Night of the Shadowmare

by Lightning-Blaze

Night of the Shadowmare

"You will never make it anywhere in your worthless life."

"Get away from me before you live to regret it."

Shadowmare shot up from her sleep as the fragment of memory entered her mind. She looked around and realized she was in her room. "What the hell was that all about, was that just a dream" she asked herself. She got up off of her bed and stretched her legs. "Oh well, its over and done with", she said as she started to walk around her home, still thinking about the fragment of memory that had entered her mind.

Shadowmare decided that it would be a great idea to go outside. Staying inside by herself was not good. The fragment of memory she heard in her dream was still playing in the back of her head. "I just need some fresh air, hopefully it will take my mind off of that dream", as she went outside and took a deep breath.

It was the middle of June in Ponyville. All of the birds were chirping at the wonderful weather. The scenery all around was truly beautiful.

Shadowmare didn't live directly at Ponyville. Throughout her life she had to constantly move from town to town. Not because she didn't like the ponies that lived in those towns, just that she needed her own quiet personal space. Throughout her entire life, she did not like being alone but had a huge fear of not being accepted by anypony. Shadowmare was all alone.

Shadowmare went back inside and started to walk around her house again. Everyday was the same routine; she would wake up and watch the birds fly through the air. "I just want these horrid dreams to end, this is the fourth time since the incident", Shadowmare thought to herself quietly.

"Maybe going to see if anything is happening in Ponyville will get my mind off of these horrible nightmares."

Two Days Earlier

Shadowmare was thrown to the ground. She tried to get up but was brought down by a hoof on her chest that kept her in place. "Let me go, I just want to go home", Shadowmare said to the pony that was holding her down. She had never done anything wrong so didn't understand why the other ponies hated her.

"Why? So you can go home and be by yourself, what are you hiding?" the pony said as she applied more pressure onto Shadowmare's chest with her hoof. "Why are you always alone?" the pony shouted as she pounded on Shadowmare's chest twice.

"Get away! I don't have to tell you anything, why don't you just leave me alone!" Shadowmare said as she struggled to loose the other pony's grip. What have I done wrong for you to be mean towards me? Shadowmare stopped struggling and looked at her bully with anger in her eyes.

"Wrong answer", the pony said to her before starting to kick at her with her hooves. All Shadowmare could do was just stay still and take the abuse. She never wanted to fight. The kicks continued to pound at her chest, sending agony throughout her body.

"Leave me alone, I have done nothing wrong, so why do you hate me?" Shadowmare said as she coughed up a small mouthful of blood. Every time she breathed it felt like an instant fire was burning in her lungs. She wanted it to end.

The pony stopped kicking Shadowmare and leant her head close to her. "You're worthless and pathetic", the pony said looking at Shadowmare with a look of disgust.

Shadowmare got up to her feet and coughed into her hoof. Blood splattered onto her hoof and trickled down to the ground. "You are the reason why I stay away; you all mock me and twist it into worthless lies just for your pleasure." Shadowmare looked at the pony with anger but tears started to form because of what she had just said.

"You will always be alone, a nopony who is not wanted." The pony said in a tone that seared straight through her heart.

"I said leave me alone before you live to regret everything you have done", Shadowmare said as she looked at the other pony. She was ready to be brought down again but the other pony just looked and smiled. Just wait until that one day where you all push me too far; you will all live to regret acting like this to me when that time comes.

Present Day

Shadowmare was on her way to Ponyville. She had a ten minute walk before making it to the outskirts of the town. The fragments of memory that were in her mind had finally calmed down but were still in the back of her head.

Shadowmare walked up to the edge of the town. As she stood there, she thought to herself, "Do I honestly want to go here or should I just stay at home?" The thought of being a nopony crept back into her mind again.

As she looked at her dark grey body, she noticed that there were bruises still visible after the beatdown that she recieved. "If I don't try to fit in, they will win", Shadowmare thought to herself as she began to walk into town.

The streets of Ponyville were completely empty. There was nopony to be seen anywhere. Sudden sadness started to wash over her. Am I that bad? Do they dislike me so much that nopony wants to even look at me? She walked around the empty streets of the usually, very busy town. Her mind was really confused by trying to figure out what had happened and why nopony was outside.

