//------------------------------// // Sweet Nostalgia // Story: Derealization // by Wingman Jones //------------------------------// While Nero was yelling at me my nose picked up the scent of someone, or should I say somepony since I'm back here, nearby. Something in the back of my head told me it wasn't friendly, I look to where the scent was coming from and see a gun pointing at us from the forest, on instinct I parried the bullet meant for me and see some tall guy wearing a dirty burlap cloak hiding his face under a hood, 'A human in Equestria?' I thought puzzled. I broke focus when Nero suddenly leaped for something, he took aim and shot at the random stranger, he barely grazed him on the shoulder and the stranger hid back into the forest, “How the hell am I even holding my gun!?” he yelled as he stared at his hoof holding Blue Rose in confusion, “I doubt we have time for a biology lecture.” I said as I changed to my human form confusing my brother even more. He was about to say something until I started dodging bullets coming from the forest, I looked back at Nero and see that he still has trouble walking on hooves, 'Goddammit.' I ran towards him and scooped him up in my arm while deflecting bullets with Rebellion. The firing rate got even faster making things a little more difficult since they were coming from every direction, six bullets were heading towards Nero so I cartwheeled to my left, I whipped my head back dodging another bullet whizzing past my forehead. I gripped the handle of my sword feeling my dark energy pour into the blade, 'Where are you hiding?' more bullets came out to my right, 'There!' I swung Rebellion sending a shockwave of dark purple energy disintegrating the bullets and destroying 15ft of the Everfree Forest, my attack caused a lot of debris to go everywhere creating a smoke screen allowing me to escape. Once I was a safe distance I hid behind a large tree and placed my brother on the ground, “Stay here and try not to get yourself killed.” “I think that guy's already dead.” “Something tells me he wont go down that easy.” “Wait how do I become human again! Violet!” Nero yelled while I walked away. I took precaution stepping back to where we were attacked, I felt something under my foot and found one of my guns, “Hey Ebony.” after I picked up my gun I got that guy's scent again, it was faint but at least I could track him. The trail led me back to the forest, it was getting stronger with every step I took and when I thought he was hiding behind a tree I slashed clean through the trunk, nothing, “Dammit I was so sure.” I inspected the trunk and found smeared blood on it, his blood, “That's ingenious.” I heard a branch snap behind me and fired a shot completely missing him, “He's fast...” I chased after him. I lost him once I was back into the clearing, whoever this guy is he's no amateur, this guy was a pro, I knew because my nose was telling me that he was all around me. I'll admit it was a good trick, he made it nearly impossible to pinpoint him, nearly, I focus my hearing to try and hear him, I heard almost everything around me from bugs crawling on the ground to the tiniest sounds of snapping branches miles away. I heard a soft thumping sound indicating a heartbeat coming from far away, then it started to get closer and beat faster, I heard hard breathing coming from behind, I turn around and my vision went black for a second landing on the burnt grass, hard. I saw that it was the guy again aiming his sights at me, I roll to my right escaping a hailstorm of bullets, I stopped and bumped into Ivory, I picked it up and aimed in a flash. Both of us were now stuck in a Mexican Standoff, “I gotta say, you're pretty good.” “Interesting, a demon using guns.” “You knew I was a demon? How?” “Since when did pegasai been able to change their form?” “Alright you have a point.” I said as I stood up, I guess that was a no no because he fired as soon as I moved, I dodged and fired my guns. He surprised me when he started to dodge my bullets as if he were playing a game of dodge ball, 'He's even better than I originally thought.' out of nowhere a big tentacle-like whip came from his right, I back flipped over it and gracefully landed on my feet. The tentacle came from a hooded pony, “What did I tell you about using that technique.” the hooded figure said as he faced her, “No time for pestering at the moment, now we must fight our opponent.” she rhymed. I heard very loud snapping sounds and saw a tree flying at them, both dodged from the tree's destructive path in time, “Make that opponents.” I turned and see my brother back to normal dusting off his hands, “You finally figured it out?” “Eh more or less...” I turn my attention back to the two, “Take your pick.” “I'll take on rags, you handle the horse.” “The proper term is pony douchebag.” “Watch who you're calling douchebag fuckface.” Nero quickly took aim and shot, he ducked in time and the two begin clashing. Before I could