//------------------------------// // Chapter 15: Pre-race distractions // Story: Something Different // by BlackWingsRed //------------------------------// Chapter 15: Pre-race distractions. An open journal laid upon a small pedestal with words glowing brightly. Day 2 - Ponyville entry 2 "I've finally moved in to the windmill and bought a bed. On the way I ended up finding a really good restaurant and tried the Hayfries. But, I can't help but feel that something is wrong." Day 3 - Ponyville entry 3 "Last night, I had a dream. But, it felt so real. I was back home but nobody was there. I was all alone until this... Character appeared and tried to confuse me. I have no idea how but he's shown up more than once. I'm just gonna try to keep my mind on finding where to go." Day 5 - Ponyville entry 4 "Earlier today I helped a rabbit and a pony who seemed to be under the weather. I brought her to in guessing her home and sent for a doctor. I am hoping for the best." The new entries glowed within the journal one by one. Celestia warmly smiled as she read them. Though they were short, they still presented the message of a person being in an alright state. She trotted over to a balcony where she looked out onto the horizon. "Our friend still seems to be doing alright. But, Twilight and Rainbow Dash seems to be getting mixed reactions from a few days ago." Said Luna stepping away from the book. She looked towards her sister who was deep in concentration moving the sun with her magic. Over in horizon the sun slowly rose and shined upon Canterlot and the rest of Equestria. Celestia's horn dimmed and the magic faded. She closed her eyes and trotted towards the book. "They aren't quite lessons in friendship but, they are a start. There is still something bothering me in those entries. He also mentioned his dreams but I have never been able to enter his dreams. It's as if his mind is forcing me out whenever I have tried to." The book levitated off its little display and onto a desk with another similar book. "There are other forces other than our own in play. Those same powers will try to manipulate and control him if he were to ever be discovered or caught." Celestia scanned through the unknown book on the desk. I still believe that Teacher's Archive is still around but, why did he hide it from all of us?" She took a scroll and began to write in it. "I was too young to remember his face nor the lessons he gave. I'm dissatisfied with myself for that." Luna sadly replied. "I will be waiting for you out there." Celestia rolled up the scroll and it vanished in an instant. "I hope Spike that you understand and do this job right." She took the book and walked over to a blank area of a wall in the room. Her horn flashed causing a small door to appear on the wall. Her horn glowed as she opened it and placed the book inside. The door closed and vanished without her even touching it. Outside the door ponies already began to be filing in to do their jobs as well as Dusty. Who happily hummed as she swept the halls. "Hello there you're Majesty. Do you wish to be served?" Celestia trotted over and whispered in her ear. "The scholars you're majesty? But, they're still in the archives looking for any traces of the book and collecting news for you as we speak." "I understand I will find them then. Do you wish to accompany me?" Asked the princess standing taller than the little maid. "I believe it is time to consult them." "Yes you're majesty. Also... Has there been any updates on Mr. Joe?" Dusty trotted along side Celestia. "Nurse Blue Heart is wondering as well. She is requesting she does a check up in a few days. Is that fine?" "Of course, I'm pretty sure he would enjoy the company. I wouldn't want our friend to feel as though he had been left out of anything." Celestia smiled at the idea. "I would've suggested today but, Soarin and Spitfire have already departed to Ponyville." As they spoke the Captain of the guard still in his armor, stood along the walkways with his wife. "I think it's gonna be okay there hasn't been much sightings for a while. She shouldn't be able to come back. And Celestia had banished her legion to the badlands. The ones we saw were completely different." He explained. Cadence didn't take too well to it. "I still can sense it. They're after Joe and the rest of Equestria. Im just worried, what would happen if they were to get a hold of him?" Cadence still seemed worried. "Nothing would happen. I would personally make sure of that. And don't worry he's packing enough magic in him to blast them farther than we did." Shining comforted his wife. Celestia and Dusty trotted their way up to them. "Hello there you two. Enjoying your day?" Celestia asked overhearing their conversation. "Cadence is worried