//------------------------------// // Him Part 7 // Story: AppleShy Series // by PatRoison //------------------------------// "Detective Smoke, do I have to remind you that we need her alive?" "I do not need you to remind me of that Agent Pie," Detective Smoke said with some annoyance. "Then please tell me why there are archers up there?" Special Agent Diane Pie of the Equestria Bureau of Investigation, FFF branch, pointed up to a series of clouds upon which sat several pegasi poised with crossbows, all aimed at the small home. "I assure you Agent Pie that I have no intention of opening fire unless Fluttershy leaves me no other option, and from what I have read in her file I might have to." A gasp escaped the group of ponies and it was Spike that spoke up, "What do you mean 'her file'?" "I'm certain that you are aware of her 'incident' during the Grand Galloping Gala, where she rampaged throughout the Royal Gardens and then again in the ballroom. Well, given her past outbursts of aggression and her newfound tendency towards violence, we have a duty to protect the citizens here. If she forces my hoof then I will not hesitate and put her down." Twilight looked at Smoke with suspicion, 'Does he mean it? I wish Applejack were here. She would know if he was telling the truth.' She shook her head, but before she could say anything, Pinkie got in Smoke's face. "I'm warning you," Agent Pie said, "If one hair is harmed on her mane, I will personally make you wish that you never met me." "I assure you, Agent Pie, that I already wish I never met you." Smoke turned towards the home, focused a spell, and spoke, "Fluttershy. We know you are in there. Come out and end this peacefully. There are officers surrounding the home right now. There is no escape." He released the spell, "I hope she listens to reason." The ponies looked down at the house, each one hoping this encounter will not end in bloodshed. --- "So what do we do," Rainbow looked back to Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash was scared and it showed on her face. "Don't worry Rainbow. Everything will be fine." Fluttershy looked Rainbow in the eye and smiled, "Just remember, that you are my best friend, and I will never forget what you have done for me." She placed a hoof to Rainbow's cheek and nodded, "It's time to end this, and find justice." Rainbow Dash nodded, and turned to the door. Her nerves were racked and the adrenaline was pumping. She was ready for anything. Anything that is except for what happened next. --- Above the home, pegasi snipers were in place. These ponies had their orders to only fire upon Detective Smoke's or Special Agent Pie's order. One of these ponies however had different orders to follow. He had his crossbow trained on the door, and waited for his chance to earn his pay. He smiled as he waited. --- Detective Smoke looked around and waved a pegasus mare over, "Captain, make certain the officers are certain of their orders. Nopony is to fire unless ordered by myself or Agent Pie." The mare nodded, "Yes sir." She took off and spoke to each squad leader. "Agent Pie," Smoke said turning to face the pink pony, "You seem to know a great deal about Fluttershy. What do you recommend we do?" Pinkie looked to the house, 'What do I do Fluttershy? I don't want to lose you, but what do I say?' She turned to Smoke, "Let me talk to her. I can reach her, and get her to come out with no trouble." "I don't like it," Smoke said, but when he saw Twilight's glare, "But I guess it's not up to me." Smoke waved the pegasus captain over again, "slight change of plans, Agent Pie will attempt to coax the suspect out. Now more than ever, your officers had better be at their best." If the sudden change of orders bothered the mare, her training prevented her from showing it, "Of course, sir." Once again, she flew off to issue the orders to the squad leaders. "Ok," Pinkie said, "I'm going in. Ms. Sparkle, make sure that nothing happens unless I say so." "You have our full support, Agent Pie," Twilight said her voice full of worry. Pinkie was now putting herself in direct danger, but it was the best chance to get Fluttershy out safely. Agent Pie nodded and made her way into the yard and when she arrived at the door, she stopped. 'Silly, I can't knock with my face.' Taking a step back, she lifted a hoof and knocked on the door. "This is Special Agent Diane Pie," she put extra emphasis on Pie, "Fluttershy I know you're in there and I just want to talk." The door opened a little and Pinkie could not help giggle softly when she saw the yellow pegasus, "Fluttershy, what did you do to your mane and why are wearing that hat?" She took a better look at the Stetson, "Is that-" "Yes, it's Applejack's. Pinkie what are you doing?" Pinkie looked Fluttershy in the eye, "Right now I'm keeping them from storming in here and taking you away." She tried to see inside the house, "Where's Dashie?" "I'm here." Fluttershy moved and Pinkie saw Rainbow and she looked scared. "Whoa, that is so weird. Dashie's scared and Fluttershy's calm?" She smiled at Fluttershy, "Are you ok?" "I'm fine." Fluttershy looked past Pinkie towards her friends, and she noticed the unicorn. "It that the officer in charge?" Pinkie rolled her eyes, "yeah and he's tough. His name's Detective Smoke and he-" "Wait," Fluttershy interrupted, "Smoke. I know that name." She looked down and furrowed her brow as she tried to place the name. She shook her head, "I'll have to worry about that later." "Okie dokie, so do you have a plan?" Fluttershy looked to Rainbow, "Rainbow Dash, I don't feel too good, could you get me a glass of water, please?" "Uh, sure thing Fluttershy," Rainbow walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of water. While Rainbow was gone Fluttershy whispered, "Pinkie go and tell this Detective Smoke that I have a hostage." She looked back to the kitchen, "I have to protect Rainbow." Fluttershy looked back to Pinkie and saw tears in the pink pony's eyes, "I'm sorry Pinkie, but I can't let anypony else suffer for me. Now please tell Twilight, Rarity and Spike that I am fine. Just let me know when it is safe for me to come out, and Rainbow's safety is guaranteed." Fluttershy smiled at Pinkie one last time and closed the door. Rainbow returned from the kitchen, "Here go Fluttershy. Where's Pinkie?" Fluttershy took a sip, "thank you Rainbow Dash. Pinkie went back to the Detective and our friends to tell them we're ok." "Good," Rainbow said, "So what do we do?" "We wait and hope we find justice." Fluttershy smiled at the thought and looked toward the door. --- "Ms. Sparkle, is this Agent Pie trustworthy?" Twilight looked to Detective Smoke, "I trust her with my life and so should you. Your apprehension is understandable, but right now she is the best and only option to get Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash out safely." She turned to Pinkie who was returning to the carriage, "Agent Pie, what news do you have?" "Ms. Sparkle, Detective Smoke, the situation has changed," Pinkie looked back to the house, "Fluttershy has informed me that she has taken a hostage, and she will not leave the house without a promise she won't be hurt." "Have you given in to her demand," Smoke asked and there was concern in voice that Rarity clearly noticed. "Excuse me, Detective, but is there any reason why you would be so concerned for her safety? She is after all a 'murderer'." Rarity cringed slightly when she called her dear friend that, but she had a reason. "I simply have no desire to witness any more bloodshed, and I have already informed you that I have my orders. I am to pursue this as a premeditated murder and I intend to do so." "Yes, but you yourself have said that you believe Fluttershy acted out of concern for Rainbow Dash, and that it was not premeditated." "I have my orders." "Yes, but certainly your opinion would carry weight within this investigation. It's not that I am ungrateful, but why have you not suggested a lesser charge?" Smoke looked to Rarity and said with some annoyance, "I have my orders and I have my reasons, the latter is none of your concern." Rarity looked into the old detective's eyes, "I understand, and I apologize for interfering." She winced slightly as she her body aches began to return. "Rarity, here," Twilight passed the white unicorn some pain medication, "Why didn't you tell me the pain was returning?" The bruises on the white unicorn were clearly visible, and Twilight was concerned that there might have been internal damage. "Thank you Twilight, dear. I don't mind an occasional reminder of my foolishness." Rarity took the medicine, sat down, and turned to Pinkie, "Pin... I mean, Agent Pie, how are they doing?" "Fluttershy is well and Rainbow Dash is unharmed." Pinkie looked back to the house, "I don't believe Fluttershy will harm Rainbow Dash. In fact, I believe she will be willing to surrender if we can guarantee Rainbow Dash's safety." For an instant, Detective Smoke's stern countenance changed and only Rarity noticed that he was about to smile. "Very well, if Agent Pie agrees then I see no reason to deny her demand." Smoke nodded to Pinkie, "Agent Pie, I know you would like to deliver the news, but given the fact that there is a hostage involved I would rather handle this from a distance." Pinkie nodded, "Ok, but remember that we need her alive." She looked back down at the house, 'Please come out safely, Fluttershy.' Detective Smoke's horn began to glow and once again his voice became amplified. Inside the house, Rainbow was still facing the door, "What is Pinkie up to?" She turned to Fluttershy, "How long do you think they'll wait?" Fluttershy looked out the window and saw the detective beginning to cast a spell, "I think we're about to find out." She carefully positioned herself behind Rainbow Dash and waited to make her move. Suddenly, a magically amplified voice said, "Fluttershy, this is Detective Smoke speaking. After discussing with Agent Pie and Ms. Sparkle, I have decided to agree to your demand. Allow your hostage to leave and I promise that neither of you will be harmed." "Hostage," Rainbow asked confused but was unable to question further since her rear right leg buckled. Once her plan was revealed to Rainbow, Fluttershy drove her knee into Rainbow's leg causing the blue pegasus to lose her balance. Fluttershy then wrapped her forelegs around Rainbow's neck and forced her to stand upon her hind legs. She then brought the hoof knife to her friend's throat and whispered, "Rainbow Dash, I am so sorry, but you are not going to pay for my crimes." "Fluttershy, wait. Please don't do this," Rainbow pleaded. "There has to be another way. I won't let them hurt you." She tried to force Fluttershy away, but the yellow pegasus slid the knife closer to her throat. "Please don't struggle," Fluttershy said crying, "I can't let you suffer anymore. Now please, for me, just do as I ask." Fluttershy kissed Rainbow on the cheek, "You will never know how much your friendship means to me. Now we just have one last thing to do and you will be free. Open the door." 