
by stf1

Dreams of Humanity

"This isn't good, oh no this isnt good at all."

The mare began pacing in a nervous fever."I'm never gonna hear the end of this from Bon Bon. Especially after the big scene I made about it.

Quickly looking back at the specimen she began to look through a nearby book of animal anatomy." I cant believe she was right. this isn't a human bone at all. It's a monkey's femur!!"

"How could I be so dumb to think this was a human's!? All this research for nothing. It's gonna take me forever to find a new specimen."

BANG!! Startled by the sound of her door being slammed open, Lyra jumped and looked behind her. inside the frame of the door was a disgruntled Bon Bon with a large amount of bags under her eyes.

She began speaking in an annoyed tone,"It is five in the morning. You have been at this all night. I don't care if there is a human in this room, either work quietly or go to sleep."

"Huh," Lyra asked," What are you talking about it's only twelve", She said while pointing to her clock, which had been blinking the number 12:00.

"... Wait," Looking under the desk she was working on, Lyra noticed the clock had been unplugged slightly making the clock reset itself constantly.

"Oh sorry Bon Bon," she said nervously,"I guess i lost track of time. I think I'll go to sleep then."

"Good," Bon Bon responded,"And try not to sleep past lunch."

After shutting the door,Lyra could hear Bon Bon murmuring under her breath as she went back too her room.

Quickly jumping into her bed, Lyra couldn't help but think about the mistake she had made."Surely Bon Bon will understand, but what about everypony else? They're never gonna let go of this. Especially Vinyl, she'll probably remind me on a daily basis."

"Gah get it together Lyra," she began to say to herself,"Worry about this in the morning. Right now you need to sleep."

It wasn't long before Lyra fell asleep. After staying up so late it's no surprise how quickly she went to sleep.

There was an eerie darkness that was overtaking the land. "What is this place, where am I," Lyra asked getting no response," Guess I'm the only one here. How did I even get here?"

"Wait I'm still dreaming aren't I," She said with a sudden realization.

"Graaaooo..." Out of nowhere she began to hear what seemed to be a strange growling.

"Ok this place is creepy enough as it is," Lyra said in a surprised manner,"This would be a good time to wake up."

Lyra began trying to focus to wake herself up." Hhhrrrmmmph hhhhhhmmph," she groaned from exhaustion,"That didnt work at all"

"Graaaooo..." The growling was much closer this time. Through the darkness a tall dark figure began walking towards her, walking on two legs.It continued walking till it was standing a few feet from Lyra. Lyra couldn't help but stand in awe of what she was seeing.

"It's a human!! If this is a dream i sure hope i don't wake up from thi-" Lyra said before quickly having to jump out of the way. The creature had swung at Lyra with a monstrous claw barely missing as she jumped away.

After getting a closer look Lyra could tell that the creature was no human. Having black skin with enormous claws on each hand.

"GRAAAHH", The creature roared showing off its gnashing teeth, from a mouth that took over its entire face.

"Okay I take it back please let this be a dream, and please let me wake up soon," she said in a frightened voice.

"RAAAAAHH", The creature roared again as it began to run at Lyra. Panicking Lyra couldn't help but run for her life avoiding slash. after slash. Then quickly thrusting its fist into the ground, the creature knocked Lyra off her hooves causing her to fall to the ground.

"This isn't gonna end well," Lyra said as the creature towered over her. Lyra couldn't help put close her eyes and wait for the inevitable. The creature quickly did one last swing to finish her off

Lyra couldn't hear anything but silence. Then somepony began speaking to her,"That was close. It could have gotten messy there for a second."

Lyra opened her eyes to see a pale stallion standing in front of her.

" Wait who are y-,' Lyra began to ask before getting interrupted.

"Time to wake up Lyra"

Lyra immediately woke up breathing heavily. Looking around her room she could see daylight shinning through her window.

"Wow, weird dream. I don't think i'm pulling another all nighter anytime soon.


It was 6:00 in the afternoon. Lyra knew Bon Bon probably wasn't happy she slept past lunch. Lyra began walking down the stairs hoping Bon Bon wasn't home yet. Only to see her in the middle of the room. She had been packing food and a blanket into a wicker basket.

"My you're up early", Bon Bon said sarcastically,"Did you lose track of time again?"

"Hahaha, very funny," Lyra responded in the same sarcastic tone."You don't need to remind me how long I slept."

"Next time go to sleep at a normal time," Bon Bon responded.

Lyra couldn't help but notice the all the supplies Bon Bon had gotten together.

"So what's all of this for," Lyra asked, "Are you planning some kind of picnic or something?"

"Not exactly." Bon Bon said while she finished packing," There is supposed to be a meteor shower tonight. The meteors will be flying so close they'll practically light up the sky."

"Wait why wasn't I told about this," Lyra questioned.

Annoyed Bon Bon began glaring at her. "I told you at least a hundred times this week.

"Sorry Bon Bon," Lyra apologized,"I must have been too into my research to notice."

"Well I packed enough for you anyway, and I'll be leaving soon so you should get ready," Bon Bon said putting the basket into her saddlebags.

"Sssss, Yeah about that," Lyra said nervously

"Oh you have to be kidding me Lyra," Bon Bon snapped,"You've been like this all week. You can take a break from your "research" to have a little fun for once."

"It's not like that Bon Bon," Lyra protested,"I can't just stop now. I know i'm on the verge of a breakthrough."

"You've been "On the verge of a breakthrough" all week," Bon Bon remarked,

"I know Bon Bon," Bon Bon said with a sigh,"But you can't just-

"Lyra," Bon Bon interrupted,"If you really think that you need this time to work then go ahead." Heading to the door Bon Bon looked back and said," but this all night and all day research had better come to an end." Then Bon Bon left leaving nothing but the sound of the closing door.

Levitating her bags to herself Lyra couldn't help but feel sorry for her friend."I've got to find something by tonight. I know where I have to look. I have to go to the Everfree Forest.
