The Adventures of Trenderhoof

by polishgirl


Sometime in the night she had come back, and when I woke she was sleeping next to me. So I went out to collect some firewood. Today seemed destined to be interesting. The first snowfall, the return of Sunburst, without Moonlight. So, I collected what would be the last of the firewood for the season, and came back to find my friend making breakfast.
“Sit. I’ve made you food.”
“Yes ma’am. What’s on your mind, you’re never this gloomy.”
“I told Moonlight to marry her. I told him it would be the best option for our situation, especially since I’m a wanted pony.”
I didn’t believe her. Not for a moment. Firstly, she looked too much like a mare with a plan. Secondly, she’s too stubborn to just give up like that. Moonlight still visited. More often even. Three times a week, he would come religiously. Bringing something for her. All these gifts were making Sunburst gain weight. Would he love her when she was bigger than our cave? Although, I must admit, a couple extra pounds on Sunburst really helped her face. It was rounder and even prettier. He came on one of the days bringing a wedding invitation for the both of us. He usually ignored me, but who was I to turn down free food? After he left she told me she wasn’t going.
“Why not? Isn’t he the love of your life? Wouldn’t you want to be there to support him on his wedding day?”
“No, his wife is perfectly awful. He’s told me about her. She’s horrible. She only speaks when spoken to, and does chores all day. She refuses to hire help, stating that help is for royalty. She is a good cook, but there won’t be any mouths to feed, seeing as she refuses to lie with him. So, being a good cook is pointless. She visits her father every Sunday. No matter what. She won’t tell him why she does, but she does. He’s even planned out the most beautiful wedding. Canopies covered in flowers, white doves, the whole bit. She says it costs too much, and, if this wasn’t an arranged marriage, she never would have agreed to marry such a frivolous pony.”
After SOOOOOOO many arguments going like this, I did convince her to go. She decided to go without wearing any finery, stating that she’d spent all her time arguing, and she wouldn’t have time to make finery for a mare her size. I was sporting a mustache, to aid in trying to disguise myself. Most everypony assumed us dead anyway, so going to a venue where we weren’t the main attraction would be a good bet. Especially if she would follow the plan. I told her to sit on the other side of the room, like we didn’t know each other. That way, if somepony did recognize us, they would doubt themselves, since we weren’t sitting at the same table. But no, she’s very nearly attached to my leg like a filly. I sat her next a very nice looking lady with an apple on her flank, and they fell to talking immediately. I sat next to a gruff looking pony with a tree on his flank. Lucky for me, he didn’t talk much.
The ceremony was starting! Moonlight was standing at the front in a most dashing outfit. Even the pastor looked good. I had to admit, he had style. The wedding march filled the air, and in came the bride. (I never bothered learning her name.) She was dressed in a new styled veil and cape. And she looked good. Everything looked good. Does this guy ever make a mistake?
“Before these two say the final, binding vows, does anypony have any reason these two should not be wed? Speak now, or forever hold your peace.”
A moment goes by, the pastor turns back to his book.
“I have a reason!”
Oh no. Oh no…. Oh no no no no no. NO. This can NOT be happening. It’s Sunburst. Trotting to the front. Doesn’t she know that she can just stand in the back?
“I’m sorry to ruin a beautiful wedding, but, everypony.”
Long pause
“I’m pregnant.”
“Sweet girl, that’s wonderful, but what does that have to do with the wedding of these two?”
“Because, the baby I carry inside me, belongs to Moonlight. He would come and visit me atleast once a week. He is the love of my life. And when he told me he was marrying her, I seduced him. No magic, I promise. Just love, for the most wonderful pony I have ever met.”
“Oh, I see. That would put a damper on this wedding, and now, by the laws of common decency, and sense, you should be his bride. But, is his current bride pregnant?”
“No, pastor, she is not. No matter how many times I wished to discuss children with her, she would answer ‘I refuse to lie with frivolous ponies’. So no, she is not pregnant by my hand.”
“Very well, girl what is your name?”
“Sunburst, will you step up here please?”
“Don’t I need some sort of veil?”
“No. that’s only a custom of the locals. In the eyes of the lord, if you’re willing to take on this promise, he does not care what you wear.”
Even unveiled and pregnant she was beautiful standing there with Moonlight. Anyone could see they belonged together. Especially since they weren’t distracted by the other mare. She walked out without a tear or harsh word. They married, and the doves were released as planned, right at sunset. It was extremely beautiful, and whatever that other mare had stuck in her flank can stay there. She missed out on a great guy. They rode off in a chariot pulled by great white steeds, they went to his home instead of on a honeymoon, which was a modification on the original plan. The steeds looked much happier when Moonlight spoke to them. I would imagine the Sunburst weighs just a smidge more than the other pony. Off they went. And I retired to our cave. With the apple pony.