//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Two Wings of a Feather // by Blueninetails //------------------------------// "Alright Roller, that should fix that loose wheel." Scootaloo stated to her student as she gave the young colt back his skates, "Just so you know though, I do discourage the idea of trying to pull any tricks while jumping over Horsetail Lake. Even if you are a pegasus." "But why? It's such a great place to practice long jumps. If I mess up, I'll just land in the water." "It is, I know, but there is something in that water that's big, has tentacles, and won't hesitate to think of you as dinner. Believe me, I should know. I've met it once." she remarked with a smirk The young colt just gave a nervous grin at the thought. "All the other lakes should be fine though." she stated as she turned to leave, "Also, it might be good if you check for rocks, otherwise you could get hurt, or you'll be using up a lot of bits buying new wheels for your skates." she added with a bit of a grin before starting to walk away "Okay, thanks Miss Scootaloo. Are we still having flight class in an hour?" Scootaloo stopped and turned her head to look at him again, "No...I don't think I'll be able to teach today. Just not feeling it." "But why...?" Scootaloo just remained quiet and looked away. Roller trotted up to her and asked, "Is it about your flying skills again? You know the class doesn't actually care that you can't fly as good as other pegasi." "Well, I do!" she yelled at him way too loudly then needed, angry since he pretty much hit the nail on the head, earning a very, very frightened look from the young colt. As soon as she noticed though, she calmed herself down, and said, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. I guess I'm just frustrated that I can't fly as well as any other pegasi. I don't think you'd be able to understand to be my age and seeing my own students fly better than I ever could when I was that young." "You're not THAT old." he stated, "The class doesn't really care that you're not the best flier in Ponyville, we still like you either way." "And why is that?" "Because you're the bestest and coolest teacher ever!" Scoot couldn't resist giving a smile at the statement, "Well...I am pretty good, just don't tell that to Cheerilee, cause she's an even more awesome teacher." "I won't." he replied, and made a gesture saying that his lips are sealed, "And...it's kinda like what you said your flight mentor, Rainbow Dash, use to say: 'You just need the basics, after that you can come up with cool tricks and make it even cooler to fly'." She just gave a light chuckle, "Yeah, it is. Okay, I have to get going now, I'm already late on visiting my friend." and flew up into the air, "Later skater!" and with that she was gone. Despite the small pep-talk she got from her student, she still felt rather down about the whole matter. Either way she still had to get to her friend, Applebloom's, home. Quickly checking to make sure her saddlebag was secure, she didn't need it's contents spilling everywhere while she was flying, and took to the air. The flight didn't take long, and she was soon flying circles around the structure, slowly descending in a spiral. Applebloom noticed her friend flying circles above her head and stopped what she was doing, which was planting a new tree in the front yard, just to greet her. "Hey Scootaloo." "Hey Applebloom, thanks for having me over. It's been a while since I've been able to just hang out with friends." "Ah'd say so." "So, whatcha doing? Doing a little gardening?" "Ah suppose ya'll could say that." she replied, "Ah'm plantin' an apple tree. Applejack said so it's somethin' ah have ta remind me of home." "But Sweet Apple Acres is like....10 minutes away from here." "Ah know, but it is nice since ah'm not livin' there anymore. Plus, Ah think Spike would like it. He's taken a fancy ta havin' fresh apples ta eat." She added with a very pleased and very content look on her face. Scootaloo gave a smirk as she looked at her friend, "You know, it's kinda funny." "Huh...? What is?" "You and Spike. It's funny how you two always seem to have this look on your faces when one of you even mentions the other." She replied, poking a little fun at the expression on her friends face seems to portray nowadays. "Well...that's how it is when yer in love." Applebloom stated with a slight angry flare in her voice, as she blushed. "I know that, but you two are seriously the only ones that ever look like this." She replied then made a face that looked like cross between a deer looking at headlights and Derpy's usual wall-eyed look, with just a slight pinch of glitter or something equally sparkly. Applebloom then gave a bit of a snort and said, "How about ah make fun o' yer face when ya'll finally fall in love, if ya evah do that is." "I'm sorry Applebloom, but it's just funny to see your face like that. I am happy for you and Spike. Really, I am." she stated, "Even if I do feel like I'm gonna gag everything you two decide to be all mushy." She added silently to herself. "Ah heard that." Applebloom