A Pony In The Wasteland

by Ribe_FireRain

Well, That Happened...

''Hey, Gustavo, is she gonna be alright?'' Billy said as he watched Gustavo treat the wounded Pegasus before him.

Gustavo didn't respond for a moment while he cleaned the wound on Rainbow's head with some cotton and alcohol to sterilize it. In fact, he was more surprised at how bad the wound was. Even he didn't think that an ant could have that much of a forceful hit enough to crack her bones or split her skin. The only thing he did know for sure is that she was lucky to not have a fractured skull, otherwise it would of been serious.

''I sure hope so.'' Gustavo replied shortly after sterilizing the wound on Rainbow's head and turned to face Billy. ''She should be okay, but she will have one hell of a headache when she wakes up.''

''Yeah, I know that, but that was pretty bad. I mean, when we saw her on the floor, she already had a small puddle of blood around her front, and that means she will probably feel light headed once she wakes up. But at least it ain't as bad as a hangover.'' Billy chuckled along with Gustavo, but soon stopped when they heard a slight moan come from Rainbow's mouth.

She moved her head slowly, placing a hoof to the cut on her head, retracting it quickly from sending her abuzz with pain. She slowly cracked her eye open, seeing two slightly blurry figures in front of her as her eyes tried to adjust themselves from the light emitting from the campfire. When her eyes focused, she saw it was Billy and Gustavo, both looking at her in worry.

''W-W-W-What happened..?'' She croaked, closing her eyes again, finding herself too weak to keep them open.

''You had your head split open when you got hit into a wall by one of the ants. Glad to see your alright.'' Gustavo said, putting a hand to her shoulder, causing her to weakly crack an eye open to look at his hand, noticing small cuts and bruises covering it.

''Urgh...I don't feel too good...''

''Oh, that. You lost quite a bit of blood from that wound, Rainbow. You'll feel a bit light headed for a short while, but you should be alright tomorrow.''

''Brady! No, don't do it!'' Yelled as she watched Brady with tearful eyes, not once breaking eye contact with him.

''Rainbow, I'm sorry. I truly am, but as long as I stay here, there is more of a chance that I endanger you. I can't risk it anymore!''

In his hand, he held an incendiary grenade. He too had tearful eyes as he stared at Rainbow. What really hurt her was the fact that he was slowly getting turned into a ghoul through ghoulification, but even if he were to die, she'd still love him, but this was insane! He was going to kill himself in one of the most horrible ways imaginable just so Rainbow could be safe.

''Rainbow...listen to me.'' Brady said as he gently put a hand to her cheek, making her look up. ''I love you and always will. Remember that.''

Gently, he pressed his lips to hers, just before he got back to his feet and turned away. The last thing that Rainbow saw was the pin drop from the grenade to the floor with a small clang on the metal floor before Brady disappeared into a dark room. Then, the last thing she heard was an explosion and a bright, yellowy-orange light, followed by screaming.

Rainbow jolted awake, screaming as sweat ran down her face, her breathing becoming heavy as she panted for air. She tried to move her hooves, but she soon found that she couldn't. When she looked down, a heavy blush spread across her face. Gustavo was clinging on to her, gently snoring as he nuzzled her mane.

''Gustavo! Hey! You're crushing me! Can you please let go?'' Rainbow said, trying to awake the heavily sleeping merc, but all he did was move gently and mumble something inaudible under his breath. Trying again, Rainbow wriggled her body as hard as she could, desperately trying to wake him up.

''WAKE UP!'' Rainbow yelled, causing Gustavo to shoot awake, quickly realizing that he was holding onto Rainbow and released her, blushing a heavy crimson.

''Thank you. Now, you mind telling me why you were clinging onto me like I was a teddy bear?'' Rainbow demanded, a soft tone of anger in her voice.

''I...um...erm...'' Gustavo uttered, finding himself unable to form words through his shock.

''I'm waiting.'' Rainbow said, giving Gustavo a nerve-chilling stare.

''Rainbow, y-y-you don't remember?''

''Remember what?''

''You were shivering like mad in the cold, so when you were trying to get to sleep, I came next to you and cuddled onto you, to try and keep you warm. At first, you resisted it, but soon enough, you let me. Its nothing, really. There isn't anything about this as in terms of...you know...''

Taking the hint, Rainbow paused, trying to think, but her head was aching too much to even think o what to say. Exhaling through gritted teeth, she placed a hoof to her head, beginning to feel that light-headed feeling, making her become slightly dizzy. Sighing, she lazily flopped to the floor, laying on her side, trying to get warm, but the night air felt too cold against her body, and she soon found herself shivering. Gustavo looked at her, feeling a little bad about her. It seems that now Brady is dead, she finds it hard to stay alive, let alone survive. As quiet as he could he lay down beside Rainbow, offering to help her stay warm.

''Rainbow? You cold?''

''N-N-No. *shudder* I-I'm fine.'' Rainbow said quietly, feeling her spine get a shiver down its length.

''Rainbow, if you want, you can cuddle with me. It doesn't have to create any weirdness between us, just think of it as friendlyness or something along those lines.''

''I-I dunno...'' Rainbow replied nervously, drooping her eyes a bit.

''Please? You're gonna freeze or catch something if you don't. Come on, I can't let you stay like that.'' Gustavo pleaded., offering a hand to her.

Slowly, Rainbow placed her soft but cold cyan hoof into his hand and pulled herself along the floor closer to him. To her, it was awkward to say the least. However, she did find comfort in it as Gustavo wrapped an arm around her back, gently hugging her in an attempt to keep her warm.

''You comfortable?'' Gustavo asked her, feeling her trying to get into a comfortable position.

Rainbow gently put her own hooves around Gustavo, resting her head on his chest, feeling it rise and fall slowly as he breathed and exhaled.

''I am now.'' Rainbow said as she sighed sleepily and happily.

''Well...goodnight I guess.'' He said back with a yawn.

''Yeah, I hear you. 'Night.''

She closed her eyes, falling sound asleep, but as she did, under her breath, she quietly said one thing.

''Thanks, Gustavo. This reminds me of being with Brady...''