//------------------------------// // Chapter two // Story: Equestria goes dark // by Lightning Splash //------------------------------// One thousand years ago... Twilight shivered at the darkness, "Did I do this?" She asked in disbelief. Luna, from behind her, put an arm around her. "I'm afraid so, Twilight." She said. Twilight closed her eyes and shuddered, it was all her fault, all of it. If she had been there to defend Cadance from Queen Chrysalis, she would of lived. If she had listened to what Celestia said instead of what she thought was right, Celestia would be alive. If she hadn't gotten so mad, Equestria wouldn't have gone dark. "Twilight." Luna said breaking her train of thought. "This wasn't your fault." "How could you say that?" Twilight asked her voice breaking. She sat down broken and started to weep. "This was Chrysalis's fault, now is not the time to mourn. Twilight, we must hide." Luna grabbed her and flew away. Twilight looked back to where her mentor lay. Somehow through the darkness she saw what was happening; ponies were screaming and running in fright, and she could tell why, everywhere the ponies ran stood a changling. The changlings put shackles on the ponies and chained them like slaves. Twilight couldn't look, she turned her head away. "Lulu, why are we hiding?" Twilight asked weakly. "Hush, Twilight. I will explain when we get there. Twilight had fallen asleep. She didn't know when or how, but she did. When she awoke, it was dark...still. She could not see so she tried to light her horn, a wet hoof extinguished it. "That is not wise, Twilight." Luna said, apparently the hoof belonged to her. "Where are we?" "This cave was a rendezvous place in case Equestria was in danger. Seems we need it now." Spoke the familiar, deep voice of Discord. "Gather 'round ponies." Luna said. Twilight felt Luna's soft fur on her left, and Discord squeezed her hoof on her right. Twilight was shocked by this action, was it so bad that Discord was scared too? Twilight was also surprised when she felt the fur of other ponies around her. "It is as we expected, Chrysalis now has control over Equestria. We must remember, Do not, under any circumstance, use. Your. Magic. When the time comes we will raise the sun. until then, stay safe and stay hidden. Scatter, now!" A great draft came in as the ponies left. "How did I not know of this place, or this plan?" Twilight turned to Luna, the only remaining pony there. "I'm sorry, Twilight. Since you were newly appointed princess, we never got the time to speak about this with you. In fact, we, the princesses, never spoke of it at all." Twilight's eyes widened. "At all? Never?" Luna looked at her solemnly. "Twilight, these secrets so important we don't even dare think of them. Do not speak a word of this, trust no pony." "Not even you?" She shook her head. "Not even me," suddenly a scream erupted from no where, echoing all around and inside them. "What was that?!" Twilight ran over and hugged Luna as hard as she could in fear. Luna stroked her mane comfortingly. "That was Chrysalis, she's searching for us, and I have a feeling she won't give up for a long time." Present... Blackness painted the sky, it was dark, bare and cold inside the cave and Twilight was starting worry Luna would never come back. Her fears were silenced when she heard the familiar voice of her dear friend. "Twilight, it is time." She spoke from the entrance. Twilight quickly joined her. "Ready?" "Ready!" Twilight said and light enveloped her horn. Levitation spells were by far the easiest spells Twilight had ever known, but raising something as heavy as the sun? Not so easy. Twilight could feel herself start to rise of the ground. Yes, it's working! She thought excited. Suddenly, Twilight felt her light flicker and go out. She collapsed onto the hard floor. "What? WWhat happened?" She looked up. Darkness. "Wah! Where's the sun?!" Luna paused. "Gone."