look I was struck across the face by one of her tentacles, I grabbed Rebellion and blocked three of them using the broad side and cut through all three. The severed shadow-like things wriggled on the ground for a bit and crawled back to the hooded pony, she was somehow using her own shadow as a weapon, “That's new.” her shadow grew bigger looking like some kind of monster from the Twilight Zone, she sent five shadows at me, two in the air and three on the ground, I jumped up and fired rounds at her and her shadow absorbed the bullets and spat them back at me. I blocked them surprised, “I gotta get me one of those.” The pony then commanded her shadow to throw projectiles at me while I was leaping left and right, I cut one of them directly in half and the two pieces molded back into one piercing my left shoulder. More of her shadows came at me going for the offensive, I parried each blow that came at me and evaded the ones that sprouted from the ground. I noticed black stuff on the ground, a tall black spike erupted from and I backflipped dodging each spike that emerged after the other one vanished in a straight line, I could join the Olympics if I wanted to. It stopped allowing me to notice the little brown balls of homemade explosive surrounding me, “Shit!” I leaped forward using my arms to cover my face, the explosions launched me into a tree so hard I bent the tree. I pull out the projectile stuck in my shoulder along with whatever shrapnel got stuck in my limbs, “Heal very fast you do, but I'm not through with you.” She reached a hoof inside her hidden saddlebag and threw a knife at me nailing my hand to the tree. I grunted in pain and pulled out the knife, the pony then used her shadow to reach into her saddlebag to grab more knives to throw at me, I parried some of the raining knives while swiftly evading others at the same time, I cover my self behind a tree, I look at my hand to see it still bleeding, 'I'm not healing, those are some special knives.' the knife was a simple flint knife that gave off an eerie blue glow, 'She's as tough as the other guy.' I grin thinking about how good of a fight this will be. The knives stopped raining and I leap forward escaping the shadows that would've crushed me if I stayed a second later, I aim Ebony and Ivory directly at her firing round after round hoping that one would reach her while jumping from tree top to tree top avoiding her shadows chasing me like prison dogs. I waited for another shadow to attack, when it did instead of dodging it I jumped on top it running along it's trail back to her, while running I saw three of them about to rip through me and on the last second I cut them down. When I was close enough to her I lunged at her pointing the sharp end of my sword going for her head, she reacted and created a wall of shadows between us, I cut through them like butter catching her off guard. I thrusted Rebellion straight at her and she turned her head slightly dodging the blade and only got a deep cut and a torn off hood, I took the chance and I pin her to the ground, to my surprise she was actually a zebra, she had weird ink black eyes that seemed to leak onto her face, she snarled and punched me directly on the nose and bucked me in the rib cage fracturing a few bones forcing me off of her. They healed and I stared down at the zebra giving me the most nastiest look her face can muster, “So are you like some kind of witch or something?” she wiped off the blood from the deep cut I gave her, she was gonna say something until we jumped up narrowly dodging a tree that was thrown at us, I see that it was my brother going apeshit with her partner. Nero revved his sword in an effort to kill him cutting through six trees at once, all that guy did was hop over Nero, my brother wasn't gonna give him any leverage so when he landed he stomped on his bare foot making sure he won't get away and brought down Red Queen on him, sparks flew everywhere and I see that the zebra's partner used the finger guards on his guns to successfully block Nero's attack. He pulled the trigger and Nero jerked to his left letting the other guy go, he fired his gun and Nero ducked in time getting a face full of knee when he did and then a roundhouse kick to the head sending him flying a couple feet spilling a lot of his own blood everywhere while he was airborne. He kicked him hard, I knew because as soon as he did I heard a crunching sound. Nero was still trying to stand giving the other guy an open opportunity to beat him senseless, fortunately Nero saw him coming and caught his foot right when he was about to be kicked and flung him across the forest like if he were a frisbee. While I was watching Nero chase after him I got knocked up side the head by something hard, I lost my balance for a moment and soon I was pinned to a tree. I look down at myself and watched as my torso was being covered by her shadow thing rendering me immobile, “I will continue to kill until every