about the Changelings return and that their Queen may be back as well." Answered Shining. He took off his helmet and scratched his head with his hoof. "They've been appearing all over Equestria but, there haven't been any sightings of the Queen at all yet." Celestia smiled. "I'm sure that even if she was to come back, she would find it rather harder to invade than it was last time. Especially under your command Captain." Cadence's worried outlook turned into a smile. "Now of you can excuse us we will be on our way." They continued to trot through the halls. Dusty stopped in front of them and bowed. "I hope you enjoy your day." She then quickly caught back up to Celestia and continued down the hall. Over the skies of the Everfree forest. Both Soarin and Spitfire soared through the gentle sky. On Soarin's back was a basket while in Spitfire's saddle bag were clearly visible books. Though they were weighed down, it did very little to hinder their journey. "Hey let's take a break over on those clouds for a while. My wings are killing me." Soarin dropped onto the cloud exhausted. Spitfire gently landed next to him and laughed. "C'mon Soarin we just left Canterlot." She then looked towards the basket. "Don't tell me these three little pies are weighing you down." Soarin slumped himself down on the clouds. "I think I ate a bit too much before we left. Just give me a few seconds to catch my breath." He took the basket off his back and looked over the cloud onto the river the bordered the forest. "Now that's just the lazy speaking. I'm going to go on a little further." She jumped over a few more clouds and dove towards the top of the forest. Soarin sighed as Spitfire glided over the large canopy and towards the town. The town was alive as always with stores, ponies and fragrances. "Now where did Shining say his house was?" Said Spitfire as she trotted past a few stores. "Hmm that place looks like a place I'd hide" she looked towards the windmill in the distance and began to head towards it. "Oh great fans..." She sarcastically thought to herself. There were very few of the ponies in the crowd who immediately noticed her and rushed over to her for autographs. They shouted her name calling for her attention. Soarin flew down and hovered above the crowd. "Here grab my hoof!" He reached his hoof into the crowd managing to grab her hoof just in time as the crowd began to overwhelm her. "Wow. Thanks Soarin. I thought I was done for." Spitfire sighed in relief. They gently landed on a nearby roof. "No problem right? We've dealt with this whole thing before." Replied Soarin positioning the pies back onto his back. The sounds of other wings flapping caught their attention. A few of the fans began to fly up after them. "We gotta get outta here and quick! Head for the windmill!" Spitfire exclaimed in panic. They hopped into the air and began to steadily fly towards the windmill. Once there, both Spitfire and Soaring began to knock on the door. "C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! Open up!" Spitfire yelled. There were sounds of rustling on the inside and a quick flash but just as it ended the bundle of their fans caught up forcing them to fly off yet again. Suddenly, the door opened and out popped Red's head. "Hello?... Hmm?..." He shrugged his shoulders and went back inside. A little while away, Rainbow Dash sat on a cloud watching over the town. "What's that sound?..." She turned over on her cloud to see both Spitfire and Soarin heading straight for her followed by a trail of Pegasi. "Woah! Woah WOAH!" She toppled off as the two barreled right by her. "The Wonder Bolts here?! Why?!" She spun out as the other Pegasi knocked her around. "Quickly get to the windmill!" Shouted Soarin. He began to Flap his wings even harder. Behind him Spitfire quickly did the same allowing them to distance them selves. Hearing the commotion, Red looked out the windmill and trotted away. He froze and rushed back over to see his friends flying straight towards the door. His horn lit up and almost immediately the door swung open. The moment the two got in the doors slammed shut and a barrier was erected. They winced as the sounds of Ponies bumping into it. "That... Sounds like it hurt... A lot." He turned his attention back towards his house guests. " What the heck is going on? This wasn't what I expected after I received that letter from Celestia." Spitfire rushed over and gave him a hug. " Jeez its been forever since we've seen ya." she let go of the hug and paced about the room. "Well... It all started out as a regular visit but, we forgot we had fans out here also." She pulled out four books from her saddlebag. "We were asked by the Princesses. To drop these off to you while we were here." The books were