//------------------------------// // Ch3: I Can Explain // Story: Skylight's Story: Monster // by NightArrow //------------------------------// Chapter 3: I Can Explain A few minutes later, the entire family was sitting in Twilight’s Library. Twilight Sparkle, her mother Velvet, her father Crescent Moon, her brother Shining Armor, and of course, Skylight. Spike had decided to give them some privacy, and go up to his room. “Skylight... we al thought you were dead...!” Twilight broke the silence. “Now, Twi’,” Velvet said in her motherly tone, “there’s no need for that kind of speak right now! We’re just happy you’re back home, Skylie.” Skylight smiled hearing her mother say her old nickname for the first time in what felt forever. “I agree with your mother,” Crescent Moon said, “we’re all very happy you’re back, but I still don’t understand... What-- Where have you been? Are you okay?” “I’m fine, Dad.” Skylight smiled, “It’s, well it’s a long story.” “Well we’ve waited this long already!” Shining Armor said. “I think this story is long overdue!” “Oh Skylie! First thing’s first!” Velvet stood up and walked toward her newfound daughter, “Please, come here! Give mommy a hug!” “--Ah, no!” Skylight dodged her mother’s arms. “No, not quite yet...!” “Not yet?” Crescent Moon said skeptically, “What do you mean, ‘not yet’?” Skylight sighed, “I can’t hug anyone, at least, not yet. It’s all part of the spell...” “Spell?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “As in, magical spell?” Skylight nodded. “Yeah, see I met this crazy looking thing back in Everfree, named Discord, and--” “--Discord!?” Twilight stood up. “Discord’s behind this!?” Crescent Moon interjected “Who’s Discord? What’s going on?” Velvet jumped in, “Oh! Do we have him to thank for bringing back our little girl?” Skylight smiled, “Well, I--” “--No. You don’t.” Twilight said sternly. “Discord is the spirit of chaos, he wreaked havoc on Ponyville about a year ago. But the girls and I turned him back into stone using the elements of--” “--You’re turning ponies into stone!?” Velvet said. “Twilight Sparkle! We taught you better than that.” “Enough!” Shining Armor shouted. “Twilight, Mom, Dad, I think it’s time we hear what Skylight has to say.” The family settled down. Twilight reluctantly let her sister tell her story, while the other three ponies sat in listened in anticipation. Skylight explained everything. Her accident during the race with Night Arrow, the lightning and vats of rainbow, running away to Everfree Forest with Arrow after her terrible disfigurement, the old abandoned stadium, Luna showing up with Cloud Crash, founding the Shadowbolts; she even brought up Trixie’s accident with the timberwolves, and how well she had gotten along with Fluttershy, the pegasus in the cottage at the edge of the Forest. She explained when Discord showed up, and the deal she made with him. The 24 hour time limit, and that all she had to do was receive an embrace from her family, and all of this would be permanent. But if she failed . . . “...then you would permanently forget about all of us?” Twilight finished Skylight’s story. Skylight nodded. “Sounds like Discord didn’t plan on you finding us so easily.” Shining Armor sat up for a hug. “So what are we waiting for? I don’t see a down-side to this!” “No, wait.” Twilight said. “With Discord, there’s always a down-side.” She began to pace around the room. “Wait, you said you’ve met Fluttershy?” “Yeah, you know her?” Skylight said. “I do. She’s a very close friend of mine.” Twilight smiled confidently. “She helped me defeat Discord the first time, and actually I may need her help again not that he’s back. I’m going to round up all the girls. If Discord really is still roaming around, We may need to use the Elements again!” “What did I say about turning ponies into stone?” Velvet said. “Hang on,” Shining Armor said “Skylie, when you said you live with Night Arrow in the Everfree Forest, you don’t mean the Royal Archer do you?” “Royal Archer?” Skylight asked, “No, my Night Arrow is the Co-Captain of the Shadowbolts! He’s about your height, has a green mane--” “--dark teal coat? Really dark circles under his eyes?” “Yeah! The darkest!” Skylight laughed, “Wait, you know him?” Shining Armor smiled, “Skylie! Arrow and I grew up together! It was always me, him, and Spitfire hanging out after school! He’s Celestia’s Royal Archer now! Not the captain of the Wonderbolts!” “No, not The Wonderbolts! The Shadowbolts!” Skylight said. The rest of the family looked at one another. “Skylight,” Twilight said, “what are The Shadowbolts?” “What?” Skylight was at a loss. “Come on guys...” She smiled nervously. “The Shadowbolts! The only real competition the Wonderbolts have? The only other competing team?” Twilight walked forward, “Skylight, there are no Shadowbolts.” she said sympathetically, “I would know, my good friend Rainbow Dash is always talking my ear off about the racing industry, and she definitely would have mentioned them.” Skylight sat down with her ears back, sadly. “Well, I guess we found Discord’s ‘catch’...” she sighed, “I get my family back, but I lose everything I had.” she glanced at her cutie mark, “To be honest, ever since he casted that spell, I don’t quite feel like myself. . .” Twilight sat up quickly, “That’s it! I have an idea!!” She pounced excitedly to the center of the room, “Skylight! Did Pinkie Pie say anything about a party to you!?” Skylight looked at her bewildered, “Well, yeah. But I don’t think we have time to--” “--Perfect! Then the girls must already be there!” She turned to her brother, “Shining Armor, can you get this Night Arrow to Sugarcube Corner asap?” Shining Armor stood up. “Yeah, but Twi’ this is hardly a time to--” “Just do it!!” Twilight used her magic to grab Skylight by the wing. “Come on, Sky’ time’s running out!”