//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 - Ponyville Needs a Savior; Enter Mega Pony // Story: A Stallion's Journey // by DestinyDecade //------------------------------// My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic – A Stallion’s Journey Written by Jose Vega (DestinyDecade) Ch. 1 – Ponyville Gets a Savior; Enter Mega Pony Morning… Celestia’s sun had risen over the skies of Ponyville signaling the start of a new day. The town of Ponyville began to bustle up with ponies left and right always on the move to perform many tasks. However, there was one who was looking forward to a day himself. In a building that looked like a mash-up between a gingerbread cake and a stack of cupcakes was a bakery where ponies go to enjoy some sweets. Upstairs in a room on the third floor was a blue colt still asleep. The sun of Celestia hit his face causing him to move a bit. Eventually, his eyes opened revealing blue sapphire eyes. Looking around, he took a stretch ridding him of the drowsiness. He felt dazed, his light blue hair was a mess and his eyes were half-awake. Getting off the bed, he took a stretch one more and rubbed his eyes with his front hoof. His face showed a determined look, in his mind, he was ready to get to it. Another day, another bit. Time to get to work. He walked out the door and went to find the bathroom. Okay, I think that’s enough of that. Time to get to what it really matters now. I’m known to many here as Rob Stallion, a freelancing pony that is hard working and determined. I’ve been in the town of Ponyville for more than a month and I’ve gotten used to this place already. It has been a week since I decided to stay at Sugarcube Corner and things have been going quite well. I have tackled many jobs ranging from delivery, repair work and even taking part in the more physical work such as construction. All the work provided me a good amount of pay because I need it so I can be kept afloat. Although I was enjoying my time here, a part of me feels like a blank state. To sum it up, I have no idea where I came from, how I got here or even my own name. All I remember was the term “Robert” and that’s it until someone decided to call me by a name that made my heart flutter. “Good morning Robbie!” said the sound of a filly who made me show the symptoms of what feelings were; light-headed, dizzy and above all else, skipping a beat. This cute filly is named Pinkie Pie and everyone in Ponyville knows her as the queen of parties. Why? Because anytime something good happens, she always responds by throwing a party and inviting everyone to have a good time. It’s a talent she’s had since she was young and her parties are always the best. Her hair and tail were of a hot pink and were puffy like cotton candy. Her body was of a light pink and she had light blue eyes. Regarding her talents, they are best represented by her cutie mark consisting of blue and yellow balloons. What can I say? She’s a girl that knows how to throw a good festive event. “Good morning Pinkie Pie. I take it today you slept well.” I responded afterwards. Seeing her cheerful demeanor always gave me a smile on my face. I don’t know why but it just is. “Yep, very well. I’m so excited today. What about you? Are you excited today because I know you definitely are. Uh huh, definitely.” Pinkie said. “Of course I am. I have work today and I’m hoping that I’ll be helping out whomever I can. Besides, I owe you and the Cakes at least that much.” I responded immediately afterwards rubbing the back of my mane with my left hoof. “Aw, it’s the least we could do. You have done a lot for us ya know?” I agreed with you on that Pinkie. “I wonder, who is going to ask you to help today? You know you have to help out at Sweet Apple Acres today.” I nodded after hearing her speak. “Yes, that’s right. Yesterday, Applejack came to me and said that one of the ponies that was on the farm called in sick. I stayed till overtime without a second thought and besides, the pay is good because it can at least help whenever I need anything.” Pinkie let out a smile after I spoke. Seeing that made my day. “That’s good to hear. I know you’ll help everypony because you’re the best ever. I’ll make sure to have breakfast ready okay? Want some muffins?” I nodded positively. “Goody! I’ll get to it right away…” But then her kind demeanor became a bit calm. “After I get my room cleaned.” “I got to make sure to keep my room clean when I’m done here. I’ll see you downstairs.” Pinkie nodded and then went downstairs happily bouncing on her way. Letting off a sigh, I finally had some time to myself and I need it. Heading inside, I turned the water on and got to my shower. I do this twice a day because a freelancer’s job is to always make a good impression. That also includes hygiene as priority number one. In Pinkie Pie’s room three doors down, she finished up getting her room cleaned. Letting out a smile seeing that her work was done, she happily bounced her way downstairs to the first floor. Heading