//------------------------------// // Entry #1 // Story: Human in Pony's clothing // by TheDawsonator1 //------------------------------// I finally got around to this, I've never wrote one of these things before but here goes... It’s been a few months since I landed in Equestria. Reading all the fanfiction has helped a little bit in surviving this place, as they say: Knowledge is Power. But most of it was watching ponies and adapting to their lifestyle and I even learned how to write with the hooves which is why this is the first entry. I have discovered myself as a Pegasus in which I decided to assume an identity as Lightning Bolt, a weather pony that I found out myself that I’m quite good with storm clouds and earned my cutie mark on the second day of the job. Ponies had wondered why I didn’t have my cutie mark when I showed up and I just said bad luck and searching in the wrong places. The Cutie Mark Crusaders would curious as to how I went so long without one but… You see, I landed before Season 1 happened which means Twilight isn’t here and when I asked about her, ponies looked at me strangely. This means the CMC haven’t really met each other, Luna is still on the moon in her Nightmare state, Twilight is in Canterlot and the Elements of Harmony are dormant in the Old castle of the Royal sisters just waiting for their masters to come get them. So I naturally decided to settle down in Ponyville, like I said before, earning a job as a weather pony in the Storm cloud department. So that meant I bumped into Rainbow Dash a few times and by Celestia’s mane is SHE LAZY!! She can do her job so fast that she waits until the last minute to do all of her jobs which affect all of us other slower ponies. She brags WAY too much and sometimes I wish she would shut up about the Wonderbolts, but she’s a nice mare once you get to know her, outside of the job of course. Now somebody would be asking me, have I bumped into the other elements? Let’s see…haven’t talked to Fluttershy yet as every time I try, she gets really shy and disappears. Applejack, I bought a fair amount of Apples from her and even met her sister, Applebloom and her brother, Big Macintosh. Rarity, well I was a bit dirty when I came in so she got me into a spa and paid for it faster than a Sonic Rainboom and then there’s Pinkie Pie who partied me to death and made me meet Everypony the second I first arrived and don’t get me wrong but…somepony needs to duct tape Pinkie’s mouth when she talks too much. And last but not least is Rainbow Dash: My boss. See Rainbow Dash is my boss and captain of the weather team despite her laziness, she gets the job done and keeps us in line and it's always been a dream of hers to join the Wonderbolts. if only she knew she had bronies supporting her dream of that. Okay one last thing, it’s one week until the Summer Sun Celebration. That Celebration that Twilight arrives and meets her friends and go defeat Nightmare Moon? Yes that one! I’m helping out all I can but I can’t help but look around for a carriage incoming for a Purple Unicorn and a Baby Dragon, I know they’ll appear the day before the celebration but I fear my appearance my change something by accident. That's my one fear, that I'll somehow screw over the show's timeline. So I resolved to staying away from Celestia and the Elements as much as possible except Rainbow Dash as she's my boss. I figure if I limit my interaction with them and Twilight when she comes, There won't be be any accidental damage and I can live life in peace here. It's GENIUS!! I know in my heart that Equestria will be okay but what about me? Should I reveal myself to the Elements? Celestia hasn’t sensed me, maybe she does know and wants me in some kind of plan? Or perhaps she knows I mean no harm and lets me go on in life? All I know right now is that…SWEET CELESTIA!! I’M LATE FOR WORK!!! If I had hoped to sneak into work late without Rainbow Dash noticing, I was sorely mistaken. “Lightning Bolt, please report to office ASAP!” Dash's voice rang over the PA system. "Crap" I cursed myself. I gave a sigh as I trotted to Rainbow Dash’s office, my co-workers were all giving me the “Oh dear, we are in trouble!” look, all it needed was to be said in Argus Filch’s voice and it would of sealed the deal. So I knock on Dash’s door and I heard her tell me to come in and I sat on the chair. “So, would you care to tell me why you were 20 minutes late this morning?” Dash asked in a stern voice. “Well, my alarm didn’t go off” I lied, I was actually writing that entry a good 5-10 lines before this “I wasn’t born yesterday Bolt, you stayed up late last night and woke up later and turned up late to work!” Dash scolded me Yes, the irony is real! I, Lightning Bolt, was being lectured about being on time from the queen of lazy: Rainbow “Danger” Dash! Oh lord deliver me from the impending apocalypse that’s about to happen! “I promise it won’t happen again” I promised Dash “You better hope so, I like you Bolt, you’re a talented weather pony that reminds me of myself but if this keeps up I’ll have to fire you and I don't want to do that” Dash said "Yes Ma'am, I won't let you down." I said respectfully "You better not, I rather not lose you. Now there's the door" Dash motioned towards the door for me to leave. I swear Rainbow Dash is trying to come the next Spitfire or something, she really does want to be in the Wonderbolts