My Little Robot Unicorn: Running Is Magic

by TheBackgroundBrony

Danger Arrives

Runner was chatting to Pinkie Pie.
"So the unicorns can move things with their horns? Is that really true?" she asked inquiringly.
"Yes indeed-ally!" Pinkie Pie replied happily, bouncing up and down. "Now that I think about it," she carried on, randomly popping out from behind Runner, "Can't you do magic?"
"Well, no, I suppose, but-"
Then Hemlock descended.
"VENGEANCE!" he roared, as he crashed into the ground and stared straight at Runner.
"What the-" said Rainbow Dash in surprise.
"Hemlock!" Runner screamed and turned tail, sprinting as fast as her hooves would carry her.
"What's up with her?" asked Pinkie looking at her rapidly fading silhouette.
Hemlock narrowed his eyes at the ponies.
"MOVE!" he shouted.
"Why?" asked Twilight quizzically.
"I MUST ENACT VENGEANCE UPON HER!" Hemlock cried melodramatically.
"Wow, this guy's such a ham, he puts Nightmare Moon to shame!" gasped Pinkie.
"A HAM?" he growled angrily, "I AM NOT A HAM!"
"Well," said Rarity, "I think that that flaming mane totally clashes with your black eye sockets!"
"CLASHES?" roared Hemlock, "I'LL SHOW YOU CLASHING!"
He charged at Rarity and she only just managed to leap aside.
Hemlock's fiery shape rushed past all of them and raced after Runner.


Once again, despite having escaped her torturous world, she was running.
"VENGEANCE!" cried Hemlock as he dashed towards her, far faster than she had ever seen him go.
She tripped on a rock and fell, rolling a few meters before coming to a stop.
I guess this is it then, she thought, No more reappearing at the factory.
Hemlock loomed over her, a mad glint in his red eyes.
"NOW I HAVE VENGEANCE!" he shrieked.
Runner closed her eyes and felt his hot breath on her neck.
His claw rested on her face.
And suddenly it was gone.
She could no longer feel his breath on her neck.
Not daring to open her eyes, she listened.
"Somepony need a little help with a fiery unicorn?" asked a southern-accented voice.