into the kitchen, she looked around to find what she could do and then an idea hit. I know just what I need to make for today. It’ll be perfect! Pinkie Pie grabbed a few things from the shelves and got to work making some sweets. Back at the third floor, I finished my shower and got out feeling fresh and recharged. I went back in my room to finish drying up. Once I got my hair brushed properly and my room cleaned up, I went downstairs. But as I was walking down, I caught the smell of something that made my stomach grumble. It was a pleasant scent and I can tell that someone has been busy prepping up breakfast. I sat down in one of the chairs looking forward to something very interesting. Too bad I didn’t have to wait long. “Oh, Robbie! They’re almost ready. In the meantime, here’s some orange juice.” Pinkie prepped a glass of orange juice and handed me it in seconds flat. “Uh Pinkie, are you in a rush for some reason?” I responded after seeing her move quickly like that. She just came to me fast and responded. “Nope, I’m in no rush. I got to get everything ready because things here are going to be booming.” Pinkie and I both hear a beeping sound. “Oh, these must be the muffins in the oven. Be right back.” I saw her rapidly bounce to the kitchen. She took the tray out of the oven and the fresh scent of chocolate chip muffins caught both our attention. She placed the tray on the stove and gently took the muffins out putting them on the table. Waiting a few seconds for them to cool, she put them in two separate plates. As Pinkie was taking them to the table, a much older filly was coming downstairs. This pony had a coat of light cerulean blue and a mane that had a touch of light and pale light crimson. She had brilliant rose red eyes and wore a kitchen bib. Not only that but this pony’s cutie mark were three cupcakes solidifying her talent as a baker. She got a look at me and I simply stayed calm. “Good morning ma’am.” I saw her smile. Looks like she’s getting ready to do her work for today. “Good morning Rob. I take it you are enjoying some breakfast.” I nodded in agreement. “Good to hear. We should be getting things ready in a few minutes.” “Let me guess, you’re expecting a big crowd today right Mrs. Cake?” She nodded in response. “I figure as much. Everyone is being busy today.” “Oh, you shouldn’t worry. I think we’ll handle things just fine. Of course, you have work of your own correct?” Mrs. Cake responded. Since I’m best known as a freelancer, I’ll be hard at work. “Yes. I have about a couple of different jobs I need to do today. One of these jobs being that I need to help out in the Apple farm. At least it’ll give me some much needed exercise.” Mrs. Cake chuckled. I can tell it’s going to be a long day. I saw Pinkie Pie come in with the muffins now that they were cooled down. We both ate some muffins for a bit all while talking about random things that went on yesterday. Knowing Pinkie Pie, it was some stuff that was funny. The only thing I hope is that I don’t choke on my breakfast because it nearly happened to me… twice. Trust me, you really don’t want to know. After we ate, I got to work cleaning up the table. It only took a couple of seconds so it wasn’t a big deal. “Okay, I’m heading off. I got a lot of work to do. See you guys later.” I said, walking out of Sugarcube Corner. “Bye Robbie. Take care.” Pinkie replied. She then turned to Mrs. Cake who nodded at her. Those two are going to be quite busy running the place. I took a deep breath because hey, freelancing isn’t an easy gig. I do get paid a lot but the work for it is absolutely brutal. Taking a sheet of paper from my knapsack, I saw a list I made of who I should help out today. Applejack is one of them but I’ll save her for later. Time to tackle the first pony on this list of mine: a filly named Twilight Sparkle. Trotting through the marketplace, I saw many of the folk moving about while others had shops set up. For a place like this, it’s enjoyable to see. I don’t know why but the more I think about it, it reminds me of something that I… why don’t I remember it? Darn it! I stopped and felt an insane pain that was searing through my head. It drove me nuts and I nearly lost my balance trotting. Fortunately, the pain stopped and I shook my head. Darn. Why does this pain hurt? What’s going on? I got to not worry about this stuff. I have work to do. I continued on. I can’t worry about stuff like this headache because it’ll hinder it. Eventually, I reached what was known as the Books and Branches Library though I really have to say that it looks like a tree house. I’m being serious because what I see here is a large tree but there are windows in some sections of the tree and even a roof with a telescope on it. Whoever lives in this place must have a liking for astronomy. Reaching the door, I knocked on it hoping to see if someone was there. I waited for a bit because this would take a while. According to my list, she wanted me to help out with some book rearranging. I know she