'I have to do something, but what,' Rainbow racked her mind trying to think of something, anything, to convince Fluttershy that she could still help her. Fluttershy gently nudged her and she got the hint. She opened the door and they both left the house. The sight scared Rainbow Dash. Clouds were positioned in a semi-circle pattern with pegasus archers on each cloud and they were each aiming their crossbows right at them. "Oh my gosh," Rainbow said softly, "Fluttershy I think these ponies mean business." "Yeah," Fluttershy said softly her resolve failing, "I know you're going to hate me, but I have to do this alone." She softly kissed Rainbow on the cheek again and shouted as best she could, "I'm out. Detective Smoke and Agent Pie, I want to talk to you both face to face. Only then will I release the hostage." "I'm going down there," Pinkie said. She didn't wait for Detective Smoke to reply. She walked down towards Fluttershy and stopped when Fluttershy nodded to her. "Of all the impatient," Smoke grumbled, "Ms. Sparkle, please wait here. I will try and apprehend Fluttershy without harming Ms. Dash." Twilight nodded and Detective Smoke made his way to Pinkie's side, "Fluttershy. I have agreed to your demand. Now, if you will release Ms. Dash, I promise that you will not be harmed." Fluttershy took a few cautious steps forward and looked into Smoke's eyes. There was something in those gray eyes that tugged at her, as though she had seen them before. In a rush of memories and emotion she remembered, and all she could whisper was, "You." Smoke's face didn't change. "I remember you." Fluttershy's mind raced with old memories. She was caught in a river, freezing and in pain, fearful of drowning and barely conscious, when something grabbed her and she was staring into a pair of gray eyes. She was about to speak when a glint caught her eye. Looking up she noticed a pegasus had changed stances and readied his weapon. In a panic, Fluttershy shoved Rainbow Dash forward, dropped the hoof knife and took off as quickly as she could. There was a sudden shot of pain and the world spun around the yellow pegasus, and Fluttershy knew what happened. She was shot. After steadying herself, she looked her body over and saw a crossbow bolt in her rear left leg. While all of this felt slowly, it occurred in a matter of moments. Fluttershy looked Smoke in the eyes and without warning she took off over the house. "No," shouted Smoke, "Captain. Get an officer after her. Do not harm her further." He looked up towards the cloud that fired, "And you had better have a good reason for that officer that fired." The pegasus mare looked both ashamed and infuriated, and she waved a pegasus to go after Fluttershy and she took off to the cloud. The pegasus that fired was already apprehended and secured. Smoke turned his attention to the home. He walked to the door and it opened slowly, "Is she gone?" There was a look in the mare's eyes that angered the detective. "You set her up didn't you," Smoke's disgust was clear, "You sold out your own flesh and blood?" "You can't prove that," the mare spat back, "And, and you can't come in. You need a warrant or something." Smoke sighed and turned to Twilight who, along with Rarity, was helping Rainbow Dash back to her hooves, "she's right. I need a warrant." He waited. Nopony responded. "That's right; I can't do anything without a warrant. I am powerless to enter this home," Smoke said adding more emphasis. Pinkie got the hint, "It's a good thing you have the EBI here. We don't need silly things like warrants." Pinkie walked up to the door, "don't move. I want you to be behind it when I knock it down." Without waiting for the mare to move, she turned around and bucked the door as hard as she could. The door was knocked clean off its hinges and with a smile she said, "After you detective." Once inside, Detective Smoke's gaze followed the frantic mare as she ran to a large envelope, "Agent Pie, grab that folder." Pinkie immediately seized the folder and tossed it to Smoke. Using his magic, he opened the envelope and began to read the document. He nodded and motioned for Pinkie to leave the house. Once outside, he called for the captain again, "Captain, take this into evidence." He handed the folder to the pegasus and he noticed Fluttershy's mother was standing the doorway. The smug look on the mare's face enraged him, "and I want that mare in chains. Now!" --- Fluttershy was flying as fast as she could, and fear was her driving force. Cloudsdale was a blur of cloud buildings and she knew that she was being pursued, but had no idea where to go. 'I need to find the sewers,' she thought, 'please don't let this wound be as bad as I think it is.' She was losing altitude and somepony grabbed her. With a squeak, she bucked her legs out and cried out in pain. "Please Fluttershy," a winded pegasus said, "You need medical attention and I am to place you under arrest." The pony tried to subdue Fluttershy gently, and was unable to get a steady hold on her. She was able to slip away, and dropped into an alleyway. This caused the officer to become unbalanced and hit a building hard. He struck his head against a ledge and lost consciousness. Fluttershy saw him plummet and dove after him as best she could. The adrenaline was wearing off and both the pain and blood loss were beginning to affect her. The world kept spinning and she felt as though she were about to throw up, but she kept diving after the downed officer, 'Please don't die. I can't let another pony suffer because of me.' With a sudden burst of determination, she was able to reach the officer and flared her wings causing her to slow down considerably. She had seen Rainbow Dash perform this simple feat several times but never tried it, and she was not prepared for the jarring force. The officer's body swung and hit her leg, twisting the bolt. She squeaked in pain and was able to find a storm drain where she could land and examine the officer and her own wound. --- Fluttershy's mother was being taken by carriage to prison, and Smoke wanted to smile. He couldn't because he failed. He swore that Fluttershy would be brought in unharmed, and now she has been shot and could be bleeding to death somewhere. She didn't have an extensive knowledge of Cloudsdale, but that didn't matter. If she wanted to hide, then she will be hard to find. Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to the home which was being used as a makeshift interrogation room. The pegasus captain was outside and glaring inside. Smoke understood what she was going through, but didn't have the time to comfort her. There were more important things he needed to know. Things such as the name of the one who hired this pegasus to break an oath to protect and serve. Upon entering the home, Smoke saw the pegasus smiling. It would be difficult to make him talk, and Smoke was bound by rules. Agent Pie on the other hoof didn't appear to be bound by such rules, and though he had only known the Agent for a single day, he had grown to tolerate her. He was concerned that a lack of regulation would allow her to run rampant, but she clearly understood the gravity of the situation. Now instead of a nuisance, Smoke considered her a wild card that he could play when needed. He hoped he wouldn't need to use her again soon. "Agent Pie," Smoke said. "Yes Detective?" "I understand that I am to refer any questioning to you, but I would like to ask this stallion some things first." Smoke looked back into the room and the pegasus's smile wavered. Pinkie looked Smoke in the eye and nodded, "Alright, but first I want you to tell me something. How do you know Fluttershy?" "I would rather not discuss that right now." "You will if you wish to speak to him." Smoke grumbled, "fine. I'll tell you." He noticed that the other ponies were listening, "Though we were not properly introduced, Fluttershy and I met six years ago." "Wait wasn't Fluttershy..." Rainbow whispered before turning her attention to the Detective, "You had better not have had anything to do with what happened to her." Smoke looked at Rainbow and smiled, "No. I had nothing to do with her attack. In fact, I might have saved her life." He looked over Fluttershy's friends, "I was on a camping trip with my family. I was overdue for a vacation, and my wife insisted that we do something that wouldn't result in police work." He shook his head, "I suppose that was not to be. In any case, my son and I were walking by a river when we saw something. A yellow figure fell from a cloud and into the river. The river was powerful and neither my son nor me were very good swimmers. The pony however, was a good swimmer, or at least was very motivated. I entered the river and got as close to the pony as I could and tried to pull her to the shore. I felt something break and she yelped out in pain. I had no idea of the extent of her injuries, so I used a first aid spell to look her over." He glanced at Rainbow Dash and continued, "I discovered that she had a severely damaged throat, some muscle damage to her left foreleg, a few ribs were broken, and when I checked her hind legs..." He did not finish and when he saw the ponies all look away with concern and sadness in their faces, he knew they understood. "Immediately, I placed her on my back and ran as fast as I could to a nearby station. There I obtained passage and flew directly to Cloudsdale General. When I arrived, I saw an officer was stationed there, so I handed Fluttershy over to him. I gave my statement and followed him inside. There was a doctor who recognized Fluttershy and that is the only reason I learned her name." "That had to have been mom," Rainbow said. "I saw Fluttershy later that day." She sat down and began to shake. After a few moments, she began to cry, "It's all my fault. I left her. She needed me and I just took off. I remember what I was thinking as I flew away. Take care of your own problems for once." Rainbow continued to cry until she was nudged gently. She looked up and was looking into Rarity's eyes. The white unicorn didn't speak at first. She merely held the crying pegasus and waited. A few moments passed and she said, "I know you blame yourself, dear, but unless you can see the future, you could not have known what was about to happen to Fluttershy." She lifted Rainbow's chin with a hoof, "I know you have heard that before from Fluttershy. I also know that she has forgiven you, and told you countless times that it wasn't your fault. So, please Rainbow, if Fluttershy can forgive you, why can't you forgive yourself?" Rainbow sniffed back some tears, "I know what you're saying, but I still feel like it's my fault. I should have-" "Now Rainbow Dash, this attitude will not help Fluttershy. You can't beat yourself up over this. I know you truly wish to help Fluttershy and you are. Thanks to you, she knows that she can rely on you at any time." Rarity hugged Rainbow gently and kissed her on the forehead. "Heh, thanks Rarity," Rainbow wiped her eyes with a hoof and looked into her friend's eyes, "I mean it. Thank you." She hugged the white unicorn, and looked back to Detective Smoke who was inside the house trying to get the pegasus archer to talk. "Understand this," Smoke began, "I want to know who hired you and how they learned the name of the suspect." The pegasus just smiled and said nothing. He waited for Smoke to make his threat. "I know you are aware of the trouble you are in, so I won't waste your time. You are also aware that your actions have allowed a murder suspect to flee. Now if you will not tell me who hired you, then tell me