//------------------------------// // 1. The Blue Box // Story: The Doctor // by PinkiePieParty055 //------------------------------// There in Canterlot Castle the Royal Sisters were arranging the First Moon Celebration."Luna what shall we do for the First Moon" said Princess Celstia in a soft soothing voice which calmed Luna. "Since thou has not been to a celebration we think thou should-" She stopped as a Canterlot guard interrupted. "What thou meaning of this" said Luna. The guard bowed to Luna "Sorry for the interruption but Princess Celstia" he turned to Celstia and nodded. Celstia gasped and then closed her eyes and nodded. "Luna...I want you to stay here" said Celstia firmly. "Tia" Luna then glanced at the guard she had realised that she was addressing Celstia as Tia. She could tell that this was serious."I mean Celstia what is thou suppose to do" "Guard and protect Equestria" Celstia had looked at her sister and looked almost at the verge of crying. "Tia is there something the wrong?" Luna said with a worried tone in her voice. She did not care that she addressed her as Tia this was her sister. Her sister meant a lot to her she wanted to know what the problem was. Celstia was silent she hugged Luna and turned away. Luna could tell Celstia was crying. Celstia and the Canterlot guard left. There Luna sat confused, worried, and lonely. Luna thought she knew something was wrong and she was going to figure it out. Luna thought: Something is wrong and I want to know what While in Ponyville Twilight was in the her library reading."AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" the scream had made Twilight jump. "Spike!" Twilight had called. "Yes" Spike said coming from upstairs. "Phew you are ok" Twilight said with relief. "Why wouldn't I be?" Then, Twilight's pupils shrunk. She had realized that there was a mare in trouble. "Spike I'll be back" Twilight said. Before Spike could reply Twilight was gone. Twilight was outside it was night so everypony was asleep or at home. She looked around everything looked normal she turned a corner there was a Pegasus statue cuffing it's hoofs in front of it's face. In the middle of the alley. "AH!" A little startled "Oh it's just a statue but ,how did you get here?" Blink! The winged statue had stopped cuffing her hoofs over her face but now it got closer and more vicious looking with sharp teeth showing and reaching out for her. "AAAAHHH" she screamed. All of a sudden a brown stallion jumped in front of her."Don't Blink" he said. "Why?" Twilight asked. "I will tell you if you don't blink!" He said in a very serious tone. Twilight did as she was told and she didn't blink. "Are you good at magic?" He asked. "YES" Twilight said with excitement and also with a little sarcasm. "Shoot it" he said. She did, shooting a purple blast of magic. After the smoke cleared it was still there. "You can't kill stone" "Oh no, what do we do?" she said staring straight at the statue. "Don't Blink" he said pulling a device out of nowhere. He buzzed at the creature the creature seemed to.....well be erased. "You can look" he said with smile. After blinking her eyes a couple of times, she looked at him. And yelled "Now who ever you are you are going to answer like WHAT WERE THOSE THINGS?!" He said calmly "Those are the Weeping Angels or Weeping Pegasus" "Thank you and can you answer my other which is WHO ARE YOU, WHY COULDN'T WE BLINK, HOW MANY ARE THEY,AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO IT?!!" He then explain who he was,and about the Weeping Angels .His name was The Doctor and he was a Time Lord. Then, he got into detail about the Weeping Angels.The Number One Rule : Don't Blink. Blink and you are dead. They send you back in time and and feed on your time energy. He told all about the sonic screwdriver which turned the clock back to the statue so it never existed and basically do anything. After he had cleared it up to Twilight. She was shocked, amazed, confused, and a huge rage of different emotions. "So your telling me you are a Time Lord?" "Yes" said The Doctor. "Prove it" said Twilight with a smirk. "Follow me" he said. They approached a Blue Box that on the top read 'Police Public Call Box'. "Is this a joke?" The Doctor sighed hoof smacking himself in the face. "Just come in" "Fine" She walked in and she was shocked."It's..It's" "Bigger on the inside" he said with a smirk. "No, it's impossible" Twilight said amazed."Did you do it? I have not seen any spells for this" "Good old TARDIS it's a abbreviation for Time and Relevant Dimension in Space" he said. "Yeah" she said in disbelief. "Do I still have to prove it?" He said. She turned and looked at him with a smile and said "Yes" "Allon-y!" He said with glee. With that the TARDIS started to shake and twist. After that he opened the doors and they were on the...."MOON!" Twilight yelled. "Yep the moon she is pretty" he said. "I still don't get how this is possible without magic" "Nothing is impossible" " Where else can we go?" "Anywhere" The Doctor said. "Let's go somewhere" she said. "Where?" "Surprise me"