//------------------------------// // Entry #6 // Story: Human in Pony's clothing // by TheDawsonator1 //------------------------------// You know, I am starting to think I was getting all paranoid when I thought my appearance would change time a lot somehow, maybe any interaction wasn’t gonna hurt the timeline, maybe I’ve just been so overprotective over it and worrying too much about it. Maybe it’s time I relax a bit, go on a date with Fir-, Grab a Apple cider from the local bar and hang out with my two best friends: Cloud Kicker and Firefly! And maybe I’ll give Simple Breeze and Sky High a holler if they ain’t too busy doing…you know…mushy relationship stuff. I got a happy life here: I got the best friends I could ask for, a job I love under the coolest of cool: Rainbow Dash, Ponyville is peaceful…most of the time anyway! Oh right, well Rainbow Dash is sending Me, Cloud Kicker, Firefly and a new mare named Cloud Nine to help with the Canterlot weather when the Grand Galloping comes in 2 weeks time. The only thing I’m worried is how my friends will react if they ever find out I’m actually Human. Would they be Disgusted? Would they Hate me? No longer want to see me? Would Celestia be notified and how would she feel? Is it possible my brony knowledge may be found out by the bad guys and that’s what turns time? I have no idea, but I shan’t worry now, cause every little thing is gonna be alright… Today, I woke up earlier than usual at around 7:50, Work started at 9AM so I had plenty of time so I decided to take a stroll around Ponyville, I was going fine until a good 40 minutes later I bumped into Miss Cheerilee and her students including the Cutie Mark Crusaders “Sup Cheerilee?” I greeted as I bumped into her “The sky, Lightning” Cheerilee replied back “Touché, so what you up to?” I asked “I’m about to take the children to the Canterlot Royal Gardens” Cheerilee indicated to her kids “Sounds exciting, my mother would want to visit a place like that” I mentioned, remembering my mother’s love for gardening. “I hope you do get a chance as well” said Cheerilee “Maybe one day, but I’m sure your class doesn’t like waiting, especially the pink one with the crown on her head” I said motioning to Diamond Tiara who clearly was rolling her eyes looking bored. “Farewell then, Lightning Bolt” Cheerilee waved good-bye to me “Farewell Miss Cheerilee” I said trotting away “Come along Children, we’re going to see the gardens today and we must be on our best behavior, that goes double for you Snips and Snails” Cheerilee’s voice was faintly heard as I went away from her. Now, I knew Cheerilee before I got the weather job, I bumped into her alone and apparently she had a really bad date but we still had a talk and I cheered her up, so we became sort of friends, so every so often I bumped into her and we had short conversations, overall she was a nice chick to know and before you ask, No I don't have a crush on her, that's spot reserved for Firefly...OH BUCK ME SIDEWAYS, FRONTWAYS AND BACKWARDS!!. Anyway it’s time I made my presence at work known, Celestia only knows what Rainbow Dash will do if I show up late… “So, what’s been going on with you, Kicker?” I asked her “Honestly, nothing at all” CK replied “what about you Firefly?” I asked Firefly instead “Nothing at all, it’s kind of boring though, guess today's a slow day” Firefly answered, giving a shrugging motion “I just wish something would happen, I can even bear Rainbow Dash’s talking about getting into the Wonderbolts right about now” CK complained “Don’t say that you idiot! You just jinxed us!” I scolded CK for cursing us all. “What do you mean Bolty? How did Kicker jinx us?” Firefly asked me “Well, Bolty here believes there are certain phrases you shouldn’t say otherwise you’ll invoke the wrath of Celestia or something” Kicker answered for me “Well, more like giving the Universe permission to buck you over from every direction just from uttering one line like “Can this day get any worse?”, in other words you just said “Hey Universe! I dare you to absolutely buck my life over 10000 times”” I corrected Kicker’s description for a more accurate one. “Don’t be ridiculous, what’s gonna happen? Some pink clouds start raiding the sky, the ground becomes soapy and checkerboardy? And all of it will be caused by some evil monster?” Firefly scoffed BOOM! Literally 5 seconds after Firefly’s remark, strange things were happening. I could start seeing cotton candy clouds, the ground below us looked exactly like a Checkerboard, and there was even soapy like ice on the paths. Those clouds were even in our factory, something was reeeeealllly familiar about all this. “What the hay is going on here?” Firefly asked in confusion “I have no idea” CK answered truthfully I did, there was only one being I know that could do that and he’s supposed to be stuck in stone until AFTER the Grand Galloping Gala: DISCORD!! “Random question: Has the Grand Galloping Gala happened yet?” I asked just to make sure “No, it’s in 2 weeks, why?” Firefly answered “Cause this looks really bad and the rate this is going, we can't get to Canterlot to help out” CK suggested trying to get rid of a cloud “We’ll go with that but seriously Firefly, nice going! You just haaaaad to challenge the Universe didn’t you? You just had to say the magic words!” I rounded on Firefly “Well, how was I supposed to know that would actually happen?” Firefly shot back angrily “Never mind that now lovebirds, what about that cotton candy cloud? It’s even spitting out Chocolate rain” CK pointed out “Let’s just hope Pinkie Pie doesn’t find that out” Firefly added “I wouldn’t count on it” I said, knowing full well Pinkie would find out about it. “Dare you to drink it Bolty” CK dared me I actually did drink it and by Celestia’s beard it was some kickflank tasting chocolate milk! Discord knows his stuff! Wait…Celestia has a beard?? Since when did this happen? Why wasn’t I informed of this? Oh well… Now I would let this thing slide but one thing…DISCORD AIN'T MEANT TO BE HERE YET! I just haaaad to say everything was fine, now look what happened! I tempted the universe and now we're all so bucked! Discord came before he should of! No doubt Princess Celestia already knows about this and is probably sending summons to the Mane Six by now. “Lightning Bolt, Firefly, Cloud Kicker! Report to the office at once!” Rainbow Dash’s voice “Ah horseapples, we didn’t do nothing!” CK complained “Alright, you’re all wondering why I called you here?” Dash assumed, judging by the looks on our faces “Uh…yeah…” I answered nervously “Well I’ll cut to the chase, Princess Celestia has summoned me to Canterlot, I need you three to take charge of the weather factory and don’t for the love of Celestia SCREW IT UP!” Dash explained “That’s it?” CK asked nervously “Yeah, oh and if I find this factory damaged of any kind, I’ll have your tails and cut half your pay! Understood?” “Yes Ma’am!” The three of us said at the same time “Good, now get to work!” Dash pointed us out of the door We were both outside in the sky, Clouds were all cotton candy-ish but some were still the same old clouds we did, seems Discord is waiting for the Mane Six to fail the maze before he does his magic…assuming the maze actually happens. “Wonder what those Candy clouds are all about?” Firefly asked “Dunno, but Rainbow Dash is totally going buck us all to the moon if we don’t fix those” CK said “You get the feeling this is one of those days when we should of stayed in bed?” I asked my friends. Both of them nodded their heads, I’m not sure what danger Discord is really like in the show, but I mustn’t let my guard down. Something has clearly altered the show’s time, it may have been me, it may not have, but it’s important that Discord gets defeated or things will turn out badly. If he's like in the fics, my human origins will not remain a secret for much longer! To be continued… {This conveniently placed ad break is brought you by Discord-Os! Now with 20% more Chaotic flavor, also enter the code in the back of the packet for your chance to meet the Chaos god himself!}