Begins

Chapter 2 – New Friends and the Story Begins

“Twi…Twilight Sparkle?!” Celestia said as the other ponies either removed or opened their helmets revealing the other wielders of harmony.

Twilight smiled at Celestia. “It’s good to be back again and see you all, we have all missed you.”

“Twily… what happened to you.” Shining Armor asked as he and Cadance walked up to her.

“That, BBBFF, is a very long story of adventure, wonders, conflicts, wars, horrors and destruction,” Twilight looked across the ponies gather, “and not all of it was nice.”

“But much of it was AEWSOME!” Rainbow Dash said as she hover beside her friends, “Like when Fluttershy talked off a giant Dragon not once but twice, or when Twilight tricked fear itself, or how about the time Pinkie got a Forsaken outpost to help in a fight against the Scourge, man I’ve never seen a Forsaken as surprised as they were when Pinkie threw them a party, in Forsaken style. It was almost as awesome as when Pinkie first met the Banshee Queen.”

“Yeah that was tons of fun, we played dodge for hours and I got her laughing.” Pinkie Pie said as she bunched around. The ponies around just looked confused as Twilight facehoofed.

“Sounds like you have quite the tale to tell.” Celestia said after a few moments.

“Yes very much and it’ll likely take a long time.”

“Well I guess if you start from the begin and go from there we would get through it eventually… What the?” as Shining exclamation every pony turned their eyes to the gate and saw that another shadow had appeared a few moments later it passed through and many took a step back as a black hoof with blue ghost-like flames around it passed through followed by a pony in black and scary armor, his eyes glowing with a blue light inside his plate helmet and across his back was a long heavy two-hoofed great sword that made chills go down the backs of the Royal Guards, they greatly doubted their ability to fight this vision of horror from the beyond.

“Hello, Twilight.” His voice echoed from beyond making chills go down the back of all present as the Guards prepared to fight but then they fell down in shock when Twilight lifted the great sword from the pony’s back with her magic grip and smashed it down on his head and all he said was, “glad to see me? Oh and ouch.”

“Dalthrean Mordrin, I told you to stay on the other side until one of us came back and said it was safe.” Twilight had turned and began to berated the nightmarish stallion while he only took back his sword from her magic and placed it on his back.

“You should be used to me not following you orders outside of battle by now, Twilight, besides my oath supersede your order, I’m not going to let you walk through some portal or gate without me there to fight if you get in trouble, honestly after seven years you should know at least that much, I’ll never breaks my oath and you should know that better than anyone,” with that said and one last look at Twilight, he walked forward until he stood in front of Shining Armor, “so you’re Twilight big brother, I see why she looks up to you,” despite the scary black pony in front of him Shining held his ground and Dalthrean smiled within his helmet, “you’re as cool as she said, we should spare sometime need to put this body to the test anyway to find out how to really fight in it,” he then looked beside Shining at Cadance, “and you must be Cadance, a pleasure meeting you.” He said with a bow.

“I guess his story is mixed up with yours, Twilight.” Celestia said as everypony calmed down.

“Yes and almost from the start and it goes downhill from there, but let me start from the beginning. It all started with darkness.”

There was nothing but darkness around them as they fell through the tunnel; no feeling, no sound and no sense of time. Twilight had no idea how long they fell before she felt it, it felt like something was pushing them in different directions.

They tried to scream and to reach out for one another but there was nothing they could do and they soon lost sight of each other as they suddenly seemed to fall faster towards a bright light Twilight, with Spike clinging to her, closed her eye and screamed just before she reached the light and suddenly she could feel a cold wind and hear her own screams but she still had the feeling of falling opening her eye she saw a great city rapidly approaching. “ARHHH!” she screamed again and closed here eye as she was sure she was going to die when her wings instinctively open and she entered a gentle glide for a few moments before she flapped her wings to stay airborne as she flew through the sky over the city below her.

“Whew, glad you had your wings, Twilight, or we would have been in trouble…where are we?” Spike asked as he looked around from Twilight’s back.

“Don’t know, Spike, I don’t recognize this area from any of my studies…and is that city floating?” She asked as she looked closer and realized that the city was far above the ground with nothing but air beneath it.

“It seems so, wonder ho… Twilight, someone is coming!” at Spike’s outburst Twilight looked up and saw a Griffon with a figure in heavy plate armor on its back flying swiftly towards them. Twilight immediately prepared some defensive spells, in case she needed them as the griffon grew closer.

“Who are you, be warned I’m ready to protect myself!” Twilight said as the griffon came close and stopped to hover a little way from her.

