Infinity: An account of The Last Horseman

by Brony Tron

Recorder account: 003

I woke up sometime late at night from being knocked out for the second time today. I was in some sort of old time dungeon, complete with mold, rats, and the sound of dripping water onto cement.

'Well this is just great' I thought as I pulled on the bars fruitlessly. Then my head cleared up enough for me to form straight thoughts.

"Alpha, you still there?" I asked, hoping to hear a response.

"I am here, sir." Was what I got from the bone mic in my ear.

"Thank goodness. Can you get me out of here, or at least tell me where here is?" I said, grateful to here his voice.

"Sir, my geographic mapping of this new world is 83% complete, and the bone microphones tracker seems to put you in, or rather below, a seemingly random castle at the edge of a rural town. The palace is quiet elegant in both size and stature, considering the surroundings," said Alpha.

"Hmm," I thought. "Alpha, have you found any signals that you can use to connect to an archive? I'd like to know a little more about my captors, at least before I meet another one," I stated.

"Actually, sir, I have only found one faint signal on this entire planet," He stated.

"That's curious, you'd think it'd be all or none. In any case, what is the signals origin?" I asked, puzzled by the phenomena.

"The signal appears to belong to a tablet, and it is in sleep mode," Alpha responded.

"This just gets weirder and weirder," I said. "Try to connect with it anyway. Review whatever info you find and report back with the clip notes, please."

"I'm on it, sir," Alpha said, and then he was gone.

'Well, I guess I'm alone with my thoughts,' I chuckled. However the universe seemed to lack a sense of humor.


I turned around suddenly as I heard the sound of stone breaking. I waited and listened, and it was silent for a few seconds, but then...


I saw a big chunk of wall just slide away from the rest. It just kept sliding until I saw a sliver of light on the other side. I leaned against the wall and slowly crept towards the breach. As I got within 10 feet of the stone, it slid further and I heard a voice whisper through the hole.

"Hey, is anyone their?" the voice said.

'I know that if I am going to get out of this jail, I wasn't going to be alone,' I thought, 'but, I don't know this mysterious voice and they don't know me. They could easily be a spy, placed in here to earn my trust and report in me. I know that would be the first thing I'd do to get intel on a prisoner. On the other hand though, I was put down here for no reason, at least no reason I'm aware of, besides being strange. I guess it could happen to others.'

"I'm here," I said warily. "Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"I asked you first," I said.

"Well I put in the effort to break and move the wall, so you first," the voice rebutted.

"Oh yeah, well nobody asked you to...ahh forget it," I said. "You can call me Smith."

"Hmm, well that's a start, I guess," the voice said, then a head popped out of the new hole, a human boys head.

"WHA....YOU'RE HUMAN!!!" I shouted.

"SHHH!!! What, do you want the entire castle to hear you!" he whispered loudly in return.

"Right, sorry," I lowered my tone. I looked the kid over. He seemed to be about seventeen or eighteen. He was shorter and less defined than me, but I was still careful around him, because it's the smaller guys that you gotta watch out for.

"Why're you down here?" I asked

"Same as you, I'm guessing. I'm human, and they're not," he said, pointing to the ceiling. "By the way, you can call me Michael," he said as he shook my hand.

"Does that come with a last name, Michael?" I asked.

"I don't know. Does Smith come with a first name?" he questioned back.

"Touché," I said "so, why'd you come over here? And how'd you even get over here?"

"I'm good with my hands," he said as he held up a hammer made of a rock tied to a bed post with some twine.

"I can see that," I said back.

"As for why," he continued, "I was bored over their, and I knew this cell was newly filled."

"Uh huh," I said questioningly "and you knew that how?"

"The guards are chatty," he said.

"I see," I said as I slowly backed away, reaching for my closest weapon: a rock.

"Look, I get it, you don't trust me," he said warily as he raised his hands above his head, causing me to hesitate.

"But look, I'm not a threat. See," he said as he brought his hand to his hammer, pulled it out of his belt, and slowly set it down on the ground, then returned to his position with his hands in the air.

"Hmm. Alright," I said, relaxing a little, "but I'm watching you...Michael."

"Noted," he said, then he noticed the room he was in, "wow, they really must hate you."

"Why," I asked.

"Well, my cell has a few more luxuries. Like a mattress, a light, and....real food," he said the last item with disgust as his gaze fell on my tray with the lunch I'd been picking at for the past hour.

"Really," I said, slightly amazed.

"Yup. See for yourself," he said, gesturing to the hole.

I got down on my hands and knees and crawled through until I was about halfway in the hole. I looked into his cell and was shocked. It was well lit, well furnished, and judging from the lingering smell, he was well fed. I crawled back out and stood up.

"This is outrageous. Who is the tyrant that dares to lock me, ME, up down here with no reason and no explanation, and then have the audacity to not only deprive me of a trial, a phone call, or even have my Miranda Rights read to me, but also stick me I what very well may be the only cell void of decent food, a mattress or even a gosh dang LIGHT!!!" I said in a fury while I paced back and forth across my cell while Michael just watched with and odd expression.

