//------------------------------// // Death // Story: Visiting an Old Friend // by Feather Luxray //------------------------------// Angel woke up, stretching his white legs. His nose twitched as a familiar scent wafted into his nostrils.... Carrots! The white bunny sped out of the cottage door and onto the road. A pile of carrots lay on the busy road. Angel, ignoring the roaring cars speeding past, grabbed the carrots and started nibbling his prize. Suddenly, a horn honked and a car ran sped towards him. He screeched in fright and anger, and leaped toward the cottage, but it was too late. Pain, then black. Total Darkness. ------- Angel woke up abdruptly. Where was he? His body felt lighter, almost... weightless. In confusion, he looked down. Shock washed over him as he saw that his body was on the ground, with Fluttershy kneeling over it and crying. And he was n the air, floating a few feet above. The ghost of the bunny longed to reach toward Fluttershy, to hug her, to comfort her, tell her it was okay, but he couldn't. As hard as Angel tried, he couldn't touch her. His hand would just slip through her sobbing figure. In total frustration and confusion, he cried in anger. Why? Why did this have to happen? A soft voice came from behind him. He turned to see Princess Luna eyeing him sympathetically. He screeched again. Why? Why?! The Moon Princess sighed. "There, there, young one. Your time has simply come. Though you can't change time, you must watch over Fluttershy. Make sure her grief does not drown her." Angel nodded sadly. He knew that he had to visit her in her dreams. Princess Luna pointed a hoof at the corpse on the road. "Once your body I buried, you won't be able to visit her. She will have to visit you." Angel looked down at Fluttershy, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. Princess Luna sighed. "I'm not allowed to do this, but my sympathy for Fluttershy is great. You may touch her once more. Though she will not see you, she will feel you. I'm giving you fifteen seconds." The ghost bunny smiled in gratitude and utter glee. Angel scrambled toward Fluttershy, and placed a paw on her shoulder. Fluttershy looked around, her eyes still filled with tears. Finally, Princess Luna grabbed him gently by the scruff. She let go, and he remained floating. "Good Luck, Fluttershy," The Princess whispered.