stated before turning her attention back to the apple tree. "Aaaanyway...so what do you wanna do? Or am I just gonna watch you plant a tree?" "Well...ah was hopin' on just catchin' up, ya know, we haven't talked in a while. Though ah'll be workin' on things while we talk." Applebloom replied, "But, ah suppose if ya'll don't wanna-" "I didn't say that." Scootaloo interjected, "I don't mind hanging out for a while. Especially since I decided not to hold flight classes today. Hey, now that I think about it, is it just us, or is Spike around?" "Nah, Spike's is managin' the library today." she replied as she shook her head, "Twilight needed to go to Canterlot 'n see to a request from Princess Luna." As the hours passed, the two friends talked about how things have been with each, and how their other friends seems to have been fairing as of late. Most of their friends and old schoolmates had stayed within the town, some had even chosen to follow Spike and Applebloom's lead and try finding a place for themselves. Applebloom's work seemed to only consist of making some wooden trusses in her workshop after she had finished planting the apple tree in the front yard, though it was rather evident that she was working faster than usual and was tiring herself out. Scootaloo did assist occasionally, but for the most part stayed out of her friend's way. Eventually Scootaloo managed to convince Applebloom to take a break and both headed into the kitchen to rest, and if Applebloom's stomach was an indication, probably also get some food. "That's what I've heard from Ruby." Scootaloo remarked "Ah think ah heard Dinky mention somethin' like that ta me a few days ago." Applebloom stated as she looked at the empty plate in front of her as she brought a hoof up to the corner of her mouth, "She told me she needed a few trusses made. Ah thought it was cause Derpy accidentally busted their roof again during the last storm." "Yeah, Dinky really should talk her mom into returning home early once the weekly storm had gotten up." "Ah didn't think it was cause she was plannin' ta build up her own place." "How could you not know?" "Ah ain't exactly had a lot of free time on mah hooves ya know. With the Mayor wantin' ta fix up the Ol' senior pony home, helpin' on the farm, and makin' enough frames for the new houses aroun' town, ah'm surprised ah even have time ta eat n' sleep." she then gave a sigh, "Ah guess ah should be thankin' mah lucky stars that Spike don't mind cookin' much." "So he does the cooking, huh?" "Ah do cook once in a while, Spike just does a better job at it." "I wonder if that makes him the housewife." Scootaloo stated as she stiffled a giggle. "Housewife...? I'm pretty sure Applebloom and I aren't married yet. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm the guy." they heard Spike voice out as the front door opened, followed by a little filly rushing in and jumping onto Applebloom's back. "Auntie Bloomie!" The little filly excitedly exclaimed. Applebloom giggled at the greeting before nuzzling the top of the filly's head, "Good ta see ya again too, Starry." "Hey there Starry. Whatcha doing here? I thought school didn't let out for another couple of hours." Scootaloo greeted. "Cheerilee let me take her since she forgot her lunch back at the library, and you know how the schoolhouse is along the way from the library." Spike explained, "I just have to make sure to get her back before lunch is over." He quickly added as he walked over to Applebloom, before the two smiled at one another greeted each other with some affectionate nuzzling. Starry made a sound as if she was gonna gag before jumping off of Applebloom's back. "You and me both, huh kid?" Scootaloo rang in. "I'm gonna go outside and get an apple from the new tree." she declared as she made her way out. "Just be careful, Sis." Spike stated, before making his way from the fridge. "How's yer work goin' Spike?" Applebloom asked "How it always is, a lot of organizing and cleaning, and not many ponies coming by to ask about books." "Sounds like ya'll ain't very busy." Applebloom remarked in a lightly upset tone, upset that she's so busy and her special somedragon seems to have plenty of time to just relax. Spike didn't seem to notice the tone as he chuckled and pulled out a cold sandwich out of the fridge. "Try having a younger sister who's aunt happened to be a former Cutie Mark Crusader, then you can tell me. She's at school for at least seven hours each weekday, and I still can't keep up with the messes she makes." He said as he took his seat at the dining table. "The messes she makes are really that bad?" "Believe me, if she wasn't Twilight's daughter, she'd probably be on par with you, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle when you three were still the Cutie Mark Crusaders." "We didn't make that much of a mess." Applebloom defensively remarked. "Half of Ponyville might disagree with you there." "Anyway, why are you coming here to eat, Spike?" Scootaloo asked. "I live here too you know." "I know that. But, why come here, when the library is still kinda like