//------------------------------// // Their First Date // Story: The Lone Trader. // by FalloutFilly //------------------------------// -September 2nd, 2013 9:30 AM- Golden Oaks Library Twilight was brushing her mane and and doing other odds and ends when she heard a knock at the door. She expected Dusk, but was surprised to see Rarity when she opened the door. "Hi Rarity. Do you need something?" Twilight asked. Rarity gave her a 'why are you dressed like that?' look. "I was working late last night and saw a large tent with a dark blue Pegasus and a purple Unicorn, they seemed very friendly, do you know them?" Rarity interrogated. "I was there and odds are it was me with him." Twilight was highly irritated with her tone. "When were you going to tell us? And who is he anyway?" Rarity went from interrogating to betrayed. "First off we aren't dating, not yet anyway. Secondly he just got here and I only meet him yesterday afternoon. Third his name is Lunar Dusk." Twilight turned from the betrayed one to the offensive one. "Lunar Dusk? Why do I know that name?" Rarity asked herself out loud. "Probably because he's Princess Luna's son." Twilight said much calmer. "You're dating Luna's son?!" Rarity said loudly. "Quiet. And we are not dating. Yet." Twilight said waving Rarity inside. "Okay, so what's up with the nice mane and ice blue eye liner?" Rarity asked with a giggle. Twilight rolled her eyes. "We are making an attempt at a date today." Twilight informed her. "Really? Well let's get you ready, you need a nice dress and new mane style." Rarity said going to Twilight's closet. "No. He doesn't like fancy stuff or ponies, that's a part of the reason he left Canterlot. I'm just putting a little on as a confidence booster. For clothes just the jacket he gave me." Twilight told her. "A jacket? It's very warm out today you know." Rarity said. "It's a military jacket, designed for the desert." Twilight told Rarity as she went and grabbed the jacket from her hanger in the corner. "No no no no no, those shades of brown should never be that close together, especially in that pattern, it's a crime against fashion!" Rarity protested in disbelief. "It's not supposed to be fashionable, it's supposed to be functional and make it so others can't see you as well in certain environments." Twilight had studied military equipment and history when she had to do an assignment for Celestia. "Well if you both like it then I won't object. So have you kissed yet?" Rarity asked like a teenage girl. Twilight's face grew light pink as she smiled. "Yeah, a couple times." Twilight said hoofing at the floor. "Ohh, how was it?" Rarity swooned. "It was....great." Twilight said bluntly. "Is that it?" Rarity coaxed more. "No, but it's all you're getting." Twilight told her. "Alright." Rarity accepted. "Now, I'm going to get him for our date, so you're going to have to go. And before you ask, no you can't come with." Twilight said as she put the jacket on, she saw Dusk looking at her flank yesterday so she made sure to emphasize them. "Alright, well I'll head back to the boutique, when you're finished please stop by and tell me how it went." Rarity told her as she was starting to walk out. "Well if it goes like I plan, it's not going to end at the time we leave the date." Twilight hinted. "Ohh, spicy. Well good luck." Rarity said leaving. Twilight laughed and flipped her mane then walked to the bathroom to finish up. -September 1st, 2013 9:45 AM- Ponyville Trade Center Dusk was finishing up getting ready himself. He opened the door earlier so Twilight could come right in if she wanted. As he was looking in his footlocker for his favorite cap Twilight walked in, she saw him, but he didn't know she was there. She used the dirt floor to her advantage and snuck up behind up and slowly wrapped her forelegs around him. "Hi Duskie." Twilight said softly in his ear. "Hi Twilight." Dusk said happily as he found his cap and put it on and turned around. Twilight leaned forward to kiss him, but he was to tall, so he bent down and kissed her. "So are you ready?" Twilight asked. "Yeah, I'm ready, so where do you want to go?" Dusk asked as he threw his pack over his back. "How about the café downtown?" Twilight suggested. "Works for me." Dusk said walking out with Twilight. -September 2nd, 2013 10:00 AM- Ponyville Café Twilight and Dusk entered the small café and got the menus from the waiter at the door, they went and sat down in one of the booths in back. "Can I get you something to drink?" The waiter asked with a pad and quill in his magic aura. "Iced tea for me please." Twilight asked simply. "Iced tea, lemonade, and vodka sounds great." Dusk said. "Ah, you're lucky, we're having a two-for-one on those today." The waiter said, writing the order down. "It'll be out real soon." The waiter said nodding and walking away. "Little early for that, don't you think Duskie?" Twilight asked smiling. "No, I drink whenever I get the opportunity." Dusk said reading the menu. Twilight rolled her eyes. "You're really going to drink on our date?" Twilight asked jokingly. "Not a date." Dusk said with a smile. "Yes it is." Twilight returned. "You're not going to give this up are you." Dusk asked with a laughing sigh of defeat. "Nope, I just want to hear you say it." Twilight said flicking him with her tail under the table. "You really want me to say it?" Dusk asked giving up. Twilight didn't say anything she just bit her lower lip and nodded in anticipation. "Okay, fine. Twilight Sparkle, are you enjoying our date?" Dusk said with emphasis on 'date'. "Yes." Twilight said leaning over the table and kissing him softly. The waiter walked up with the drinks and set them on the table. "Here you are. Are you ready to order yet?" The waiter asked bringing his pad and quill out again. Twilight and Dusk pulled back and laughed. "Yeah, can I have a hashbrown burger and a side of hay fries." Dusk said closing his menu and handing it to the waiter. "Just a salad and hay fries for me." Twilight said closing and handing him her menu to. "Alright, should