has an assistant but why ask me? My guess is that she needed some extra help. I continued to wait. It was then the door opened revealing to be Twilight. “Yes? Oh, hey Rob. Thanks for coming by. Please come in.” I nodded as she let me inside. I got a good look inside the place and it really is a library. Some of the shelves were filled with books covering all sorts of topics. Man, if it were me, I would spend days or better yet weeks reading every single book but I think we’re getting off track here. I got a good look at Twilight Sparkle who is a unicorn filly that had an interesting hairstyle. She had moderate violet eyes and her mane had a mix of sapphire blue, violet and a pinch of brilliant rose. Her coat was of mulberry that was pale and had a pinch of light gray. Her cutie mark was of a hot pink six-sided star that had a white star behind it plus five white smaller stars around it. Looking at it represented a devotion to studying the art of magic and hoping to one day use what she learned to teach others. But anyway, I saw Twilight using her magic to put away one of her books. My guess is that she finished reading it. “Twilight, I was wondering… do you need me for any assistance today?” She looked at me after saying that. “I mean, if it is possible since I can tell you’ll do it just fine.” “I need your help alright Rob because I just got my hands on some new books.” Twilight Sparkle responded, “The problem is that I don’t want to turn this place into a mess all so I can put them in the proper order. Not only that but I have to meet with Fluttershy in about an hour.” It looks like I’m going to have to get my brain in gear. “We should get to it then. If we work together, we can make things easier that way.” I said but something else bugged me. “By the way, is Spike here?” “I think he went to do something for Princess Celestia in Canterlot. He’ll be back later if you want to see him.” Twilight replied, “So now then, ready to help out?” I nodded at Twilight who simply smiled. I got a look at the table seeing a few books stacked together. But one of the books caught my attention so I decided to ask. “Hey Twilight, what’s this book?” I showed her this book, “I had a funny feeling that I’ve seen it before.” “This book is called EquestriaBound. I’m sure you read it before haven’t ya?” Suddenly, I had a surge going inside my mind. Hearing what Twilight said is making me act like some kind of bookworm. “Of course I did. When I went to Manehattan three days ago, I spent some of my time at the Manehattan Library looking through some books so when I saw that in a shelf nearby, I had to read it. The book is very good and I love it a lot. The ending really tugged my heartstrings and I…” I took a deep breath because trying to remember something like that makes you want to let loose with the tears. “It’s okay, Rob. I liked it too. I liked it so much that I bought the book. You’re always welcome to read it here anytime.” At least that gave me some relief. “Now then, we should get started.” I nodded and we went to work. At first it was going to be a simple job but it wasn’t because we had to remove some books so we can add the new ones. While this went on, we were able to make extra room after reorganizing some of the shelves. Lest I forget that Twilight’s magic (thanks to her horn) really came in handy here. Since it was only a couple of books, the job was pretty simple. “Finished. Guess it wasn’t that much. At least we made the library a little more neater this way.” I said confidently. “Yep. Thanks for your help Rob. I really appreciate it. Care for a drink?” Twlight replied. She prepped up some lemonade for the both of us. “Yes, please. I’d be happy for a drink.” I said afterwards. I sat down on a stool next to the table. But my thoughts were still on reading EquestriaBound. Twilight then came with two glasses of lemonade held on a plate. I grabbed my glass and with the help of a straw drank it. “So Rob, do you have any other jobs you plan to do today? I only hope that they don’t overwork you.” Twilight said. “Besides, even ponies like you need a break at times.” “I know. But at least with the work I do every day, it pays off. The money I earn helps keep me stable, not to mention I have to pay rent to the Cakes.” I let off a sigh after saying that. “The Cakes were kind enough to let you have your own place for a little while. You don’t have to pay them back anything… but I think at times you can help them out somewhat.” Twilight replied. “Yep. That’s why I also am known as Sugarcube Corner’s delivery colt. Whereas Pinkie is the party planner, I’m known as the freelancer. And with that, my work here is done. Thanks for your hospitality, Twilight Sparkle.” I got up and bowed to her as a gesture of kind appreciation. “You’re welcome… but I don’t think you need to do that. A brohoof would be nice.” So Twilight and I decided to do a brohoof. I guess it’s Ponyville’s way of a high five. “Thanks for having me here, Twilight. I’ll see you later.” I trotted