//------------------------------// // Episode 1: A Shadow in the Darkness (Part 1) // Story: Marelaysian Battle Squad: The Balance For Harmony // by theshadows64 //------------------------------// Episode 1: A Shadow in the Darkness (Part 1) With a dark purple glow, the door opened. Twilight immediately heard the sound of a violin being played as she walked into the store. It was soothing and warm as if you had just wrapped yourself with a blanket after a day in the snow. She took a quick look around her. The whole store was filled with musical instrument of every kind. Violins, pianos, cellos, drums, the whole works. A light grey unicorn stood in front of the counter. Her bright lavender mane was short and jagged but it somehow fitted her appearance. A big smile shined on her face. “Hello,” the unicorn said “Welcome to G Major. How can I help you?” Twilight smiled and took out a piece of parchment “I’m looking for a replacement parts for this piano” She floated the parchment towards the counter and placed it in front of the mare. The mare took a good look at the sketch that had been roughly drawn on it. “Hmmm, I’m not quite familiar with this type of piano but…” the mare’s horn illuminated with a grey glow, lifting the parchment in the air “Could you please wait while I get my husband?” “Sure, please do take your time.” Twilight smiled as the mare went through the back door. A few weeks ago Spike had gotten a piano from Scootaloo for his birthday but it seemed that after just a short time the piano had stopped to function. Pinkie took one look and had suddenly come up with a sketch of what seemed to be the problem. She had tried every store in Ponyville but to no avail and she hoped that this last one would have the parts she needed. After awhile Twilight noticed that the music had abruptly stopped. The back door opened and the mare appeared. Along with her was a grey stallion with long bright blue bangs that was brushed to the side. “So do you have it?” The stallion faced Twilight. His face was blank, showing almost no emotions. “At the moment, we don’t have what you need,” Twilight sighed in defeat “but we can order it for you.” Twilight quickly started to beam. “Oh really, Oh thank you so much. You have no idea how many stores I went through just to get this.” She quickly went over to the counter to thank the stallion “Thank you so much… ermm… Mister…” “Cobalt... just call me Cobalt. You can take the part you need in a week.” Twilight extended her hoof but the stallion just turned around and left. “Sorry for that,” said the mare that had been beside him “He tends to get grumpy when ponies interrupt his violin sessions.” The mare extended her hoof and shook Twilight’s unintended hoof. “I’m Lavender Diamond but just call me Lavender.” “Hello Lavender, nice to meet you. I’m Twilight Sparkle. Are you new here? I’ve never seen you around before?” “Actually we’ve been here for quite some time. Two years I think…” Twilight eyes shot out of her sockets. Her cheeks turned dull red “Really, I’m so sorry I didn’t recognize you. I just never saw…” “There’s no need to apologize,” Lavender interrupted “We don’t actually socialize or go out much. So it’s quite reasonable if you didn’t know.” “Still I feel so embarrassed… How about you join me for tea one day? It would be nice to have some company over.” “Well it would be nice to get out of this stuff shop sometimes,” Lavender thought for a while and smiled "Maybe I will," “So you’re from Marelaysia?” Twilight asked as she sipped on her tea. “Yes, we moved to Ponyville after we weren’t having much luck in our hometown.” “I see. How is Marelaysia? I’ve never been there before.” “It’s quite the city. Not as fancy as Manehatten or Trottingham but its interesting.” “I would love to personally go there. Just think of all the rich and exotic culture I could learn.” “Yeah, that’s one way of saying it,” Lavender said as she giggled. “Anyway thank you for delivering the piano part. You didn’t have to go through all that trouble,” “Oh, it was no trouble at all. An old friend of Cobalt is in town and he asked me to go get him, and I thought I might as well send these parts as well.” “His friend comes and you're the one to go get him?” Her face a bit quizzical as she asked “Well…” Lavender’s smile suddenly disappeared. “You see… Cobalt is blind.” The purple unicorn gasped in shocked “Oh…” “Yeah, it’s actually a very long story but in short. He got injured and went blind afterwords.” “Oh, I’m…” Twilight was at a loss of words. She had never met a blind pony. To be more exact, she had never met a pony with any disabilities. Sure Granny Smith was a bit deaf in the ears but she was more than capable of handling her life. Lavender took one look at the clock and stood up. “Well it was nice seeing you Twilight. Thanks so much for the cup of tea.” “The pleasure is all mine,” Twilight went to the door and opened it for her guest “and if you ever need anything don’t be afraid to ask.” “Actually I do have a favor,” the violet maned mare blushed “You see, though it’s easy to find this library, seeing that it’s the only tree house in Ponyville. I was wondering if you could show me to the Ponyville Inn.” Twilight grinned “Well sure, it just around the corner actually,” She made a quick note to Spike that she was going out and left it in his basket so he could read when he came back from his gem collecting with Rarity. She swiftly looked around the library to see if she had forgotten anything and went out the door. Spring was in the air. The serene and cool breeze that it blew filled Ponyville with a peaceful air like no other. The Market Square was full of stalls. The trees at Sweet Apple Acres were painted with small red ripe apples and Ponyville’s streets were filled with ponies going about their daily lives while the fillies were out playing in the field. The walk towards the inn was a peaceful one up to the point where The Cutie Mark Crusaders crashed landed right in front of them. Something about trying to get a cutie mark in base jumping. Lavender giggled at their antics as they passed by. It took them five minutes to get to the inn and by the time they did a very dark blue unicorn was just leaving the Inn along with an orange and yellow dragon about the size of a pony. Twilight looked one look at him leapt with glee. “Shadow? Bright Shadow? Is that you?” She called out. Shadow took one look at Twilight and immediately beamed. “Holy Celestia, Twilight? I thought you were in Cantorlot?” Lavender confusedly looked at the both of them. “You know each other?” “Hello