//------------------------------// // Faith in justice // Story: To protect the society // by TwiwnB //------------------------------// “Your majesty?” gasped Face Full as opening the door had revealed an alicorn. “My name is Twilight Sparkle. I want to talk with you about what happened the night a somepony lit your house on fire.” the princess said. “May I come in?” she asked. “Of course ! Please!” replied the very cute young mare in an awkward way. “I’m sorry it might not look very decent, but I haven’t cleaned yet. I didn’t know you would come…” The house was completely clean, everything was tied up beautifully and it was clear the young mare was more panicking than really worried about the housework. Twilight was brought to the lounge where she found a stallion, a unicorn, that had obviously come to take company to the young mare. “Oh!” suddenly realized Face Full. “Your majesty, please allow me to present to you my neighbor Emerald Prism.” Mister Prism stood up and saluted the princess in a very distinguished manner. “But I’m forgetting all manners. Do you want something to drink? Maybe something to eat? I’m not sure I’ve got anything suitable for a princess, but I would be honored if you would accept anything I’ve got to offer.” Twilight assured her she needed nothing, but the young mare went to bring something anyway, way to panicky to realize her offer had been denied. “Is she always like that?” Twilight asked the stallion. “Not always your majesty.” Prism said. “She just wants everypony to be happy. You could say she is too kind for her own good.” The unicorn had just finished his sentence that Face Full had come back with a lot of different drinks, from lemonade to milk, cider, coffee or tea. In horror, she realized she had taken the salt instead of the sugar, but Twilight prevented her to go back to the kitchen. “I would like you to tell me what happened the day the arson took place.” she asked, once the young mare was sitting and calm enough to talk. Face Full told the exact same story that was in the case file with a lot of tears and crying. Once finished, she waited for Twilight’s reaction. “Why did Fire Anthem choose to use fire against you?” the princess asked. “What do you mean?” responded Face Full. “He could have come and attack you directly. Why fire?” “I don’t know.” she replied, realizing she had no idea. “He told me I could burn in hell though!” she added, remembering that fact. “You said he was accusing you of cheating on him. Why did he think that?” Twilight asked. “I’m not sure.” Face full answered. “I’ve got a lot of friends, and I have had a lot of adventures before him, so I guess he thought I couldn’t stay faithful to him. But I did…” She was about to cry once again. It was almost painful to see. Twilight looked at Emerald Prism who was obviously thinking that Face Full had suffered enough already, but didn’t dare to tell it straight in the princess’s face. “One last thing…” Twilight said. “Yes?” the young mare replied. “Why are you named Face Full?” the alicorn asked. “Because I cook a lot and love to eat all the time. My friends told me my face is always full, and they don’t understand why I don’t gain any weight. Why do you ask?” explained Face Full, who couldn’t see what it had to do with anything. “Thank you.” said Twilight. “And thank you for the drink”. She stood up and both Face Full and Diamond Prism accompanied her to the door. And then, just before she was about to walk away, Twilight asked: “Do you still love him?” “What?” Face Full replied, surprised. “Fire Anthem, do you still love him?” The young mare looked down, whispered something while blushing and quickly disappeared into her house. “Yes.” said Diamond Prism. “I don’t understand it either.” he added, anticipating Twilight’s reaction. “But even now she tells me how much she loves him. I don’t know what it would take for her to see how dangerous he really is. I can just hope he will be locked away…” Twilight thanked him for the answer and went away.