to the door, opened it and left. Twilight waved at me as I went off. “See you later Rob.” Once I left, she got a look at the library. Now then, I got to get ready to meet with Fluttershy. Twilight finishes her drink and then puts the cups away. She then trots her way out of the library and off to Fluttershy’s place. Now then, back to me and I’m right now trotting my way past the library. Looks like today has gotten good so far but I have a long way to go. I checked my list and crossed off Twilight’s name. Next up is Applejack because I’m about to run late for work. Next to doing some freelance work, I have a job at the Apple farm doing applebucking for the Apple family. It’s because of Pinkie Pie that help got me this job and for that, I owe her a job. “Hey, did you hear? I heard that some trouble is going on at the Apple farm.” One of the ponies was talking to someone at a table where I was trotting. “Really? What trouble? Does this have to do with that new hardworking pony?” The other pony responded. I just stopped trotting and simply eavesdropped. “Of course not. But still, it’s just a rumor. Anyway, you heard about this one?” I didn’t need to hear anything else. I simply raced for the Apple farm with little time to waste. The two filly ponies got a look at me racing off. “What’s up with him?” If somepony’s causing trouble in Sweet Apple Acres, then I can tell its bad news. Racing as fast as I could, I was able to reach the Apple farm and with time to spare. Pinkie Pie has told me a lot about this place so I think it’s best I give everyone who’s reading this a refresher. Sweet Apple Acres is an apple farm situated in Ponyville that is home to the Apple family, a huge family of Earth ponies that have apple farms all over Equestria. Four of these members currently occupy this farm and I work for two of them. As I arrived, I find that everything is normal. This is strange. Something is not right here. I know it. I decided to trot my way into the farm and report for work. After checking in, I then meet up with Applejack and her brother. Applejack and Big Macintosh are Earth ponies that rely a lot more on their strengths. Since I’ve started working for them, I have seen what they can do when it comes to Applebucking, a method where apple trees are harvested by kicking them with their hind legs. It is something that amazed me and it made me to create my own tricks. Applejack is Big Macintosh’s little sister who always wears a cowboy hat wherever she goes. She has moderate sap green eyes, a mane that was olive with a pinch of pale light gray and a coat that was of a brilliant light gamboge. Because her talents revolve around the farm she lives in and takes care of, her cutie mark consists of three red apples. Big Macintosh (or Big Mac for short) is an Earth Pony like his sister. He’s a stallion with sap green eyes, an orange mane and a coat covered in crimson. Unlike his sister, his cutie mark was a green granny smith apple cut in half. I can tell they were expecting me. “Howdy Rob, neva thought ya here early today.” Applejack said. “We all don’t start for anotha few minutes.” Big Mac also thought the same thing. “Yeah, I thought so too. My job with Twilight already finished so I thought I’d be here quick.” If anyone can figure this out, it’s a blatant lie. There’s another reason why I’m here other than doing my daily work. “Well then, ya can help Big Mac get things ready. We’re waiting for the others so this may not take too long.” I then saw Applejack trot to her house. “Alright Big Mac, what do you want me to do?” I paid attention to Big Mac. Seeing him look at the barn nearby means I got work to do. “Ah need ya to help get the barn ready for when the others come. Knowing ya, ah know ya can get it done. Can ya do that?” I nodded at Big Mac. “Yes sir, you leave everything to me.” I responded and immediately got to work. Before I did leave though, Big Mac had something to tell me. “Uh Rob… refer ta me as Big Mac if ya can. Ya don’t need ta call me sir.” Guess I messed up on that. After I was reassured, I went into the barn and got to work. I still felt that something was going to go down. Too bad I was proven right. Far away from the apple farm came a group of ponies walking in a side-by-side formation. They were silent but their sights were all over the place ready to react on a moment’s notice. One of them had a large scissors on his head and was colored orange and white. The one behind him looked like an eskimo wearing a blue parka but possessed the skill to use ice-based attacks. On the other side was a pony having heavy armor with colors of red, yellow and black. Behind him was a robot that had a lightning bolt on his chest and like the pony in front of him, had the same colors but had them differently. Around the was a large floating vehicle operated by some sort of animal. It looked like a large rabbit but had a hairstyle and mustache that looked familiar. He had a gray mustache and long gray hair that covered some of the sides and