Lavender, it’s been nice seeing you again and yes, we do know each other,” “Shadow and I both studied at Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. He was my senior. By the way, that was a really great thesis you wrote last year,” Twilight grinned ear to ear. “I never would have thought teleportation as a sort of time manipulation spell.” “Well if you want, I could elaborate more on that matter,” Twilight squealed with delight. “Oh yes, I would just love to hear all about it.” “Sure, where are you staying? I’ll come by later after I’ve met with Cobalt.” “I’m living at the Ponyville Library. Oh I can’t wait. There’s just so much to discuss.” “Well I will see you then.” Shadow looked towards Lavender “I’m sure Cobalt is just dying to see me,” “I wouldn’t go that far as to say that after what happened in Kudala Lumpur” She said jokingly as she started walking. “By Starswirl’s beard, that was an accident…” Celestia plopped on to her bed. Today’s court had been quite the bore. The same old rich and upper class ponies with their minuscule problems plague the royal court. She wished she had more action like in the good old days. Back when she was with her sister Luna. Fighting side by side against the in justice of equestria but she guessed that was the price to pay for becoming a princess. It didn’t matter though. Her ponies respected her and she kept them safe. A green flash of fire suddenly emerged out of nowhere and out landed a roll of parchment. She smiled. Twilight’s weekly report. Even though Celestia insisted on only giving friendship reports only when a lesson in friendship had been learned, Twilight still felt obligated to give her a weekly report on the happenings in her life which she didn’t mind. It was a breath taker of sorts from all the mundane happenings in the castle. Dear Princess Celestia, Hello princess, I hope everything is great in Cantorlot. Both Spike and I are fine and doing well. I’m also happy to say that I have finally able to do 50 different types of magic and spells. I was so happy that I told Pinkie to arrange a party just for that occasion. She had the party arrangements done within the minute. I also met Bright Shadow today. It’s been a while since I met him. We had a heated discussion on the physics and biological traits of a magically influenced metamorphosis. It’s so great to finally be able to have an intellectual conversation again. Not that I’m saying there aren’t any smart ponies here. I hope everything is fine and please say hi to Princess Luna for me. Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle Celestia stared at the letter in horror. Bright Shadow was in Ponyville. She quickly got of her bed and gathered the royal guards. She had to get to Ponyville as fast as she could. Twilight was in danger. Twilight looked around the room. At first everything was pitch black. She let her eyes adjust to the darkness. The mossy cobblestone walls surrounding her gave off an eerie ambiance. There were no windows just a wooden door a few feet away from where Twilight was lying down. She stood up and went towards the door. She concentrated all her might towards her horn but to her surprise her horn didn’t respond. She quickly panicked. “What just happened? What happened to my magic?” she thought to herself. She tried to scream for help but it was only then did she realize the muzzle that had been placed on her. She tried to recall the events of the day. The last thing she remembered was that she had just sent a letter to the princess and was continuing her conversation with Bright Shadow when suddenly she felt tired and passed out. She suddenly heard the sound of the wooden door unlock. She quickly went to the back of the room, worried that her captives would hurt her. A black aura engulfed the door and it slammed open as Bright Shadow trotted into the room with a grin on his face “Ahh, Twilight. You’re awake.” “How are you feeling? A bit restricted I hope,” His demented eyes were locked onto Twilight. “I’m pretty sure you must be confused right now. Well that’s good. I wouldn’t want you to know what is happening anyway. Not that you’ll remember anything after I’m done with you.” Twilight tried to teleport out but again her horn didn’t respond. “It’s useless to use your magic Twilight,” Shadow pointed towards her horn. Three black rings had been worn on it. “That there are Anti-magic Rings. You like it? I made it myself. It took me months to make it. Though one would’ve work just fine for a normal unicorn but then again you aren’t just like any unicorn aren’t you. No, you my dear are the Element of Magic and the protégé of the most powerful princess in all of Equestria, a position that was actually meant for me.” Shadow turned around and began to walk towards the door “Try to rest my dear. There is much we need to do tomorrow,” “What do you mean you don’t know?” Asked Rainbow Dash as she slammed Cobalt towards the wall “I don’t know he never told me.” Celestia was too late. By the time she had arrived in Ponyville, Twilight was nowhere to be found. Spike had remembered Twilight saying that Shadow was here to meet Cobalt. So Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity quickly went to the little music shop at the edge of town while Pinkie Pie headed the Ponyville search party and Fluttershy using her unique talent to ask help from the birds and other animals. “Please,” Lavender pushed Rainbow Dash aside “Be careful” “Careful?! CAREFUL?! Twilight is missing and apparently according to the princess it’s because of that little…” “Whoa there Dash,”Applejack interrupted“Ain’t any use being too worked up about it He already said he doesn’t know anything.” “And you believe him?” “Rainbow Dash, even if so,” Rarity replied as she checked up on Cobalt “Do you really have to act so barbaric to such a poor little pony.” “Ladies, I’m blind not deaf.” Lavender helped Cobalt stand up. “Please, if there is anything you can do or anything you know please don’t hesitate to say. We need all the help we can get.” “We here just wanna save a friend and I’m pretty sure you would’ve done the same for a friend, wouldn’t you?” Applejack asked. Cobalt sighed. He knew he was going to regret what he was about to do but they were right. If he had been in there situation he would’ve done the same. “I know a pony that might be able to help.” A bright ray of hope shined in the once gloomy room. Cobalt searched for his bow and his violin with his hooves to which Lavender levitated them to. He stood up and started playing a very high and cheerful note. “Her name is Pencil Point.”