“My name is Dalthrean Mordrin, and you have my word I mean you no harm if you do not intent harm.” Twilight looked at the strange creature sitting on the Griffon’s back.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is my assistant Spike and no we do not mean harm to anyone here…where ever here is. Excuse me for asking but what are you? I’ve never seen anything like you and can you tell us where exactly we are?” Twilight asked as she minimized the magic in her horn, but didn’t drop her spells yet.

“You are above Dalaran the city of the mages of Kirin Tor and I’m a human, but how about we land before continuing as I’m sure some of the mages would like to meet you too, and it would be a lot more comfortable than out here in the cold wind.” Dalthrean said as he saw Twilight about to ask a mountain of questions. For a moment Twilight looked uncertain as she saw many figures gathering below, seeing her uncertainty Dalthrean placed his right hand over his heart. “I promise that you and you friend will be safe and I’ll protect you, Twilight, and I never break a promise.” Hearing the true in his words Twilight nodded and together they made their way to the streets of Dalaran and the mage and guards that awaited.

As they landed a male, as far as Twilight could tell, human with red hair, and beside him was a human looking being but with long pointy ears, silver/white hair and slightly glowing blue eyes.

“Rhonin,” Dalthrean Said to the man with a salute after he got off his griffon, “may I introduce Miss Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike.” Rhonin and the female just looked at them for a few moments before a smile graced Rhonin’s face.

“Welcome to Dalaran, Miss Twilight Sparkle, and I must say it was quite the entrance.” Twilight smiled at him.

“I guess so although I have no idea how it happened, the experiment I was conducting together with my friends shouldn’t have caused what it did.” Rhonin and others of the mages around looked interested at her.

“What happen, Miss Sparkle.” Rhonin said with a frown on his face.

“Just call me Twilight, Mr. Rhonin, as for what I was doing was examination the effect of harmonic resonance from the Tree of Harmony and what exactly The ‘Harmonic Power’ is and what it’s limits were but for some reason it opened a black gate that sucked us in and as we fell through it we was separated just before we reached this side.”

Rhonin looked at her for a moment in thought. “What is this ‘Harmonic Power’ you talked about?”

“It’s a bit of a long story but I’ll try and make it short, I’m sure we can discuss it more in-depth at a later time.” Twilight said before clearing her throat. “Original me and my friends were the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, the most powerful magical artifacts of my world, because we each represented one of the aspects of the Elements of Harmony but sometime ago something happened and we had to return the Elements to the Tree of Harmony to save our land from dark roots, planted by Discord, the Spirit of Chose and Disharmony, long ago, after which the tree created a box with six keyholes. We had no idea how to open it or where the keys could be so we continued our life while I studied and examined it but it wasn’t until Tirek revealed himself and attacked to steal all magic that we found that my friends had all been given their keys and after Tirek had gotten all the magic, even Discord’s chaos magic, Discord gave me what became the last key as a sign of his friendship when the box was open me and my friends were infused with the Power of Harmony and we defeated and chained Tirek back in Tartarus and returned everyponies magic.”

Rhonin and all others just looked at her. “I see, so what are you going to do now?” Rhonin asked.

“Go look for my friends. I have to find them.” Twilight said but Dalthrean shook his head.

“Not a good idea, Miss Sparkle, this world is dangerous and I’m not sure you are ready to face that danger,” Twilight was about to say something when he lifted his hand, “rather I will suggest that you stay here and study under the mages of the Kirin Tor while I go looking for your friends, I’m sure they will spark some rumors for me to follow and I also has some contacts who may know something,” he looked at Rhonin “What do you think, Arch Mage Rhonin?” he asked and after a few moments Rhonin nodded.

“That sound logical and I must admit I am interested in seeing how well she does, what do you say Twilight Sparkle?” Twilight looked deep in thought for a moment before sighing.

“It does sound logic and I would like to study the magic here, so I guess I’ll agree.” Twilight said and looked at Dalthrean. “Just find my friends, please.”

“I will, Miss Sparkle, I promise you that I will find them for you. I’ll make my preparations and begin tomorrow.” He gave a salute before going away and Twilight and Spike was led away by female mage with pointy ears to begin her studies of magic, Azeroth and the races that resided there.

“And with that my studies and training began in Dalaran, while Dalthrean went out the next day to try and find my friends and he actually send me a message the next they that he had found the location of maybe two of them and had left a letter for one of them with a friend who would be helping with her training when she got there a few weeks later.” Twilight smile at the ponies gathered around. “Over the next half year or so my training continued, and I met some of my friends and DAlthrean returned to Dalaran ever now and then, until a great evil made his move but that’s for later. I think my friends should tell their stories too.” She said making more than a few ponies groan at her stopping just when it was getting interesting.

“Well guess I have to tell you the story of just how awesome I am.” Rainbow Dash said with a confident smile on her lips.

Too be continued