//------------------------------// // Tragedy (dum dum dum....) // Story: The Adventures of Trenderhoof // by polishgirl //------------------------------// We left in the dead of night, about 24 hours after I relented. The trip to Neighagra Falls wasn’t very long, and it became longer when I realized I left my camera in the castle. Oh well I suppose. We had very few pursuers, and several strange ponies asking me about the whereabouts of Sunburst. We’ve decided to call her Dust, seeing as her whole body now resembles dirt. When we got there we discovered the whole town in chaos, and it was only by lucky chance that the inn was saved from somepony’s oddly familiar fiery wrath. So, we booked a room and was introduced to the lord we wished to meet. He was the innkeeper. He gave us our rooms for free. He sat with us at dinner and asked us if we had any news from the Crystal Kingdom about his son, Moonlight. “The boy is always getting himself into trouble” he informed us. “I warned him not to go, but he was insistent that if we played nice to the new king, he would honor us with gifts, or maybe soldiers to protect us from the woods.” At this point, Sunburst (Dust) and had enough of the man’s ignorance. “King Sombra, is a horrible, horrible evil man, who undoubtedly sent his fiery wrath on your village because your son dared visit. He made me serve him from the time I was a colt, until just recently. I had to bring him his meals, no matter how gruesome they were, constantly reject his marriage proposals, constantly rehire staff, because he would murder the old ones. Nopony survives Castle Sombra. Except maybe me and Trend, but we snuck out. So, we don’t count.” This was our “Oh, shit” moment. Sunbursts eyes had begun to glow with that unearthly beauty of hers, and the dirt we used to disguise her, wasn’t enough to stop the light shining from her coat and mane. The innkeeper only stared with wide eyes as he realized who we really were. He managed to stammer out a couple things, among which I caught, ‘no, no, no, not you two’ and ‘I’ll be tried for treason’. After those, we realized he wasn’t going to hide us, so, we ran, full till into the hills surrounding the area. We took refuge in, you guessed it, another cave. Not filled with rocks this time though. We watched the village from the hills and seen moonlight come home, looking battle worn, but safe. Poor Sunburst nearly fainted when he came home, she’d almost wore a path in the dirt from her pacing. Moonlight went straight to the inn we stayed at, and shortly after came out carrying a small satchel, and pulling a cart. He continued along the road heading towards the hills with these items, and dropped the cart at the end of the road into the hills. He then continued on foot, he was searching for something, for what, we didn’t know, but we didn’t want to find out, so every night one of us would keep watch, while the other slept. Every other day we would cast spells to muffle our movements, and keep the cave invisible from everypony. Animals wouldn’t even come near our cave. Lucky for us it was early summer, and there was plenty of non-rock vegetation to eat. But all was not well in our private kingdom. Sunburst was restless with love for her Moonlight, and eagerly watched for him, hoping he would find us despite the spells we cast. The time passed where he seemed to give up his fruitless search, but did continue to visit the hills every Sunday. It was getting colder in the hills, and we decided to start stocking up on firewood and food for the coming winter. It was this idea that doomed us. Sunburst was out collecting things when he visited on a Wednesday. They seen each other and fell in love. Completely, irrevocably, heart-stopping, doe-eyed love. They shared the sweetest kiss I’ve ever seen. After said kiss, she brought him to our cave, to meet me. As I’m sure you’re aware, there’s something suspicious about a mare and a stallion sharing a cave, which was something he hadn't missed. “Avast, fair gentlepony, but this is my lady now, and if anything unsavory has happened, I demand to know of it at once!” “Relax, Moonlight, I am Trenderhoof, no, I have nothing but sibling love for the beautiful Sunburst. I have protected, fed, and cared for your lady, in a way befitting her older brother, and I am content to be in that position.” Living with Sunburst after those two found each other was horrible. When he was there ‘searching’, for us on orders from his father, they were lovey-dovey and gross. Sweet, but gross. When he left, she was ever so depressed, miserable, and all around unpleasant. Even her coat would stop glowing when he left. One day when he came to visit Sunburst he told her of his father’s plans for his marriage. He said everything but his answer was arranged, he was to be wed to the daughter of a lord from the south. It was said the daughter was well sought after for her seamstress and culinary skills. Her child-bearing hips were said to be in good order as well. Making her only more valuable. Sunburst looked unhappy at this statement. So, maybe unhappy is an understatement, but it’s a good start. She slunk her way out of the cave with the most morose walk and expression. Moonlight sat there with me. “Will she be okay?” He asked. “Perhaps. I certainly hope so. Did she ever tell you about her parents?” “No.” He sounded confused with himself. “You should ask her, maybe then you’ll see just how strong she is.” “Is that a pun?” Even more confused. “Never.” Moonlight continued to sit there, staring at the wall. Thought marring his features. He eventually got up and followed the love of his life out the entrance at a full gallop.