//------------------------------// // 2. Adventure // Story: The Doctor // by PinkiePieParty055 //------------------------------// Luna was in deep thought about Celestia. So many questions popped in her mind. What did the nod mean? Where did she go? But, most important question to her was: Why?. Luna decided she wanted to find out herself. " Masquerade" she called. "Y-Yes princess" said a yellow earth mare with a blue mane. "Thou-" Luna stopped to correct herself. "I will be out for awhile" "P-Princess if you don't bother me asking where?" Masquerade said. Luna was almost out of the door but heard the question. She stopped and turned around and said "uh....The Garden!" With that she decided to search there. She trotted to the Royal Garden. She had searched everywhere there was nothing. She was about to leave until. Swoosh! Luna turned around to see a tall shadow with sharp teeth. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Meanwhile with The Doctor and Twilight "Close your eyes" said The Doctor. "Ok there closed" said Twilight as she pulled the Doctor's hooves off of her face. After a couple of whizzing and crashing sounds. She could hear him opening the doors of the TARDIS. He had taken her hoof and walked her out of the TARDIS. "Open" said the Doctor taking his hoof off her's. "Wow!" she said amazed . "Welcome to the Aurora Light City!" said The Doctor with excitement in his voice. "I want to check it out and what is wrong with that pony?" she questioned with curious. As a stallion walked by but he was clear like glass but liquidity. "They are the water ponies they are made out of of water" he said "By the way they are incredibly nice" "What do they do?" she asked. "Same things we do only they earn special orbs that..uh.... help them stay in one piece" he continued " They age like me" "How old are you?" "903 years old" he said with a smile. "Wow" she said a little shocked. "They have a Princess her name is Crystal Aurora she is very beautiful" The Doctor sighed. "Is there something wrong?" Twilight asked in a worried tone. "I tried to save her mother" he said looking at the ground. "Her name was Diamond Crystalline Light. She a magnificent water coat with a special blue silk that was emended in her hair. The Broken Eyes were planning to steal the orbs to take form. Many of them took shape but I took the orb from them. After I defeated them, she used the last orb with all the magic she could and she scattered it to all of the water ponies. But, there weren't enough since she had used all of her magic she was very weak a regular one would not work and there no full orbs left. I had tried the Crystal Orb but she was all ready gone an it her place was the tiny filly Crystal Aurora and so when the King: Golden Spiral came and found us and I told him what happen. Golden Spiral was a regular unicorn golden pony his cutie mark was a Spiral Galaxy,his coat was gold, and his mane was yellow with a second color of gold" "So she is dead" said Golden Spiral. "Yes and I am so very sorry" The Doctor said in a very sadden voice. "She left a filly" he said with a slight smile. Golden Spiral looked down to see a small sleeping filly with a flash of rainbow. The Doctor gave the sleeping filly to the King. Doctor flashed a smile and then turned to the TARDIS and left. Golden Spiral thought: Doctor? "I am so sorry" Twilight said while stroking the Doctor's Back. "Never mind that let's go see Princess Crystal" he said brightening up. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "THE PRINCESS!!!" They yelled. They both went into a full gallop and both ran into the water like castle into the Princess's room. There in the corner sat the Ailcorn Princess, guards laying on the ground unconscious, and The King on the floor next to the Princess unconscious. In front of her was eyeless black shadow crawling from the floor to her. She turned to the Doctor and whispered "Help". The shadow had turned around and saw The Doctor and with vicious teeth it crawled to them. "Well we meet again" he said. "Give us land and POWER so much POWER" it said very demanding and threatening. "So you can talk you evolved " with that he said he pulled out his sonic screwdriver and beamed it at the monster hurting it. With that it made it very mad and it got closer then it stopped and smiled evilly showing it's teeth. "DOCTOR" Twilight said pointing to two shadows appearing beside the first shadow and the other side. The first shadow had taken form while the others were still on the floor. "How can you take form?!" The Doctor said very firm. "We found new power and this is only the beginning" it said as it and the other shadow faded away. Twilight walked around The Doctor to the Ailcorn Princess. She was shaking and crying. Twilight went up and held her. "Thank you Thank you so much" said the Princess smiling while crying. "Your welcome" Twilight said in a very soothing and calm voice still holding her. "T-Those things what are they?" said the Princess trying not to cry. "The Broken eyes" said The Doctor walking up to her."Can you tell us what happened?" "Well o-ok" She said "I was in the castle looking out the window and then my father came running upstairs were I was. He said something about running from some things. After that he closed the door and blocked it with a spell. He sat me in a corner and was standing in front of me with his horn out. He told me "What ever happens to me, you fight for our city" Then I heard a smash and the door burst open and the guards were thrown. My father tried to use his magic but those things drained his magic and then throw my father aside and that's when I screamed. The thing acted strange toward me it's like there was a shield around me then it was about to do some type of magic that when you came and that's what happened." "Doctor how can they drain magic?" said Twilight. "I don't know" he said. With that he thought:"We found new power and it's only the beginning". "So Twilight I think it's time for you to go home" he said. "What about me?" The Princess said getting up. "Oh right" he said and pulled his sonic screwdriver and scanned The King and guards."Their unconscious but, fine take them to the nurse and there're alright " he said walking out. Twilight who was following said "Bye hope to see you again without something scary happening" The TARDIS made some whizzing and crashing noises then it stopped. "Here we are Twilight, home safe and sound" he said with a smile. "We should this again" she said "Without the crazy." "Crazy is everyday" he said "Do you want to travel with me?" She smiled and said "Yes" He said " See you tomorrow" and he walked into the TARDIS and it started to fade and then it was gone. She turned around ,smiled and opened the door where Spike jumped onto Twilight and said "PRINCESS CELESTIA AND PRINCESS LUNA ARE MISSING!!!!!"