be out in a minute." The waiter said taking the menus and walking back to the kitchen. "Here, try this." Dusk said handing Twilight his glass. "No, I'm a lightweight." Twilight said blushing. "Hey I said this was a date, you owe me." Dusk joked. "Okay, but one sip, that's it." Twilight said taking the glass and giving the mixture a taste. "Hmm, not bad, a little strong though." Twilight said with a hit of alcohol. Dusk laughed and took the glass back and drank almost half of it in one swig. "Fine by me." Dusk said. Their order arrived and they ate without much more interesting stuff happening. Once they finished the waiter put the receipt down, Dusk and Twilight both went to grab it. "What do you think you're doing?" Twilight asked as she tried to push his hoof away. "I'm paying for our meal." Dusk said pushing her hoof back. "No, I forced you to ask me." Twilight argued. "Yes, but I am the one who asked, so it's my job." Dusk argued back. "Well I don't want you spending money on something you don't want to." Twilight interjected. "Two things. One I do want to, second I have more money than I know what to do with." Dusk laid the final blow. Twilight released her hoof at let him take it. "Alright fine." Twilight said in defeat. "Here, you can give the tip." Dusk said kissing her. She turned to him and kissed him back. They got up and Dusk put the bill and tip on the counter and they thanked the waiter and headed back to Dusk's tent. -September 2nd, 2013 11:30 AM- Dusk's tent "So how do you want to end this 'date'?" Dusk asked with a sarcastic annoyance. "I don't know, how do you want it to end?" Twilight asked catching his sarcasm. "Well I don't have whipped cream and a maid outfit for you, so that plans out." Dusk said laughing. Twilight scoffed and levitated a pillow and threw it at him. "What? I thought it was funny." Dusk said laying on his cot. "Well, somepony is opening up." Twilight said happily as she walked and stood next to the cot. Dusk nodded and looked at her, getting the hint. "Okay, fine, you can lay with me." Dusk said opening his forelegs for her. Twilight smiled and gently pulled herself up on to him. She rested her head softly on his shoulder. Dusk sighed as he wrapped his forelegs around her. After a few minutes they were both in a light sleep. -September 2nd, 2013 12:15 AM - Dusk's Tent "Hey Twilight, wake up." Rainbow said shaking Twilight's shoulder. Twilight slowly woke up thinking she was in her bed because Dusk was so big and soft. "Huh? Oh hey, what's up Dash?" Twilight said rolling over to face Rainbow Dash. "I might ask you the same thing." Rainbow said with a small laugh and big smile. "What do you mean?" Twilight said blinking her eyes. Rainbow shook her head towards Dusk. Twilight looked and smiled. "Oh yeah, he's a friend of sorts." Twilight said unconvincingly. "Riiiiight, so who is he?" Dash asked sitting down on the supply crate. "Lunar Dusk." Twilight said nuzzling him under the cheek, trying to wake him up. "Lunar Dusk? Wasn't he a Lieutenant of the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow asked. "It's possible, he was in the military, but he was with the EQMC." Twilight answered still trying to wake him up. (Equestrian Marine Corps) "Well I know he was related to Luna somehow." Rainbow said thinking of the WBTA. (Wonderbolts Training Academy) "He is Luna's son, if that's any reminder." Twilight said giving up on trying to wake him up. "That sounds right. So what's it like?" Rainbow asked with a mischievous smile. Twilight's natural curiosity over powered her ability to sense Rainbow was going to have a smart ass comment. "What's what like?" Twilight asked with noticeable hesitation. "Banging' a Princess's son." Rainbow said trying to hold back her laughter. Twilight grunted and hit her with a pillow. "We're not intimate, not yet any way." Twilight said with a blushing smile. Twilight felt Dusk shift around as he woke up. "Oh hey Twilly, what are you up to?" Dusk said rubbing his eyes then transitioning to Twilight's back. "Talking to a friend." Twilight answered placing her hoof on his. Dusk looked over to see Rainbow sitting there. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" Dusk asked shifting himself next to Twilight. "I thought so, were you a Lieutenant with the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow asked. "Yeah, about 7 years ago, but I retired and went to the EQMC shortly after." Dusk explained as he rubbed Twilight's back and she rested her head on his shoulder. "I was with the 87th Training Battalion, that ring any bells?" Rainbow said trying to jog his memory. "Hmm, unfortunately I was training the 85th Battalion, if you would have joined a couple weeks later you'd have been in that one." Dusk told her. "Oh yeah, I was in Captain Spitfire's battalion." Rainbow said with a certian amount of pride. "Spitfire's squad? Is your name Cloudchaser?" Dusk asked. Rainbow shook her head no. "Flitter?" He asked again. But Rainbow still said no. "Rainbow Dash?" He asked. "You got it." Dash said with a nod. "Ahh, that's right, you were paired with Lightning Dust. You do know she wasn't kicked out of the Wonderbolts she just went through alternate training, right?" Dusk asked as he remembered reading the incident report. "Oh, did she? Well that's good, she wasn't a bad pony, just a little misguided." Dash said with a somewhat noticeable relief. Twilight was near sleeping again on Dusk's stomach. "Come on Twilight, you're making my legs fall asleep." Dusk said lifting Twilight up as she groaned lightly. "Well I was just looking for Twilight, I wanted to get a book from the library." Rainbow said getting up and heading towards the door. "Ugh, hold on a second, I'll get there." Twilight said picking her head up and fixing her jacket as she got up. "Come on Dusk, let's go to the library for a little bit." She said bumping him with her hips. "Alright, I'm coming." Dusk said standing and cracking his neck and back. He grabbed his jacket and followed Rainbow Dash who was following Twilight\