demon is gone,” she said as she walked closer to me using one of her shadows to hold Rebellion to my throat, “even if I have to become one.” I started to crack up out of nowhere. She looked at me in confusion, “Sorry, it's just that I used to say the exact same thing.” a pair of hands grab her from behind and slammed her into a fallen tree, her shadows loosen their grip and I'm free, “But as I got older I stopped saying childish things like that.” Both my doppleganger and I said in unison, I would be lying if I said I didn't find her reaction to my clone funny. My doppleganger then changed into a thick, black fog and returned to my body, the zebra snapped out of her trance and threw three of her bombs at me, in an instant I grabbed Rebellion and batted away all of them back to her which exploded on impact, I fanned away the smoke and see she disappeared, “Why am I not surprised?” I sarcastically said. I was a bit too carefree because giant spikes popped out of the ground, luckily though they just phased through my body, “What the fuck?” I pass my hand through the shadows playing around with their intangibility, “I get entertained too easily.” The spikes evaporated from existence. I heard jagged breathing and see that it was the zebra, she looked like hell, her Mohawk was drooping down, the cut on her head somehow got even deeper, she had one of her eyes closed, probably because of the black sludge that oozed from that eye, “Yeesh you don't look so hot, wanna take five?” she snarled again throwing more of her knives at me, I caught each one with one hand before they could stab anything, “Guess not.” I said as I tossed them behind me. She charged right at me, I was about to decapitate her but I guess she anticipated it and glided underneath me and slashed my legs just above my achille's tendons. When I fell I felt two knives pierce the joints that connected my arm and shoulder together making it painful to move, she stomped one of her hooves on my chest and pointed another knife in between my eyes, “How many of those do you have?” she slowly raised the knife building up the suspense, “One knife to the head, hopefully after this you will be dead.” She missed her chance to stab me because before she could bring the knife down I electrocuted her with purple lightning, she yelled in pain and got off of me as fast as she could, she slumped to the ground and twitched a little, I used my mouth to take out one of the knives and used my now mobile arm to pull out the other one, “I think I overdid it a little.” I said having difficulty standing, she stood up on her shaking hooves smiling, “What are you-” I was cut short from the unexpected explosion that came out from my abdomen making me kneel. Blood spilled all over from the grass to the smiling zebra mare who got lucky, “You bitch...that was a nasty trick...” I used both of my arms to cover the large hole to prevent the warm, soft internal organs from being exposed, “Bloodlust shines through your eyes, I see now that you really wish for me to die.” She was right, I wanted to kill her where she stood, no, I wanted to destroy her, I wanted to leave no trace of what used to be her behind, I don't know why but it had something to do with her tone. The hole in my stomach closed and I grabbed Rebellion, “Don't get so cocky!” I sent another shockwave of energy three times larger than the first one destroying more of the forest, she escaped without an additional scratch, I lunged at her and stabbed a tree, with all my strength I pulled the tree out from the ground and swung it around wildly, “RRRAAAAGH!!!!” I knocked down every tree that stood in the way and created giant holes of where she stood before she moved. After the seventh time I almost killed her the tree split in half, I spotted her a few feet away and fired Ebony and Ivory at her, she jumped to a nearby tree hoping to shield herself so I charge up Ivory until the metal glowed orange and shot out a huge ball of demonic energy, the impact was much larger than I expected, a shitload of the earth blew everywhere and bolts of purple lightning shot out into the sky, after it was over I see the giant crater about four miles long, in the center I see a pile of ashes covered by remains of a burlap cloak, the sight made the anger fade away, “Talk about overkill.” my instincts then flared practically yelling at me to react, I jumped up and avoided the very same shadows trying to kill me, I landed on top of a branch and see the zebra still breathing, she was missing her saddlebag and cloak so I thought she lost them in the explosion, “You are starting to become a pain in my ass.” she didn't respond and only focused on controlling her shadow. She had a bit of trouble trying to conjure up her weapon of choice, the more her shadow grew the more of that black sludge oozed out from her eye, “Oh I see. You can't use that shadow thing for very long can you?” I jump off of the branch and walk toward her, smiling