back. Only thing also noticeable is that a portion of his head is bald. Why do I have the feeling that I know him from somewhere? Besides that, those guys were passing through the forest but the question is why? This place will prove to be perfect to begin my plan. Soon, this world will bow before me. He got a look around seeing all the many apple trees that were in the forest. “Sir, how long must we trot? Are we going to cause some havoc or what?” One of the ponies said that caught this rabbit’s attention. “Keep your circuits in check. We’ll soon reach our destination.” The rabbit responded violently. Guess that shut this pony up… wait a minute? Circuits? Uh oh. They all kept going until they saw a good look at some of Sweet Apple Acres’ farm. Many of the ponies that were walking got a good look of the area. The rabbit however let out an evil smile. Seeing this area was all he needed to make his move. “Now then...” The ponybots turned to listen to their master. “CutPony, GutsPony, IcePony, ElecPony… destroy this place. Tear it apart. Show these fools that I mean business. Nothing will stop us. No one will oppose us and those will do will feel my wrath. We are here on a mission and failure will not be tolerated. Is that understood?” Each of the ponybots nodded in approval. “Good. Now go… make your mark on this place and teach them that my time is coming.” Without as much as saying a word, they went off to cause some havoc. He looked on in an evil fashion seeing his hard work do the job for him. The ponybots got to work tearing most of the apple orchard. GutsPony used their brute strength to pull the tree from its foundation and tear it down. CutPony used its giant scissors to slash the tree causing it to fall. The result was that several trees that were in its path were taken down as well. Nearby, IcePony simply touched a tree causing it to freeze all the way up to the top. After that, ElecPony used its electric attacks to blast the tree in half. They continued on causing serious damage. Meanwhile, I had gotten the barn all set up. It was a lot of work but hey, with skills like mine, how can you go wrong? I went to Applejack and Big Mac to tell them I’m done. But I noticed something happening far away. Huh? Is that a tree falling? What’s going on? My negativity senses are tingling. I know it. Before I went to check it out, Applejack and Big Mac come in. “Oh Rob, did ya get the barn ready?” I nodded at her. Of course I got the job done. “Great. Now we can get ta work. We got some applebucking ta do.” “Eeyup. Will ya help us out Rob? We need all the help we can get.” Big Mac responded, “Ah know yah are the best we got here in da farm.” “You can leave things to me. However…” Rob turns around. “Something is going on deep within the apple orchard. I know it.” “Huh? What do yer mean?” Applejack’s look then turned into shock seeing one of the trees in the apple orchard going down. “What’s happening?!” “Somepony or something is tearing down the trees in the orchard. If this keeps up, it can be disastrous.” Big Mac and Applejack were clueless but I had to do something. “Rob, ya need ta head in the house where it’s safe. We’ll handle whateva it is that attacks our orchard.” Apple replied. However, I had a different plan. “How about this? I’ll go. You two need to let everyone know who works on the barn of the situation. Besides, if anything happens to you two, how am I supposed to tell your relatives about it?” I said in desperation. The two thought about it and then realized what was important. “Ahright, ya better not do anything careless ya hear?” I nodded at Applejack smiling in the process. “Ah don’t want anything to happen to ya. Ya still need to do ya job here at the farm.” “Don’t worry. I’ll get it done. You have my word Applejack.” I touched her cheek with my front hoof. “I’ll make sure to get the work done.” I saw her blush with a tint of pink. “U-uh, okay. Go for it Rob. Ah believe in ya. Come on Big Mac. We should let everypony know about this.” Big Mac nodded and the two went off to find the other workers. I meanwhile had to find out whoever it is and stop them. I trotted on all fours racing to where the trouble was occurring and I got a first hand look on what the heck was happening. And boy what I saw was destruction everywhere. I looked around and saw the four ponybots attacking the orchard. I didn’t know what the hell I was thinking right now but at this point, I would just rather go and stop them. I went for the one that was the least dangerous which was the ponybot with the giant scissors. I raced at him tackling him down. The other roboponies saw me attack. Guess going for a frontal attack really didn’t work. “Huh? Who the heck is this runt?” GutsPony said. “Sir, we have some annoying colt. What shall we do with him?” His boss isn’t going to take this well. “What? A colt? What else do you need to do you bumbling fool! Get rid of him. He’ll be just of one many who defy my soon-to-be rule.” That’s not good. “You heard the boss? Let’s