//------------------------------// // Chapter 2- Week 1, Wednesday // Story: Redemption of Our Lives // by Tanxiaoevans //------------------------------// Disclaimer: I do not own MLP: FIM, as they belong to Hasbro, Inc. and Lauren Faust. This fanfic was made for the purpose of entertainment and nothing more, except improvement. As always, Constructive Criticism and Praise are welcome, if you have any, as it will help me help you to enjoy the story. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all. ON TO THE STORY THEN! ALLONS-Y! Xiao and Thomas stared at their food with mixed expressions, ranging from confusion to pure horror. The exotic dishes Zecora prepared had ingredients that they didn’t even know existed. “Zecora, what is this?” Xiao was eyeing his food as if it had maggots in it. “Oh, I don’t usually make meals for guests, I sincerely hope it is as good as the recipe suggests.” “I’m sure it’s fine Zecora, it’s just that we’re not…really hungry, getting chased by something and all that…” Thomas was trying not to stare at his food as he said this. “Yeah…about that, I have a feeling that whatever that thing was, we haven’t seen the last of ‘em, so we probably leave for Ponyville after this, I don’t want to put anyb-pony in a dangerous situation.” “…though you are right, it saddens me as you two are quite a sight.” Knowing Thomas, Xiao quickly kicked him as soon as he opened his mouth, presumably to make some stupid joke. “Ow. Haha, knew you would do that.” He laughed as he rubbed his hind leg. “What he was about to say, Zecora, was that we really appreciate your hospitality and the meal.” Xiao stated as he grabbed a few tentative bites from his plate, contemplating the flavor a bit before swallowing. “How does it taste, I hope I did not create a meal that’s a waste.” “Hmm…I think it tastes…kinda like soy beans.” “Well, I think it has…many flavors.” Thomas spoke in a mock snobbish voice. Oh dear God… Xiao facehoofed so hard, he swore he heard his skull crack. “Really, Thomas, really.” Zecora merely chuckled at our displays. "It seems you two are having disagreements, but your meal will not become any warmer with your continuous statements." "Thanks, but no thanks Zecora, I'm not hungry." Thomas insisted, hiding the fact he thought the meal looked horrible. "Thomas, eat. Eat the food,” Xiao commanded, which he responded by simply grunting and continued to pick at his meal. “...EAT THE FOOD!" While Zecora looked on in shock at his sudden 'aggressiveness', Thomas merely snickered. "Alright, alright, I'll try it out, but only because of that reference, Xiao." Seeing Zecora's face, he quickly replied, "Don't worry about it Zecora, it's just an inside joke between two friends." Zecora seemed to relax as he said this. After the awkward moment, Thomas willingly took a couple of bites of the food. Xiao and Zecora looked at his face, waiting for his reaction. "So...Thomas," Xiao said, worried that the food put him in a state of shock. "How was-" "SWEET JESUS, THIS IS AMAZING!!!" Thomas exclaimed before diving into the delicacy with reckless abandon. After Thomas finally stopped eating, he managed to reply through his stuffed face. "Wel, a firut, ie wus so bttur, I jus wunte hu sipuit ie oue ol over the floor, bu den, taher wus a esploushin of fuavur.” Thomas spoke through his overfilled mouth. “Come again?” Xiao asked, confused at what he had tried to say. Thomas swallowed. “What I said was, it was so bitter at first, I just wanted to spit it all out, no offense, but then, there was a huge explosion of flavor on my taste buds, and it was AMAZING.” With that, he dove back into his meal. Zecora chuckled at the two’s antics, before having a face of sudden realization about something. "Thomas, I’m sorry to bother you during your meal, but do you know of anything about this case with a mysterious seal?" Thomas' head shot up in surprise when she brought in the guitar case next to the table. He immediately jumped from his seat and rushed to the case as if his life depended on it, and began to examine the case closer and found that there was a seal of a phoenix on it, with letters that too worn out to read. Realizing what it was, His face suddenly turned from a surprised look to a disturbing smile that reached from ear to ear, chuckling like a manic as did so. OK, seriously, what is in that case? “Thomas, are you…ok?” Xiao said, looking at him apprehensively while finishing the rest of his meal. “And what is in that case?” “OH! Um…well…it’s…it’s...my…GUITAR! Yeah, that’s it, my guitar!” Thomas’ face immediately changed from a look of insanity to a look of embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I’m just really fond of my guitar and I thought we lost it during the spell…So, um…thanks for finding it.” “No Problem…” Xiao was extremely suspicious of that case, but decided to not press the issue. “What type of guitar is it, anyway?” Well, maybe just that ONCE. “Oh, just some weird Latin brand, I don’t even know how to pronounce it, so…yeah.” Thomas said nervously, taking the strap in his mouth and throwing the case on his back, securing the buckles it had. ‘SURE it is…’ Xiao muttered as he walked up to Thomas. ‘If whatever in that case is NOT a guitar, I will personally rip off your horn and shove it up your flank.’ He hissed. ‘Don’t worry, it won’t hurt anypony.’ Thomas whispered. But just in case…wait, horn? “I’m a unicorn?” he said, reaching up to feel his forehead. Sure enough, he felt a horn on his head, sending a tremor down his body. “YAY, I can do magical stuff, YAHOO!” Xiao demeanor changed back to a cheerful one. “Wow, you’re an idiot,” He laughed as he trotted off to help Zecora clean up. “Oh, and also, I just got you to say anypony.” “…DAMMIT, XIAO!” After tiding the hut, the two Unicorns stood at the doorway, packed, while reviewing Xiao’s impromptu checklist. “Temporary food supply?” Thomas slung the filled saddlebags onto Xiao’s back. “Check.” “Bag of bits Zecora offered us?” “Already in the bags.” “Your guitar case?” “*Sigh* on my back, and can you drop that tone?” “Fine…um, some herbs for Fluttershy? “In the glove compartments.” “And your sanity?” “In th-…very funny, Xiao.” He snickered. “Can’t blame me for trying.” Thomas rolled his eyes. “Come on then, let’s get a move on.” “We got to wait for Zecora, dimwit.” “Um, I knew that.” While the two friends continued to bicker pointlessly, Zecora had been waiting outside, amused at the two’s antics. “Come friends, and let us depart; when the sun sets, it will be easier for us to drift apart.” “Ok.” “Fine.” With that, the trio departed, all the while oblivious to the two pairs of eyes staring at them from the thick bushes near Zecora’s hut. “Should we kill them now brother? I am dying for blood to be spilled.” A raspy voice hissed. “No…not yet sister, we shall find what is dear to them, and rip it apart, as they had done to us.” A much deeper voice said. “How much longer brother? We are hungry and our minds scream for vengeance.” “Patience sister, we shall see where they settle, and destroy it.” “Aye brother, they will pay for their actions, with their precious friends and lives.” The journey out of the Everfree forest was quite easily since the two had Zecora, who had been living here most of her life. Even though there were multiple paths branching out at every turn, she would always know where to go, which was quite impressive to the two stallions. After what seemed like a couple of minutes, they emerged of the ever free forest. “DAYYYYYYYUUUMMMMMMMMMMM,” Thomas whistled as they stepped into the sunlight. “Didn’t think we would make it out this fast.” “Indeed.” Xiao said in a fake accent, somehow acquiring a top hat and a monocle. “Uh, Xiao? Wh-where did you get those?” He shrugged. “I DUNNO, LOL.” Thomas stared at him blankly. “Know what, I don’t even care anymore.” Zecora snickered, but then turned serious. “This is where I must leave you, good luck in Ponyville, my friends, as I bid you adieu.” “What, you’re not coming with us?” Xiao asked. “I am afraid I cannot, as there are personal matters that requires no outside thought.” “Alright then, it was nice to see you. Good bye Zecora.” Thomas said, though there was a sad undertone to his voice. “Thomas, you make it sound like we’re never seeing her again,” Xiao scowled at Thomas, before turning to the zebra. “Thank you for your hospitality, Zecora, we’ll visit you some other time, alright?” “Do not mention it, for you do not need to remit. I must depart, while for you a new beginning is about to start.” With that, she trotted back inside the forest, leaving the two ponies to ponder what she said. “Why does it feel like she knows about us more than what we’ve told her?” Xiao said, turning to Thomas. “I don’t know, man, but I do know we need to go to Fluttershy’s” He said in a mischievous tone, earning him a hoof to back of the head. “What the hell man? I didn’t do anything!” “Hey now, don’t mention my crush on Fluttershy, she’s already shy enough, I don’t want her to think I’m some kind of crazy stalker, like you.” Xiao said in a threatening tone. Rolling his eyes, Thomas said, “Arggh, fine. Why do you like Fluttershy so much anyway?” He always knew Xiao did like her, but he never cared to ask him why. “Hmmmm, let’s see…She is so innocent, so naïve, her kindness is so radiant, as is her smile. She looks so adorable, so beautiful, and heart attacks ensure when she squeaks. I feel so at peace around her…well, when I watch her, but that not the point.” Xiao sighed dreamily as he finished. “Cool it Romeo, we got herbs to deliver, so let’s go say hi and move on. And one