The Harmony of Friendship

by Dragon_Sayer

Chapter 4

Later that evening, after Luna gave Angie and BD a tour of the town, she took them to a large blue castle that looked similar to a treehouse.

“That’s Twilight’s castle!” Angelica whispered excitedly to BD.

“How do you know this, I thought that you have not ever been here before.” Luna pointed out.

“Well, she is pretty famous too where we are from.” BD quickly covered her friend.

“I think you are not telling me the whole story.” Luna said knowingly.

“We can explain later.” Angie said.

“How about when we arrive at Twilight’s castle?”

“Okay.” BD accepted

The entrance to the tree-castle was five ponies tall and three wide, with a crystal shine to it. And the halls were dark blue in color with many different colored gemstones, each emitted a bright light, hanging from the ceiling. At the end of the hallway, there was a throne room with six thrones that had the cutie mark emblems of the Elements of Harmony. Behind the thrones were two hallways that led to the second floor corridors with all of the bedrooms and guestrooms.

“Wow, it looks much bigger on the inside.” Angie said while gazing up at the gems hanging from clear strings.

“It’s gorgeous.” BD gasped.

“I agree.” Luna said as she continued to walk behind the thrones and up the hallway to one of the bedrooms.

She knocked on the door and a medium pitched voice replied with, “Hello?”

“Tis I, Princess Luna, along with two of my new friends. We would like to ask you something.”

“Come in.” The voice replied and Luna opened the door revealing a room that looked a lot like the old one she had in the library, with a bed, which was on the right side of the room, that had star sheets and a bookshelf to the far left of the room. The bookshelf was so full of books that it looked like it was about to break at an moment. there was also a bird perch that had a great horned owl sleeping peacefully on top of it. “So, how are you Luna, I haven’t seen you since we were at Canterlot trying to stop Tirek.” the purple alicorn greeted her visitors.

“I have been good, and you?”

“Well, it feels weird living in a castle, but I have tried to make my room look like it did in the Library.”

“I can see that.” Luna smiled, looking at the worn bookshelf, and then they both giggled.

“Who are your new friends?” Twilight inquired and turned to face BD and Angelica.

“My name is BD, and this is Angelica.”

“You can call me Angie.” The blue pegasus smiled shyly at Twilight.

“Hello Angie, BD, it is nice to meet both of you. So, Luna what is that question you wanted to ask me?”

“I was wondering if you could give these girls a place to stay for a couple days.” Luna gestured to the unicorn and pegasus who stood next to her, both clearly nervous.

“I would be glad to, they can stay as long as they want.”

“Thank you, we are both very grateful.” Angie bowed to Twilight.

“Oh, please don’t bow, I don’t really like it when ponies do that, it makes me feel like I am better than everypony else when I really am not.” The purple pony explained. “Now, about that room, follow me.” Twilight led the three mares out of her room and four doors down to a similar-sized room.

“This is nice.” BD examined the room. The room had two beds that lay right next to each other with the same sheets. The sheets were light blue on the top half with light green on the bottom half, and flowers dappled all over, as if they were thrown into the air and on to the blanket.

“I agree,” Angie looked around at the room. She then walked over to the large window, that adorned the far wall, and looked out over the town of Ponyville, “This view is especially wonderful.”

“Yeah,” BD also looked out to see the small town that lay before them, she then turned to Twilight and said, “We are very grateful for this beautiful room and for the fact that you are being so kind to us.

“Oh it’s nothing, I’m just trying to give you the best impression of Ponyville and the ponies who live here.” Twilight smiled.

“Girls, did you not say that you were going to explain to me your situation?” Luna turned to Angelica and BD with a matter-of-fact voice.

“Right, um, where do we begin?” Angie asked, looking up to the ceiling as if trying to catch a glimpse of her memory of that morning.

“Well, first of all, I should tell you of the technology of where we are from.” BD’s horn shone an aquamarine color as she pulled up a picture of a TV. “In our land, we have a machine that looks like this, it is called a television or a TV. The TV is like a magic box that shows moving pictures, there is a program of moving pictures called ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’. My Little Pony is a show about this world and about you, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy.” BD then, pulled up another image that showed a snapshot of the two girls sitting on the couch.

“Are you humans? Because you look like some to me, in the picture.” The purple princess interrupted.

“Yes we are or we were.” Angie answered the question.

“Anyways, we were going to watch the season 5 opening episode when a weird pony that looked like a character from Harry Potter, a book series we have in the human world, started to chant something like an evil spell and we got sucked into the TV and ended up in the Everfree Forest.”

“Interesting, very interesting.” Twilight got her thinking face on. “I have never seen anything like it. Well, besides that, you may stay here until you find a way home, and my friends and I would be glad to help you.”

“Thank you.” BD smiled at Twilight.

“We shall leave you alone now so you can get settled.” Luna said. “We’ll sort this out tomorrow.” Leaving the two mares alone in the room with Twilight in toe.

Angie and BD, then found a huge vanity mirror to look at themselves in.

“Wow, I look different, but cool!” Angie smiled turning and staring at herself in one half of the mirror while BD looked at herself in the other.

“Yeah, me too. Oh, look my hair is blue, blue is my favorite color!”

“Who doesn’t know that?” Angie giggled as she remembered the 2 years that BD had dyed her hair blue.

“Cool, wings!” Angie looked over her shoulder at her new appendages and flexed them in and out. Her wings were dark blue like the rest of her body, and at the ends of her wings, they faded to a dark green along with the tips of her hair and ears. BD was a pure white unicorn with dark blue hair that had a light blue stripe running down the middle of both her mane and tail.

“You should probably learn how to fly so the other ponies don’t notice we are not really from this world.” BD pointed out.

“I guess so.” Angie agreed, looking at her wings again.

“It’s getting pretty late.” BD looked out of the window at the moon that was slowly rising across the night sky.

“Yeah, we should probably go to sleep now.” Angie pulled away from the mirror and trotted over to one of the beds that sat in the back of the room with BD in toe.

“Good night BD.” Murmured Angie as she snuggled into the bed.

“Good night Angie.” Yawned BD as she did the same.

Soon, they both were fast asleep. They had no idea what was going to happen to the next day.