The Adventures of Detective Whooves and Derpy Hooves

by Purpleblackkiwi

ACT I: Chapter II- The Start

Chapter II

The crowd went into a deafening roar as the Wonderbolts took off in flight. Ponies stomping their hooves to the point where the stadium felt that it might buckle under the tremor. The Wonderbolt flying above the crowd the lucky few touching their hooves.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Derpy yelled as she jumped excitedly up and down in her seat.

Derpy then jumped out of her seat to race to the glass window looking down at the stadium looking for her favorite performers. She was rewarded by Spitfire, the captain of the team flying and hovering in front of the glass before waving to her and taking off with a stream of lighting.

Derpy practically fainted into the chair behind her. The other two colts decided to join her to watch the beginning of the show. The Detective had to admit, although Golden has yet to stump him, that colt is able to put on one heck of a show. The Wonderbolts flying across the stadium as if the distance meant nothing, doing loops and drops that would scare a mother half to death.

Derpy watching being a Pegasus knew all to well how much effort sustained flight and loops did to the wings. She herself had attempted to do such a thing but the strain on her wings caused by such events where all to much for her small frame. To be a Wonderbolt one had to a natural born flyer.

The show went on in a spectacular lights and tricks, incorporating classic loops and tricks only possible with modern magic and technology. lights and flashes filled the stadium along with loud music. She could even recognize some of the tricks by name, the rainbow comet, the duel plunder, the lightning jet blaze, the..... Well she couldn't recognize the others but still loved to watch them appear.

At some point they began to launch shirts and other souvenirs into the crowd. Derpy although a little hurt that she would never be able to catch them due to the glass still enjoyed the watching the fillies colts receive these items.

Golden looked down up at the clock in his room to check how long the show had been going on.

"About time for a break." He said to himself.

"I agree." Nodded the Detective.

Derpy looked with a concerned look. "Is it over?" She said almost pained that the show may be coming to an end.

"Haha, No, you see my flyers as much as I believe and trust their abilities still require a break. It's just half time." Golden said as he stood up to head to the bathroom.

Derpy gave a small sigh of relief.

"Enjoying the show Derpy?" The Detective asked.

Derpy nodded her head with enthusiasm. "Its the best show yet!" She said in excitement clapping her hooves together.

Derpy watched as the Wonderbolts went into a dug out to rest themselves. She looked up at the TV screen to see that a cameraman was recording the team stretching out and drink water. She even noticed some of them talking to their family members.
Fleetfoot was simply stretching out and taking sips of his water. Soarin was hugging a pink mare who seemed to be his wife, as they hugged a small filly came between them a spitting image of the mother with her fathers navy blue hair Soarins daughter was adorable, watching her give her father a bottle of water to drink from. Spitfire shared a quick kiss with a pony who was most likely her coltfriend.

Seeing the action Derpy gave a glance at the Detective who seemed to be engrossed in another TV watching the Wonderbolt on their break too. Derpy looked down at her hooves on the floor contemplating an action that to her seemed slightly embarrassing, however she felt this was the best way to thank him for this wonderful day.

Closing her eyes Derpy turned her head to plant a kiss on the Detectives cheek. As soon as she leaned forward Derpy felt a strange sensation along her lips. Not really the feeling of a cheek, but something she couldn't describe. Derpy opened her eyes wondering what the sensation was, when she opened her eyes her eyes meet with a pair of light blue eyes, the Detectives eyes.

Blush flooded Derpy cheeks as she realized that she had locked lips with the Detective. Quickly pulling away Derpy hid her face with her hooves.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" Derpy yelled extremely embarrassed at what had just conspired.

The Detective in absolute shock had no idea how to respond. instead he gave incoherent sentences.
"Agh. Uuh. Umm." Was all that the Detective could say. Before another voice interrupted

"WOW! Whooves you dog! I thought you said that she wasn't your marefriend?"
A glance at each other and the two seemed to agree to talk about this at a later time.

The show went on as the Wonderbolts continued to perform. The second half of the show was more directed as a homage to the weather ponies that constantly watch over the weather.

The tricks and stunts this time revolved around using clouds and playing with wind currents. Unicorns using two bizarre looking machines to create pure white clouds for the Wonderbolts to shape and mold. The Detective took a quick glance to Golden who seemed to be enjoying himself as his work came together. The looked to his other side to see how Derpy was doing. Although she seemed to be enjoying the show rather thoroughly, she still seemed to show slight hints of blush on her cheeks.

Time flew by as they enjoyed the show and all of its wonders.

"Its about time." Golden said looking at the clock on the wall.

The Detective placed all of his focus on the show not wanting to miss a single thing. He looked down at the field to see more unicorns gathered around the machine pumping it with magic as the glow from their horns entered the machine through a large funnel.

