Human in Pony's clothing

by TheDawsonator1

Entry #3

My worst fear I probably coming true right now. I have somehow screwed time up! It was one detail but one small detail could be all it needs for Equestria to get all screwy! It'll be tiny at first, then big stuff will happen! I just know it!

How could this happen? I could have sworn I took every precaution to avoiding any time changes. I’m just a background pony to the Elements and the Princesses, yet my best friend charged at Nightmare Moon instead of three Pegasi Guards! It could start there and then something may not happen that should and then I’ve totally screwed over Equestria.

Maybe my existence here somehow caused the unbalance and no action I did could of prevented such? Maybe the show might have been incorrect on certain details but right in what happened generally?

You wouldn’t see a background pony randomly charge at Nightmare Moon on TV? No, three Pegasi guards looks more fitting wouldn’t it? Maybe nothing bad has happened after all! I hope I’m right…

Well on the bright side, Nightmare Moon was defeated as she was meant to be by the Elements of Harmony and Luna is back to normal. I met her, she’s a nice mare once you get past her sobs and such for what she had done. She had visted Cloud Kicker, whom had not blamed her for her actions and forgave her.

Luna had then left to go back to Canterlot with Celestia, whom looked WAY happier than she did in the show, Pinkie Pie eat your heart out! Luna has a lot getting used to modern life after 1000 years, not forgetting the modern English and fact subjects don't get caps locked to death!

Luna, However, is not the only pony getting used to change. Twilight Sparkle now resides in the Golden Oak Library, which will now be her home instead of Canterlot, I have not met her personally yet but I think it’s best considering my worries and my fears.

But for now, I will got visit Cloud Kicker in the hospital, she shouldn’t be in there for too much longer…

I entered CK’s room to find Sky High and Simple Breeze already there with CK.

“Sup Kicker?” I greeted my friend.
“The roof Bolty” CK replied with a snark.
“Haha, very amusing! How are you feeling?” I asked.
“Well I’m apparently good to go, all they need to do is get those damned forms and then I can blow this joint, it’s bucking BORING here!” CK gave a groan to show his dissatisfaction with this bed.
“Then you can get back to the mares, it was awfully quiet last night at the bar” Sky High joked.
“Nightmare Moon returned last night, remember sweetie?” Simple Breeze reminded him.
“I know Breezie honey, but still, I wanted a couple of Ciders last night but everypony was going crazy, especially Bolty” Sky pointed a hoof on me as he made that last comment.
“Excuse me? I did NOT go crazy!” I defended myself against Sky’s accusation.
“Oh yeah? Then what were you doing in the middle of Pegasi Avenue holding 2 cider bottles and screaming about the apocalypse is happening?” Breeze challenged me.
“Umm…I don’t know anything about that…” I started sweating as I knew I was sort of busted

About 1 ½ hours after Nightmare Moon made her appearance at Town Hall…

I had about 2 cider bottles in my hand, I was technically sort of drunk as well. And I had started yelling at the top of my lungs.


“That does not sound like something I would say drunk” I denied the flashback ever happening
“Well DUH it did silly!” Pinkie Pie said, coming out from nowhere and making all of us jump
“Pinkie, where the Tartarus did you come from?” Breeze asked the party pony
“The door, DUH!!” Pinkie said as though it were obvious.
“Why are you here?” CK asked curiously
“My Pinkie Sense told me that there was a flashback sequence so I hurried over here to hear what happened in it” Pinkie explained quickly.
“Well what happened to tell you that? Wavy stomach?” Sky asked curiously
“My whole body went all wavy” Pinkie answered
“Seems legit" I said

Oh yeah, Pinkie has this sense called Pinkie Sense where something might twitch and something happens seconds later, that episode hasn’t happened yet where Twilight tries to figure it out. Must reminds myself to follow her and watch that happen with hilarious results.