this, why did you try to kill her?" "I was doing my job. Do you really intend to waste time chasing down a killer?" "A suspected killer and I would remind you that we have a system that we must abide by." "Oh really," the pegasus leaned over and looked towards Rainbow Dash, "I'm not the only one who believes we should take the law into our hooves." Smoke grumbled, "we need to find that pegasus, so you're forcing my hoof." He turned around and left the house. "Agent Pie, may I have a word?" "What do you need?" Smoke motioned for her to come closer, "I need to find out who hired him, and how they discovered the name of the prime suspect. The problem is that my hooves are tied, and I need that information." Pinkie began to think, 'What should I do? Should I try to scare him?' A smile crept across her face when an idea came to her. She turned to Smoke, "I have an idea, but first I'll need a toolbox and all the knives you can get your hooves on." Smoke nodded, moved the pegasus to what used to be Fluttershy's room, and began to gather all the knives in the house along with a toolbox, 'What is that pony planning?' Once the items were gathered, he made his way outside, "Here you are Agent Pie. If I may ask, what is it that you have in mind?" Pinkie smiled, "I want it to be a surprise. Now I have some information to get. Stay here and don't come inside the house until I call." She picked up the toolbox and entered Fluttershy's old room. There she set the toolbox onto a table and while whistling a tune began to remove knives. "What are you doing," the pegasus asked with growing fear. Pinkie smiled, "Let me tell you a story." She looked each blade over carefully, "I had an uncle back when I was living on a farm, and he had this toolbox. Now, it was big. Well, I imagine that now it would be smaller, but to a filly it was big. It was pretty impressive too. It had three layers and was made out of solid wood." Pinkie smiled as she looked over the hoof knife Fluttershy had, "This one might be fitting. Anyway, I remember one day he had to fix some broken drawer, and he had me tag along to help out. I was to carry the toolbox, and boy was it heavy. We walked to the house and he went to work fixing the drawer. He looked it over and pulled a hammer out of the box. After a few solid whacks, he put the hammer back, closed the toolbox, and handed it back to me." She shook her head and continued, "I know what you're thinking, 'Why would he bring a large toolbox if he only needed a hammer?' Well I wondered the same thing, so I asked him. He told me that he would rather have all the tools he would need in case an unforeseen problem came up. That's what I'm doing. I want to make sure that I all the tools that I need even if I won't use them all." She had all the knives laid out on the table and picked up a large knife, looked at the pegasus, and smiled, "Tell me. Do you like, cupcakes?" --- The old sewer was no improvement for either pegasus. Fluttershy and the pegasus officer were both hurt, though Fluttershy's wound was potentially the worse of the two. Part of her wanted to leave the officer behind and continue on her own, but she couldn't. He was hurt and may have a concussion, so she carried him forward. Each step was an exercise in pain and she stopped only when her vision blurred too much. She looked around and found a spot that was dry enough for her to set the officer down. With a squeak of pain, she laid him down and began to look over him even though her wound required more attention. Fluttershy carefully examined his head and smiled when she could not find anything other than some bruising and light swelling. He would be unconscious for a while but he will recover. Now she turned her attention to her own injury. One of her fears was that the bolt cut an artery and she took a close look at the wound to determine how the blood was flowing. 'Is it leaking or oozing?' Though painful, she was still able to focus and attempted to remove the bolt. A sharp pain shot through her and she let out a scream. Blood began to flow freely and she took a closer look, 'It looks like it's flowing and not oozing. I have to assume that a vein was cut.' Once again, the world began to spin and she felt increasingly nauseous. She was on the verge of collapse when her mind began to wander. Thoughts raced in her mind, and she began to remember her time with Applejack. She leaned against the sewer wall and thought of the orange earth pony that she loved. 'Do I still love her,' Fluttershy thought. Guilt washed over her, 'Did I ever love her?' Her chest felt heavy and she smiled softly, "I do love her." She looked to the officer and saw he was still resting. Her thoughts went back to the beginning, to when Applejack broke down her front door in an attempt to 'rescue' her from some whatever it was that Rainbow Dash wrote on that note. She smiled at how concerned Applejack looked, and a bit guilty about the deception. Her thoughts would have continued, but she was becoming more lightheaded. 'I need to get to a hospital.' A small groan caused her to face the officer. The pegasus slowly made his way to his hooves and turned to Fluttershy. "Ms. Shy, I was instructed to bring you in unharmed. I mean you no harm, but I have to examine your injury." He walked over to Fluttershy and looked at her leg. "It doesn't appear to be a vital wound. I think you'll be fine." He looked at Fluttershy and placed a hoof to her head, "you look delirious." Fluttershy heard and saw something different. When the officer placed his hoof to her head, her vision became blurred and for a moment saw a monster. An old voice from her past said, "You look delicious." In a panic, she tried to crawl away, "No, please get away from me." She weakly tried to kick the pony away. "Please, Ms. Shy. I swear that I mean you no harm. You need medical attention, and I will take you to a nearby hospital, but first I must bind your hooves and wings." He carefully bound Fluttershy's forelegs and wings. After which he placed Fluttershy upon his back and made his way to the sewer entrance. Once he reached the entrance, he noticed that Fluttershy's breathing was slowing. 