"WHAT!!!" I screamed at him, shocking him out of his trance.

"Wha...oh, sorry. It's really are pissed," he said, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, I am. How could they DO THIS TO ME!!!" I said, shaking in a rage.

"Okay, okay, calm down and just breathe," he said calmly.

I looked at him as if he were going insane, but still he gave me pause, so I listened to him. I slowed down my pacing and took slow, deep breathes. After a couple minutes I'd calmed down enough to think straight.

"Alright, I'm good," I said, "now why would they do this? What could they ever hope to gain by treating me this way? I mean, it certainly isn't motivating me to do anything, to say anything. So what's their end game?"

"I have no idea. I've been here for a few months now and I still haven't figured them out," he said.

"Okay, let me think this through. Have you ever seen the king or queen or whoever runs this castle?" I asked.

"No, not once," he answered hesitantly.

"Hmm, do you know who they are?" I asked, focusing on Michael's reaction carefully.

"Of course not," he said, his voice wavering slightly, as he began to sweat, despite the cold air in this chamber.

And then it hit me, he was lying!

'Why? Why would he lie? What would HE have to gain from this, from me. Unless..." I thought just to late, as he suddenly made a move for his hammer.

"Oh no you don't," I said as I ran at him. I rammed him broadside, my shoulder going right for his midsection as I tackled him to the cold stone floor. I rolled over him and flipped up onto my feet. I looked around the room for a weapon. I saw three that fit the bill. The hammer had slid under my bed, and the sharp rock from earlier was on the other side of the cell, leaving one: a loose bar in the corner of the cell. I reached for it and pulled as it slid out of its position painfully slowly as he started getting back up.

He shook his head, looked around the room, and he saw what I was doing. His face took up a look of realization and he reacted with a speed that can only come with experience. He spun around and dove for his makeshift hammer. He grabbed it, stood up, and turned on me. At that moment, I fell back onto the floor with the newly loosed bar in my hands. I stood up and took a fighting stance, wielding the bar like a sword. He held up his hammer.

"It doesn't have to be this way," he said as we began to slowly circle each other.

"Then surrender," I answered.


"Very well, then this only ends one way. With me stepping over your unconscious body, and leaving out of your cell," I said.

"Then fight me, you coward," he rebutted.

I than brought my pipe in front of my face, spun it a couple times, then got into a position, and waited.

"What?" He said, obviously confused.

I said nothing in return.

Michael took a couple of hesitant steps toward me, than brought his hammer down on where my head was, but I'd dodged to the left, took a step back, and resumed my position.

'One,' I thought to myself.

I then saw his next move before he made it, just as I'd trained myself to do. He was going to swing the hammer horizontally from left to right. As he began to swing, everything slowed down, and then it all seemed to happen at once. First, I took a step back to avoid his swing, then I thought 'two,' followed by me using my heel to push all my momentum forward, as I grabbed his arm, spun left, and brought him with me, then let go, flinging him across the cell.

"Three," I said as brought my pipe back up. But then he cheated

He slowly rose up, but in a blur he did a 180, pointed a tranquilizer pistol at me, took aim, and fired. It hit in my midsection, and I slowly fell to my knees, as everything slowly lost focus.

"Sorry friend. If it makes you feel better, I had to do it. You are just to good. I would've never won a fair fight," he said as I slowly lost consciousness...again.

" coward," was all I got, and then I blacked out.

Prince Chase stood over the sleeping form of the vermin that was meant to be Death, the worst of The Horsemen.

"Your highness, we are moving the prisoner to a solitary cell to be interviewed more directly," said his lead guardsmen.

"Good," was all the prince had to say.

Before the guard was even gone, Chase had already gotten lost in thought.

'And to think he had the nerve...I's one thing to insult me. But to insult my wife is inexcusable,' he thought as the very princess he'd been thinking of walked up behind him.

"Hey, sweetie," she said in her naturally soft, but intelligent voice that he loved so much.

"Hi Twilight," he said, slightly distracted.

"Oh, what's wrong, Chase?" She said worriedly.

"Hmm, you always could read me like, well, like a book," he said, laughing slightly, "but it's just something he said. He called you and this entire queendom a tyrant and a wasteland of tyranny."

"No he didn't," twilight said knowingly.

"Well, he said something like that," Chase said in return.

"Yeah, but we all heard what an animal Death would be. We can't let it get to us. We just do a Celestia said, we make him wear the ring, and lock him up so the prophesy can be fulfilled, and we won't have to worry about him," she said comfortingly.

"Yeah. I just hope he knows what'll happen if he comes after you and the kids," he said.

"What," said twilight, amused at the thought of her Casanova causing any harm to a fly, let alone Death itself.

"He will know the full power of Casanova prince Chase Michael Sparkle," he said, standing tall and pounding a fist to his chest.

"Ha, I'd like to see that," twilight said.

"It's true," he said, turning and moving to leave.

"Uh huh, I believe you. Now let's get you bathed. You smell like the dungeon," the princess said as she led her prince to the showers.