The town was a mess. There was debris everywhere, shattered boxes and even destroyed stalls. Shadowmare also noticed multiple puddles of crimson coloured liquid. It was dry. She had to force herself not to think that it was from something or somepony.

Shadowmare could tell that something was not right. The town was a mess and had empty streets. "Where the hell is everypony?" Shadowmare asked herself as she continued to walk around the town. She called out various such as "Hello?" or "Is anypony there?" but there was no response.

Her mind was focused on trying to figure out what had happened to everypony. She noticed that walking around the deserted streets of Ponyville multiple times was not helping her at all. She needed to figure out what had happened.

She suddenly stopped in her tracks and grasped her head with her hooves. More fragments of memory from the previous night were starting to flood back into her mind. She let out a howling scream. "Not again! Make them stop!" Shadowmare said as she stood there grasping her head.

She was starting to remember what had happened.

The Previous Night

Shadowmare woke up from her short nap. She let out a sigh and then stretched her legs. Pain shot through her body after stretching her legs. She remembered the beatdown she had received.

She got out of bed slowly and walked towards the mirror in her bathroom. Shadowmare looked at her dark grey body, red mane and blood red eyes in the mirror but then noticed that there were still some bruises that were clearly visible. "I hate them, they didn't have a reason to do this to me, I hate them all!" Shadowmare as she thrust out her left hoof which shattered the mirror instantly.

It took her at least two minutes to finally calm down. All of her life, she had hated being angry, even if somepony was really mean to her. Shadowmare began walking towards the kitchen but winced each time she took a step.

As she finally reached the kitchen, thoughts of what the pony said to her came crashing back into her head. You're worthless, pathetic. Her mind was constantly playing the words over and over again. "I'm alone", Shadowmare said as she grabbed a knife and placed it on her belt.

She walked outside. It was dark but she couldn't care less, all she wanted to do was go back to Ponyville for one reason. To confront the pony who treated her badly and get an "I am sorry" out of her by any means necessary.

Shadowmare stopped at the edge of the town. She was more angrier than ever before. She walked into the town and began walking down each and every street not caring about the looks that the other ponies were giving her. Where is she? I know she is here. Suddenly she was brought to the ground from behind. Blood started to trickle from her nose and go into her mouth.

"You know that you're not wanted and yet you still come back." A voice came from behind her. There she is. The pony lifted Shadowmare up and looked directly at her. "It looks like you have not learnt anything since last time."

The pony started to pound at Shadowmare's chest and face with her hoof. Shadowmare was taking blow after blow but her anger was raging inside. I will kill you if you take it too far, I will kill you all. The pony retracted her hoof after moments of swinging. The blood from Shadowmare was stained onto the coat.

"Just let me go", Shadowmare said to pony holding her up. Her mind was going into a serious state of rage. Kill them. Kill them all. If something didn't change soon, she was going to listen to her insane thoughts.

"What was that? Did you say let me go?" the pony said in a really menacing tone. The pony lunged out with another hoof but Shadowmare blocked it.

"What the?" the pony said in confusion with what had just happened.

"I said, leave, me, alone!" Shadowmare shouted as she kept hold of the pony's hoof and began to twist it. You are all going to pay for what you have done. She continued to twist the pony's hoof until it snapped. "This is what you get when you treat me like this and now you are all going to pay", Shadowmare said to the pony that she was now holding.

"Stop, I'll stop being mean, let me go." The pony said as tears were starting to stream down her cheeks. Shadowmare looked at her and laughed maniacally. Ponies had heard the commotion and began to gather around but were shocked to see Shadowmare in control.

"I was trying to tell you this when you were giving me a beatdown yesterday...but you haven't learnt your lesson yet." Shadowmare spun the pony around and slammed her face into the ground. "That's what you get when you treat somepony badly and play with their emotions."

Then Shadowmare completely lost it. She pulled out the knife from her belt and lunged at the pony, only for the pony to let out a blood-curling scream. The knife had protruded through her chest and when the knife receded, she fell lifeless to the floor. Shadowmare laughed maniacally at all the other ponies that had gathered. Then continued to laugh maniacally as the dead pony lay lifeless in front of her.