After pumping it with magic the unicorn all bolted back to the safety. The Detective raised an eyebrow wondering what trick could have caused unicorns to run for safety. While a quick safety spell should cover them from most dangers

His question was answered quickly when the machines let out a dark almost black cloud floating along every so slowly. Even from a far he could see the dark almost threatening cloud, was loaded with electrons ready to fire out in the form of lightning.

It was no surprise that the unicorns ran, with their magic being the source of the electrons the lightning would be attracted to them like a lightning rod. Something even a safety spell might have trouble with.

The Wonderbolts hovered in place until waiting for the clouds to reach them rather than dashing for the cloud. Once the cloud came close enough the Wonderbolts went to work.

Pushing the cloud into either sides of the stadium and with a nod to the other they started. The two Wonderbolts Soarin and Spitfire started to rapidly fly around the the cloud causing the cloud to shrink and concentrate smaller and smaller the faster they flew.

The Detective could already see how dangerous the trick was, the lightning in the cloud at the moment might not be enough to kill a pony, but it was more than enough to cause damage. However what happened after made him question his friend integrity.

The ponies came out again and pumped more magic into the machine and firing more cloud into the stadium. Where Fleetfoot caught the clouds and sent them from side to side where the Spitfire and Soarin added to their own cloud they kept spinning. After what felt like forever the machine stopped and retreated.

The two Wonderbolt stopped spinning and hovered behind their cloud, a obvious nervous look on both of their faces, especially Soarin who was now looking far from stable, slightly staggering in his flight. The two nodded as a signal and flew over cloud creating a current for the clouds to follow speeding the clouds toward each other.

As soon as the clouds came within inches of each other arcs of electricity where passed between the two. Then Fleetfoot flew around the cloud same as the other two did except this time to accompany the two large clouds flying in a larger circle.

The arcs of became more and more violent as the arcs began to strike with more ferocity. Finally when it seemed like the arcs where going off every second. Fleetfoot flew away with one large stroke with his wings as the cloud released lightning in all directions. Flashes of lightning along with loud snaps filled the stadium. The overwhelming light caused every pony to shield their eyes, all except Golden who wore his sunglasses.

When the light faded their in the center of the field floated two Wonderbolts before landing on the ground. Spitfire and Fleetfoot both panting and smiling at each other finally finishing the show. The crowd all stood in an uproar stomping their hooves with all their might. Pegasus flying high in the sky, and unicorns conjuring flowers to throw. The buccaneer blitz although slightly blinding was a fantastic light show.

However as loud as the crowd was there was also a gasp and worried yells. As the Wonderbolts realized that out of the two one was missing from taking their time in the spotlight. Soarin was still missing. The two looked around frantically until they saw a small figure lying in the ground far off to one side of the stadium.

The Wonderbolts sprinted to what they could only hope was mirage, a symptom of their fatigue. Yet as the came closer to the figure they could easily see the Navy blue mane with burnt grass underneath him.

The Detective could see from the TV the horror that the Wonderbolts may have been going through. Soarin lying on his side holding his left forearm as if he had injured it. From his chest and skin tight suit it was obvious that his breathing was ragged and coming in bursts.

Soon the medical team rushed to the field with kits and lifts to carry him off the field. As the team was rushing a light pink figure ran right past them. Recognizable from the halftime break the Wonderbolts took the mare was probably his wife. A light pink coat and sleek green mane tied into a pony tail. She rushed to her poor husband teeth gritted, and tears flowing out.

First medical to arrive she took ponies vitals speaking rapidly what was probably questions and vital checks. She looked into his eyes and listened to his heart placing her head on his chest.

Once the medical team arrived she was already performing CPR on him. Pushing down on his chest where his heart should be and placing her mouth over his to breath air into him.

The camera was quickly cut and stream ended. Golden stood out his chair as if snapped out of a daze and ran out the door.

"Come on!" The Detective yelled as he ran after him.

The three all ran to the back gate as Soarin was carted into a chariot for the hospital. The wife climbing on crying as she sat awkwardly moving her saddlebag bag to accompany the small space.

Soon after the chariot took off for the hospital, and its wake stood a group of ponies made up of the Wonderbolt team and staff and the two guests invited by Golden Play. A silence as the chariot seemed to fade in the distance and disappearing completely as it turned a corner.

"Get back to work!" yelled Golden. The staff with a groan went back inside.
Derpy slightly winced at his cold angry tone.

The Wonderbolts left too as they looked at Golden who didn't seem to care for their poor friends injuries. After everyone left and only the three that came with Golden left standing.
The Detective left Derpy's side and walked over to Golden standing alone and whispered in his ear.

"They're gone." He said quietly.

