//------------------------------// // A Convergence: 3 // Story: The Elements of Unity // by Ponyess //------------------------------// I had been stumbling around in the forest for a week, fearing I was lost and without hope. There was very little of my supplies remaining, food running scares. I was tired and exhausted as I came to the clearing. What I saw could as well have been heaven. A small community had been erected, not too long ago by the looks of it. Ponies is living her, I could both see and hear it. Then something hit me, what I saw was from the terrors of old stories. A Changeling trotting openly on the street. Then the true shock hit me, if a Changeling was moving openly, Nightmare had to be very far away and oblivious of this place. Unless she could be that evil. Yet I couldn't see her trusting them, even if her uncaring state had little to nothing to fear. What truly stunned me, is how she moved openly before me. She didn't try to hide, no reactions on me at all. It is as if I had trotted right into a hive of Changelings, as if I had merely been a Changeling returning from a mission in disguise. She wasn't the only Changeling on the street, but no Pony reacted on her presence either. What I had stumbled upon felt like a very uneasy peace, Ponies huddling together for mutual protection against something more fearsome than any of the various Ponies I could see. I had seen several Earth Ponies, a Pegaus and a few Unicorns. These types I knew and trusted. What I didn't know or recognise is what came next. A pair of Ponies trotting side by side, a Bat Pony and a Flutter Pony, if only I had even known the names. I stumbled and missed a step, the mental challenge tipping me over completely. I had reached as far as my hooves could take me. I felt darkness engulfing me, but apparently no fear. I had heard voices. First they had felt as if they grew distant and muddled before vanishing. Then they had grown closer, until I thought I could make out individual Ponies. That is about the time when I had opened my eyes. What I saw as my vision finally cleared enough to make out the face is an Earth Pony standing over me where I lay on a gurney. Ponies had gathered me and the last of my remaining possessions where I fell. They had apparently taken me indoors and placed me on what feels like a soft bed. If it is a Hotel or a Hospital, unless it serves both purposes. Then I noticed a metal plate or necklace around her neck. The symbol of her status of Pristes of the Earth Ponies. She is my type, by the looks of it. Earth bound and no open use of magic of any kind. Maybe I had come home, of sorts. “I am your High Priestess. I am most pleased to see that you managed to make it into our small Town of Unity. The Nurses will look over you and you will stay here over the day. Hopefully you will be well enough by tonight or at least tomorrow, so that we can find you a proper home. We Eart Ponies are entrusted to build homes for all the Earth Bound Ponies. Now, just rest so that you can recover from the ordeal of the journey!” she spoke. “High Priestess of Unity?” I responded weakly in a curious voice. “Yes, that is me. Though there is a High Priestes of the other Types as well. The Unicorns, the Pegasi, the Bat Ponies, the Flutter Ponies, the Sea Ponies and the Changelings. We all live here. Safe from the common threat, we live together in Unity. I hope you will enjoy your new life here and find it comfortable and productive!” she continued. “The Unicorns and the Pegasi I know and trust. Who the Bat Ponies, the Flutter Ponies and the Sea Ponies are, I have no idea. What little I know of the Changelings sounds bad. Yet, if they do us no harm, who am I to judge them? I am a simple Earth Pony and fearful of the ever so dark nights we so recently saw chased away. If houses needs to be erected, I could help, though my work would be on the fields as a farmer!” I responded. “That fear is exactly why we all gathered here in the first place. Now we try to build a new life for ourselves, free of the fear. We need every Pony to build up a life for ourself here in Unity. Together we shall thrive, together, we will enjoy life once more. I assure you, there is room for more farms here. Starvation serves fear, there can be no room for fear within our midst!” she concluded. “A new life, away from all fear and what reminds us of our recent losses? Right now, I would enjoy some sense of normality. Ponies caring to help other ponies with every day problems. Just seeing a happy smile, the simple pleasures, as it were!” I responded. “Yes, but now you need rest I have filled you in on the situation for now. Besides, I think you could use a good meal, too!” she pointed out as she hasted away to other duties. I lay back, resting, trying as best I could, taking in what she had just told me. Trying to integrate all the new into my life. I had had a home and family, before we set out, before the Cult had darkened the sky. I had had everything I thought I wanted, now I have next to nothing. The High Priestes had greeted me welcome, which warmed my now cold heart. She had promised me a new home. Then she had gone to her other duties, and in her place came a Nurse. Another Earth Pony as it turned out. She is a white mare with green mane and tail. Then I noticed the green leaves on her flank. “A salad for lunch should do you a world of good right about now, the pasties would make you feel better, then some juice to wash it all down in order to complete your meal!” she suggested helpfully. “Yes, please!” I admitted, looking up, trying to thank her the best I could as I saw the delicious salad she offered me. “Maybe I could make you some company. Even if I don't eat anything right now?” she then added. “Sounds delightful!” I responded as I started to enjoy he salad she had offered me. That apparently brought a smile to her face. She gave me the impression she was a great nurse, though she could be very good with ponies in general. I just nodded. Enjoying the fairly simple salad.