//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Meeting the manes. Pt.1 // Story: The Magic Coin. // by imgonenow //------------------------------// (Sorry for taking a while for chapter 5, I´m still not done with it yet, this is just part 1 of the chapter, I really lazy, but I wroking hard on part 2. Dont for get to THUMB, COMMENT, add to your FAVS if you like it and tell everypony you know, I would love more readers.) The size of Ponyvile grew lager every second as I flew closer to it. I could see the from town square to the Everfree forest. But what caught my attention the most was the hundreds of trees with red specks on them. I must of have been flying over Sweet Apple Acres. I flew over the tree covered land scape looking down. I noticed that there was a line of carts filled with apples. There must have been at least 30 of them. I headed to the ground and landed on the dirt road. I looked around, but there wasn't any sight of anypony. I slowly trotted to one of the apple filled carts. I slowly pushed my head closer to the apples, taking in a big whiff. The apple had a different smell from back home, a better one they seemed more organic but still shining red of freshness. I couldn't resist eating an apple, I was pretty hungry from the flight from Canterlot. I slowly open my mouth, and about to bite into one of the red fresh apple, but all of the sudden I heard somepony yelling: “Hey you! What ya doing eating ma apples!” I quickly turned, shoved my hooves together and forced out a smile: “Who me?” I asked stupidly. An orange mare with a blonde mane wearing a hat came up to me with an angry look: Apple Jack. “Oh excuse me, I was speaking to that rock over there.” She said sarcastically. I gave a quick chuckle but quickly covered it up. “Sorry, I´m just really hungry, I haven´t ate since I flew from Canterlot.” I said nervously. “Well you ain't going to eat any of my apple, especially for free, I took me all day to buck these down.” She said still glaring at me. “ Yah I could tell…I'm really sorry.” I responded with a frown. She looked at me and took her angry look and replaced with a smile. “Well that’s okay. It’s just hard to see all that hard work fly into somepony's mouth.” She said calming her tone. I gave a quick chuckle and slowly grinned. “Looks like you got a lot carts on your ha…hooves, you got any help?" I asked. The mare walked up to the of the carts, and strapped it to her. “This, ah this is nothing, 33 carts is an average day for the Apple family.” She started to pull the cart down the old road. “It’s the trip to the barn that's the real pain.” She said in her southern accent. I looked into the horizon to see the big red barn and then back to see all the other carts. “It’s going to take until night to get all those carts there.” I thought to myself. I quickly trotted to one of the carts, strapped myself and started to pull. It was an heavy load, but I could take it, besides I couldn't let Apple Jack do all that work. I quickly trotted with the heavy load on my back and caught up with Apple Jack. “Now what ya doing? Stealing my apples?” She asked me. I gave of a chuckle. “Nope, just going to help.” I responded with a smile. I knew Apple Jack wouldn't say no, but she still gave a confused look to me, but quickly replaced it with a smile. “Well then, I'm Apple Jack, the toughest cow girl you can find in this farm.” I raised an eyebrow looking at her. “Well then Apple Jack, I’m High Note.” I said with pride saying my new name. Apple Jack takes a good look at me and then asks: “What brings you to Ponyvile High Note?” I slowly raised my head into the sky and looked at the sun. It seemed like 7 in the afternoon. I then looked back to Apple Jack. “Well, where I came from, I wasn't really happy, I didn't really know what was my point of living. I guess I picked up myself and just ran away from everything. I found myself in Canterlot, even got the chance to meet the Princess. I left Canterlot later this morning and now I'm here.” I said giving a smile. Apple Jack looked a bit shocked. “You ran away? What about your family and friends?” I lost my smile and looked down to the dirt road. “I don’t really have any family…I…I'm an orphan. As for the friends well, I don’t really consider the people I knew friends.” Apple Jack showed a bit of pity on me. “Well then, whatever you’re looking for, I bet a bit you could find it here.” She said trying to cheer me up. I looked up to her and gave a smile as we reached the barn. We dropped of the carts and headed back, there was still 31 carts to get. As I helped Apple Jack with the carts, we spoke a bit and shared some laughs, she even offered me to have dinner and a bed at her house tonight since I didn’t have any other place to go. As we arrived to her home, I was greeted by the family: Big Mac, Granny Smith and Apple Bloom. For dinner we had some vegetable soup, some salad and to top it off: Apple Pie. We talked for a little while, they asked me about my past life. I told them I was from Manehattan, about my time in the orphanage, and the life in the city. Of Couse I kept the details about being a human, I was very careful to make sure my true identity would never be discovered. After the grub and the chat, Apple Jack lead me to the guest room. After we said to each other good night, and she left the room, I quickly went to sleep. I woke up with a clear mind, and full of energy, I was ready to take the day on. I headed down stairs to the kitchen, said morning and thank you to the family. I was offered to stay for breakfast, but I denied the offer, except I took an apple and headed out the door, and flew off.