as she struggled, “Alright this was fun, but...” I pointed Ivory at her ready to end her here when, “Violet!” I turn to where my name was called and I narrowly dodge a bullet, I see it was him again still aiming his guns at me, I was gonna return the favor when I felt something wrap around my torso, I didn't get a chance to look at what it was because it lifted me up and slammed me into the ground head first. I picked me up again and repeated the first step a few times alternating between hits, then it rammed me through four trees with thick trunks and threw me all the way back to where my brother and I came in from. I felt like shit, almost all of my ribs broke, my shoulder was dislocated, my left forearm broke in two, my left knee shattered and my right ankle was crushed, I had the most painful headache so I reach a hand to the back of my head. I felt my head literally split in two and felt the two pieces mold back together, “Eww that's so gross.” all of my injuries healed and I stood up. The zebra came out of the woods ready for round two, “Before I kill you we should properly introduce ourselves, name's Violet, yours?” “Our names are not of importance at all, besides it is you who will fall!” her shadows attacked me again this time acting like giant blades as they cut squares out of the ground. She's not cutting me any slack, everytime I land I avoid another shadow making me look like I'm dancing, “C'mon you can do it!” she got furious and unleashed more shadows to try and chop me to tiny pieces, I used Rebellion to cut some of her shadows and found that they can't grow back this time, I took this chance and cut down all of her shadows, I saw one come up in front of me, I cut it in half but then the two pieces formed together and stabbed right through my chest. She summoned another one and it stabbed through my stomach, the force of the last one was enough to nail me to yet another tree, when I tried to cut myself free they grabbed Rebellion and threw it aside, her shadows slipped out of me and I was stabbed by thorns made from the same material as her shadows, I pulled them out and felt them explode in my hands. The explosion was enough to knock me on my ass, I sat up clenching my hands to my wounded chest hissing in pain as I did, “Those bombs burn! *Rgh* What other tricks does she have up her sleeve?” I looked at my mangled hands seeing the tiny splotches of black seep into my wounds causing the white hot burns I felt, I brush them off of my hands and all of my wounds healed, I dusted off any dirt on me and called out to Rebellion which flew into my hand. When I got back I expected to see the zebra, instead I see a pulsating blob of that black stuff, “What the fuck is that!?” the blob unexpectedly attacked me, when I jumped I saw the blob in mid-air with me, I block it's jet black tendrils with my sword and hacked off a good portion of it, I smile hearing it screech in pain and see the missing part grow back. It dug its tentacles into the ground and did it's best to ambush me, I hoped from one side of it to another evading it's deadly spikes. After a few minutes I sent another shockwave and cut the blob in half, inside of it I saw the zebra unconscious, “That thing is her?” it swallowed her up and returned to it's original form, I run to it and thrust my sword straight to it and the blob divided itself completely dodging my attack. I drove my heel into it and it absorbed the blow and tried to eat my foot, I cut off more of it's shape and freed myself, I take a step back and I thrusted again, as I did energy built up from the tip of my sword and it fully consumed me propelling my body even faster, I hacked and obliterated a large chunk of it and waited for it to regenerate, the blob couldn't for some reason, 'Let's see if this works.' I point a finger at it and shot out dark purple lightning and it went through it's shapeless body, it screeched some more and shrunk a bit in size, electricity seems to tickle it. I grabbed Rebellion, charged the sword and threw it at the blob, when it got stuck I snapped my fingers and electrocuted it from the inside until it blew up. Chunks and pieces of it went everywhere, all that was left was the unconscious zebra mare. I grab my sword and loomed over the black goop covered pain in my ass. I wanted to kill her, I wanted to end her miserable existence here, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, something told me not to, not yet anyway, “*groan* You're so goddamn lucky today.” in the distance I heard gunshots, metal clashing, and I saw a couple of trees get knocked down, “I'll deal with you later.” I said each word dripping with venom, it's official, I hate her. I run to the sounds of fighting and see the two of them still going at it. Nero grabbed another tree with his spectral arm and threw it at the other guy, he jumped over the tree and fired two shots at Nero who parried the bullets and the two charged at each other at full speed. When