again books from the Star Swirl section at the Castle's library. As red looked at the books Spitfire began to walk around the living room dodging a few books and papers. "Hey uh... What's all these for?" She pointed her hoof at the mess of spell and text books leading to the kitchen table. "Those? That's all my research. I think I'm getting close to finding it." He carefully closed and levitated them off the floor and into a small stack on the table. "It's been a while. How's it been since you were relocated.?" Spitfire asked finally taking a seat on the couch. "You got a snazzy looking pad, I'm betting you got some decent funds from the princesses and its like you've gotten used to the place already. So tell me what's going on-" "Hey I got pies!" Soarin interrupted but as he trotted over he tripped over a book flinging the pies into the air. "Noooo!" The pies floated above him covered in a red aura. "Got em." Red moved then towards the table and placed them down. Using his magic he picked up the few books that littered the room and placed them into the shelves. "Sorry about that *yawn* I've been a little busy." "Are you alright? You look... Sleepy." Soarin asked watching Red lean against the table. "I just. I'm okay... Don't worry about me. Now what do you guys feel like doing while you're here?" Red shook himself awake. Though on the outside of the windmill the various ponies that had chased the two Wonder Bolts slowly left. One specific pony remained and looked through an opening in the window. "What? Would the Wonderbolts be doing here?" She quickly flew up onto another small cloud and watched the doorway. Back inside, Red levitated a book in front of him while Soarin sat in front of him. "If we're gonna go through town you two are going to need to blend in." He flipped a page and his horn began to light up. "This spell is sorta similar to the enchantment that Celestia put on this pendant. But, it won't last long. I haven't had a chance to try it on anything yet other than a rock." "I don't think I like the sound of that... Is the spell leathal?" Soarin asked fearfully. "Naww. Not really it'll only burn for an hour." Red Sarcastically replied. "Now hold still." He levitated a large blanket over him. "NO WAIT!" Soarin yelled as a warm sensation came over his body. As it faded he stood ready for pain but received none. "I'm okay?! I'm okay!" He looked over his body and sighed in relief. "What did you do to me?" He pulled off the blanket. "Well... It's sorta like a counter spell for another spell that makes things irresistible. This one makes you less noticeable. Oh, yeah I was joking about the burning thing." Red explained. "Okay me next." Spitfire eagerly stood where Soarin was and was zapped with the same spell. "Ohh thats tingly." She shook the blanket off and looked out of a window to the rest of the town. "You know what? Even though I've been here on business I've never been able to enjoy it here." Suddenly, someone's stomach began to rumble. "Soarin we just got here. Don't tell me you're hungry again." "Heh heh... That was me." Replied Red. "Do you think we can grab a bite before we head out?" "I knew these would've been useful." He cut a piece of pie and handed it over to Red who happily gulped it down. After a brisk lunch. The three of them emerged from the windmill but, sneakily as to not attract anymore unwanted attention. "So where to? We've got this whole town until the evening to hang out today." Spitfire eagerly asked. "Well there is that place I practice a few of my spells, there's the park, I saw a farm that isn't that far away and then there's that place." He pointed a hoof towards the direction of apple trees. "Wasn't there a library here dams well? I'm sure I heard something about a library." Soarin interjected. "Or wait I have a great idea. How about a little rematch for the race we had back in Canterlot?" "There's a library in this town?" Red asked flabbergasted. "A race alright! Where're we gonna have it though the town is a bit too packed to run through isn't it?" Spitfire asked with a competitive grin. "There aren't any paths we can use around here are there?" "Wait I did read something about an annual race thing. There is the route for that race they do in the fall. Would that one do?" Red proposed. It shouldn't be in any use right now" "That sounds perfect. Lets head over there now." Soarin agreed as they casually walked through the town without anyone turning their way. But behind the group one certain pony who slowly followed them through the shadows. Back in the castle. Dusty and Celestia moved through the halls looking at the many stained glass windows. As they neared a door, Celestia stopped and opened the door. Inside were brightly colored stained glass