a second home?" "Well, one reason is because what I fix myself up for lunch I usually just leave here, and I don't want to take too much from the library. Especially since I'm not helping stock the cupboards and the fridge there." he explained. "The other...?" "The othah is cause we kinda prefer having meals together when we can." Applebloom replied with a blush, which also earned a blush and grin from Spike. Scootaloo stuck her tongue out in obvious mock disgust as she groaned, "When did you two get married? And how could you not invite me Applebloom?" "We ain't married Scootaloo." Applebloom declared "I thought we were friends." She added with hurt tone in her voice "We're not married." Spike deadpanned. "I mean, I suppose you guys wanted it to be a private thing or whatever, but seriously...?!" "We're not married!" Applebloom and Spike loudly shouted simultaneously. "Okay, okay, chill. I was just kidding." Scootaloo apologized as she put a hoof up, "Seriously though, you two might as well be. You two act and talk like a married couple." "Jus' cause we get along an' live in a home togethah don't mean anythin' like that." Applebloom argued. "It's not just that. You two have been dating for such a long time. Of all our friends you two are have the longest running relationship of all of us. Not even Babs has been in a relationship as long as you, and she's older than us." Spike and Applebloom looked at one another from the corner of their eyes, before looking away with a blush on their faces. Spike's eyes seemed to be darting around the room, while a small smile was forming on Applebloom's face at the thought. Scootaloo smirked at the reaction she got, but this conversation was getting boring. Looking at clock to check how long she had been there, her eyes widened as she noted the time. "Oh ponyfeathers, it's really that time already?!" she stated outloud as she got onto her hooves, "I gotta get going Applebloom. I still have to reach Canterlot if I'm gonna make it to Sweetie's first show." "Huh? Oh, yeah, her first showin' is today." Applebloom remarked as she remembered that today was rather important. She wasn't all too surprised she forgot though, she already knew she wouldn't be able to go. "Are you sure you can't go Applebloom? It's not too late to reconsider ya know." "Ah know. But, ah'm still as busy as a honeybee with mah work, ah can't really take time off if ah'm gonna git it all done." "You have been working your tail off the last couple of days Applebloom. You could probably afford to take a break for the rest of the day." Spike stated, "Why don't you let me handle it from here, I can easily make the rest of the trusses for you." he added with a slight boastful tone. Applebloom shot him a curious look, but then grinned in amusement, "Ya'll are gonna finish up makin' those trusses ah need?" "Why not? I've watched you make some already. Plus, I've handled your tools before." "Spike, last time ya tried handlin' mah tools, ya almost sawed mah work table in half, an' ya lost mah drill." "Hey! That last one wasn't my fault. I didn't even touch your drill." "It went missin' same time ya decided to mess around the workshop." "You were in there too." Applebloom snorted as she rolled her eyes, "Ah'm still thinkin' it was you." then turned to look at Scootaloo, "Ah know it'll probably disappoint Sweetie Belle, but ah really can't go." "Hey, no big." Scootaloo remarked as she waved her hoof, dismissing that last response, "I'll explain it to her. Knowing Sweetie, she'll understand. I'll just have to make sure to cheer enough for the both of us." "Ya mind givin' Sweetie this fer Spike an' myself though?" Applebloom asked as the three of them started towards the front door, "Since neither Spike or me can go, we had this made as an apology." she explained as she pulled out a small box from the bottom of a side-table that stood next to the door. "What is it?" she asked as she place it on the ground and opened it to have a look, her eyes going wide at what she saw, "Is this...? Is this a badge?" Within the box was a badge, or something similar, in the shape and appearance of the old Cutie Mark Crusader insignia. The entire thing seemed to be made of silver or white gold, while the coloring seemed to kind of colored glass, and the whole thing polished to an absolute shine. "I know we ain't exactly the Cutie Mark Crusaders anymore now that we got our cutie marks, but..." "Yeah, I get it. We may not be crusading anymore, but we're still the Crusaders." "We can git the ones fer us made later. Ah wanted ta at least get Sweetie Belle hers since the design was 'er idea." "Cool! Wherever you got this made, tell me later. I think I'd prefer something cooler than a plain old badge." then put a hoof up. "Cutie Mark Crusaders?" "A 'plain ol' badge' that cost Spike an' me almost 100 bits ta have made." Applebloom remarked, but put her hoof up against Scootaloo's before both mares looked Spike. "What?" Spike asked, confused as two why they were looking at him. "Yer a crusader too Spike. That means yer doin' this group cheer with us." "What?! But