they were at fighting distance the other guy took off his cloak, moved to one side and pulled it over Nero's head, my brother got entangled in the burlap cloak and the guy struck Nero with the butt of his gun and knocked him out. I facepalmed as Nero fell to the ground, 'Stopped by a burlap cloak, idiot.' I turn to get a good look at his face and was shocked beyond belief. Jet black hair, grays eyes, and the one feature that stood out from the rest of him was the chipped left ear, I knew him, he pointed one of his guns at Nero, “Wait stop!” he immediately aimed at me, I walked closer to try and talk to him, “That's close enough.” he snapped, “Listen as hard as you can, I got a few questions that need answers and if you don't give them to me I'll kill him.” I knew his was serious, he looked at me like a wolf would with prey, “Okay. Let's just calm down.” I wanted to break down crying right now, how long has it been since I last seen him? I put Rebellion and my guns down on the ground and kick them to him wanting to earn his trust, “Good you're willing to cooperate. What kind of demon are you?” “A very hated one.” “Where did the two of you come from?” “A far away place.” I walked a few feet closer, “Stop moving.” he aimed for my head, I was heartbroken, “Don't you recognize me?” “Last warning!” “I thought you were dead, we thought you were dead!” he was about to pull the trigger until a tear cascaded down my cheek. His expression softened a bit and he lowered his gun, “What are you talking about? I've never met you in my life.” he doesn't remember me, it's like finding Nero all over again, “How much don't you remember?” “Don't remember wha-” he got punched in the face, the force was enough to make him skid across the forest and he was out cold, Nero grabbed Red Queen with murderous intent in his eyes, “Nero stop!” he ignored me and raised his large sword over his head, before he could bring it down I pried it from his hands, “Are you fucking deaf!? Do you have shit in your ears?! I told you to stop!” I keeled down to check on him, he was still breathing but blood trickled down his head. I rip off a piece of my sweater and bandage his head, “What the hell is wrong with you? He tries to kill us and you wanna save him?” “Give me your shirt.” “Violet-” “Give me your fucking shirt Nero!” I yelled scaring him a bit. He muttered curse words under his breath as he took off his shirt revealing the large bruises and cuts all over his body, I folded it into a small square and place it under his head, “Don't tell me you fell head over heels for this guy.” “He doesn't remember anything about us.” I said with obvious sorrow in my voice, “Us? You know this guy?” “Nero please try to remember. This place is called Equestria, whenever our dad wasn't busy he took us to this place when we were kids, and we used play with him everytime we came.” I looked down at his now older face reminiscing the golden years of my life, “Okay that kind of clears things up. Wait a minute what explains the whole talking horses thing?” “They don't like being called that, the term is 'pony' and Equestria is inhabited by them.” he stood there very silent and started laughing like if it was the funniest damn joke he ever heard, “That's a good one!” I gave a stern look ending his fit of laughter, “Are you serious? Great stuck in a world populated by talking horses, oh excuse me ponies. That's just-oh shit!” he pulled out Blue Rose and aimed for something behind my back, “Get away from him, or I will peel off your skin!” I turn around and see shadows surrounding me, behind them I see my favorite zebra staring at me with one angry blue eye, “I don't want to hurt him.” I said raising my hands in the air slowly. “Believe you why should I? You'll probably kill us once we turn a blind eye.” I change to my pony form getting a surprised reaction from her, “Because he means as much to me as he does to you.” she stood there, deciding if she should trust me or not, after a few seconds the shadows vanished and she walked next to me, “Please behave, or I'll put you in a grave.” she sternly said, I still hate her. She took a good look at the wound on his head, “How bad?” “Fortunately this will not send him to death, he's fine so you can stop holding your breath.” I exhaled feeling relieved that he's going to be okay, I felt something warm on my hoof and see blood, the blood came from his abdomen. I lift up his burlap shirt and see his entire midsection covered in bloody bandages, it was especially bloody on his right side, “No no no no no no no no!” I repeatedly said. The zebra came to check on this newly found injury, “Damn this old wound is very critical, he will die if I don't get supplies of medical.” hearing this made me have a bit of a panic attack. I heard hoofsteps behind us, “Over there!” “Holy shit what is that thing?!” “Fire!” I see stallions covered in gold plated armor shooting at us with high powered rifles, I grabbed my stuff as fast