panels that were framed with light coming through an empty panel of glass. At first Celestia was hesitant to enter the new hall but, went in anyway followed by Dusty who carefully made sure to close the door. The glass panels as most know represent brief summaries of Equestrian history. Dusty marveled at the sight of the many colors and delightful images. "They should be beyond these doors." Said Celestia as she stood in front of a big black door. Above the door was a depiction of all four types of ponies. Celestia slowly walked inside where she came face to face with three old ponies including a familiar old Unicorn stallion. He sighed as Celestia and Dusty entered. "I have rather shocking news for you you're Highness..." Said the old Unicorn. "It is about the human and his conditions." "What is it Kiesel?" Asked the old mare Pegasus. "I still have yet to meet this marvel of a creature as you described earlier." "Please explain ." Asked the princess in reply. "I have noticed a slight difference of his levels of magic from the last few examinations he had while staying here. They have significantly risen over the course of those three days." The old Stallion explained. "Well he has been doing a little bit of magic training. Is that a possibility of the rise?" Dusty nervously asked while Celestia looked down at her. "I'm afraid it is much more complicated than that. There is a major difference in the pools of magic that reside within him. There are dormant sources within him that indicate he is well enough stronger than we thought. It is balanced yet a very unstable phenomenon. I have never seen this in all my life as a doctor. His body appears to be absorbing magic as though he were a sponge." He explained even further with his documents. "From watching his progress of magical training it appears to be that he has yet to harness those reserves. He has only been burning through a bare minimum of magic from his surroundings. I'm not sure if he is aware of that either. I believe it would be wiser to keep it hidden until we know if he is a danger." Celestia stood there heavily in thought considering this was a very informative but discouraging topic. "I will take that into consideration on what may happen next. On another note has there been any updates on the search Sir Glade?" The Earth pony approached with his notes. "I'm afraid that there has been none you're Highness. We have had no new progress in the location. Though... There has been suspicious activities seen in the Frozen North." She sighed at those words taking even more discouraging information. Finally the Old Pegasus stepped forward. "You're Highness... There has been talk among the soldiers in Cloudsdale about the Changeling armies in the south. They seem to be regrouping once again." "Thank you I expected as much from the former Meteor Gal. How goes the Far West leagues?" Asked Celestia going off topic. "Oh... Heh heh. It's beyond me now. These wings are too brittle to handle any heavy flying. I left the remainder of the team in another's care." The Pegasus replied. "I was hoping that it doesn't come to any interferences in the search but, it seems that there will be need to keep an eye out for them once again." Said Celestia with another serious tone. "Is there anymore news for today?" "I'm afraid not you're majesty. We have our sources running at full capacity. There are ponies running through Equestria delivering every bit of news to us. But, there hasn't been any major reports." The old Pegasi explained. "Wait... There is one thing, The human. Has he been searching as well? How about his magic?" Asked the old Doctor. "Will there be a problem if he is?" Celestia replied suspiciously. "If his enormous magical powers were to manifest completely out of his control he could pose as a threat to his current location and to himself." Sir Glade explained. "We are all expecting something great to emerge from this creature. If it is true he could be very useful to us." Celestia did not take a liking to those words. "He is a sentient being and I aim to send him home. I don't seek to abuse his powers." "But what about the prophecies?" Asked Dr. Kiesel. "We may need him in the future." "I have seen them but still... He shouldn't pay for something he has no part of." She stood defiant as Dusty urged her to calm down. "You're majesty! It is nearly time to meet with your appointments." Dusty folded her hooves nervously stepping further towards the door. The group of aged scholars stepped back towards what they were doing. Celestia took one last look back at them and exited the room. "You're Highness?... Is what they said true? Is Mr. Joe dangerous? And prophecies?" Asked Dusty confused and curious. "Those may be true but, I refuse to let