get rid of this pest.” ElecPony responded. Four robot ponies against a colt that simply wants to protect this place. What could possibly go wrong? Well you can pretty much guess where this is going. GutsPony raced at me and delivered a hoof to my jaw. I was reeling in pain but he didn’t stop there. He went for a tackle but I got out of the way only for him to tear a tree down. I then saw the other ponybots use their attacks at me. Using my instincts, I was able to evade and then responded by tackling them. But these bots were persistent and taking them down this way wasn’t going to work. I was already breathing heavily and these guys were all set to give me a massacre. Made worse is that their boss is watching this and enjoying all of this. Remember what I said how bad could this get? It just got worse. Darn it! There has to be something I can do… but what? If I don’t stop them, they’ll tear down the entire apple orchard and drive the Apple family out of business. I can’t let it happen. I evaded ElecPony’s thunder attack and having to do this limited my options. If only there was something that can help me. Use the power inside you. What? What was it that I heard just now? Use the power inside of you. “Huh? Who said that?” Whatever it was didn’t have time to provide me all the details. There isn’t much time. Touch the mark that is on you. It’ll awaken your power. Oh-kay, this is pretty unexpected. “Power? What power? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m in trouble here.” Looks like whoever’s telling me this isn’t going to make this easier. Trust me. I’m surprised you’re too slow to figure this out. Touch your cutie mark so you can fight back! You didn’t have to yell you know? “Okay… if ya say so.” Using my front hoof, I touched my cutie mark. What happened next was out of this world. My body underwent a transformation and I was surging with electricity. I was then covered up in some kind of suit and then pieces of armor began to take form. My hooves were the first to connect followed by my body that covered my chest, waist and back. The helmet was left and it inserted into my head just fine. The energy disappeared and suddenly, I was armed and ready to kick some pony butt. Now these ponybots are having looks of shock. “Alright ya bunch of coltbots… its showtime!” Racing toward them, I went on the attack. I started with giving GutsPony a hoof to the face followed by a repeated barrage of blows. I then responded by lifting my front hoof causing it to turn into a buster cannon. I fired a shot at CutPony that sent him back a bit. What the? Oh-kay, I have a buster cannon for an arm. This makes things even more fun. But I didn’t have time to compliment this shocker. ElecPony and IcePony tried to stop me with their respective attacks. Too bad it really didn’t work because I used GutsPony as a shield to take the damage. With GutsPony offline, I used my hoof to touch one of his hooves acquiring his power. Data began to flow through me letting me duplicate his special power. My guess is that this has a secondary function and anytime I do this, I obtain some new tricks. Okay, why the heck am I remembering how to do this? I however didn’t seem to care so I decided to just go with the flow. Grabbing GutsPony’s beat-up body, I literally used it to give CutPony a bashing. He didn’t have a chance to react. I then copied his weapon and moved on to the next one. ElecPony unleashed his lightning attack but I dodged it and use CutPony’s own weapon (the Rolling Cutter) against him. All he experienced was a whole load of pain and I end up taking his weapon. IcePony was already scared seeing me. I can tell this fight is about to end soon. “Now then… before I decide to fry your circuitry, I want to know one simple thing.” I trotted slowly and carefully. “What? If it’s about how I’ll freeze you to death, then you know what’ll happen. You’re doomed right from the start.” Wrong answer, frost flank. “That’s not what I want. What I want to know is this one thing… who’s your boss?” I aimed my Pony Buster at him. Now powered with the Thunder Beam means that he’ll get a shock whether I find out or not. “Who’s the idiot that decided to attack this farm and this orchard?” “You really want to know that bad? We get orders from Wily… Wily the Wabbit.” That’s your boss? What a lame name. “His goal is to take control of this place. Nothing will stop him… not even a bunch of so-called ponies.” I’m afraid he’ll learn the hard way then. I fired a blast of the Thunder Beam frying his pony circuits from head to hoof. When it was over, I saw four Ponybots that got beat up bad. I didn’t have time to celebrate because their boss shows up recovering the damaged bots. I got a look at his floating vehicle getting a good look at the design. What I noticed was a logo that was on the floating ship entitled “Dr. W”. The ship turned and I got a good look at him. Both Wily and I each got a look at each other. I can tell it is a sign that we would be destined to fight. If it