as I could and deflected all of the bullets shot at us. I charge the sword again sending the shockwave straight at the ground creating a diversion for us to escape, “Nero grab him!” he lifted him up and carried him on his shoulder. All of us ran in the opposite direction of them, I can still hear shots being fired, “Who the fuck are those guys?!” Nero said as he ran, “The Royal Guard!” “Who!?” just then I heard a bullet fly past us, “Nevermind just keep running!” “Zecora.” I turn my head to face her, “What?” “I am Zecora.” she said, “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” we ran a good distance away and stopped to come up with a plan. “I don't understand why did they start shooting at us?” “Probably because you are with my brother and I, we have bounties on our heads and the pay is high.” “Bounty?” “That guy's your brother?” she nodded answering both our questions, I think she called him her brother, “How come the two of you have bounties?” “No time for story telling, we must stop his wound from bleeding. A village is beyond this forest, we must get there without trouble from the royal pests.” “Zecora you and I will take the lead, you leads us to town and I'll keep an eye out for the Royal Guard. Nero you take care of him no matter what, sound good?” all she did was stand and walk away from us, “I'll take that as a yes.” what a bitch. While we walked I look back at the unconscious form my brother is carrying, I did my best to hold in my tears fighting to be let out, I felt so horrible because I completely forgot about him until today. I caught an unfamiliar scent and told everypony to stop, in the distance I see an entire squad of Royal Guard ponies sweeping out the entire forest, “Nothing here.” “Are you sure you saw them run this way?” “Yes I'm sure of it, ask anypony in my squadron.” I heard two stallions say, “Be honest did you really see a monster?” “I did see one! It looked like a hairless monkey and it was accompanied by two ponies, it looked like they were eating something alive, all I know is all of them were covered in blood.” they were walking in our direction, “Move, move.” Zecora whispered to us. We got away from them and walked the rest of the way there with no problems, we almost got out of the forest when, “Wait.” she motioned us to see what was in our way, in front of us the local police and the Royal Guard surrounded the forest cutting off our means of escape, they had police tape separating them from the locals and reporters who wanted to get past. All of us got frustrated, “Now what?” Nero said annoyed, “We need to get past, he's losing blood and fast.” I took a deep breath and thought of something, “Get ready to run.” a cloud of black smoke came out of my body and formed into an exact copy of me, my doppleganger saluted us and ran off, “What are you doing?” “Just watch.” we watched waiting for something to happen. After a few seconds there was a huge explosion of lightning, nopony got hurt but it did scare the shit out of them, “What in the sam hell was that!?” one of the policestallions said, “Wait I see somepony!” “That's no pony.” "All units advance!” all of them ran straight into the forest and all of the locals ran away screaming. We took the chance and ran using the thick cloud of debris and the scared ponies to our advantage, all three of us hid behind a house, “I need to return to the hotel.” she said looking out for any unwanted attention, “How far is it?” suddenly I heard somepony whisper to us, “Psst over here.” it was a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane who was calling us, “C'mon follow me.” we didn't have much of a choice so we follow her. She kept us out of sight as best as she could and led us to a house made out of a hollowed out tree, she opened the door motioning for us to get inside, “In here hurry!” we walked in without anypony seeing us, turns out the tree was actually a library, “Uh Violet...” I turn to Nero and his entire side was covered in blood, “He's starting to get cold.” my eyes widen in panic and I turn to the pegasus, “Is there a bed in here?” “Upstairs.” all of us went up the stairs and found a small bed covered by a blanket with stars and moons stitched on it. Nero just threw him on the bed, “Nero!” he rolled his eyes at me pissing me off, “See if you can find a medical kit.” he went to the bathroom behind us crouching the way there. Zecora ripped a piece of his burlap shirt and balled it up, “I need you to remove the bandages.” “Okay.” slowly I removed the old bandages until I saw the large wound, “Oh my God.” it was a huge cut that went around his hip and looked like it went all the way through. Zecora covered the bleeding wound and pressed down on it to try and stop the bleeding, Nero came in and gave the kit to her on time, “Find me a sewing needle and some dental floss.” “Floss?” “Nero just do it!” he ran downstairs and hit his head on the way down. The bed turned red and the room reeked of blood