more thing, don’t you dare get diabetes every time she does one of those squeaks while we’re there.” “OK, but I won’t promise anything.” “…Fair enough, let’s go.” The two trotted off to the cottage. As they drew near, they heard someone singing. Already knowing who it was, the unicorns rushed to the source. Behind the cottage, there was a beautiful clearing, filled with flowers with every possible color. A yellow pegasus sat in a circle of animals, her voice hypnotic as the animals listened intently, as did the two unicorns. The pink-maned pony continued to sing, unaware that Xiao had gently parted the animals and stood a few feet away from her as he took out the herbs she had requested out of his saddlebags. The animals saw no danger in the newcomer, and only watched with curiosity as he laid down the herbs before backing away and sitting down next to the animals. As for Thomas, he had laid his guitar case near the animals and sat down beside it, chuckling softly as he watched him lay down the herbs. After a few minutes, the pegasus ended her song, opening her eyes, finally noticing the two stallions who were listening. “Ahhhh!” She squeaked before diving behind the nearest rock. “Oh, sorry for startling you! We didn’t mean to disturb you!” Xiao desperately said, trotting over to the terrified pony, trying to calm her down. The shy pegasus cautiously crawled out from behind the rock, trotting over him. “Oh…um…it’s alright…I guess…” she murmured, averting her eyes and dragging her hoof across the grass. “Glad to hear that, you’re Fluttershy, I presume?” Xiao was trying to be as soothing as possible so he would not startle her. “Um…yes…its Fluttershy…” She said. “Oh, I didn’t quite catch that, could you repeat that?” “It’s…flutter…” She said, less audibly then before. “Could…you please repeat that?” She merely responded with a squeak. OH MY GOD. SHE’S MORE ADORABLE IN PERSO- I MEAN, PONY!!! Xiao was trying not to clutch his chest as he tried to get Fluttershy to speak up. Thomas had realized the situation, however, and came to his rescue so he wouldn’t say anything stupid. “Uh, Fluttershy, Zecora sent us to give you some herbs, since we are trying to get to Ponyville. They’re lying where you were singing, just in case you were wondering.” “But I haven’t seen you around here before, could you tell me your names?” she said, before realizing the sudden boldness in her voice, causing her to blush and hide behind her mane. “That is…if you want to…I mean…” SWEET. BABY. JESUS. MUST NOT HAVE DIABEETUS. Xiao tried to contain the HNNNNNGGGG rising inside of him, and managed to answer. “Of course we will. My name is Xiao Hu, but Xiao will do, and that there is Tom-tom, though he likes to be called Thomas.” Thomas cringed slightly at the nickname. “Oh…um, nice to meet you both...I guess...” She said, gaining a little more confidence in her voice. Xiao then took this opportunity to strike up a conversation. “So what did you do for a living?” At this, Fluttershy visibly brightened, enthusiastically telling Xiao about all the animals, her duties, her daily life. This topic somehow went into a tale about her life story, from where she was born to how she got her cutie mark. Thomas had grown uninterested by the continuously expanding topic and had fallen asleep. "Oh, speaking of cutie marks," Fluttershy said, "You two don’t have your cutie marks, haven’t you two found your special talents yet?" I don’t? Xiao peered down to his side to find just a patch of light blue fur. The same went for Thomas, who awoke from the mention of cutie marks. Hmmm…why don’t we have them? Xiao pondered, before realizing it was getting late and that he didn’t want to burden Fluttershy by staying at her house for the night. Guess we’ll figure it out once we get to an inn in Ponyvillle. “Sorry Fluttershy, I’ll have to tell you later, right now, we still have important business in Ponyville, and we don’t want to bother you.” He said, standing up and stretching his legs, as did Thomas. "Oh it’s ok, it was very fun talking with you... I hope you come back soon." she blushed lightly after what she said. Her statement froze Xiao like a popsicle, who could do nothing but repeat what she had said over and over in his head. Thomas sighed. “Thank you for the beautiful song you sang earlier.” He said, beginning to drag his brain-dead friend by the tail. “Oh, no problem at all,” Fluttershy said, still blushing. “I’ll see you two later…if that’s OK with you two…” “No problem at all, we’ll visit again soon.” Thomas said, slinging his guitar case back onto his back, along with a still stoned Xiao. “Um…is he alright? I think he’s hurt.” Fluttershy said, walking closer towards Thomas. “Oh he’s fine; this happens regularly, just one of his ‘episodes’.” Thomas strained out at the new weight placed on his