'She's losing consciousness. I need to hurry.' He took off as fast as he could and made his way to the nearest callbox. Upon reaching it he made his call to the nearest precinct. "Yes I need to pass a message to Detective Smoke. Tell him that. Hold on for a moment." He paused and then said, "Tell Detective Smoke that the suspect got away and that I will be at Cloudsdale General to be treated with a leg injury. Uh-huh, I understand. Please forward the message immediately" Fluttershy heard the officer and whispered, "But you're not hurt." She would have questioned further but lost consciousness. With no word to the now sleeping pegasus, the officer took flight. --- The ponies were outside the Shy home waiting for Special Agent Diane Pie's interrogation of the pegasus sniper. They were waiting with concern save one. Rainbow Dash was angry and wanted answers. "Wait a second. If you saved her once, why are you trying to charge Fluttershy with murder?" Rainbow glared at the detective, "You know that's a death sentence." "Ms. Dash, I understand your concern for your friend, and I have my reasons for obeying my order so strictly." "Well I would like to hear those reasons," Twilight Sparkle said. Detective looked to Twilight and then back to Rainbow, "I was hoping to reveal this later, but it won't hurt to tell you." He walked to Rainbow Dash and smiled at her, "I'm not sure if you are aware, but the courts consider murder to be the worst of criminal offenses." "Really, I would have thought raping a pony and leaving them to live with the pain would be a much worse offense," Rarity said. "That's a moral debate that I don't wish to engage in right now. Just know that I am in agreement with you. In any case, a jury in a criminal case has the power to recommend a charge to be lessened. That is not the case with murder in the first degree. Since the courts consider premeditated murder to be the cruelest of crimes, the jury doesn't have the power to lessen the charge." Twilight listened and then smiled, "I understand. You know that Fluttershy's attack on Grey Ring was not premeditated, so you hope that once the case goes to trial she will be found not guilty." "That is my hope, but it's not a guarantee. A jury could still find her guilty, but if I can stack the deck in her favor then I shall." "I see," Twilight said, "Then I hope your gambit succeeds." She looked to the house and continued to wait for Pinkie to finish her interrogation. Detective Smoke shook his head, "Hopefully, we can find out who hired him and discover if anypony else is involved." He was about to enter the house to check on Pinkie's progress when a pegasus landed. "Sir, I have an urgent message. The suspect has escaped and the officer in pursuit has reported to Cloudsdale General for a leg injury." "Thank you." Smoke thought on the message, and turned to Twilight, "Ms. Sparkle, what do you make of this?" 'What do I make of it? I know that Fluttershy's injury was severe and would need medical attention. Could it have been code? Perhaps there were others who are meant to attack Fluttershy.' Twilight turned to Smoke, "I think we should head to the hospital as soon as we can. There might be a chance that Fluttershy's wound required medical attention and the officer intentionally gave misinformation in case there were others after Fluttershy." "I see. Then I will attempt to gain whatever information I can, and we shall head to Cloudsdale General. Once we are there, I suggest that both you and Ms. Rarity go in for examination." "That may be wise," Rarity said. She looked to Twilight and saw her bruises, "Perhaps we can continue our conversation in private." Twilight simply nodded. 'I hope that we will be friends once more,' Rarity thought. She nudged Rainbow Dash gently and smiled warmly at the blue pegasus. Rainbow returned the smile, "Do you think Fluttershy will be ok?" "I'm more concerned how you will be. Everypony is focused on Fluttershy, and nopony is looking out for you." She put a leg around her friend, "How are you doing?" Rainbow looked into Rarity's eyes, "I'm fine. At least, I will be. Right now, I'd like some food and to get some sleep." She hugged her friend and looked back to the house. "What did Pinkie do in there?" "I have no idea." Rarity let Rainbow go and she walked to the pegasus captain. "Captain, may I have a word?" "What is it Ms.?" "Rarity, Captain and I would like to know how you're faring." "How I am 'faring' is no concern of yours." The captain turned in hopes of ending it there, but was not aware of Rarity's stubbornness when it came to helping ponies. "Well something is troubling you, and I believe I know the cause." She looked to the captain, "That officer inside. The traitor of your unit." "He was under my command. It's my fault. It's that simple." "The burden of command?" Rarity smiled when the captain looked at her. "I have read about it from time to time, and I believe I understand. Your officers' successes are theirs, but their failures are yours. This officer inside that house acted in spite of you not because of you." "Perhaps you are right." The captain nodded but said nothing. She simply returned to the detective. A few