and I’ll say she’ll want to be the Captain too when Spitfire gets old and/or retires. “So Bolty, did you get in trouble?” Cloud Kicker asked me “More of a warning and that sort of stuff” I reply “She let’s you off easy everytime” CK muttered loudly. “Perhaps it’s my good looks” I replied with a grin as I looked in the mirror opposite me and brushed my mane with my hoof. “You? Good looking? Buck off Bolty! And besides, I thought you were in love with a lovely mare who happens to be our dear friend, Firefly?” CK gave a hinting nudge. “Her? Nah! She’s an alright girl but she's flaunts her looks too much and personally I don’t think we’d fit together anyway” I denied her claim “Say it all you want now but sooner or later you won’t resist her flanks” CK turned around and walked away in loud laughter. “Yeah, like you’d know anything about resisting flanks” I called out to her retreating body Cloud Kicker is one of my best friends, she’s a bit of a Pony version of people like James Bond or Barney Stinson or Charlie Sheen only she does both genders, mainly because she likes getting in bed with Mares and stallions after a good night at the bar. She may look like a sweet mare but I know for a fact she’s a cunning devil out for flank by any means necessary. But she stay away from me as a mark of friendship and away from Rainbow Dash cause let’s face it, that would be totally weird! Plus there's a rumor that Cloud Kicker once tried to bed Rainbow Dash and they got in a fight when they were about to do it, but I think they Pinkie Promised never to mention it again. Firefly on the other hand was a mare that joined the weather pony team 2 months before I did, she’s a nice mare but she keeps going on about her looks and I admit she has decent flanks which, Cloud Kicker caught me staring that one time and kept giving hints to me having a crush on her…WHICH I DON’T SO STOP ASKING!! I look at today’s weather forecast and it seems we are due for a shower today! So myself, Cloud Kicker, Firefly and a couple of stallions zoomed out to move the clouds in position under the watchful eye of Rainbow Dash. Let me tell you a thing about Rainbow Dash, she ain’t a fan of ponies not pulling their weight or disloyal ponies, and she's got the patience of a Blue Hedgehog wearing running shoes. “Cloud Chaser! Hurry UP there! The others have finished their clouds and you’re still behind!” Rainbow Dash yelled at the pony. I saw Dash was distracted with CC so I saw an opportunity to ask about CK's next move. “So Kicker, who’s the next pony in line for a good bang?” I asked her when I finished my clouds while Dash was distracted. “Oh? I was thinking Cheerilee, she looks like she needs her papers graded if you know what I mean” CK answered casually. “The school teacher huh? Nice, I’m surprised you haven’t run out of ponies yet” I replied with a whistle of respect. “Not by a long shot Bolty, in fact after Cheerilee, I reckon our dear friend Cloud Chaser needs her clouds kicked by yours truly” She replied as she stared over to the pony who got yelled at by Rainbow Dash “Dude, that was a bad one” I said, shaking my head at her bad joke. “Not as bad as the fact you haven’t asked Firefly out yet” CK shot back “I don’t like her okay? She has decent flanks I will admit but she’s not my type” I corrected her. “That’s what they all-“ CK started before Rainbow Dash flew over without us noticing. “Cloud Kicker and Lightning Bolt! You better be ready to drop the rain on Ponyville in the next 5 seconds or I’ll cut half your pay!” Dash said sternly "Yes Ma'am" we both shut our mouths and went back to work. "Jerk" I muttered to myself I know Dash wouldn’t actually do that but still, with mares you can never be sure! But indeed in the next 5 seconds we dropped all the rain on Ponyville and started the shower. Wanna know how to use Rain clouds? It's actually freaking easy! If you want to pour everything the cloud's got at once, then you repeatedly bounce on the cloud. If you want it to shower normally until it runs out of water you jump really high and stay squishing it for a few seconds and it does it automatically. How this all works is honestly beyond me, I don’t make clouds, I push them in place and jump those motherbuckers! I flew up high and I dropped right onto the target cloud, making it start its shower. There were a lot of clouds and I knew this is gonna take a while. One otherwise uneventful work afternoon later… “Urgh, finally home! I feel like Rainbow Dash ran me over with a bulldozer, wait... do those even exist here?” I muttered to myself as I collapsed on the bed See, Rainbow Dash seems like a lazy slacker in the show but loyal to a fault but in reality, she’s channeling her inner Spitfire on the field but she’s the queen of cool anywhere else. She still utters her phrases like “Ten seconds flat” and “20% cooler”. But I know she's gonna be more committed later when she gets the Element of Loyalty. It's only six more days until the Summer Sun Celebration, hopefully nothing will change here. As I got in my bed, I looked up at the moon with Nightmare Moon etched on it. Somewhere on that moon, Luna is waiting to be freed from her Nightmare. I had always wondered if she even is conscious of it? Or has her nightmare taken over so much that she’s not conscious of it but a different pony completely? Those answers will come when they do, but tomorrow is a new day...