I'm not a Crusader. I was just an honorary member while I was stuck in a pony's body more than ten years ago. I'm not even in pony form right now." "Dude, you're still a Crusader. You still joined us on most of our adventures for a couple of years after that whole problem was fixed." Scootaloo explained "I was just there because Applebloom asked me to be there. It wasn't because I wanted to be a full member." "Tough horseshoes, bub." Scootaloo remarked with a smirk, "Now get over here before Applebloom or I decide to get you over here ourselves." "Fine, whatever."Spike groaned loudly and made a fist with one of his claws and pressed it against Applebloom and Scootaloo's hooves. "Cutie Mark Crusaders." All three stated almost simultaneously, and quickly hoof/fist-bumped. "I'll make sure to get Sweetie Belle her gift before the show starts. I should be able to get there a few minutes before the show." Scootaloo stated as she placed the gift box into her saddlebag. "Are you sure you want to fly the entire way Scootaloo? I can still call in that favor and get you a train ticket to Canterlot." Spike asked as the three of them headed out. "Nah." Scootaloo quickly replied, "You know me, I'd rather be in the air than some cramped train car." She added, before looking toward the Apple tree to check on Starry, "Er..., how did she get up there?" Applebloom and Spike turned to look, and saw Starry happily sitting on one of the branches as she munched away at an apple, two apple cores on the ground indicating she had already eaten two. "Sis, get down from there!" Spike shouted as he quickly went over to her, "You know Mom doesn't like you climbing up trees." "I didn't know how to get any apples." she simply replied. "Ya should've jus' asked Starry. It ain't no problem if ya jus' came in and asked me ta help." "Sorry, I didn't really think about doing that." she replied apologetically. "Come on, sis, let's get you down from there." Spike stated in a slightly exasperated voice as he reached up with his arms. Starry made the last two inches of distance between herself and her 'brother's' arm by jumping onto one and quickly clenching all four of her hooves onto the limb. "Well, I gotta get going you three. By the way Spike, lunch is almost over, better get Starry back to the school house." Scootaloo stated just before taking to the air and quickly started flying toward Canterlot. It took a little more time, and more tiring, than Scootaloo was willing to admit to herself, but she managed to fly all the way to Canterlot Concert Hall with some time to spare. She took a moment to check if the present was still safe and secure in her saddlebag before entering the building. "Hello, Miss. May I help you?" A unicorn mare wearing a very fancy usher's outfit, and smile that looked forced, asked in a kind voice "Uh...yeah..., I'm a friend of Sweetie Belle's. Can I go backstage and talk to her?" "Oh, I'm sorry, you can't. You see-" "Look, I can prove it." Scootaloo interrupted, "And if you're not gonna let me, then let me talk to somepony who will." "I'm sorry, I really ca-" she tried saying again "Just. Get. Anypony." Scootaloo interrupted again, this time pulling her face close to the usher's to further prove her point. The usher gave a loud sigh, "Okay...please wait here." then walked away to talk the manager. Scootaloo simply did as she was told and stood there, occasionally making a face at the young colts who decided to make fun of her. Just as she was about to leave, thinking that the usher pony decided to just ignore her, she saw a stallion wearing a suit approach her. Behind him was the usher pony. "Are you the one who is asking to see Miss Sweetie Belle?" he asked "Yeah, that's me." "Listen ma'am, we really can't let anyone see any of the singers for reasons of security." "She's a friend of mine. Just ask her." "I don't think you really understand. We can't-" "Scootaloo!" they heard Sweetie Belle's voice shout out, "You made it!" "Like I'd miss your first public performance and leave you hangin'." "It's a good thing you're still new to this Sweetums, otherwise you'd have quite the crowd around you by now." They heard another voice, this one also greatly familiar, as its owner walked up to them. "Miss Sapphire Shores." The stallion stated, "You really shouldn't be out here, most of the security has already been moved into the main hall area." "Along with much of the crowd." she remarked with a smirk, then turned to look at Sweetie and Scootaloo, "I take it that this is one of your friends you've spoken about?" Sweetie Belle nodded enthusiastically "Why don't you introduce her to me backstage. The show's about to start." "Miss Sapphire, I can't advise that. We can't be sure if she'll be trouble." "I'm pretty sure we can trust her enough. Also, seeing she is the friend of my student, she's a friend of mine." With than being said, Sapphire started towards the door that lead to the backstage, followed by Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who couldn't resist giving a cocky smirk and letting part of her tail seemingly whip the stallion