minutes passed and Pinkie stepped outside. "Detective the suspect is ready. Oh and don't let him clean himself until after he talks." "Excellent work Agent Pie." Smoke was clearly impressed with Pinkie and entered the home. "What did you do in there," Rainbow asked. "I just remembered a story I read in Baking Weekly about a bakery near Stalliongrad that was not very picky about its ingredients." "That's a real magazine," Rainbow asked shocked, "I thought you were just pulling my leg." "Of course it's real Dashie... I mean Ms. Dash. That magazine has a lot of really good recipes." She smiled and looked back to the house, "I think the detective will get the information he needs." Smoke entered the home and upon entering Fluttershy's room, a familiar smell hit him. "Are you ready to talk, or should I send Agent Pie back in here?" "What is wrong with you," the pegasus screamed, "That pony is out of her mind! How in Celestia's name did she ever get a badge?" Smoke simply sat down and smiled, "I suppose Agent Pie needs to have another 'chat' with you." He stood to leave and his grin just grew when he heard the pegasus. "No. I'll talk. Just don't send that, that horse back in here." The pegasus's panic was clear, "Look, I was hired through an intermediary and I have no idea how they got Fluttershy's name. I can tell you that as far as I know there are no other ponies involved." Smoked sighed, "We will continue this later, but first." He turned to the entrance of the house, "Captain. Take the officer to the station. We will continue this there, and gather Agent Pie and the others. We must head to Cloudsdale General." "Yes, sir," the captain bound the pegasus's hooves and wings and led him to a squad that loaded him onto a carriage and left towards the prison. "Ms. Sparkle, please gather your friends. We must head to Cloudsdale General." "Understood, Detective," Twilight turned to Pinkie, "Agent Pie, please get the carriage ready." "Yes ma'am," Pinkie walked toward the carriage and was followed by Rainbow and Rarity. Rainbow Dash was walking close to Rarity enjoying being comforted for the first time in days. Soon all ponies were aboard and the carriage was off. "Detective, was the pony able to tell you any names?" Pinkie was beginning to struggle with her disguise. The sadness that she used to straighten her mane had long faded, and she was thankful that she still looked sad. What concerned her was that she was not being convincing enough for the detective. She would find her fears unfounded. "Sadly, Agent Pie, I didn't have the time required to gain the proper information. If it's acceptable with you, I would like you to be in the room when I question him again. Perhaps your presence will scare him." Detective Smoke nodded approvingly to Pinkie and looked out the window. Pinkie couldn't help smiling knowing that the detective wanted her help, and no longer felt she was a burden. She turned to Twilight, "Ms. Sparkle, now that Fluttershy is in custody, what do you plan to do?" Twilight had not thought about it before, 'I need to do something. Fluttershy is now in custody, but the trial won't be easy. Applejack is getting a lawyer, but there has to be something I can do.' She smiled, "I will head to Canterlot and search through the law library there. I'm sure there is something in the tomes that will help Fluttershy's case." "That would be best. Your skill with books will be of great help to Fluttershy." Rarity smiled at the violet unicorn, and felt relieved when she smiled in return. "I hope her leg is not badly injured." "She was shot with a crossbow bolt," Twilight said, "We have to assume that an artery was severed and she suffered massive blood loss." "Ms. Sparkle," Pinkie said with a cracking voice, "We should try to focus on the positive and less on the negative. We know that she is at the hospital and receiving medical attention. She is in good hooves and will be safely in custody shortly." Pinkie looked out the window, "She will be in custody presently." The carriage landed at the emergency room entrance and the ponies disembarked. Detective smoke was eager to find where Fluttershy was being kept and began to search for the officer that delivered her here. He walked up to the counter and showed his badge to the receptionist, "Detective Smoke, I want to check on a patient that was brought in. Pegasus, female, yellow coat, extremely short mane and tail both colored pink. Has she been admitted?" The receptionist looked over the log entries and then said, "Yes detective. A pegasus was brought in with a serious leg injury. She is currently in surgery. The doctors discovered that a vein was damaged and she suffered considerable blood loss. Also, an officer was treated for minor head injuries. I believe he is here in the waiting room." The receptionist leaned over and waved somepony over. The pegasus officer that chased after Fluttershy walked over to the reception desk, "Detective, good sir, you received my message." "Yes I did. Why did you lie?" The officer looked uneasy, "Well sir. The thing is that a member of my squad took a shot at the filly, and I had no way of knowing if there were other officers who were in on it. I decided to send false information in hopes that you would figure it out and come here." Smoke nodded, "Well, good work. Ms. Sparkle was the one that decided to come here. Now how bad is your injury?" The officer gingerly touched his bandaged head, "It could have been much worse, sir. I was in pursuit and when I attempted to apprehend the suspect I became unbalanced and struck a building ledge. I lost consciousness, and when I came to, I was in a sewer and the suspect was nearby barely