Return from the moon.

by kalakala

Only Chapter

The clock was ticking.

The writer sat at her desk, checking over her shoulder to ensure she was alone, despite others wishes. They wanted her to be surrounded constantly, with guards, nobles or “Friends”, all to make her happy apparently, but nothing could be further from the truth as she sat at that most ancient of desks and breathed a sigh of contentment, with paperwork of varying age strewn across it, some were as old as the castle itself yet there were more recent ones dotted around. These small pieces of paper had titles on them, some being pleasant and happy while some were of a more dark and sinister tone. One of these menacing pieces was simply labelled, “The lunar corruption”, with various hints of a plan to turn the second Princess of Equestria into a dark and dangerous beast who cared only for her desire to rule. If these scraps were found outside of the castle walls, they would be denounced as the works of a mad-mare or wild rebel.

The clocked ticked onto it’s eleventh chime, as its writer finished on a new plan, some other plan which would change the current course of history. They took their time, slowly and methodically putting it in the ordered chaos that permeated the desk surface. Sighing, the writer went to the large, golden and oh-so enticing bed before flopping down, finished with the days trials.

It is in this silence that the sleeping writer could not have seen the lavender mare that stole the contents of that desk, shoving all the papers into her saddle bags, rushing in her haste to be gone, lest the writer should awaken and catch her in the act. Sneaking to the window, the mare watched the moon in its course for moment noting the face in the moon, that of a single unicorn. Shaking off her temporary lethargy, the mare opened the window and teleported out, the wards off the room not affecting the air that drifted in.

Appearing, the mare faced somewhere she had not been for along time, Golden-Oaks Library. Knocking on the door, she was met with a small groan as the trees sole inhabitant awoke. A few moments later, the door opened revealing at first a glimpse of the homely interior, but as it opened all the way, a small drake was revealed behind it, rubbing his eyes, desperate to remove any trace of sleep so that he might reprimand this nightly intruder. However, any thought of a lecture were thrown from his mind as he saw the mare, “Twilight!” The shocked drake shouted to the heavens, too shocked to keep his voice down to stop him awakening any neighbours. Any further disturbance was stopped when Twilight used her magic to clamp the drakes mouth shut.

All but forcing him into the library,Twilight spoke in hushed whispers “Spike, no-one can know that I’m back, not even Rarity. By the end of this, I’ll be allowed back anyway, so it really doesn't matter if you keep this one secret, right?”, hearing all this, Spike checked the mares hair and eyes for any signs of madness. While his face remained shocked, inside his emotions were clashing together, on one hand, Twilight had been cast to the moon for a reason, on the other, his only main parent figure was back. Trying to comprehend all of this, he simply settled for checking whether this was a dream, or if indeed she had returned.

After pinching himself, Spike and Twilight discussed long into the night, first of large matters like what had happened and what had changed, before slowly devolving into more simple matters, like whether or not Spike had told Rarity how he felt. Before long, Spike had to ask the question that lingered on his mind “Why are you back Twilight?” The young drake tentatively questioned.

Twilight did not respond for a while, before responding “Well, I kept thinking about it while on the moon and after having reverse-engineered the spell Celestia used on me to send me there, I thought about why I was sent to the moon in the first place. After a while, I could only come to one conclusion. The Princess wanted me gone” The unicorn spoke in a clear and calm voice, as if reciting a spell or reading aloud, as she was speaking, her magic focused on her saddlebags, bringing a singular note from the hoard now contained within, passing it to Spike. Looking sheepish, he began reading what was on the note.

Twilight removal.

After Sparkle has served her purpose, some of our spies shall go to Ponyville and begin a life there, after one month they shall began spreading rumors, exaggerating the damage that Sparkle and the other Element-Bearers do. This shall force tensions up, which will end in a voting process on removing them. I have made sure to book the town hall on all other days, except for October the second, so that the voting will take place at a time when Sparkle and the others will all be too busy to take notice. They WIll vote yes, if the vote does not come out with the desired outcome, one of the spies will sneak in and rig it. With that part done, I shall simply deliver the news to Sparkle and deliver her the choice, take a large punishment or all her friends will be punished. In this case, I will tell her that it will be ten years on the moon for her, or five months as statues for the others. Her good nature will force her to take the brunt of it and choose the larger option.

With that complete I shall simply tell the others that the choice was banishment for her or all of them were sent to the moon for ten years. Their ties to Equestria will prevent them from looking for her, and if they question the new mare in the moon, I will explain that Lulamoon was being punished for her crimes. Instead of bringing Sparkle down, I shall simply leave her up there.

Shaking in rage at what he had just read, Spike had a few questions, simply put, he demanded why he should trust this, why Celestia would write this down and what would she so if it was true. Twilight didn’t skip a beat “I have more like these dating back centuries, she also didn't grant my request to make my friends forget me, meaning that he didn’t want others to be suspicious. The reason she would write it down is due to how many schemes, she has made over the years, she would need to remember all of them in order to not slip up and reveal all. As for your final question, I feel that I shall wait for a while, gathering evidence against Celestia,”.

They continued talking further, plotting on how to find more evidence and how to hide Twilight. As for Celestia, when she awoke to find the papers missing, she had the guard start searching for a pre determined list of ponies: Sombra, Crysalis, Lulamoon and Sparkle.