//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Confusion // by Lonice //------------------------------// The room was black, save for the magenta glow emanating from the unicorns horn. There was another spell discovered, one that still had unknown capabilities. That’s where Twilight Sparkle came in, as she knew much of magic. A new library wasn’t the only thing given to Twilight from the Tree of Harmony, after all. The new library was crystalline, constantly reminding everypony of the Crystal Empire. There was a lot to explore, starting with the large basement, that seemed to house various corridors of books. The corridors seemed to have a limit at first, but Twilight quickly noticed that each time a new book was created that the shelves seemed to expand of their own accord to make room, which sometimes lead to the seeming expansion of the corridors. Another curious aspect was the fact that when digging down to reach the exterior of the corridors, you would not encounter them even though one should. Twilight believes this to be part of the magical properties of the new library, but can’t be certain. One of the corridors was on magic. Twilight had searched to at least halfway through the shelves before finally finding copies of Starswirl the Bearded’s work. This alone lead to an amazing discovery; all of the books before that not only looked ancient, but they are ancient, meaning they contain ancient spells. The only problem is decrypting the ancient languages, and Twilight had some luck with that already. She was capable of deciphering more of the recent books, but that was only to explain what magic was being studied not long before Princess Celestia came into rule. As such, Twilight went with what seemed to be the most basic of spells in the new books, which she had called “Spell of Strings.” True to its name, it feels as though the unicorn casting it is merely pulling at a few strings, as if one would tug at a string on a lyre. Generally, ponies are meant to be gentle when doing so, but Twilight wanted to experiment, and give a string a bit more than just a tug. She began to cast the spell, and felt around the strings until she found one that felt fairly loose already. Then, she pulled it as hard as she could. It didn't take long for the string to snap into two, both ends flowing in the sea that the strings resided within. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is early morning, and I am ready for some breakfast. Six A.M sounds early to other guys, but not me; I usually get up this early so I can have a good long day doing whatever, after dealing with necessities. I start charging up the carpeted stairs to the main floor, leaving the basement behind me. My Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3 will have to wait. I start to cook eggs and bacon for breakfast, the white marble flooring cool under my bare feet. Just yesterday, I had told Jazyline about my feelings for her, just to find out she likes me too. We’re planning a date today, so I’ll have to be in top gear, starting with a healthy breakfast. Just as I think of it, I see the bacon finishing with a nice sizzle from the cast-iron frying pan. I take them off of the stove and monitor the scrambled eggs until they’ve finished cooking. I pull the salt out of my wooden cupboard and give two quick sprinkles. That should do it. I get a plate out and sit it down on the wooden table. I place the eggs and the two bacon strips on the plate, careful not to lose any food to the floor. I sat down, and prepared to eat; then I remember that my dog needs to be fed. I quickly get up and head to the pantry, not too far to the left of the stove, just far enough to prevent a fire hazard. I fill his bowl and hear him charging up the stairs. “Hiya, Streak!” I say, watching the Boston Terrier rush to the bowl. True to his name, he looks like a black streak until he reaches his bowl. He has a white line streaking up the center of his face, starting at his nose, ending just above the center of his eyes. He quickly digs into the food I set for him while I fill his water dish. “So, how’d you sleep?” I ask. I know he can’t really respond in English, but I must’ve trained him well, as he stops eating to let out a small “Woof” before he resumes eating. I fill the water dish with the water that pours from the faucet of the sink, which sits directly to the right of the stove. Not much farther to the right is my fridge. I smile at his reply. It makes me feel good that to know that I learned how to train dogs to do some tricks like that, more or less just for fun and passing my free time. I resume eating my breakfast, and proceed to enter the shower after gathering a few clothes. After I am done showering, as if on cue, my doorbell rings. I hear Streak bark once as if to notify me that I have a visitor, or just because the doorbell irritates him. “Hang on!” I shout, still pulling my shirt over my head. I quickly wrote a list of things for my mom to do. You see, she became too old to work, but I don't want to send her into a nursing home. We had agreed that she could stay here unless she began to need to be in a nursing home, which still doesn’t seem necessary. She is 96, a decent life for any human being, even if they live in the U.S. I am almost done writing, when I remember about the argument from last night. I quickly write an apology letter and leave it next to the letter telling her what I need her to do. It is really basic, like walking and feeding the dog. Besides that, the rest of the day is hers to use however she wants. I walk to the door and open it, seeing Jazyline on the porch. She looks at me when I open the door, and a smile spreads across her face in an instant. I can feel my face return the gesture. At this time, she has her hair dyed blond, her eyes are a chocolate brown, and her skin is the color of a mixed person. Her shirt is green, and she is wearing dark skinny jeans, her hair lying not much farther beyond her shoulders. We both quickly embrace. “I’m glad to see you,” I say, my voice calm. “You smell nice,” She compliments, “Makes me wish I showered this morning. I’m glad I managed to get around to it last night.” She continues, “May I come in?” She enters as I nod, proceeding with a question, “Hi Streak! So, Ajil, how’s your morning been so far?” “My morning has been great!” I say with enthusiasm. I can feel the smile on my face, likely looking goofy on a grown man’s face. I scratch my right side-burn uneasily. “If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here so early?” I question. “Well, you know…” Jazyline says, and she looks at me, concern appearing to be the emotion upon her face. “I thought you forgot.” Ouch, that isn’t fun to hear. “Ah. I guess that’s understandable.” I reply. I get ready to talk again, but suddenly, my vision goes black.