"She has lost her mind!" A blue stallion called out from the group that had gathered. Everypony was shocked at what they had just witnessed. They began to say things like 'she has lost her mind' and 'somepony stop her.'

Shadowmare looked directly at the stallion who had said that to her. Kill them! Kill them all! Make them all suffer! Shadowmare lunged into the crowd and grabbed hold of the blue stallion. She tossed him up into the air and watched as his body came crashing to the ground. To make sure he was dead, Shadowmare leapt up into the air and came crashing down on his skull with all four hooves at once. Blood started to pour out from the cracks in the stallion's skull which began to form into a pool of blood around his head.

Screams began to erupt from the crowd of ponies. "Somepony stop her", a pony yelled from the large crowd.

Shadowmare turned around and laughed maniacally. "You really want to try and stop me; I'll save you all from having to see me at all. Don't even think about trying to stop me", she yelled at the top of her voice so all of the other ponies could hear.


Shadowmare grasped her head again. The thoughts were making her extremely sick to her stomach. "What the hell happened to everypony? Just make the memories stop", she thought to herself as she began walking.

She was walking around the town without a clue with where she was going. Did something really terrible happen to everypony?

The streets became more disastrous as Shadowmare kept walking. Larger puddles of dried blood became more frequent. She noticed that from some of the large puddles, there were trails of blood. She began to follow one of the trails until she noticed something near a stall. She walked over and what she saw made her instantly vomit.

In front of her was a young red stallion that had been impaled. He had a white and black mane and a cutie mark of a guitar on his flank. He was there motionless, dried blood was pooled on the ground and trails of dried blood were on his body. He was dead and somepony did this. What the hell happened here?

She backed away from the impaled pony and continued to follow the trail of blood. Something has happened and I'm going to find out what.

Shadowmare followed the trails of blood to a large clearing just outside of the town. She just stood there in horror. The bodies of sixty ponies lay lifeless in front of her.

Shadowmare vomited again. She could smell the blood. This is worse than what I thought, Somepony did all of this and showed no remorse.

Suddenly her mind began sending more fragments of memory. She grasped her head again. "Why do you have to do this to me?" Shadowmare screamed. "Just leave me alone."

Everything about what happened was coming back to her mind.

The Previous Night

Shadowmare was gone; all shreds of sanity had either left her mind or were tossed to the back of her head like an unused toy. She charged towards three ponies that had gathered next to the blue stallion that she had killed. She grabbed one that had a red coloured body and tossed him into a nearby stall, little realising that he had been impaled on a spike. As for the other two ponies, Shadowmare got hold of the knife again and within the first 30 seconds, the first pony's electric blue body lay life lifeless on the ground, within the next 30 seconds, the second pony's yellow body lay lifeless on the ground as well. Both ponies had dismembered body parts next to them. Shadowmare began to laugh at the dead ponyies at each side of her.

She then began to go around Ponyville and slaughter everypony she could see. She was so built up with anger and rage that she didn't have any feelings of guilt. This is what you get for not being nice. Look where it got you all.

She searched the town for a good three hours killing everything in sight no matter what age or gender they were. You should have given me a chance to prove myself but you didn't and look where it got you all. I saved you all from having to see me at all.

Shadowmare killed everypony she could get to. The others fled the town. Bodies were everywhere. Shadowmare laughed maniacally at her work. " I will finally be left alone."

She couldn't just leave bodies everywhere, so she decided to take them one by one to the large clearing just outside of the town. It took her six hours to move all of the bodies.

Shadowmare laughed maniacally as her mind snapped, The darkness inside had taken full control of her.


Shadowmare stopped receiving images of what happened. One image stayed in her mind, the pony that had killed them. "I did it, I killed them all", Shadowmare said as she looked at the large graveyard in front of her.

"I remember, I remember it all, I remember killing every single one of them", Shadowmare said as she began to laugh and once again, let insanity take over.

She remembered everything that had happened. She had lost all contact to the real world and had been tossed into an uncontrollable world of hatred and insane thoughts.