//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 Reawakening // Story: The Lost Brother Of Royalty // by Brony Parasite //------------------------------// "Tia, the storm hasn't passed!" Luna inquired in a fearful state. It was confirmed, the storm had not passed, while Celestia looked outside.In fact, the storm was so fierce that it knocked trees over and all colors of lightning were threatening to destroy Canterlot. If it didn't stop now, all of Equestria could be lost amidst the floods and lightning. "What do we do, sister?" Luna inquired, her nerves on edge “I dont know Luna.” Celestia replied. Something was wrong. The storm shouldn't be behaving as fierce as this, there must be somepony controlling it. But who? Discord was reformed and no other creature has the power to control the weather like this, but him. What if he was faking his change of heart? What if he was just pretending? No, he cared for Fluttershy that much was certain. Then who could it have been? Celestia's thoughts were cut short. "TIA!!!" Luna's shout brought Celestia's mind back to Luna. "Sorry Luna. What were you saying?" Celestia asked in an almost motherly tone. Luna grunted and facehoofed. Celestia simply sighed. "I said; what if Discord is doing this?" Luna asked. "You and I both know that, Discord wouldn't do that. Not with Fluttershy as his friend." Celestia was now thinking of who would be able to pull it off. "Hmm? I give up!" Discord appeared out of nowhere. "DISCORD!!!!!!!" Celestia screamed. "Yes, you called?" Discord declared, as he bowed. Celestia scowled at him. She hated when Discord scared her. Luna didn't even seem fazed by him. She had apparently had grown used to it. Celestia took a moment to calm herself down before addressing him. "Discord do you at least know who is behind this?" Luna inquired, eager to figure it out. He paused, for dramatic effect. "I have no clue! Isn't it exciting!" Discord said a little TOO enthusiastically. "WHAT!? How do you not know?" Celestia was confused. "Listen, I can't know everything."Discord made his eyes go all around the room, before continuing. "You must know that by now." “I'm sorry Discord.” said with a sigh. This was going to take awhile. Meanwhile... in the Everfree Forest. As Fluttershy trotted through the dark forest, looking up to see how bad the storm was, as the black clouds poured heavy rain down, hitting her body, giving her a soggy, spine chillingly cold, coat. It was near pitch black, with the exception of the sporadic and momentary lightning strikes. "Angel Bunny! Where are you?" Fluttershy shouted. Angel had run into the forest. Fluttershy had been searching for him ever since the storm began. She didn't like to go into the Everfree but Angel needed her. The cracking sounds of the fierce weather scared Fluttershy to the core. She galloped as fast as she could but the continuous blasts of wind in her face were almost too much for her, and she tripped a few times. along the way. A bolt of lightning illuminated the Castle of the Two Sisters, not too far from where she was "Angel must be in there!" Fluttershy was almost unable to hear herself through the storm. She galloped as fast as she could, for the sake of Angel. When Fluttershy entered the castle she was soaking wet. She shook herself dry causing the water to drip down to the floor. There was a large cracking sound coming from outside. Fluttershy screamed as she leaped into the air, grabbing the remains of a broken chandelier with her hooves. The chandelier swung and creaked before Fluttershy's weight brought it falling down, accompanied by her scream as she pushed herself away from it. The crashing sound of breaking glass was deafening. She was stunned and panting. She was stunned and panting.Through the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a shadowed figure, silhouetted by a purple light faintly gleaming through a doorway. It was Angel on the other side of the room giving her a scowl over her antics. "ANGEL!!!!!! There you are!" Fluttershy screamed in releaf. Angel turned and hopped away. "Wait, please don't go!" Fluttershy cried. However, Angel ignored her and continued hopping. Fluttershy ran after Angel. He led her to an area that she had never seen before. The room was extremely big. There were glowing pools of water surrounding a broken throne. A mysterious purple circle glowed, casting the room with ominous shadows giving an Erie feeling of wonder. "What is this place?" Fluttershy's voice echoed throughout the throne room. Angel started to pull on Fluttershy's forehoof. She looked down at him with a confused look. "Why did you bring me here Angel?" Fluttershy asked. Angel pointed at the circle. "Why are you pointing at that?" Fluttershy said shaking a bit. She began trotting towards the glowing object, which was growing ever brighter with each step that she took towards it. For some reason, her fears and worries seemed to drain out of her as she approached the mysterious circle. It was like a warm feeling was coming from the object. Her hooves began to move on their own the closer she came to the light. When she got close enough she stretched her hoof out. Just before she could touch it, the circle glowed so bright that she backed off and then heard... BOOM!!! An explosion made of all the colors of a rainbow spread throughout the room. Fluttershy looked towards where the circle was. She stiffened from fear by what she saw. On the other side of the room there was something. No, not something, somepony. Standing there as still as a statue was a dark blue stallion with a black spiked mane. He had several large gashes, blood dripping over his shaking body. He was about three feet taller than she was. She could see he had a horn with numerous scratches. Astonishingly, he also had wings but the right was bent, obviously broken . His cutie mark was a small black hole with purple lightning protruding from it. Fluttershy didn't know what to do. This pony needed her help, but what if he wanted to attack her. Why was he just standing there? Fluttershy's thoughts were interrupted by Angel. He was poking her and then pointing at the window. Fluttershy peeked outside. The storm was gone. Angel then pointed to the stallion who was still not moving. "Um a-are y-y-you a-alright?" Fluttershy asked. Angel just face pawed himself. The pony apparently heard her because after Fluttershy spoke he opened his eyes to reveal that they were silver colored. He looked around the room, taking in his surroundings as if for the first time, and searching for the location of the voice that he had heard. His wiggled attempts looked as if he hadn't used his legs for some time. After looking around, his eyes finally settled on her. "H-hello" He stuttered, lip quivering." W-what i-is y-y-your n-name?" His voice was coarse and cracking. "I-I a-am F-F-Fluttershy." She said, barely above a whisper."A-and w-what i-i-is y-yours if you don't m-mind me a-asking." She said, a little louder. But she was hiding her terror. "My n-name is... Surge!" The dark stallion said.