conscious from blood loss." "So Fluttershy saved your life?" Rainbow's question was accompanied with a large smirk. "Do you think she's a cold blooded killer?" The officer shook his head, "That's not up to me, but she saved my life. I owed it to her to ensure she received medical attention. She lost consciousness when I sent my message and I flew here as quickly as I could." "Good work all the same," Smoke said, "Now if you're cleared for duty, I need you to report back to your captain." "Yes, sir," the pegasus nodded to the receptionist and then took to the air. Smoke turned to Twilight and Rarity, "Now I suggest that you two get admitted as well. Your injuries may be superficial but I would rather not risk it." He nodded to the receptionist and two nurses entered the waiting room. "Yes, gentlecolts, I would like for these two to be treated for their injuries." "Yes, sir," one of the nurses turned to the ponies, "Ladies, if you would follow us." "Certainly," Rarity said, "Though I would think a day at the spa would do wonders right now." Twilight just laughed softly, "Yes, a day to relax would be wonderful, but we don't have that kind of luxury." She walked to the receptionist, "Is Fluttershy still in surgery?" "The yellow pegasus? Let me check," The receptionist checked a file that was brought in, "According to this, she is in recovery. We can permit a single visitor." "Ok, I'd like to see her." Rainbow began walking down the hall, "I still remember where recovery is." She continued her walk looking at the charts that were placed near the doors until she stopped at Fluttershy's room, "Really? The same room?" Rainbow shook her head and entered the room. Inside Fluttershy lay asleep. This time she had no bandages, but still Rainbow felt as though she were stepping directly into the past. Flashes of Fluttershy as a filly appeared before her and Rainbow had a hard time walking to her friend. When she finally reached the bed, she stroked Fluttershy's mane and smiled when she opened her eyes. "Yay," Fluttershy said weakly causing Rainbow to laugh. "Where am I?" "Cloudsdale General and it looks like you're in good shape." Rainbow gave Fluttershy a hug, smiled, and then knocked her on the head with a hoof, "Just what in the hay were you thinking? Do you really think that they'll believe that I could be taken hostage, by you?" "I'm sorry Rainbow but I had to," Fluttershy sat up wincing slightly, "Now that I claimed you as a hostage anything you say otherwise won't be taken seriously." "How come? I mean, I could just tell them what I did, and how I helped you?" "Yes, and I will tell them that I forced you to do all those things. They will just call it Stockhoof and leave it at that." "Stock-what?" "It's a condition where ponynapping victims sympathize with their abductors, and claim to have been with them willingly. There is no real way to prove that you were helping me willingly, so officially you are my victim." Fluttershy looked into Rainbow's eyes, "you may be pressured to press charges. I won't be mad if you do." Rainbow was shaking with anger, "I want to help you. There is no way that I will ever press charges against you. How could you go through this alone? I'm supposed to be here for you." "No you're not. You are my friend not my bodyguard. I have used you for too long, and I am so sorry for that. I have become comfortable with knowing that you will save me, but I have been selfish for too long. Now I have to face the future alone." Fluttershy said the last word with sorrow in her voice. "You're still thinking about Applejack?" "Yes, I love her. It hurts that she left me the way she did, but as I think about it." She turned to Rainbow, "It was no different when you left me all those years ago." Rainbow cringed and was about to issue another apology but was stopped by Fluttershy. "I'm sorry for bringing that up, but it hurt when you left. I've been thinking and it hurt much more this time. It affected me harder than it should have. It's silly, but in a way I learned just how much I love Applejack." "So you're gonna take her back," Rainbow asked not hiding her disapproval very well. "I don't know," Fluttershy leaned against the pillow, "I do know that I love her, and that will have to do for now. Whether we have a future together, I don't know. If not, then I will still be her friend." She looked at the ceiling and nodded to affirm the statement. She let out a soft yawn, "I'm getting sleepy. How are the girls?" "Rarity and Twilight are fine. Can you believe that they got into a fight over you?" Rainbow was becoming excited. "Well, I imagine Rarity and Twilight had some words with one another." "No Fluttershy," Rainbow said, "They beat the stuffing out of each other." Fluttershy shot up wincing again, "What? Why?" "Difference of opinion. Rarity wanted to give you time to turn yourself in and Twilight wanted to turn you in immediately. There was some misunderstanding and they started fighting. I wish I could have seen that. Especially since Rarity won." Fluttershy tilted her head as though she heard something wrong, "Rarity?" "Yup," Rainbow said grinning broadly, "Miss Prim and Proper, kicked Twilight's flank. I think they're patching things up. Rarity has been helping me out a bit." She smiled softly when she said Rarity's name. She turned to Fluttershy and saw she was sleeping again. She leaned over and kissed Fluttershy on the forehead, "Get some rest, you're gonna need it." Rainbow then sat down on a nearby chair and waited for Smoke to enter. Fluttershy had a new challenge ahead of her. She had set into motion the means of her defense, and now she was about to face her only shot at justice.