something like that happen. I follow my promises to their full extent even if it means something tragic should happen to me." Celestia held her head low. "You're highness... "Dusty quietly and sadly said to herself. She followed the Princess out of the halls until a whisper caught her ears. "She's lying..." Said a very echoey voice. It sent shivers up her spine causing her to stay in place. She turned to see nothing but, quickly trotted to Celestia's side. Back in Ponyville. Red led the two WonderBolts through the town. Unbothered by the population. "Whoa this is cool! Nobody is trying to follow us." Said Spitfire grinning happily. "So where is this Whitetail woods place anyway?" Soarin looked around the road and at a few of the stands. "It should be just passed these few houses" said Red who suddenly stopped. Something grabbed his hoof. He turned his head to see little Apple Bloom wearing a tiny green apron. "Oh hey there." "Hey Mr. Red, what're looking for today?" She asked as Red ushered his friends to wait for a bit. "I'm having a day to be with a couple of friends of mine are having a short study break." He replied. "Okay, mind if I can interest you in buying a few of these grade A apples?" Apple Bloom moved one bushel over. "Sure. How about I pick it up right after I finish with my friends" Red levitated a few bits over to the little Filly and placed it in the apron pocket. "Keep the change." "Okay we'll see you later." She thanked him as he began to head off towards Soarin and Spitfire. She gave a quick wave as he turned the corner. "Apple Bloom! I thought I told ya I was gonna handle the sales today-" Applejack suddenly said as she popped up behind Apple Bloom. But Apple Bloom quickly interrupted her. "Applejack! I made a sale!" Apple Bloom was pretty excited for her small accomplishment. "That's great Sugar cube how many apples did they get?" Applejack eyed the bunches of apples in the cart. "A whole bushel. See he paid me with these." She held up the dark silver coins and her sister carefully looked them over. Applejacks eyes lit up in shock. "THOSE ARE! PLATINUM!" She hopped once and nearly collapsed onto the ground. "Who? Who bought the apples?!" "Did... Did I do bad?..." Apple Bloom held her head low in sadness. "No Thats not it little sis. This is great. It's just that... This is the most money we've ever got in a day? We can fix up the whole farm With these. Who bought the apples?" Applejack held her little sister close. "It was Mr. Red. He was with a couple of other ponies I couldn't recognize. He said he's gonna be back to pick up the apples later after he's done with his friends." She seemed relieved and happy with her sister's excited reaction. "That Red guy again?... But, that's Twilight's competition." Her happy expression turned into one of. worry. "I think... I better find out who this feller is myself." She took the bits and placed them into a pouch. Back with Red a little farther away. A short distance behind The group , a shadow began to go from rooftop to rooftop keeping itself hidden. Red, Soarin and Spitfire headed out into a small path and followed it to another bigger yet well kept path. "We're almost there. Just a little bit further." "Are you sure about that? I mean we coulda gotten there by now if we were flying." Spitfire replied Spitfire as she hopped up into the air and flew above them. "Hey, whadya know? He's right." "How far exactly?" Asked Soarin before hopping up into the air by her. "I'd say at least a three-hundred yards yards away." She replied. "Hey, Joe do you think I can head over there to scope out the place to see if anypony is there?" "Well it's up to you. I brought the book in case we need directions." Replied the Red pony. "In that case... Hey Soarin I bet ya twelve bits I can beat you over there!" Shouted an enthusiastic Spitfire. First one to the big yellow sign wins." "Oh yeah you're on!" Soarin quickly sprung into the air and after their friend. "Now that's not fair..." Red trotted down the path at a regular pace. But suddenly turned when a twig , there was no one behind him. He trotted back towards the path as he heard a very silent "Eep!" "Hello? Anybody there?" He asked aloud. There was a sign that someone had been trailing them. Something colorful was poking out of a bush immediately catching Joe/Red's attention. He used his magic to move the bush out of the way until he noticed it was a pony."Hey it's you from the road and the rabbit." She Opened her eyes in shock and vanished trotting back down the path they had come. "It was nice seeing you again!" "Hey slowpoke lets get to racing this thing!" Soarin shouted with confidence. "Yeah! Yeah! I got I'll be right over." Red shouted back in reply and began heading towards the race.