and alcohol, whoever lived here will no doubt break a blood vessel, “Where is he?!” as if on cue he came in and handed Zecora what she needed. She tied the floss to the needle and stitched the wound together, “Is everything okay up there!?” the pegasus yelled downstairs, “Everything's fine!” “Good I'll be back!” I heard the door open and close then I look at Zecora, “Everything is fine right?” she cut the floss with her teeth and bandaged him, “Everything is fine, just some rest and he will be walking in no time.” I exhaled and wiped the cold sweat off my forehead. We cleaned up the mess and went back downstairs to tend to our own wounds. After we got cleaned up a bit I tease my brother, “It's not funny?” “He beat the shit out of you!” I said laughing, my brother had the biggest and blackest black eye I have ever seen and his nose was a bit crooked, “Yeah well I'll admit he's one hell of a fighter.” Zecora on the other hoof made a makeshift eyepatch and covered her closed eye. “Hey Zecora, what's up with your eye?” “This is the result of overuse, if I use it too long or too much we begin to fuse.” “Fuse? Fuse with what?” “To use what I use requires sacrifice, a part of myself is the price. Made of malice and controlled by hate, if not regulated my body begins to deteriorate. It takes over if I'm gone, then takes form and kills everyone.” “Is that why you were in that giant blob thing?” I asked remembering my fight with the blob, “A premature form is what you fought, I should thank you but I'd rather not.” it took every fiber of my being not to deck her in the face. Just then the door opened and six mares, including the pegasus, walked into the library. God decided to fuck with me today, “Bookworm?” I stared at the lavender pony carrying a familiar purple baby dragon, he hopped off and she walked toward me with wide eyes, “Violet?” we hugged each other tightly and I let my tears fall, I felt something wet on my back and figured she was crying too, “Wait if you're here where's...” as soon she saw my brother she ran to him and hugged his legs. Nero sat there with a confused look, “Why is she hugging me?” “What do you *gasp* your arm!” “It's a long story Bookworm.” I said as I wiped off my tears, “I haven't been called that in years.” “Ehem.” we looked at the other mares in the room wearing uncomfortable faces, “Uh you wanna introduce us to your new friends Twi?” an orange mare said with a southern drawl, “Sorry, everypony this is Violet and her twin brother Nero, they're old friends of mine that I've haven't seen in quite a while. Violet, Nero, these are my friends Rarity.” she pointed to a marshmallow white unicorn with an indigo mane, “Good evening.” she said with a nervous smile, 'What's her problem?' “Applejack.” I looked at the orange mare and she tipped her stetson hat at me, “Rainbow Dash.” she pointed at the cyan pegasus who helped us earlier, “Sup.” was all she said while flying, “Fluttershy.” next was a yellow pegasus with a pink mane, all she did was squeak and hide behind Applejack, 'Her too?' “And Pinkie Pie.” The last one was a pink earth pony with poofy hair, she vanished and somehow appeared behind me, “So you knew Twilight when she was just an insty-bitsy-tinsy-weeny-ity-bity filly!?” she got closer to my face with each word. Before I could answer she vanished and appeared next to Nero, “He's your twin brother?” she grabbed his face and squished it, “You know apart from the whole hairless monkey thing you two look exactly alike!” She pulled out a cupcake and stuffed it in his mouth, she then stuffed one down my throat, it was damn good, “Ooh this gives me a chance to try out my brand new party bomb!” she left a lit pink bomb in the center of the room and it covered everything in party stuff like ballons, streamers, decorated tables full of pastries, a record player, party games, the whole nine yards, she even somehow got a banner that read 'Welcome to Equestria new pony and hairless monkey thing from another dimension!', “Eh..uh..what?” I though my brain was about to implode. I spot Zecora snickering at me only to have the hyperactive mare stuff a cupcake in her mouth, “Okay this is too much.” Nero said, “I need to sit down.” he grabbed a stool and broke it as soon as he sat on it, everypony looked a little surprised except Rainbow Dash who simply laughed at him, “Nero you should change to your pony form.” “I turned human by sheer luck I don't even know how.” “Just think of yourself as a pony.” he closed his eyes and scrunched his nose a bit, soon a blue fire engulfed him and he was back to a pony. “There happy?” he tried to take one step and he ate shit making the pegasus laugh even harder, for some reason he wasn't standing, “Violet I'm stuck.” “What do you mean you're stuck?” “I just am okay!” I groaned in annoyance and yanked his head up. I see a piece of the floor got stuck to his horn and I pull it off, “How did that-” he placed a hoof on his horn inspecting it, “Is that