“So where's Firefly?" I asked, noticing her absence.
"Awww, somepony missing her already?" Sky did a baby voice
"For the love of Luna, Kicker! You got them saying it too?" I got annoyed at CK
"There's no denying it, Bolty loves Firefly!" CK was trying her hardest to make me admit it.
"I DO NOT LOVE FIREFLY FOR BUCK SAKE! Okay, I looked at her flank ONE time and I will admit they looked nice but that doesn't Automatically mean I love her!" I yelled
"Bolty loves Firefly! Bolty Loves Firefly!" My friends chanted
"You know what? Screw you guys!" I trotted out the door in frustration

1 week later…

Now, one week has passed since Nightmare Moon has been defeated, but I did not see any sign of the next episode happening yet until a flight over Sweet Apple Acres saw Twilight with Spike on her back and Applejack and Rainbow Dash arguing over something. I knew this must be when the Gala tickets appeared, it seems out dear Twilight is in for a day as I remember I got to get to work to do the rain clouds, well time to fly off. At least somethings going right today...

1 hour later…

“COME ON LADIES! LET’S SEE SOME RAIN!” Rainbow Dash shouted as we did a jump on the clouds.

Yeah, the thing about rain when you’re working in the weather team is that you always see the sun and not the rain from the clouds you’re bouncing on.

When Rainbow Dash thought no one was looking and they were working, she kept a gap open to bribe Twilight into giving her the extra ticket. I sort of started bouncing on a cloud near here to eavesdrop a little.

“Rainbow Dash, what are you doing?” Twilight asked from underneath the clouds
“Whadyya mean? I just saw the most smartest, generous pony about to get rained on, so I thought I’d kick a hole in the clouds so she could dine in peace.” Dash made up a story on the spot.
“Rainbow, you’re not trying to get extra consideration for the ticket by doing me extra special favours are you?” Twilight asked suspiciously
“Me? No no no, I’d do it for it for anypony” Dash lied badly

Gee Dashie, even Applejack can lie better than you and she’s the Element of Honesty for Celestia’s sake!

“Rainbow, I’m not comfortable accepting unwanted favours, so I’d appreciate it if you close up that rain cloud right now” Twilight caught onto Rainbow’s game quickly and sent her packing.
“Urgh fine!” Dash closed the cloud up grumpily.

I didn’t notice in my listening in that other ponies had listened in as well, Dash had turned around and gave us a hard glare and knew we were all watching her.

“What are you all looking at? Get back to work!” Dash barked at us as we quickly resumed our work

I flew over near Cloud Kicker again to talk to her again and she was waiting for me it seemed.

“So, what did you hear?” CK asked
“Oh, Rainbow Dash is bribing Twilight for Grand Galloping Gala tickets, safe to say she failed miserably” I reported.
“Buck off! THE Grand Galloping Gala?” CK thought I was lying
“Eeyup!” I imitated Big Mac
“The most sophisticated party in all of Equestria?” CK asked
“That’s the one” I said
“Pfft, yeah right, that’s a load of hay manure! As if somepony from Ponyville would have a Gala ticket” CK definitely thought I was lying
“Yeah, but Twilight Sparkle is Princess Celestia’s protégé! Of course she would get one, and she got an extra ticket to give to somepony. Can you imagine what people would do for a chance to go there?” I confirmed the existence of the ticket
“It’s not like the whole town would go chasing after her for the ticket” CK said


In fact that gave me a devious idea, a high greedy and money gaining one too!
“Wanna bet on that Kicker?” I challenged
“Okay then” CK agreed
“I bet that the town will find out about the ticket and will end up chasing Twilight for the ticket” I put my bet forward
“20 bits it is, you’re on!” CK agreed to my terms

We then shook hooves as part of the agreement and then went our separate ways to other clouds.

Oh, I should explain that Cloud Kicker and I have a honor-bound code with betting, it’s almost like Pinkie Promising honor really except you don’t get a rage-filled Pink pony out for blood if you fail to heed the honor of the agreement, but it’s close.

I need not tell you the results of the bet because you already will know what happens later today but I will say this: EASIEST TWENTY BITS EVER!!!

I’m so totally going to abuse this knowledge as much as possible….