means to save the world, I’ll take that chance. “You must be the big boss… as long as I’m here, I’ll make sure your plans fail. You can count on it.” My sight on Wily was straight with a laser-like focus. “Go ahead and try.” I saw him touching his mustache. “You may have foiled my plan to tear apart the Apple farm orchard but I… will be back!” I saw Wily fly off. The only thing I can do is let off a sigh of relief. Walking back from the battle, I saw the damage to the orchard wasn’t severe. Only a few trees were torn down. I’m more wondering how Applejack and Big Mac are going to feel about this. Too bad they’re about to find out because they’re coming towards me. “We came ta see… we, huh?” They both got a look at me in my battle gear. “Who are ya? Are ya from around here?” “No, I’m not from around here. If you’re looking for your friend, he went off to get help. That’s where I come in.” I had a smile seeing my job was a success. “And about the orchard?” Big Mac said. “Is duh orchard okay?” I took a deep breath. This was going to be nervewracking. “The damage was pretty minor. Only a few trees had fallen because of some uninvited guests. But other than that, your orchard is safe.” I had to stay calm here. “If you’ll excuse me, I must be going. As long as evil exists, I must be there to stop it.” Before I did leave, Applejack had something to say. “Wait… before yah do, ah wanna know one thing. Who are ya?” I thought about it for about two minutes. “Ah really want to know. We want to thank ya.” “You can call me Pony… Mega Pony, defender of Equestria. That’s what you can refer to me as.” Guess that’s all they’re going to know. “I must go now. Your friend should be here any minute. We shall meet again.” My body began to gather in energy and I simply vanished off in a blue light. Applejack and Big Macintosh looked on as I flew off. “Amazing. He really is one heck of ah pony. Don’t ya think so, Big Mac?” Applejack said. Big Mac turned to his sister and nodded. “Eeyup. That fella here is something else.” Big Mac responded. The two then went back to their home hoping to let the other workers know about this. Teleporting off to a safe place, I returned back to normal after touching the mark on my chest. I then noticed that my cutie mark glowed returning to normal. I had no idea what was happening to me. Did I become some kind of hero? Suddenly, the pain I had in my head intensified and I tried to keep my balance. It was a short sting of pain but at least it was enough to give me some serious hurt. Remember… you must use this power to protect the world. That voice. Not again. Now I really wanted to know. “Who are you? And why are you giving me these voices in my head?” It didn’t respond. “Tell me. Who are you? Where are you?” Nothing happened. “Oh forget it. I got to get back and meet up with Applejack and Big Mac.” I raced to Sweet Apple Acres hoping to at least get some work done. When I arrived, I saw some of the workers heading home. Something wasn’t right so I asked to find out. I saw somepony nearby so I went to talk with him. “Caramel, what’s going on? Why is everyone leaving?” I asked wondering in curiosity. Caramel looked at me providing his response, “Applejack is giving everypony the day off. Heard that something bad happened at the orchard making the place unsafe.” Uh oh. I got to find out and get to the bottom of this. “I see. Thanks for letting me know. I’m going to see Applejack about this.” I then went into the Apple farmhouse to find out what was happening. “Applejack! Big Mac! What’s going on?” “It’s bad Rob. Ah’m afraid we have to send everypony home. The orchard suffered some damage and Ah’m afraid we won’t be able to get any work done. So I had everypony head home for the day. Sorry it had ta really be like this.” Big Mac came about and agreed with her. I however disagreed. “Sorry Applejack but I ain’t leaving.” Big Mac and Applejack look on in shock. “I want to do what I can to help out but to find that someone nearly destroyed the orchard really stinks. That’s why at this point you’ll need any and all the help you can get.” “Ya know Rob, Ah’ve known ya as a hardworking colt but I neva thought yah’d be hard ta dissuade. Do ya really want to help out here because Ah promise ya that this ain’t going ta be easy?” Really Applejack? You should know that there’s a term for that… hardheaded. “Even though I only know you for about a month or so, all I will say that you have my word. I feel that thanks to you (as well as Pinkie Pie) that I now have a job that suits me best.” I tried to regain my composure. “All I ask is that you let me help out. Besides, I need something to do because I already finished helping Twilight out and I got to help three others before I call it a day.” I let off a sigh but hearing it seemed to convince the both of them. “Well what in the hay are ya waiting for? Let’s get moving!” That was all I needed to hear Applejack. “Come on Big Mac. We all got work to do.” I already ran off so I can help out on the field and