Welcome To The Family

by Gallant Blitz

An Unexpected Visit

For the next few weeks Scootaloo lived peacefully in Ponyville. She was treated by the medical staff and told them a sob story about how her beloved uncle was killed when a crazy pony broke into their home. To her surprise, the medical staff and guards bought it, even after examining the crime scene. No one believed she was capable of such a brutal act and therefor she was not a suspect. Many were only too willing to pin the blame on the hermit zebra in the Everfree forest, saying she used strange magic with her uncle as the sacrifice. Even luckier was the newspapers didn't bother to write a story after hearing the Zebra Witch was to blame. Apparently those stories didn't sell anymore. When his funeral was held, Scootaloo was one of the few to attend, she needed to keep up the facade of the distraught niece. No one noticed her satisfied grin when the coffin was lowered. Even then Scootaloo was just glad that she could start all over again.
Once she recovered she began to attend school in the town, the first time in years and even got along with many ponies in class, other than a pair of bullies. The ponies of Ponyville were nice, generous and helpful. She could not remember being happier, but she still longed for something... more. A home, a family, somepony to love her. She needed all of these things, but the orphanage she now lived at rarely had an adoption, and even worse none of the parents seemed interested in her. She was out of hell but, was limbo any better? Going through the motions and living everyday without really living. But everything changed on that night. The Summer Sun Celebration, the return of Nightmare Moon. After the Elements of Harmony dealt with the threat and the Celebration ended, Scootaloo walked alone to her orphanage, she enjoyed the party but when it was over, she was alone once again.
Her eyes scanned the ground sadly.
"Hey kid!" Scootaloo turned to see a mail stallion with a satchel standing beside her.


"Got a package for you."

He handed her a small envelope and turned to walk away.

"Wait! How am I supposed to know who sent it!?"

"They don't pay me to know that kid."

Scootaloo grumbled as she opened the letter as delicately as she could, revealing a single scrap of paper, painted in ink was a black dragons claw, with two words below it.
"We know." The words confused her, "We know"? Know what? What did she do? Then her heart stopped, this had to be about her uncle. Someone found out! In a state of panic she galloped to the orphanage as fast as her legs would carry her, locking the bedroom door behind her and closing the blinds she huddled in the corner. Staring at the letter in disbelief. How could anyone have found out? She thought no one was investigating it anymore! How did these people find out!?
"Wait! Listen to yourself Scootaloo!" She said shaking her head. "He's dead! Dead and gone! No pony found evidence connecting me to the crime! Buck, they didn't even suspect me!" These words calmed her, that's right, this was just some stupid prank someone was pulling on her. She laughed in relief, of course! Someone was just trying to scare her! Crawling into her bed, she continued to laugh until sleep took her.
The next morning her eyelids fluttered open, stretching to awaken her tired limbs she peered out the window. But there was no sun light, only the dim glow of a pair of candles. Upon closer examination she realized she wasn't in her room in the orphanage, it was some kind of shack as far as she could tell. "Where am I?" Scootaloo asked to no one in particular.

"Well well."

Scootaloo spun to see a lean black earthy pony mare lounge atop a book case, wearing a strange black and red armor, her shadow dancing with the candle light. To Scootaloo it was like she had been confronted by a demon. Her bright red dragon eyes shone with glee.

"You sleep rather soundly... for a murderer."