//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Scoot For Life // by RainbowDangerDash97 //------------------------------// "Hey, Apple Bloom! Hey, Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo called out, as she and her scooter landed in front of the two fillies' faces. "Whatcha doin'?" "Nothing much," Apple Bloom groaned. Her eyes lightened up at once. "Howdy, Scootaloo! Ah've been waitin' for ya!" "For what?" Sweetie Belle asked, as she dropped the piece of sticky paper dipped in glue from her mouth. The fillies around the classroom suddenly bent their head forward, interested in what Scootaloo was to say next. Scootaloo just chuckled and said, delibrately out loud, "You know, stuff." She winked at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, and they winked back. As to change the subject, Apple Bloom asked, "How's things going, Scoots?" "Uh...try boring," Scootaloo groaned. "All I ever do is school, school, school. I need time for flying - or at least, TRYING to fly." "Don't worry, Scootaloo! I'm sure you'll be able to fly sometime!" Sweetie Belle encouraged. "I sure hope so," Scootaloo said, as she took her seat by her friends. "Alright, my little fillies and colts!" The voice came from a magenta pony, with a curly mane. Her cutie mark was three smiling daisies. "Cheerilee!" Some of the school fillies cried out. They began pulling out their art projects. "Look what I did!" "Oh my, that's wonderful, Diamond Tiara!" Cheerilee said, as she examined the snooty filly's picture. She gasped, as soon as she lay eyes on Apple Bloom's picture. "Apple Bloom! That's incredible! I'm very very sure your cutie mark has something to do with your creativity!" Apple Bloom beamed at her teacher, as she handed in her art project. "Now, you may all go --" Cheerilee announced. She was interrupted by a whole series of shouts, cries and screams. "Yeah! Awesome! Woohoo! Yay!" Her students left the classroom at once, leaving their pencils and books spread out all over the table. --- At recess, every filly and colt was gathered around a large oak tree, that marked the start of a new pavement. Scootaloo was there, chatting and laughing as if she did not know that she was about to cheat death, what she was doing next. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, concerned for their friend, felt mighty uneasy about this. "This is sure to get me my cutie mark!" Scootaloo cried out, as she steadied her scooter. "Are you sure? Seems dangerous to me!" Sweetie Belle protested. "Yeah, Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom joined in. "Ah think yer goin' crazy! It might kill ya!" Scootaloo pulled a face and said, "Come on, guys! It's gonna be awesome!" She put on her helmet, and place a leg on the tree. "On the count of three!" "One," Sweetie Belle slowly counted. "Two. Three." "GO!!!" Scootaloo shouted. She pushed off the tree, and flapped her wings, for extra boost. "I can do this! I just need to focus!" At top speed, she drove over the pavement, so fast the wind caused the leaves to fall. "Look, Apple Bloom! She's doing it!" Sweetie Belle cried out. Apple Bloom, who had shut her eyes, not daring to look, opened them at once, and cried out, "Yer right!" Scootaloo grinned, and pushed harder, flapping harder than ever before. As she reached the ramp, however, one of her scooter wheels slipped on a leaf! Scootaloo was propelled forward, and she was sent flying a mile in the air. Her scooter bashed into a poor pony's window, and a piercing scream was heard. "Ugh.." Scootaloo groaned and rubbed her head. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom gasped, covering their mouths with their hooves. "Are you okay?" Sweetie Belle asked, her voice cracks banging on each syllable like a drum. In her eyes, were a tremble of fear. "Yeah..I'm fine..." Scootaloo replied. "My scooter!" She looked around, and gasped. Cheerilee rushed to the pony who was injured. It was not a severe injure, only a cut. But still - as it might be infected, the pony was taken to the hospital. "Scootaloo!" Cheerilee cried out, in horror. Scootaloo chickened behind Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom glared at Scootaloo, and stepped away. The orange pegasus filly chuckled nervously, and said, "Oops?" "Meet me in the principal office," her teacher said, her stern glare fixed upon the little filly. Scootaloo shot a look at her friends, who were still angry with her. Of course, they didn't feel like talking to her, after what she had done. Sweetie Belle shrugged, and walked away. Scootaloo had no choice, but to obey, silently. "Coming, Cheerilee," she groaned, as she trotted slowly, head low, after her teacher. --- "Hello, Scootaloo," the principal greeted. His face was always stern, and he never smiled in twenty years. His coat was a dirty grey, and his mane was blackish grey with old age. He wore a pair of neat spectacles on his nose, and he had a moustache upon his upper lip, which gave him a rather Gentlemanly sort of look. His cutie mark was a bunch of hay, with a moustache and glasses on it. Cheerilee waved a hoof and said, "Hi, Scootaloo! Mr. Hayden is here." "Uh...hi?" Scootaloo said. She laughed nervously. The principal stared at Scootaloo, as she backed away, nervously. She didn't like his stare one bit. "I'm sorry, Scootaloo," the principal said. "But it seems your daredevil attitude is due to your orphanship - your lack of parents. Therefore, Cheerilee and I must do what's right for you - and we brought you an adopted mother." A grey pegasus pony bust into the office at once. "Sorry I'm late!" "D-Derpy?!" Scootaloo asked, hardly believing her eyes. "You may go now," the principal spoke again. "Just remember you are under the care of our dear Ditzy Doo --" "Ditzy Doo? That's not how you spell Derpy!" Derpy cried out, bouncing up and down. Scootaloo stared on, jaw dropped low. "Be warned, ma'am," the principal said. "And you're lucky we did not confiscate your scooter." Derpy Hooves grabbed Scootaloo by the hoof and shouted, "Go, Scootaloo! Woohooooo!" Scootaloo bit her lip, as she went outside with her new adoptive mother, hoping and praying that nopony was there to make fun of her.