Big Mac followed not far behind. Applejack had a smile on her face seeing me ready to work. I guess she knows how determined I am to do this. She then decides to head out to help her brother and me. Even though today got off to a rocky start, I think it ended quite well. Just goes to show that I don’t take no for an answer. A few hours later… Celestia’s sun had set making room for the night as Luna’s moon was seen in the sky. Since I decided to help out the Apple family after that incident, things have gotten better. Apparently my decision to help Applejack and her brother seem to have garnered some attention. Many of the ponies that work on the farm decided to join in and help out. Within a couple of hours, we all pitched in and got some major work done on the farm. I was praised for my motivation to help out in the farm and I know that I’ll continue to help anypony out no matter what. I arrived back at Sugarcube Corner seeing the Cakes ready to close up shop for the night. Once I said hi, I went upstairs to the third floor and went to my room. I then encounter an all too familiar filly and boy was she excited to see me. “Hi Robbie!” Hearing that nearly made me jump but I kept myself in check. Pinkie really loves to make an entrance. “How was work? Did you have fun? Oh, Applejack came and told me how great you were. You really helped out. I can tell! You love to help! You even helped Twilight out with the bookshelf. Very awesome!” She kept speaking in a fashion I can’t even comprehend. It was enough to make me dizzy. “Uh Pinkie…” My words ended up flat on deaf ears so I tried again. “Pinkie…” She kept going. She didn’t stop and that’s when I knew I had one thing left to do. “Pinkie Pie!” Hearing that made her stop. Thank goodness. “Pinkie, I’m tired right now. I’m beat. All that work has drained me. Can we save it for tomorrow please?” “Aw, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were tired. It’s okay. I’ll talk to ya tomorrow then. G’night Robbie.” Before she did head for her room, she had something to give me. “Oh, I have something for you.” She went to her room and handed me some kind of book. “What is that?” I wonder if I’m that dumb enough to figure out that it’s a journal. Maybe that amnesia did more than mess up my pony brain. “It’s a journal silly. I thought you need it since you still have amnesia. Remember, I promised to help you recover and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” That’s some commitment right there. “You can use this journal to write down whatever comes to mind. Twilight always tells me that if something happened, I would write it down.” “That’s not a bad idea. Thank you Pinkie. Now, I have to get some sleep. Tomorrow is another day of work. Good night.” I gave Pinkie a hug before I went to my room. “Good night Robbie. Sleep tight and don’t let those bed bugs bite.” Pinkie then bounced her way to her room looking forward to some rest herself. Bed bugs? Ha, I doubt it. Maybe I should use this time to write what happened today. I saw a nearby pencil and thought I would use it. However, it didn’t help me because… I have no hands. I don’t have any horn either so I guess that went out the window. Guess I’ll be left with the only other option remaining. “Log Entry 1: It’s been a week since I decided to stay at Sugarcube Corner. Things have gotten good and I’m already doing fine. However, the issue at hand is the fact that someone is trying to attack this town. They already did some damage to the orchards at Sweet Apple Acres. If I wasn’t able to stop them, it could have been much worse. Thanks to my actions as well as some strange powers I received, I was able to repel off the enemy but not before I was able to get a name on the one behind it… a wabbit named Wily. What kind of name is that? And yet why do I feel like I’ve heard it somewhere before. Darn! I can’t get it out of my head. Regardless, I can’t let my guard down. If he plans to continue these methods then I must be there to stop him. I was able to get work done and I was praised for motivation as well as my hard work. But tomorrow is a new day and with it, more work. What will happen then? I guess the only way to find out is to see it for myself. End log.” I put the journal away in a drawer and went to my bed. It was an intense day and I’ll tell you this much. But with a new day on the horizon, I’ll tell ya that it’s going to be good. Freelancing, my job at Sweet Apple Acres and the life of a hero… I think I’m going to like this gig. I just hope things don’t pile on because that would really be a pain in the plot. Okay, that was really stupid but what can you do? Maybe tomorrow I can worry about that but for now, sleep is in order. God, I really need it. End Chapter 1 Disclaimer My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust Mega Man and the concept behind it regarding villains, robot masters, etc. belongs to CAPCOM. Earthbound belongs to Shigesato Itoi and Nintendo. Rob Stallion belongs to Jose Vega aka DestinyDecade.