back. “Oh…well, ok then…oh, good luck getting to Ponyville!” she said cheerfully, waving to the two ponies…well, one pony who was carrying another one on his back. As the two stallions neared the entrance to Ponyville, Thomas grew tired of carrying Xiao, dropping him on the ground, finally snapping him out of his daze. “Huh? What happened, where are we?” Xiao said as he frantically regained his bearings. “Well, first, I hauled your ass for half an hour because of your episode, and second, we’re at Ponyville, smart one,” He really wasn’t in the mood right now. “Come on, I want to find an inn, I’m pretty tired right now.” Xiao, sensing his annoyance, nodded. “Agreed, let’s get a move on.” The two entered the settlement in a hurry to find a place to stay, as the moon started to rise. They were occasionally greeted by the ponies that were up at this hour, getting the occasional wave, or a few *HI’s* or *good evening’s*. After a few minutes of searching, they managed to find one of the few, if not THE only motel in the village. It was a quaint little building, somewhat smaller than the hospital the two passed along the way. A rustic feeling emanated from the establishment, seemingly telling of it age. A beautiful, slightly worn-out sign, depicting the moon and stars, rested above the doors. The two entered the building. They walked up to the front desk, where a slightly aged mare had fallen asleep at her post. Her grey coat seemed to shine softly in the moonlight, while her white mane fluttered slightly every time she breathed. Although the unicorns hated to disturb her somewhat-peaceful rest, they themselves were tired, and needed rest. “Ma’am? Wake up, ma’am; we would like to rent a room for the night.” Xiao said, trying to wake her up gently. “Hmmm…?” was her only response. “Your being way too soft, here, let me do it.” Thomas looked around, finding a bell, and ranged it loudly, waking the mare abruptly from her nap. “What is it, is the motel on fire!?!” She frantically yelled, jerking her head in order to locate the ‘fire’. “No, ma’am, we would like to rent a room. For two please.” “OH! Um…prices for those rooms are 30 bits per night, which includes breakfast. I am afraid lunch and dinner are not included, as there is already a restaurant across the street. Is that Ok?” “Umm…how much for single?” “Those run for 20 bits, same standards apply.” “Hmmmm…” Xiao was contemplating whether he should sleep on the floor to save money or not. “*Sigh* I may be pissed Xiao, but I’m sure as hell I ain’t waiting for you to make up your damn mind.” Thomas stated before turning to the mare and giving her their sack of bits. “Single room please.” The mare chuckled, amused at their display. “Here, take some bits backs, you’re gonna need them for lunch and dinner.” She said, handing a hoof-full of bits back. “But would that be enough for our stay?” Xiao asked, hesitant that she was dropping the price for them. “Oh it’s fine, you still have enough for a couple of days.” “But-“ “You heard the mare; we’re good, so let’s get some shut eye. Besides, we’ll pay her back once we get settled and you find a part-time job.” Thomas had already grabbed the key and was waiting impatiently at the stairs, ignoring his last sentence. Xiao was hesitant, but followed him anyway, looking for their room. The two walked down the hall, looking left and right for their rooms. Locating their room, they unlocked the door and entered. The room itself was small, having only a couch and a bed, along with a table and chair. A bathroom was located next to the couch. “Dibs on couch.” Thomas said, quickly removing his guitar and diving onto the couch. “Don’t you think the bed would be more comfortable?” Xiao said, laying down his saddle bags and climbing onto the bed. “Well, two things. One, I’m used to sleeping on a couch. Two…I really don’t trust that bed.” You’re just over reacting… Xiao thought as he tried to plan out the next day. “So, one, we’re going to have to find some jobs for the motel payment. Two, we need to go to twilight’s to learn basic unicorn magic and somehow convince her to do another inter-dimensional portal…” “So we’re going to Twilight’s?” Thomas said with a sly grin. “*Sigh* Not like that, you bucking hayseed.” “Haha, I know, but we are gonna have to wait till tomorrow to visit. By the way, how do you know ‘bronyspeak’ and how do we even know if it is a portal?” “Well, before we got here, I think I saw a flash of purple lightning in the sky, while we were driving, and as for bronyspeak, a brony dictionary always helps.” “Huh. OK then, goodnight, we got a long day ahead of us.” “Night.” Xiao said before he turned off the lamp on the table. As the two laid on their beds, thinking of tomorrow, sleep started to overwhelm them, their eyelids began to droop, before they fell sleep.