a horn on my head?” “Yes Nero, you're a unicorn.” his eye twitched, “You know what I give up.” he sat on the floor defeated, “Now that he's done let's party!” the pink mare squealed, “Now's not the time Pinkie.” Twilight said, “Thank you all for helping me find them but everypony should get home, if anything happens come get me.” soon they all left leaving only the three of us, “Twilight Sparkle, you got older.” “That happens to ponies after ten years.” we chuckle lightly, “Ten years? You knew her when you were eight?” “We knew her when we were eight.” I look down and see the baby dragon next to her, “Is that Spike?” “You know me?” “I knew you since you were a hatchling.” “Break up this reunion I hate, but I need to speak with you in private.” I followed her to the kitchen, “What is it.” “You're not really a demon are you? I've never seen one cry like you do.” “Well yes and no, my brother and I are a quarter demon.” she seemed unfazed by my answer, like if she knew, “How is it you have that ability, to change shape instantly?” “I honestly have no idea, I don't even know where my pants go when I do change to a pony.” the air felt a bit tense from the long silence, “So what's his new name?” “My brother is known as Callidus.” “Callidus huh? It suits him. You consider him your brother?” “I don't consider anything!” she suddenly snapped, “He is my brother, my sibling.” what a touchy subject, “Sorry. How did you find him?” “Washed on a shore we found him, he needed a home so we took him in.” “You just found him like that, he didn't mention anything about his past life?” “Family and friends he didn't mention, we already asked him these questions. His past life he does not care for, but he wants to know for a bit of closure.” “Did anything about him seem odd to you?” she went silent for some reason, “His body showed months of abuse and torture, whoever he was with wanted him to suffer.” “Torture? Who tortured him!?” I felt my blood boil, she just shrugged. Out in the library I heard a scream from Spike, “Spike what's wrong?!” Twilight asked, “He's dead! There's a dead body on your bed!” I was gonna run up the stairs until, “I'm not dead you idiot.” I heard heavy footsteps come downstairs, “What the fuck happened?” he said as he changed to a pony. Zecora and I walk out of the kitchen, “You opened the old wound, you were almost doomed.” “Your eye, it happened again didn't it?” he said as he adjusted his sister's eyepatch. He looked around the room and patted himself down, his eyes widened a little, “Zecora where are my guns?” “You must have lost them back in the forest.” “Speaking of lost things did you get the amulets Violet?” my heart almost stopped, I forgot both of the amulets back in the forest, “Shit! We left them back in the Everfree forest!” “That's not good, the Royal Guard is still looking for you.” “The Royal Guard is here are fucking kidding me right now!?” Callidus exclaimed, “How did they find us?” “When you went into the forest somepony contacted the police, when they saw the forest get destroyed they contacted the Royal Guard, they got an anonymous tip about where the two of you were staying and raided the hotel, they took everything they found in your room.” Twilight answered, “I'm going back for our stuff then.” “What! You can't just go back out there! What are you going to do if they see you!?” “I'll deal with them.” he said bluntly, I run to the door and block his path, “Move.” “I'm not moving anywhere, Bookworm's right you can't just walk out in the open like that.” “Move or I will move you.” “Hey who the fuck do you think you are!?” my brother said angrily. Nero walked a little better and was able to wobble toward Callidus, “You can't just say shit like that to my sister and expect to get away with it.” “So what? What gives her the right to tell me what I can and can't do.” they walked closer to each other, “She risked her ass to save yours, the least you can do is be grateful. If it were up to me I would've left you out there for the animals to have something to shit on.” the atmosphere grew more tense with each passing second causing Twilight to take a defensive stance in front of Spike, “You should be grateful that I didn't kill you while you were unconscious.” “Yeah I've been meaning to tell you that was a dirty move.” “Like you punching me when I was oblivious?” Nero changed to his human form and so did Callidus, “You're really starting to piss me off.” “Then why don't you do something about it?” suddenly an alarm blared outside and the two of them changed back to ponies, “What the hell is that?” Nero said. Callidus looked outside the window, “The Royal Guard is leaving.” all of us walk outside and see the entire town deserted, “Oh no it's a state of emergency.” Twilight said, “What?” “Um Twilight, is it normal for that mountain to be smoking like that?” we look to where Nero was looking, in the distance a city glowed orange and was spewing smoke nonstop, “That's Canterlot.”