in the face. He sputtered in response then glared at her, but decided to just remain quiet and give a sigh. Once they were back behind stage, Sapphire stopped and turned to look at Scootaloo, "Now, I'm sure you know who I am, but allow me to introduce myself anyway. I'm Sapphire Shores, it's a pleasure making your acquaintance." "Scootaloo." She replied, "I'm a friend of Sweetie Belle from Ponyville." "Well, nice to meet you, Scootaloo." "I could say the same. Anyway, I just wanted to be here for Sweetie Belle's first show, being her friend an' all. Plus, to give her a good luck charm from me and another one of our friends who couldn't make it." Scootaloo explained as she used a wing to pull the gift out of her saddlebag. "You girls got me a gift?" Sweetie asked, quite excitedly. "Totally. You should open it now." Sweetie used her magic to take the box from Scootaloo, before slowly opening it. Which earned a wide smile from the unicorn. "I know it's a little big, so I doubt you'll be able to use it out on stage, but you know...it's still something, right?" Sweetie Belle didn't say anything, but responded by hugging her friend, earning a giggle from Sapphire Shores. "I'd say she really appreciates the sentiment there young'un. I think it's a pretty good idea myself. The first performance is always a tough one." she then looked toward Sweetie Belle, "Best you keep this short Sweetums. You know how Slick Gel gets about not being able to fix your mane before a show." she then took her leave towards her dressing room. "Listen, the badge also doubles as support from Spike and Applebloom. They both had some work to do and couldn't really come watch." "Don't worry, I kinda thought that might've been the reason. At least you came. I'm glad you could come Scootaloo, it really means a lot to me, especially since I'd rather not do this right now, or ever." "Why not? Come on Sweetie Belle, this is your thing, you even earned a cutie mark for it." "That doesn't mean I'm comfortable about it!" "Listen, just don't think about it, alright? Just focus on how awesome your going to be, and how much you're going to amaze everypony." Scootaloo stated, "Works for me everytime." "But you never have to do anything in front of an audience." "Uh, Ponyville..." Scootaloo replied with a smirk, "Everytime I try a stunt or do any sports, anypony at Ponyville can see me. So I totally do have an audience." Sweetie sighed. "Look..." Scootaloo stated as she rolled her eyes, "If it helps, just close your eyes and pretend that you're alone. Just close off the world, focus on what you're going to do, then do it." Sweetie Belle shot the pegasus an inquisitive look, not really expecting to hear such an advice from her friend. "It's just something Miss Cheerilee told me to tell my students back in Ponyville." "You're a teacher?" "Well, only for extra stuff after-school. I teach fillies and colts how to use their boards and skates, and I teach how pegasus fillies and colts how to fly. Not exactly what I was hoping to do as a career, but it's cool I guess." Scootaloo explained, "So...did the advice work?" "I...I guess..." "Just don't worry about it too much. Remember this is your special talent, so if any pony dislikes your singing tonight, then they've never heard a good song before. Besides, you'll have Sapphire Shores singing with you, so they'll be insulting her too." "Yeah..., I guess you're right." "Of course I'm right, I wouldn't be Ponyville's second coolest mare if I wasn't." and lightly pounded her chest with a hoof as if to emphasis, "I'll see you after the show alright." Sweetie simply nodded with a smile as Scootaloo headed back where they had come from, not really wanting to head into the auditorium area from the stage. Once back out in the lobby area, Scootaloo was met by the same stallion from earlier. "May I assume your business with Miss Sweetie Belle has concluded?" "Yeah, I'm done talking to her." "Are you going to watch the show?" Scootaloo responded by pulling a ticket from her saddlebag, "Just tell me where I get this checked so I can find a good seat." The stallion didn't say anything but pointed towards a booth near the entrance into the auditorium area. She nodded, thanking him, before walking over to get her ticket stamped and find herself a good seat to watch the show. Just as Scootaloo got her ticket stamped and was allowed to enter and find herself a seat, she heard somepony call out her name. The voice didn't sound familiar, and she wasn't expecting to meet anypony up here at Canterlot outside of Sweetie Belle. Turning her head to look at the source of the voice, she saw a fairly well-built light yellow-ish brown pegasus with a brown mane that had a light brown streak in it. He looked to be almost a full head taller than her, and he had a camera rig set up around his neck, just above his withers. "Scootaloo, thanks for waiting up. Wow, it's good to see you again." He stated with a smile. Scootaloo gave him the look over, but nothing about him seemed familiar, "Um, hey there...um...pony." she stated in a confused tone, "Um, do I know you?"