Golden as soon as he heard those words collapsed to his knees. Stomping the ground as hard as he could. The Stallion with a eccentric personality wept loudly all fashions of facade in cold heart forgotten. He even threw his sunglasses to the side wiping his eyes as more tears flowed.
Derpy taking in this scene watching as the Detective placed a hoof over the weeping colt. Celestia's golden sun setting in front of them, bathing the scene in a beautiful glow reflecting of their coats, and tears falling shining like crystals as they hit the concrete. She's known the Detective to comfort her when she was put into such a state, but was always to busy as to never truly observe him.
The calm composure he had on his face. his eyes looking down at him un-moving focused on the task at hand. Although he kept a stern look on his face, his eyes told the story of a thousand comforting words. His endless light blue eyes a gateway to his caring heart.
After what seemed like forever. Golden had let out his final tear and went to his discarded sunglasses to pick replace them onto his eyes.

The three walked silently back to their box seats to retrieve their belongings and to call it a day. Golden walking ahead as the Detective and Derpy followed at a distance to give him space. No words to describe what Derpy was feeling, she followed the floor with her eyes as to reflect on the day. She looked ahead to see Golden once again walking with that stride he had to reflect his nature. Something she now saw as facade for work.

She looked at the Detective walking beside her to see he was lost in his own thoughts. She wondered about him too.
She had never seen him at work, since his work tended to move from client to client, but did he have a facade he kept up on his own. How was he when he talked to client that required his service? Thinking back on the day and his ability to observe. Did he ever "observe" her?

The emotional turmoil was to much for and she became nauseous at the conflicting thoughts. She was about to ask the Detective what he was thinking about when the Detective got out a question first.

"Derpy? Do the Wonderbolts have any rivals?" He asked quickly unwilling to add a bases for his question or why he even needed an answer.

Derpy stuttered at the sudden question but answered never the less.
"Umm. Yea they may be the first official ariel performers but they're not the only ones. They're plenty like the Flight Fancy, the Winged Warriors, and even smaller ones like Pegasus Party. Of course though the Wonderbolt are the most well known." She said finishing still wondering why the Detective ever needed the information.

The Detective stared into space lost in his thoughts.

"Why?" Derpy asked starting to worry at what the Detective was thinking.

Instead of an answer Derpy was given another question.

"Derpy your mother use to be a nurse correct?" The Detective asked, athough failed to let Derpy answer.

"What are reasons for a pony to go into cardiac arrest?" He asked quickly

Derpy now realizing this was a string of events answered without pause. "Well lets see." Depry said looking up trying to recall what her mother taught her.

"Bad health, lack of exercise, electrocution, eating the wro-" Derpy was suddenly cut off as the Detective yelled.

"EXCELLENT! THATS IT!" He yelled. Attaining a slight "eep" from Derpy and attracting the attention of Golden.

"Whats it!?" Derpy yelled trying to snap the Detective from his thoughts. Tired of being ignored.

"Golden!" The Detective yelled out.

"Whooves please I'm a little expended form today's events. I don't need to know you have already figured out my buccaneer blitz. That acursed trick may have cost me one of my Wonderbolts. Poor Soarin. All those calculations for nothing" He replied in a sad tone.

"NO! Something doesn't add up!" He yelled back.

"No Whooves! This isn't one of your cases. This is my fault and my fault alone, I am the one who made routine with full idea of what may happen if things went wrong." Golden replied ready to accept his failure and the backlash of his intentions. In all his years he has never had a flyer hurt so badly. Sure they where the cuts and bruises and even the occasional tumbles due to his oversight, but nothing this serious

"Buck it Golden! This is something beyond your show now!" Derpy and Golden both looked at the Detective not used to him using such language.

"This is about the truth! This was not your fault!" He yelled stamping his hoof to the ground letting out a large thud.

Golden let out a sigh and a shake of his head continued walking to the box seats by himself.

"Damn it." The Detective whispered to himself. He turned around and sprinted the other way. Derpy quickly following wondering where the heck they where going.

"Don't let anyone clean up!" He yelled back hoping Golden would follow his directions.

The two arrived at the bottom of the stadium standing in front of a large grass field. Where about and hour ago the stadium was filled with ponies and cameras.

Derpy panting to get her air back saw the Detective standing tall at the entrance to the field. The same entrance the Wonderbolts entered and exited.

He turned around to look at Derpy.

"Derpy this is the scene of the event. This is where we start." He said in a proud voice.

"Start what Detective?" She asked still a little confused with what they where doing.

"An hour ago, somepony, somehow sabotaged the Wonderbolts show. And they did it in front of thousands of ponies watching....
Its up to me to reveal who and how." The Detective said to Derpy.

pausing and looking back at the field
"This is the start of our case."